Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 739: woman

   Chapter 759

   "Mad? Those are compatriots inspired by the gods!! You mediocre!"

Before they quarreled with each other, Jax interrupted them, "I have a problem here. The Heikes are not the core members of the Foundation. They who regard the Foundation as gods are at best guilds. They probably don't know where the foundation's stronghold is, and such people may not be of much use."

   seems to have been poked to the pain, Ocott's tone is very bad, "He really doesn't know, but this is always a solution. Isn't it possible for me to do this. Do you have other solutions?"

  "The location of the foundation's stronghold." Charles touched his chin with his hand, his eyes narrowed slightly.

  When he came out with Xingyun, he didn't pay attention to the specific location. He didn't know where the SITE6 he was detained on the map was and how he should go. The sea of ​​mist is too big.

   "Although the convert didn't know how to go, as long as we let him go back, slowly lurking, and searching for the same kind in secret, we always have a chance."

  This is a very slow way, but it is better to have a way than no way. If it ends like this, then this meeting will be considered a success, but Charles’s voice and so on will stop the others who are going to leave.

   "Maybe I can find someone who knows the way." Charles' words surprised everyone else.

   "You know? Where did you know?" Julio asked.

   "He is not the only Hiker who escaped from the sea of ​​mist. I just know one. I hope he is not too confused. When I saw him last time, he couldn't get out of bed anymore."

   Charles finished speaking, and walked through them towards the door, "Come here first today and wait for my message."

  Icha Island, the ruined island of the past is covered by buildings of varying heights. The project interactive laboratory that should have been built underground has become the new governor’s palace.

  But Charles did not go to the Doge’s Palace, because according to Elizabeth’s obviously hostile wife, she was not there.

  The identity of the Governor of Hope Island is also useful here. Charles quickly found Elizabeth, at this time, she was blocking a young **** the wall.

The islanders next to    have long been accustomed to doing their own things, as long as some children are watching curiously.

   "Sweetheart, where are you going?" Elizabeth looked at her condescendingly with a charming smile on her face.

  "Your Excellency, let me go, I really don’t like women."

   "Don't say so absolutely, how can I know if I don't try it, I used to think I don't like men, but after trying it. Um~ that kind of feeling is great." Elizabeth's hand gently lifted her chin.

  Smelling the scent of Elizabeth and feeling the oppression of the other party, the brown-haired girl with a single ponytail was about to cry.

"Don't cry, dear, I'm just pursuing you, you have the opportunity to say no at any time." Elizabeth's hand squeezed the other's waist, grabbed her hand like a doll, turned and placed it gently next to her. On the ground.

  The girl jumped away like a frightened deer, her heart thumped and thumped, and when she came to the intersection, she turned her head and glanced at Elizabeth secretly.

   "My dear, no matter how long it takes, I will wait for you, I will always love you." Elizabeth blew the kiss, scared the other party and ran away quickly.

  "Is your love a little too overwhelming?" Charles walked out behind her with his arms folded.

   "I don't think so." Elizabeth turned around quickly, hugged Charles against the wall and kissed passionately.

  Three minutes later, the entangled tongues separated from each other, and Elizabeth, with a flushed face, took Charles and rushed towards the hotel next to her.

   "Wait, I'm here to find you on business." Charles took a lot of effort to stop Elizabeth, who is two meters tall.

  Elizabeth lightly fluttered her white hair, her hot body almost hung on Charles's body. The voice said with a faint resentment: "How long have you not seen me, do you know how much I miss you? Talk about business as soon as I meet?"

  Recalling the girl who just ran away, Charles laughed blankly, "I won't come out how much do you think about it."

  "Then let me show it to you, and let you see how much I miss you!" Elizabeth bit Charles' ear with her teeth, holding him and preparing to walk towards the hotel.

   "Wait, I'm here to find your grandfather, he should be still alive?"

  Charles’ words were like a basin of cold water that instantly extinguished Elizabeth’s desires. She was very surprised and asked: “Whether you are still alive, what are you looking for him for?”

  She took Charles by the wrist and walked towards the car parked not far away. In the car, Charles explained the purpose of this time to Elizabeth.

   "Your grandfather saw the dead body of a **** suspended in the air, so he should know the specific location of Foundation Site6 and also took that route." Charles got out of the car and said.

   "Well, no problem. As long as it is against the Foundation, you must help." Elizabeth took Charles' elbow and walked toward the gorgeous Governor's Palace gate.

  As soon as the two of them entered, a large group of women immediately surrounded them, and Charles's keen sense of smell was almost fainted by the perfume on their bodies.

  Long hair, short hair, cute, sexy, all kinds of beauties, even twins.

   "There are more than nine at first. How many women do you have now?" Charles frowned and asked, covering his nose.

   "I don't know. I didn't count. There should be thirty or forty. New people join and old people leave." Elizabeth took him and walked towards her grandfather's residence.

  "You have robbed so many women, are you really afraid that the islanders will overthrow you?"

  Elizabeth looked curiously at the tentacle on Charles's head and pulled it gently with her fingers. "Why are they overthrowing me? I didn't force them, and they wanted to leave. Not only did I not stop them, but I also gave valuable gifts."

"Think about it, I collect taxes from the islanders, and then return them to the islanders through these lovely girls. What a balanced economic cycle. Compared to those miserly and stingy governors, where can I find a good governor like me? "

  Elizabeth’s fallacies made Charles not know what to say, but he was also very relieved to see that the other party could focus on one thing so much.

   Just as the two were chatting, a **** woman in a black silk skirt walked towards her with a cute girl in a white gauze skirt.

  "Your Excellency." The two crossed their legs and gave a respectful dress to Elizabeth.

  Elizabeth leaned over and pecked the two of them lightly, "Go ahead, I have something wrong here."

   intertwined with them, Elizabeth said with a trace of pride: "They are the mother and daughter of Kai'Sa. When I pursued them at the same time, I spent a lot of energy."

  "Mother and daughter?!" Charles looked at his back in shock.

  (End of this chapter)

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