Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 1033: peaceful

   Chapter 1053

  The iceberg is moving faster and faster. The white cliff seems to be a high-speed train moving forward. What scares the people on board the most is that another part of this fast train is approaching.

  The fast speed, and the weight of ten million tons, everyone knows the consequences of crashing into a ship.

   "Quick! Turn the rudder and turn the rudder! The turbo cabin is overloaded! Let's get out of here!" The anxious voice of Captain Klaas resounded through the entire Maid and Love.

   Billowing black smoke wrapped in sparks from the chimney, and the whole ship began to move. The ship was not in reverse gear. It was only necessary to turn around instead of making a circle, but this was not enough.

  Regardless of whether they have absorbed relics or not, what new technology of Hope Island has been added to the ship, the role of human beings is so small in the face of the entire moving ice-bound continent.

   "Steer! Turn the bow of the ship to the moving iceberg! We are all grasped! We throw out with the force of that movement!" This is likely to throw the whole ship apart. But Krass didn't want to give up.

  Watching that the iceberg was about to hit him, but they couldn't do anything. Everyone's face was dead gray at this moment.

  Just at the moment when Lily moved suddenly, she quickly flew up and came to the side of the hull to push her hands on it.

   Lily felt the power in her body and used it according to the method the Pope taught herself back then.

  The dazzling light came out, and it shone on the ship as if it were in essence. At this moment, the light that should have been massless actually had thrust, pushing the entire exploration ship far away.

  An all-metal exploration ship tens of meters long was like a toy in Lily's hands at this time, being easily pushed away from danger.

  The other crew members on the ship looked at them in shock. They knew that the employer was strong this time, but they didn't know that the other party was so powerful.

  When Lily returned to the exploratory ship that had been out of danger again, everyone including Klass looked at her with admiration.

  This kind of gaze made Lily feel uncomfortable. She squeezed the hem of her skirt with her hand, "Don’t look at me, look ahead, the ice continent has disappeared."

  Hearing this, all the talents came back to their senses and found that the distant frozen continent had completely left, and the way forward appeared in front of them again.

   "Damn it, what the **** is that? How did that large piece of ice move so fast?" The second officer frowned.

  But no one can answer this question. The other crew members looked at the captain at this time, waiting for his next order.

  Klass gave no order, and looked at Lily beside him. "Miss Lily, can you tell me, you are so powerful, why do you want us to protect it? If you can't solve the problem, we can't solve it even more."

  The girl’s glowing hair shook slightly with her shaking her head, “I didn’t let you protect it. I just need logistics. If I fly by myself, there will be no fresh water, no food, no place to sleep.”

  Klass suddenly felt a strong sense of frustration in her heart. It turned out that her exploration ship was just a hotel for resting in her eyes.

   "Go through the wireless telegram and leave the current record for Sodom, we continue to set off."

  The underwater propeller spun again, pushing the Maiden and Love to the darkness in the distance.

  The departure of the frozen continent did not take away those icebergs. The situation returned to before again. There were no waves, no wind, and no movement.

  Navigating in this place, the people on the boat were full of spirits, but there seemed to be nothing unusual next, everything seemed so peaceful.

  The entire sea seemed to be completely frozen by this cold weather, without any incongruous things appearing.

  Time passed day by day, in order not to make the crew's spirits less tense, Klass began to lift the drink restriction.

  In the past, everyone’s 50 grams per day was raised to 500 grams, but they could not drink during shifts.

  The spirit of the crew has been greatly relieved, and alcohol can numb the cold, which also makes them feel a lot more comfortable.

  Lily no longer hides in the room, but often patrols on the deck. Gradually, her relationship with the crew became much more harmonious.

  After all, who doesn’t like to be in contact with a lovely young girl, and this girl has saved their lives.

  There are still seven days to go to the destination. Seeing that the task is about to be completed, everyone's mood becomes better, even the murmur in everyone's mind is much lighter.

  When Lily came to the deck again, she saw sailors sitting together drinking and bragging. Among them, the bragging of the sailor was the most outrageous.

   "I'm telling you, I can't see this shabby place at all. I think that when Governor Charles and I went to the surface to search for darkness, I had seen something stranger than this."

   "And if it wasn't for me, Governor Charles would never find the darkness. Later, at the Governor's Mansion on Hope Island, he begged me to be Governor of Hope Island, and he planned to betroth his daughter to me."

   "You know me as a person. I am not a person who can sit still. It is harder for me to face those papers all day than killing me. Then I refused."

  Hearing what they said, Lily was no stranger to it. I have seen a lot these days, and it can be said that it is more outrageous than this.

  She looked at the icebergs around, thinking about the upcoming destination, thinking about the crises and troubles she might encounter there.

  And if he really becomes the **** of light, how will Mr. Charles react?

   Talking and chatting, UU reading www.uukānshu. The crew of the com didn't know what was going on, and they began to compare their guts with each other. At this moment, an iceberg floated beside the ship.

  A sailor who was laughed at by the crowd stood up, staggered to the side of the ship, vomited for a while, and then touched it proudly with his hands.

  He turned around, looking at his colleague with triumph on his flushed face. "Do you dare?"

  But the expression on his face instantly froze in the next second, and he froze in place like a sculpture.

  The crew members who were drinking felt something was wrong at this time, and quickly gathered around, looking at the guy suspiciously.

  Suddenly the man returned to normal and fell to the ground. This scene shocked everyone, and then everyone burst into laughter.

   "Hahaha, you can do this trick, I was scared by you."

   "Yes, it's acting like the real thing, don't tell the guys in the turbo group, I will use this trick on them later."

  Everyone was laughing, but the careful Lily noticed that the sailor, nicknamed the wrench, was in a bad mood.

  (End of this chapter)

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