Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 536: trace

The gray snow in the sky is no longer falling, and the snow on the ground has disappeared, but the surroundings are still hazy, like purple haze, and the visibility is not very high.

Charles raised his head and looked at the hazy purple sky. He never thought he would have another day.

"It turns out that the surface is like this, Captain, did you really live in this place before? It doesn't feel as strong below." said the murloc who squatted on the ground with a cigarette in his mouth.

"This place is not my world, at least not now." Charles, with his arms folded, patiently waited for the airship to stop into the giant pit fortress.

With a light flick, Dipp flicked the cigarette directly to the ground and touched the railing of the airship. "Captain, there are not enough ships that can fly. I think it is faster to explore with an airship."

"Of course I know nonsense. The problem is no. The factory has begun to accelerate construction. Also, it doesn't matter what your business is, think about how to deal with the next trouble." Charles raised his foot and walked down the stairs.

Charles had no more time to waste, and the grim situation made him immediately start assigning exploration positions to all explorers.

In order to facilitate the understanding of other explorers, Charles directly divided them according to the method of the Explorers Association.

Just like a big pie, everyone is responsible for a small location.

People in the Earth Sea don't know anything about the surface. If you want to explore, you must find out all the surrounding environment, and you need to know what is dangerous and safe.

After all, it is unrealistic for the first group of these people to easily find the darkness, they are here to find the way.

The direction Charles chose was the place where Pope Ledera pulled the God of Light

If anyone is most likely to know what happened to the God of Light now, then it must be him. Go to him for clues first.

After the explorers quickly chose their direction, they immediately began to prepare various materials.

There is no water on the surface to drive the boat, and the airship can't be released now. Only cars are available for them, including Charles.

Four cars with supplies were quickly distributed to the crew of the Narwhal.

The sailors resisted the whale oil barrel and poured it into the tank. The sailors of the other explorers did the same thing. A pungent whale oil smell permeated the sky above the fortress.

"I hate riding in a car, and I feel sick when I get in." Sailor Norden frowned and murmured.

Charles stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, "Our boat is being refitted. Let's bear with it, we can only make do with this now."

Charles' words made everyone watch over.

"Captain, can the Narwhal really come up?" Audrick asked in surprise.

"Yes, but it takes time to modify, don't talk nonsense, get in the car, except for Audrick, the others are divided into three groups, each for eight hours," Charles pulled the car door and sat in directly.

"Captain, but we... haven't driven a car."

"Practice if you haven't driven a car, anyway, this place is very empty, just separate from each other."

Driving is difficult to learn, mostly because driving in the city, you have to understand those traffic laws to prevent you from hitting people.

But if you don’t consider these, then driving is a very simple matter. It's nothing more than a throttle, a brake, and a steering wheel, which is no different from sailing.

What's more, on the uninhabited Gobi Desert, these novices can't find anyone to hit people.

Charles pulled out of his arms and directly took out a compass and hung it in front of the windshield.

Soon, with the giant pit as the center, the wheel prints spread crookedly around.

Charles, sitting in the co-pilot, frowned slightly and looked at the strange scenery outside.

After coming to this world, he has always had a doubt in his heart, that is, what is the purple in the sky, and where does it come from?

The people who passed through the giant pit fortress explained that the purple light has been in the sky and has never been extinguished.

The blind vampire Audrick was not on fire, and the light did not kill the Earth Sea people, so this means that the light is not the sun, but the light emitted by some kind of reflection.

But at the moment, he is very uncertain. After all, he is not even sure whether this is the earth or not. Maybe the stars of this planet emit purple light.

As he was thinking about this issue, the mountain peak that he had seen before slowly appeared in front of him.

"Captain! How do you go next?" Dip, who was driving in front, poked his head out of the car window and asked. With his strengthened body, he has easily learned to drive.

"Find a way around, our goal is over there." Charles said.

The so-called Wangshan ran to death, when they drove to the bottom of the mountain, it was already two hours.

When the car drove them around the mountain, Charles saw the mark left by the God of Light and the chains used by the Pope to pull the God of Light.

But the Pope Ledger, who was supposed to lie in it, disappeared. He disappeared without a trace.

Hearing Charles's order, Dip jumped out of the car and watched carefully around the traces. "Captain, there is only the lying print of a child, and there are no extra traces around."

"The Pope can fly. If he does leave, he won't leave a mark."

Looking at the traces in front of him, Charles thought about a question, that is, where can the pope who is emotionally broken go?

The **** who had believed in his life suddenly died. He did not commit suicide on the spot. Charles was already surprised. Now he can run and move?

And Ancha Island did not receive any reports, which means that he did not return to Earth Sea.

"The captain...maybe...he was killed by...things on the surface..." the first officer reminded Charles in a bandage.

However, Charles said he did not agree with this possibility. "It's impossible with his strength. Even if there is something on the surface that can kill him, it can't be so silent. There should be traces of battle and footprints of the enemy."

Charles looked at the vast Gobi and said with his finger to the deep trace dragged by the **** of light. "Everyone get in the car, walk along the trails, and see where Ledger dragged the God of Light over."

The car started quickly and kept driving along the trail. The opening is two full days.

When he saw the trace and couldn't see his head at a glance, even Charles couldn't help being shocked by Ledger's perseverance.

He actually relied on the strength of his flesh to drag the God of Light to that position forcibly, maybe if he was given some more time, God of Light could really return to the surface.

In the early morning of the third day, Charles released the steering wheel, leaned against the co-pilot and closed his eyes and started to rest.

However, before he squinted for a while, a sudden brake in the car woke him up. "Captain! Look, there are giants outside! A giant as big as a mountain!"

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