Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 696: Reinforcements

Charles stood sideways next to the ship, looking at the corpses and mechanical wreckage above the sky. At this moment, he seemed to have a feeling of being on the bottom of the sea.

More than twenty airships slowly passed through these things as if they had entered a grave in the sky.

With a move in Charles's heart, a transparent tentacle wrapped around a Feuerbach's ankle, and gently pulled him to the deck.

"Linda, how long has this guy died? When did he die?"

He needs to know what happened to the Foundation as soon as possible, maybe there is an answer in this corpse.

The ship doctor Linda nodded. She put a light source similar to a miner's lamp on her forehead, buried her head directly into the chest of the corpse, and began the autopsy.

Soon Linda gave an unexpected answer. "Captain, this guy is alive, he is not dead."

"Are you sure?" Charles asked, leaning forward, looking at this Feuerbach, who was exactly the same as the corpse.

"Yes, his brain is not dead, and the other organs of the body are also working." Linda pulled his head out of his chest and said.

"The brain is not dead, maybe Anna can find something from his memory?" Charles thought of another way.

Anna immediately responded to the call this time. Although her face was still ugly, she still followed Charles' orders.

Anna lifted Feuerbach's skull, rolled up the slightly trembling brain from the tentacles, and put it directly into her mouth, chewing.

"Didn't you stop eating people?"

"I want to eat again now, why? I can't bear it? You still call me over if I can't bear it."

After Anna gave Charles a blank look, she sucked the brain fluid from her tentacles one by one. Suddenly her body swelled suddenly, revealing the hideous original form. This scene shocked the crew around.

"Stop playing, what happened to him? What's on it? This is related to the fate of Earth Sea." Charles asked Anna again.

Anna, who reverted back to a human form, looked down at her slender waist and frowned, and then said: "Sorry, I can't help you, the things in this guy's mind are simply scattered, there is no useful information."

I have to say, is this a good answer? It does not help the current situation.

After thinking about it for a while, Charles immediately ordered an exploratory ship to act as a scout to ascend first, so that he could contact the Narwhal via radio at any time. If there is any accident on it, at least not everyone will be planted inside. .

"You go back, don't tell the situation here until the situation is not clear." Charles said to Anna.

Anna sighed helplessly, and stretched out the fingers of her right hand to gently stroke Charles's fingertips, "Forget it, I'd better stay here to hold hands, looking at it like this, I'm afraid there will be a big trouble, you go up like this. I'm really afraid that you will die there."

"Go back, the Foundation has already gone up. If the situation above is really that bad, your ability to change your mind will not be of much use."

Although I know that this is Charles's concern, but Anna does not appreciate at all, "I look down on who, such a long time of promotion really does not make any progress? My strength is stronger than you think."

After Anna finished speaking, her **** body was completely torn apart, densely packed with black scales, crawling all over the deck with tentacles that looked like rotten rainbow colors, spreading around.

When Anna's huge body fully covered the deck, the Narwhal's ascent speed slowly slowed down, and her body's weight actually offset the buoyancy of the entire ship!

Just as the surrounding exploration ships pointed their muzzles in the direction of the narwhal, Anna quickly retracted her petite body, which was a head smaller than Charles.

Bandage quickly picked up the microphone and explained to the other captain that this was just an accident. The monster just now was just an ally and stopped attacking.

"How is it? My physical abilities alone have surpassed you, let alone I have a lot of new abilities recently." Anna said with a trace of complacency in her voice.

Charles stretched out his hand to embrace Anna's slender waist, lifted her up, but found that it was not easy to say, "So many things, where are you hiding?"

Anna blinked her right eye at Charles, "Guess it, give me some hints, a little secret and a little blindfold."

Although a little surprised, Charles also decided to let Anna stay on the ship. In this case, the stronger the better.

"How many levels is your strength according to the standards of the Earth Sea? The same as Julio's fifteen?" Charles asked.

Anna smiled and looked at the looming "non-existence" surrounding Charles at that time

"That depends on how to judge. To be honest, Earth Sea's ranks are too general. I have a lot of abilities now. At least I want to make Julio disappear now, something easy."

"Huh! Isn't this a big talk?" I don't know when Julio was already standing on the edge of the ship, looking at the two with his sharp eyes like a knife.

"I rushed here as soon as I received your message. Fortunately, your daughter saved me a lot of time and made me finally get there." Julio jumped off the ship's edge.

"Of course, there is also me." A sweet red bat turned into a young girl, with scarlet eyes smiling at Charles, that was Lilith, the ancestor of the vampire on Dark Crystal Island.

There are dozens of people behind Lilith, who have appeared on the deck of the Narwhal through various methods.

"Knowing that it is the last moment, I brought up all the good hands that Earth Sea can bring The following situation, don't need to think about you to know." Julio walked to Charles and lowered to him Said the voice.

Charles took a closer look, but found something was wrong, "Where are the gods of the Hikers? Where are they?"

In terms of positive strength, those monsters who are deep in the simplest form can definitely be sent to the top of the earth. Such an important existence, they are actually absent?

"I don't know, if those things come in love or not, anyway, I'm not afraid that these guys will take the opportunity to sneak underneath. Anyway, Earth Sea has nothing worthy of them to steal."

Just when Charles was about to speak, the darkness around him disappeared!

Although after a slight flash, the darkness enveloped everyone again, but this moment, everyone's complexion instantly changed. Whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, the darkness above definitely had a major change.

"Bandage! Tell the turbo cabin to accelerate! Don't worry about gravity! I just need to be as fast as possible now! Don't avoid the things above, I will deal with the things that get in the way!"

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