Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 619: Dandelion

The spider stood on the side of the boat and looked down. It saw the white mold resembling a spider web getting closer and closer. This distance allowed Charles to see the landform of the island clearly.

This oval floating island has depressions and forests. It looks like the landform is no different from ordinary islands, except that everything here is covered by white things.

"Bump!" The exploration ship landed, and the impact caused the whites to fly up, so light and not wet, and Charles discovered that this "mold" is some kind of dandelion-like plant, which floats the entire island everywhere.

The explorers on the boat walked down the ladder and began to prepare for the next exploration.

After Captain Locke exchanged with another exploring captain, he took five men and a woman and walked to the right. They planned to explore separately and plan to meet in three days.

Charles looked at the two exploratory teams facing in different directions, quickly moved the hairy spider legs, and crawled behind Locke.

There are white dandelions everywhere here, and the thickness of the ground is even less than the waist of an adult.

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As a spider in this environment, it was very inconvenient to move. In the end, Charles simply jumped hard, jumped directly on Locke's wide back, and began to free ride.

Of course the other party noticed, but he did not respond.

Locke and his subordinates looked around warily, paying attention to any accidents that might occur.

Most of the crew held more than one relic in their hands, which are offensive relics from the outside.

The most noticeable is Locke. He untied his shirt and exposed the upper body skin covered with spiral tattoos. The black color on the white skin seemed to move.

"Captain, how is the situation over there?" The voice from the other side attracted Charles's attention.

Charles stood upright with his back against the railing and looked at the second Nico in front of him with his one-eyed eyes, "They just got off the boat to explore, but they didn't find anything, something?"

"Since they have all gone in, should we also act?"

Charles shook his head, "No need, all the exploration materials are ready, everything is subject to my orders."

It's not that he has a brain cramp and has to find his own death. Since someone is exploring the way in advance, of course he will not let his own people take risks.

Judging from the previous person, there is a high probability that there are other Feuerbach clones on this island. As long as one finds one, they can get the preliminary information of the Foundation from their brains.

For this familiar and unfamiliar organization, Charles now knows almost zero about them.

Regardless of whether you will cooperate with them or be hostile to them in the future, this is not a good thing.

And judging from the situation they explored, asking them about the probability of the dark location may be more reliable than blindly searching.

Just as he was thinking about these questions, the violent shaking of Spider's eyeballs reminded Charles that something else had happened, and his eyes quickly returned.

"Bang bang bang bang!!" The gunshots kept sounding. They were now in a white woods, and there were more dandelions on the ground, almost reaching the adult's chest.

Locke with a grim expression led the crew to attack the white dandelions on the ground continuously.

Charles's attention hadn't stayed here before, and he didn't know what happened to Locke and the others.

"Fuck!! Head, I was bitten by that thing!" A burly man holding a large double-haired gun and arrogant raised his right hand tremblingly. A large triangular piece of flesh was cut on his arm. From the side, even You can see the bones inside.

The cross section is very smooth, and the enemy's weapons are very sharp.

Just after he finished speaking, a woman next to her suddenly snorted, and subconsciously covered her knee with her hand.

When she raised her hand and wanted to see how much blood she shed, she found that her palm was gone, only a **** wrist was left!

The situation was in chaos, their situation became very dangerous, and the crew was under attack every moment.

Locke immediately turned to look at a taciturn man in a black robe next to him. "Don't froze, let the bugs out!"

The sound of "buzzing" insects flapping their wings continued to sound. From under the black robe, the white dandelion was gradually dyed black, as if something was expanding inside.

When all the white dandelions around were dyed black, the attack on the crew stopped.

Charles controlled the spider to jump directly into the pile of black dandelions, and he immediately saw the weird-looking black beetles. They filled most of the gaps and prevented the enemy from hiding. The man had the ability to control insects.

"They are not inside, they are from other places." As the black-robed man slowly raised his hands, the insects lifted the entire dandelion carpet.

Now, even Charles saw that in the rock formations on the ground, there were some more uneven potholes. The things that attacked them before were the things in these Charles silently nodded and drew. When I left the diary, I took a pen to record in detail.

After this attack, Locke and the others immediately rallied and dared not be careless.

"Person, put Poison No. 9 on everyone's clothes, hurry up, be stunned." Locke began to prepare for the next attack.

After their gradual exploration, time passed a little bit, during which the things on the ground had troubled them, but the effect was worse than that of each time, and human beings have gradually adapted to their attacks.

That night, they divided into two teams, one team rested and the other team gobbled up food.

Locke ate the meat in the can, and put his right hand into the clothes of the female crew member next to him, kneading it.

The female crew member with the golden nose ring didn't care at all. Like the others, she continued to gobble up food, her palm that should have been broken went back again.

Even Charles, who is also an explorer, could not know how she did it.

"It seems that there is still a layer below this island, but this thing will not kill the previous explorers. They should have encountered other things, but they don't know why, these guys have not come out yet."

"Head, it must be because we don't have brains, they can't do our attacks, so they can't even bother to come out now."

"Oh, I am not so optimistic. If I encounter a situation that cannot be resolved, I will immediately activate the inverted pendulum, and you must be prepared."

When the surrounding crew heard this, they swallowed their mouths and nodded solemnly.

"The lucky one who found the darkness before has been rewarded by the Governors. He is now going back to Earth Sea to accept his three islands. Guys, cheer up! The next one is us!!"

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