As long as the relics cooperate with each other, the effect of 1+1=2 can be achieved. Charles has already known this kind of thing.

For example, his transparent tentacles and Thunder. After mutual cooperation, people can directly contact electricity without warning.

But this is only useful to humans. There are no humans on the surface. What he has to deal with, he doesn't even know what his own is, he needs more useful relics.

"Does Governor Charles need this relic? My captain respects you very much. If you want to need it, he will definitely give it to you." The one-eyed pirate said respectfully.

Charles shook his head slightly. The relic that this guy sold was an offensive relic, but what he needed the most was an offensive relic.

"The Governor, you can directly ask us what you need. We will help the Governor to find it." A staff member in the blue uniform of the Explorers Association walked up to Charles and asked.

Charles stood up, looked around, and found that all eyes were focused on himself.

They have curiosity, envy, and even admiration in their eyes.

Not everyone has this treatment among explorers, but as a hero who finds dark clues, Charles has this treatment. The most important thing is that he is his own, he is an explorer.

Charles's identity is sometimes very useful, at least among explorers.

""cough. Charles cleared his throat and said, "Everyone, I need a relic to save my life, preferably a relic that can resist the gods." "

As soon as Charles said this, everyone's expressions suddenly changed, and the people in Dihai didn't know what a **** was.

"Governor Charles, you mean, in the dark direction, is there a **** there?" A trembling voice came out from the crowd.

"I don't know what that is, but in this situation, I can only think about the worst. Why, are you afraid? Don't worry, I will start the exploration this time."

Hearing what Charles said, some people suddenly felt unconvinced. "Afraid? Is there anything to be afraid of, isn't it just death? Don't grab me, I must be the first to explore."

"That's right, I'm afraid? Your Governor can really joke."

Other explorers responded in twos and threes, saying that they did not put any **** gods in their eyes.

But Charles could see that there was a trace of fear in some people's eyes. They were just stiff-mouthed that others would look down upon them, but they were still afraid in their hearts.

Charles turned his head to look at the members of the association on the side, "Your president did not directly release the news I sent? It's all this time, what are you still hiding?"

The man lowered his head and said in a very nervous voice: "Sorry, I don't know. My duty is not responsible for this. You can directly ask the chairman and the telegram will be on standby for you at any time."

Charles didn't bother to embarrass him. Since he deliberately concealed the danger of the dark direction, it seemed like the Explorers Association meant. They seemed to want to conceal this danger and give other explorers the illusion that the degree of danger was not high.

After all, although the explorer is not afraid of death, it is not the moth that knows that death must send to the front.

"Let’s talk about this later and come back to the topic. Whoever has what I need, I hope that the island’s relics research institute should have a lot of relics, and I can exchange them."

Seeing the Governor of Hope Island made a speech, the others immediately crowded up and presented their relics.

Pieces of peculiar relics were neatly placed in front of Charles, but after picking them up and down, Charles did not find suitable relics, but this was normal. Relics that could resist the existence of gods were originally impossible.

Just when he was a little discouraged, a masked man came to Charles with a metal box the size of a grapefruit in his hand.

"Governor Charles, this relic should be able to meet your requirements, as long as you are willing to pay the price it needs." The voice is very soft and soft, and it sounds very comfortable in the ear, with a hint of familiarity.

Charles looked up and down for a while, and after confirming that the other party was a man, he honestly opened the box.

Inside the box is a palm-sized triangle bracket, and a strange skeleton is nailed with rust nails in the center of the triangle bracket.

Charles couldn't tell what this thing was. It seemed to be made of corals of different colors and the bones of a mouse. This relic looks very old as a whole, as if it were a casual work by a bad artist. .

"Can this thing fight against the gods?" Charles asked.

"It cannot be confronted, but it allows you to withdraw from the watch of the gods, as long as you are willing to pay the price it needs."

"how to use?"

"If you want to use it, you must perform an operation, and bury it in your heart when you are conscious."

Charles was shocked, this relic seemed really different from ordinary relics, and it was actually buried in his heart.

"When you have completed the operation, then you will have immunity to any mental pollution problems."

"Hmm..." Charles looked at the thing in his hand thoughtfully. Although immunity to mental pollution sounds very good, it doesn't seem like a good thing to bury this thing in his heart. "Then what is this side effect?"

"Over time, part of its hair will gradually expand along your blood vessels. When it is completely expanded, then your body will be its own, usually about ten years."

Charles did not want to use this relic, the risk of doing so was too great, but the ability of this relic was indeed very useful, and he was a bit unable to let go.

"What is needed to exchange for this special relic?"

The masked man shook his head slightly. "I don't need anything. Is there still a shortage of people on your boat? I want to get on your boat."

"No." Charles rebuffed decisively, and a guy from an unknown source rushed aboard God knows what his origin is, Feuerbach's loss cannot be eaten a second time.

"Governor Charles, I am not a suspicious guy. Speaking of which we met before, you should remember me?" The masked man took off the mask from his face.

That was Nico, the man-loving governor of Coral Island, with rich make-up on his face.

Seeing Charles's very surprised expression, Nico smiled charmingly. "Governor Charles seems to be surprised. Are you guessing why I am here?"

"There are too many people here, let's go out and talk." Charles tilted his head toward the door.

Soon, in a quiet room of the Explorers Association, Charles looked at Nico with coffee in front of him. "Why did you come up? Now you, shouldn't you stay stable on Coral Island?"

Nico took the silver spoon and turned it lightly in a circle, melting the sugar in the black coffee, with a bitter smile on his face.

"My husbands took advantage of the riots caused by the death, and took away the sovereignty of Coral Island from me. I am not a Governor of Coral Island now, I am just an ordinary explorer."

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