Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 607: Cat island

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Julio slowly stood up from the white jade chair, put his hands behind him, and walked towards the glass window in the distance. The young man hurriedly followed behind him.

Walking on the white jade balcony nearly a hundred meters wide, Julio continued to ask: "What do you think is our probability of success."

"There is not enough comparison and cannot be easily judged. The only thing we can do is to go all out." The youth did not rush to a conclusion.

Seeing that Julio didn't speak any more, the young man felt a glimmer of joy in his heart, and he answered correctly.

Coming to the very edge of the balcony, Julio looked down at his territory condescendingly. This is his country, he is the king here.

The wind shook Julio’s white hair constantly, but it didn’t have the smell of the sea that other islands have. Cat Island, the largest island in the entire Earth Sea, is not one of them.

Most of the buildings on the island are earthy and look like cave dwellings. Because the soil on the island is very special, it is very convenient to build a house as long as the shape is set and the fire is burned.

I hope that the island has more and more machinery here. There are almost no machinery here. It is more common here that there are various beetles of various sizes, big and small, the size of a small house, and the small one is as big as a fist.

These are the indigenous people on the Cat Island. Although there are people who get under the skin by parasites from time to time, compared with the help provided by those bugs, this side effect is not worth mentioning.

Some of these insects can be used as camel beasts to transport things, and some can be raised as food, even if some insects are highly poisonous, they can be turned into weapons.

The arrival of mankind did not destroy the ecology here, but completely integrated into it.

"Grandfather, don't worry, our island is the largest, and the sand worms are still working in the sea. They are really going to sink. We are definitely the last."

"You just show your breath?" Julio cast a glance at him, making the latter nervous.

"Do you know? Sometimes I admire Charles very much. He doesn't seem to be afraid of this emotion. Knowing that such a terrifying thing is on it, he still rushes forward without saying a word."

"Grandfather is equally fearless, and his grandfather's strength is much stronger than Charles, he is not worth mentioning in front of you." The youth quickly distinguished.

Julio shook his head, "In front of my grandson, I don't deny anything. I am just afraid of death. This is my character, so I can live to this day."

"In order to prevent others from killing me, I can only kill others first, but this time my method doesn't work. The ocean can't kill me."

"The only thing I can do is to be crazy with Charles."

"As long as your grandfather joins, our plan will definitely succeed!"

Julio sighed for no apparent reason, "Knowing why you are so clumsy even in flattering, do I still choose you as the next heir to Cat Island?"

This time the young man thought for a long time, and finally he looked at Julio without any expression and decided to tell the truth.

"Because... because my father has been corrupted by power and desire too much, and they have completely trapped their own situation on the island of Cat Island, but I am different, I am still very young."

Cat Island is so big that it can easily accommodate everyone's ambitions. Some people feel that they can live on this island forever, and the outside world is completely ignored.

The power of Cat Island is the strongest in the South China Sea, and it will continue to be strong in the future.

With those family members who are confident and full of everything, Julio doesn't think so.

Although known as the strongest governor of the Earth Sea, the invincible warship of Cat Island can also sweep the entire ocean, but only he himself knows how fragile this thing is.

Over the years, Swann, not only on the British Isles, has threatened the status of Cat Island. If you want to maintain its current position, it must be strong.

Being the oldest in the family is the most sober. This is undoubtedly a very sad thing, because the elders will get old one day.

When Julio thought that his island would fall into the hands of the group of wine and rice bags, he felt scared in his heart.

What made Julio even more sad was that he was desperately trying to save the earth and sea, even if he succeeded in the end, he would eventually send his island to them safely and let it be ruined.

"Knorr, you will leave tomorrow, and take some people to the East China Sea to join Futanism. I'm all ready."

Hearing what his grandfather said, Knorr almost thought he had heard it wrong, and he asked with a trembling voice: "Grandfather...Grandfather, why, what did I do wrong??"

Julio didn’t explain anything, and continued: “After that, you forget everything about Cat Island. You are an ordinary islander. They are now bewitching others to join them. You can just join them. Your head should be brainwashed by them soon."

"If we succeed. Then, the moment Charles and I arrive in the East China Sea, I will rescue you."

"If we fail here, then you can live with the rest of the people on the dark seabed."

"Grandfather, stop joking, it's not funny at all!" Knorr looked terrified. He just said that he was the heir to Cat Island and sent himself to the cult in the next second.

"You are so strong, stronger than anyone! Nothing can be difficult for you, right? You are the most powerful 15th-level strong Julio!!"

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Julio ignored the opponent's pleading and waved his hand gently. The wormguard guard who appeared from nowhere, easily took Knorr away.

"Strong strength? What is the use of strength? This kind of thing that can never be copied, can't protect Cat Island forever." Julio looked down at his hands and said in a low voice.

At this moment, he heard footsteps behind The footsteps were very familiar. "Old friend. Here you are."

"The items from the Relic Research Institute on Hope Island have been sent by telegram. I think it's better to send them in person."

Jax, the president of the Explorers Association, walked to Julio's side and watched the scenery outside with him.

"How long do you think we will last?" Julio said quietly.

"From the public data, all islands can last for more than a year, but the actual situation is much worse,"

"Hehe, I guessed it even if you didn't say it. Since your character is always like this, you should leave half of the words."

"This is to reassure the governors, and also to stabilize the situation."

"Speaking of you as the foundation in Charles's mouth?" Julio asked abruptly.


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