Charles ran anxiously in the dark tunnel. He has initially adapted to this weird body and can easily hang upside down on the ceiling, just like survival instinct.

But this is not something to be happy about. I am trapped in the monster's body now, which means that my body is being controlled by the monster.

I still miscalculated before. I thought it would be careful enough to send one eye to follow the exploration, but what I didn't expect was that the opponent could control the main body directly by catching his own eyeball.

Charles is in a very anxious mood now. God knows how these monsters will use their bodies to deal with their crews. He must rush over and tell them everything that happened here.

This monster has no eyes. They rely on eight palms to press on the ground and feel the feedback from the ground shaking to know the surrounding information.

Charles, who was moving quickly, stopped in an instant, from extremely fast to extremely quiet, and he felt something coming in front of him.

"Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng!

This is one of the green monster's attack methods. As long as it is cut by this thread, anything will instantly become two knots. With the blessing of extremely fast speed, this is a sharp blade that cuts iron like mud.

Suddenly the trembling in the front stopped, and it seemed to have noticed Charles' approach. The two sides remained motionless and held in place for a while.

The other party has time to wait, but Charles doesn't have time to wait. The people outside must be stepping into the trap under the leadership of the fake Charles.

He slowly raised the three arms on his right and stretched out to the right, slowly moving his body from the ceiling of the tunnel to the bottom.

When he had reached the ground and saw that the opponent still had no response, he immediately controlled his eight legs to exert force instantly and ran forward.

"Hey bang bang~" A knocking sound made Charles stop, it was the sound of the other party writing something on the wall with his finger.

This monster's sense of touch and hearing is extremely terrifying, Charles can even hear where each stroke is drawn, and how powerful it is.

The sound information was pieced together, and gradually a group of earth-sea languages ​​appeared in Charles's mind. "Where are you going? Who are you?"

Obviously, the other person is also one of the humans who were exchanged bodies

"There is no time to waste, where are the others? Let them come quickly, and we will stop them together."

"You must not let those things exchange other people's bodies. If they also fall, then before the sea water floods the Earth Sea, humans are afraid that they will perish prematurely!"

"Indeed, 1189-1 flooded twice before the Earth Sea, but it was finally resolved. Something on the sea restrained them."

1189-1? This peculiar way of naming made Charles immediately know the identity of the other party, "Are you a member of the foundation? What is your identity in the foundation?"

"Should you not answer your own name before asking for another name? Especially when talking to a lady."

Charles really couldn't figure it out, and the other party was still not in a hurry with this burning eyebrows.

"Say as you walk, hurry up. My name is Charles. You should know me when you hear the name." Charles finished writing and ran into the distance.

The other party quickly followed up. Judging from the frequency of the other party's ground feedback, he obviously has the same body as her own, which is the 1198-1 in her mouth.

"Charles? I don't know it. Usually another group of people come into contact with you outsiders. You can call me T." The man ran on six legs while poking the ground quickly with his other hands. painting.

"Let’s talk about your business before. To make a long story short, 1189-1 in your mouth has already controlled my body. He must now bring everyone to come here. We must stop it and warn them of the danger of 1189-1! A green monster will exchange bodies."

The T behind quickly rushed to Charles's side and ran wildly alongside him.

"You may be misunderstood. First of all, we must correct your point. The body we use now is not 1189-1. They have changed bodies many times. Only by exchanging them can they multiply."

"Secondly, you are right. We can't let them spread, or it will disrupt our plan."

"What plan? Has your foundation found the darkness? How far has it progressed?"

Hearing what Charles said, T became alert immediately. "According to Agreement No. 3, I can't tell you, you don't have to say anything to me."

"You are still hiding it at this time? Are you getting water in your head?!"

"Even if you die in the next second, I can't tell you that an agreement is an agreement."

Charles originally wanted to say something to her, but the space in front of him suddenly opened up, and the black hole that Locke had descended before was above it.

When Charles crawled out of the cave, he didn't feel any tremors around him, he breathed a sigh of Fortunately, they didn't come over.

"You can't find it directly. If you stagger each other, it will be a big trouble. I must wait for them here."

Charles thought of this body and bury his slender body directly into the white dandelion.

"It's very interesting. Even if your body becomes such a monster, you don't have any panic, but you are more worried about other people. If you are in the Foundation, you are a qualified excitement task force." T also crawled down beside Charles.

Feeling the trembling around him, Charles thought for a few seconds and then said: "Since you can't talk about the Foundation, let's talk about what else can be said. Where are the others going? What about the others whose bodies are exchanged?"

Charles is now trying his best to find all clues about this.

"They have heard that someone is coming. I'm sure they will encounter yours sooner, but that's useless."

"It's useless? Why?"

"Because of the things they considered, 1189-1 also considered them. I have read their information. The average IQ is 121, which is far higher than the average level of humans. There is a high probability that they will suffer a lot of deaths and injuries."

Charles felt very dissatisfied with the other's calm statement. "Aren't you self-righteous guys human? Knowing they will fail, just watch them die?"

"I persuaded it but it was useless. They didn't trust me. And I had sent the crash coordinates through the intracranial chip before. As long as I wait for a while, the Foundation will send someone to pick me up and take the 1189-1 are all dealt with."

"Huh~" A strong light swept across the dandelion above Charles, and the sound of human conversation in the distance reached Charles' ears, and they came.


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