Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 669: street

Speaking of this, Lily looked down at her golden body, "I don't know if Mr. Feuerbach has the power that allows me to use the body, if only there is."

   Lily thought for a while, looking at the wooden door in front of her, she remembered how Mr. Charles usually taught the other crew members to use the power of the body's origin.

   We must first perceive this kind of power, then mobilize it and gradually control it. At first, it will be very uncomfortable, but we only need to train slowly. In the end, you can use this power as skillfully as your hands and feet.

   Lily closed her eyes and felt the strength in her body. Then she lifted her right paw and pushed forward with all her strength. After a few seconds, nothing happened before.

   As if feeling a little embarrassed, the mice next to him silently moved their eyes away from their leader and looked elsewhere.

"Hey~ I'm useless, I want to have the same special power as other people~ Forget it, I'll go and play with Grace." Lily said, walking to the wooden door, sticking her head into the bottom of the door and squeezed directly. Get out.

   Grace's room was next to Linda. When Lily got there, she saw her running into Linda's room, looking at a book of thick medical skills enthusiastically.

   Linda didn't care, she was concentrating on sticking a syringe filled with gray mucus into a blood vessel in her arm.

   Lily leaned close to Grace and looked at it for a while, and felt her head dizzy. The densely packed small prints were stitched and painted with some patterns of organs and herbs, and the more they looked, the more they became blurred.

   "Grace, do you understand? Oh! This book has a strong smell of wine. This book must have belonged to Mr. Old Marine Doctor before. His everything has a smell of alcohol!"

Grace shifted her gaze from the book to Lily next to her, "Some do not understand, but this book is very interesting. It records many strange diseases. Look here, there was a disease on an island in the East China Sea. Another face will grow on the neck of the sick person."

   "Uh..." Lily felt all hairy even thinking about that scene, but she didn't find it interesting. She doesn't know why Grace likes to see so much. She reads books fast and curiosity. Basically, she likes to read anything.

"There are not so many interesting books to read in the West Sea. In the lighthouse I was in, there were few ordinary books, and some of them were about to be rotten by me, and my instructor would not let me read them. Miscellaneous books, must maintain 14 hours of magic magic practice every day."

"Oh, don't read the book, let's go out and play, all the delicious and fun outside are free! And today's train just arrived, there must be something new and fun to come down!" Lily said to the end, behind her The tail is constantly wagging like a dog.

   Grace thought for a while, finally put down her medical skills, and carefully asked Linda on the side: "Ms. Linda, what do you want to eat before I come back for lunch? I'll bring it for you."

   Linda did not reply, and continued to inject laboriously. The liquid in the tube was very viscous, and it didn't look like it was injected well.

   "Then I will bring you the dinner you ate yesterday. You like grilled fish very much. I asked Mr. Audrick before."

   Lily, standing in Grace's hand, shook her paw at the ship doctor, "Linda goodbye."

   When Lily and Grace walked onto the lively street, their playful nature was aroused, and they happily shuttled through the crowd. From time to time, I got into a shop, but I didn't sell anything, and came out laughing.

The two of them vented the pressure in their hearts to their heart's content. Although it seemed a bit crazy, but when life passed by, everyone would have pressure in their hearts, but some people can feel it, some people can't. This This kind of thing needs to be released.

   Among a gang of ferocious explorers, there is such a girl who dances like a butterfly. Her actions are especially eye-catching and attract everyone's attention.

   "Grace, look, there is a rag doll on that guy's waist."

   Following Lily's fingers, Grace saw a burly man on the right side of the street. Don't walk a woolen cloth doll made of wool around his waist. The slender woolen limbs and head swayed as the man walked.

   Just as the two curiously approached the man carefully and gradually, the doll suddenly raised his head, opened the thread-sewn mouth, and stared at the two with the button eyes.

   Grace froze in place for an instant, and the gray thread slowly stretched out from her mouth. She was holding her neck and retching violently, but she couldn't come out.

   Seeing more and more thread, Lily suddenly became anxious and shouted at the back: "Hey! Take care of your relics! We just want to see it. You are too stingy."

   The burly back figure did not turn his head, lifted up the baby's button eyes that was blocked by the right hand with **** missing, and walked toward the front unhurriedly.

   Grace vomited a few times. She grabbed the thread in her mouth and pulled it hard, and pulled out a ball of yarn the size of a bloodshot fist from her throat.

   "That person is too much! How can this be done! No, I'm going to trouble him!" Lily was about to jump off but was stopped by Grace.

   She said in a hoarse voice: "Cough! Forget it, it's our fault. You shouldn't stare at his doll. Ahem~!"

   "We are not wrong at all! He should apologize to us!!"

   Grace still shook her head. She held Lily and walked towards another street, "Everyone is a hero to save the Earth Sea. The gentleman is working hard for everyone. We can't let him be distracted."

   "But if we say that, then we are the same hero, why should he treat us like that." Lily was still not angry.

   Grace gently stroked the smooth hair on Lily's back with her hand, and said comfortingly: "Don't be angry, we are out to play, let me go to the bookstore and see if there are any good things."

Lily’s face immediately straddled when she heard that she went to the bookstore, "Go to the bookstore again, can’t we go to other places? I heard that a new theater has been opened recently, and there is a wall where you can display pictures like Charles’ mobile phone. , How about going there?"

   Grace held Lily in front of her, and pleaded: "How about going to the bookstore first? You see it will be here soon. When we are finished, we will go to the movie theater you mentioned."

   Lily tilted her head for a moment and nodded, "That's fine, but I really think that you really read a lot more than others."

   "Because a person can have a hobby that he really likes, it is a thankful thing, hehe, this is what I see from a book." Grace winked playfully at Lily.

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