Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 590: Wounded

"Go, Jasmine, let's go home quickly." The nervous atmosphere made Dong Na very worried about her daughter.

Not only did they notice that something was wrong, others also saw the red mist. It didn't take long before the streets where people had just returned to and fro became very deserted.

The two hurriedly rushed to the house.

"Huh~!" A gust of wind blew through the air, causing Jasmine to raise her head subconsciously. "Donna, look, someone is flying above! He is wearing a police uniform!"

"Don't look up, it will be troublesome if they look unhappy!" Dongna, whose expression became more nervous, began to trot.

Fortunately, the place where they lived was not too far from the factory. After a trot for more than ten minutes, they finally returned to the familiar street.

Coming to a familiar environment, the uneasy hearts of the two were calmed down. Jasmine, sweating profusely, supported the wall with her hands. Her fat face was flushed with red. She panted and said, "I can't do it anymore. I'm so tired." , Next time I have to save money to buy a bicycle."

Such an intense exercise had never happened to Jasmine, who was nearly two hundred catties.

Dongna smiled and was about to say something, when the tall trash bin next to her shook abruptly and fell to the ground.

The lid of the trash can was opened, and a **** right hand fell out weakly.

"Ah~!" After Dongna exclaimed subconsciously, she quickly covered her mouth with her hands.

"Jasmine, hurry up, let's go!" No matter what it was, Dong Na immediately rushed towards her house.

As soon as she walked in, Nini, who was writing her homework, gave her a big smile. "Mom, you are back."

The frightened Dongna locked the door with trembling hands, and quickly rushed towards the basement holding her daughter.

The heavy metal iron opened, and the fresh water and food inside were neatly arranged. This is a refuge that she deliberately spent a lot of money on.

The experience last time made Dongna think about the worst in everything. Now it seems that more preparation is useful, especially in this situation.

When all the gear door locks were locked, Dongna was holding her daughter sitting in a pile of bananas, looking at the huge glittering portrait on the wall in front of her, her heart finally felt a little quiet.

"Mom, what happened outside? Is there a war?" Nini asked curiously.

Dongna shook her head and gave her a kiss on her daughter's head. "It's okay, the sheriff will definitely be found soon, and the matter will be over soon. Nothing happened."

After hearing this, Nini obediently didn't ask, she leaned on her mother's shoulder and waited patiently.

Ten minutes have passed, twenty minutes have passed, and thirty minutes have passed. It was very quiet outside, and nothing seemed to happen.

Feeling a little bored, Nini reported to her mother anecdotes in school. "Mom, the senior students have graduated early. I heard that they are going to work in the factory. My classmates and I are the largest in the school. At this time next year, I should also go to work in the factory. "

"Oh, that's great, there will be work when you go out." Dongna carefully paid attention to the motivation outside.

"Mom, is it fun in the factory? Can you take me to see it? I haven't been there once." Nini was very curious.

"Bang bang bang!!" The knock on the door stunned Dong Na, and she hurriedly shrank her daughter in her arms.

But the knock on the door didn't stop, instead it grew louder.

"If the bad guys really wouldn't knock on the door, but just broke in, could it be that the sheriff came to ask?"

After thinking about it for a while, Dongna hid her daughter a little deeper and opened the basement door carefully.

After throwing the key into Hui's daughter's arms and closing the basement door again, Dong Na picked up a wooden stick and walked towards the door.

As the distance drew closer, she heard a woman's cry, it was Jasmine's voice, and her voice was full of anxiety.

She opened the door carefully, and looked outside, "Jasmine, what's the matter?"

Jasmine raised her hands tremblingly, her two fat hands were full of blood, and tears couldn't stop running down her fat face. "Donna... please come, will you heal? I really won't."

"Are you injured? Then go to Doctor Leonard."

"It's not my family, he can't go to the doctor, it's—" Before she could finish speaking, a **** hand directly propped on the door with a huge force, and slammed the door open.

A young man covered in injuries rushed in and fell feebly on the carpet in the hall.

The boy has sky blue eyes and a tall nose. Even if his face is very haggard, he still looks very handsome.

"Please treat me, hurry up, I'm bleeding...I can't hold it for long."

As the boy hooked her finger, the stick in Dongna's hand began to decay rapidly, becoming a pool of mud on the ground.

The tearful Jasmine rushed in and helped the boy from the ground. Lean in his arms. "Donna, hurry up and help, he is really dying."

Dongna knew this situation, and she should report it to the nearest police station immediately, but the boy's threatening eyes kept her moving. She didn't want her ending to be the same as the stick just now.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to hurt others either, please help me, beg you, have mercy on me, just bandage me a little bit, I will leave immediately." The boy said weakly.

Dongna glanced at the direction of the basement, gritted her teeth, turned around and went to get the family medical kit.

What we can do now is to meet the needs of the other Let him leave as soon as possible and let him stay away from his daughter.

Donna didn't know how to treat it, all she could do was sprinkle the hemostatic potion on the hideous flared area and wrap it awkwardly with a bandage.

But even with such a simple treatment, the other party's bleeding wounds actually stopped, and his complexion looked better.

"Is there anything to eat? I'm hungry, thank you." The boy asked again.

A simple deep-fried dried banana with fish sauce was delivered to the boy, and then Donna and Jasmine were frightened by each other's appetites. It seemed that at least two catties of food was actually swallowed into his stomach.

Seeing that the women next to him were all looking at him, the face of the gobbled young boy suddenly turned red and his speed slowed down. "Sorry, to get rid of them, I hid in the ventilation duct for three days. I didn't eat any food or water."

Jasmine with reddish eyes nodded in agreement. "Yeah, he was eating banana peels in the trash can just now."

After looking at them, Dong Na bowed her head and stood aside without saying a word. She doesn't believe it. It's not a bad person. Why would the police look for him?

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