If you don't talk about the desperate god, then for the people of Earth Sea, the current era is the best era.

   I have experienced two catastrophes. Many people died in the Earth Sea. If more people die, then there will be more opportunities for the land. A new era of great pioneering in the Earth Sea has begun. Now, there are opportunities everywhere in the Earth Sea.

  The people on Hope Island are also sparse. Some ambitious people leave with the ship in an attempt to show off their ambitions. Some of them have died, but some of them must have really succeeded.

   Regarding the previous black wall, the people of the Earth Sea didn't care too much. This is of course the result of the tacit control information of all the governors.

   The Foundation’s plan to destroy the world does not need to be known to the people below. It will have no effect other than adding more of their worries.

Just after Waiters sent his last letter to an old lady in the coastal street, he was ready to go home. The development of the new communication technology in Hope Island has affected the operation of the letter system, and the post office has fewer and fewer letters. .

   If there is no letter to send, he will perform his duties as the admiral of the Hope Island navy. He is not too picky about what he does.

"First mate! First mate! Wait for me!" A panting voice came from behind. West turned his head and looked at the chef Planck, who was carrying two sacks, running towards him from the fish market. It looks hot and sweaty.

   As he sits on the back seat of the bicycle, the wheel of the bicycle instantly changes from a circle to an ellipse, and the bicycle makes a metallic scream instantly. "Take me for a ride. I saw the fresh goods just from below the fishing boat. I accidentally bought too much. At least one hundred catties."

   The bandage kicked up hard and rode forward along the street. "You...this is...for the restaurant...restocking?"

   "No, I cook my own food. The exploration of the surface is too hard. You see I am thin, and I must treat myself well." Planck touched his chubby double chin.

   "Not thin..." West pushed on with all his strength.

   Planck raised the metal prosthetic right leg, and said with a smile, "It must be because this leg is too heavy."

  West was silent, and continued to pedal. Planck’s restaurant had been here for a long time. When he got off the back seat, the oval wheel did not change back.

   Planck raised the bag in his hand and enthusiastically sent an invitation to West. "Would you like to have a drink in the backyard? It's quiet inside."

   West thought for a while and nodded, stopped the bicycle, and followed him in.

   Planck’s backyard is so quiet, except for two trees and one table, there is only one open kitchen.

  "Kachakacha" Dip hugged a spider crab bigger than his face and gnawed. When there was nothing in the hard shell, he threw the shell on the messy table.

   After a beautifully full fight, Dip said to Planck while flicking his teeth: "This is food. What you do when you are on the boat is worse than shit."

   "Why is your nose so good? I just made it, and you rushed over. You still ate so much. Didn't you have breakfast?" The depressed Planck sat up and walked to the open kitchen next to him.

"No, you know my wife's previous occupation. It's okay to let her kill someone. It's better to kill him if she cooks. Generally, we eat outside. We were busy catching neuroses today, so we forgot to eat. "Deep finished speaking, and took out a cigarette and smoked it beautifully.

   He is now wearing a black police uniform, just without buttons, just wading like this, and it looks very casual.

   After Dip exhaled the smoke from his lungs, his green scaled right hand turned into a blue mist, rolled up the pack of cigarettes, and floated in front of West and shook it gently.

  West shook his head and motioned to him not to smoke.

"When I just passed by the window of the Governor's Mansion, I saw the captain holding an Earth Sea meeting. I guess they were discussing what to do with the other party's foundation." Dip retracted his hand and put the cigarette in his pocket again. in.

   "No...then...simple..." West poured himself a glass of wine and drank it with his head up.

   "Of course it's not that simple. By the way, first officer, do you know what the captain uses to make the Foundation soft? I asked him, but he didn't tell me."

   "The Foundation, their strength is very strong, and it turns out that they are so directly subdued, which is too strange."

   When it comes to things involving gods, Charles didn't let too many people know about it. The more people know this kind of things, the safer it is.

   As one of the insiders, of course West would not say nonsense, "Don’t ask...don’t listen...don’t want..."

   There was a trace of unwillingness on Dip's face, "I'm not asking for fun, don't I want to help, too, the captain, even I don't hide it."

   "You...can't help...we can't help...can't help..."

   was working in the kitchen and Planck was taken aback for a while, and then said somewhat unconvinced: "Whoever says I can't help, I'll help, no matter how important it is, the meal is always to be eaten."

   "Wait...wait...he needs...when we...direct the...ship...direction...only the captain..."

Dip raised his arms holding the cigarettes upwards, and stretched his waist vigorously, "That's OK, I'll take a lot of rest during this time. By the way, have you hired a servant and a housekeeper? How do you use it? kind?"

   Planck and West shook their heads at the same time, and the chef said, "I'm not used to others walking around in my house."

  Deep nodded approvingly, "Yes, I think so too, but Alia thinks that everyone else has it, but we don't have one, and we can't fit into the upper class."

   "Let me say, what **** circle~www.ltnovel.com~ The water just fell, and it took a long time before it began to show up again. Damn, I really want to shoot them all."

   "But Kenona and them were mixed up well before. They all ate sea food. I don't know how he got into it in the first place."

   When Dip finished saying this, his expression became a little dim, and he thought of the dead red-haired second mate. Even with him, he thought of the dead crew members.

   When they were the captain of the Narwhal, they had a pretty good relationship. They liked to hide in the cabin and play cards in various dangerous gaps.

   At that time, it was precarious and might die at any time, but at that time he was really happy.

   "You don't have to adapt to other people's circles. You have your own circle. In Hope Island, there is no circle more central than this circle." The second pair of Nico, who painted heavily with eyeshadow, walked over on a catwalk.

   "Don't you find me if you drink? It's not good. I'm afraid I'll sleep you when I get drunk? Don't worry, you guys are messy and people are not interested."

   Dip waved his welcome indiscriminately, "Don't say that, second mate, I just arrived."

   Nico grabbed the cup in West's hand, raised his slender neck and drank.

  West gently raised his hand, and the green vine grew out of it and quickly grew into a wooden chair. "sit."

  Deep looked around, and shouted at a mouse in the corner: "Hey, since everyone is here, then call everyone else. Let's drink together! You also bring Lily with you."

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