Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 750: Inner

"Secret Earth Sea (!

After a few seconds, the little blue flower didn't move, and the wooden wall next to it suddenly opened.

Vines, bushes, flowers and grass, behind the wall is a lively forest path,

"Let's go, Lord Servant is inviting us." The pastor raised his foot and walked inside, and the others quickly followed.

Charles looked around while thinking about how to achieve his goals. He didn't know what the island was doing at the moment, so he could only adapt to the circumstances.

But from the previous experience, it is impossible for the Foundation to create an island to use the house wine. According to their approach, there must be some dangerous things on this island, and these things may be their own helpers.

At the end of the forest trail was a pure circular water pool. The water in the pool was not deep, just below their ankles. The priest led them to the center of the pool and waited.

One of the crew members bent over and took the water in the pool with his hands and drank it directly. After drinking, he said in surprise: "Head! This is not sea water, you can drink it!"

The captain looked at him with a bit of hatred for iron and steel, as if he felt that the other party had made him ashamed in front of God, "What drink! Stand me up!"

At this moment, it started to rain in the forest, and the liquid falling from above poured everyone into a soup.

When the rain disappeared and the wind began to blow them dry, Charles realized that this should be disinfecting them. It is estimated that they are going to the core position. The following steps prove Charles's conjecture.

When everything was over, the tree wall next to it suddenly cracked, and two men in black chemical protective clothing walked out. They waved the right hand of the rubber glove and motioned for them to follow.

With a sense of anxiety, they followed the two men in.

Compared with the forest outside, everything inside is also made of wood, but the growth of plants here is obviously designed by man. Very simple style of the foundation.

Although all this is very familiar to Charles, for other Hikers, such an unfamiliar environment makes them feel terrified.

"My Lord Servant, that... we just want a little fresh water. We get fresh water and we will leave." The captain said uncomfortably.

"It's not that simple." Because of the blocking of the chemical protective clothing, the voice coming out of it was a little dumb, as if he was speaking with a mask.

"You must be interrogated before you can leave. You can't let go of any details. This is a new project, and the control is very strict."

"My Lord Servant, but we are really..."

The bald captain was interrupted by others before he finished speaking, "Just call me Smith. Although everyone works in different departments, they are all colleagues. Don't be so formal."

"And don't make me embarrassed. This kind of decision is not something I can decide. This is a rigid rule and system, just like a set procedure. Once triggered, it will be executed. No one can change it.

While the captain was still communicating with them, Charles stared around. He had seen this architectural style in the former second laboratory and third laboratory.

If their layout has not changed, there must be something dangerous in the lower layers. It is absolutely difficult to be able to put on an island alone, he must first confirm it.

Gently bit Cindy's eye socket with his jaw teeth, Cindy nodded tacitly, and stretched out his hand to take out a fake eye from the cuff. As he scratched his forehead with his hand, Charles in the eye socket jumped out of it. , Pushed that eyeball in, and Charles shrank it in his palm.

When Cindy put his hand down, Charles crawled into his clothes and followed his trouser legs to the floor.

Climbing quickly to the ceiling, Charles swung his eight legs towards the direction of the stairs. He cautiously hid in Tibet, trying to avoid surveillance.

However, this place seems to be tight on the outside and loose on the inside. No monitoring has been seen at the current location.

As the floor moved down, various departments flashed in front of Charles, but when he ran to the second floor, Charles suddenly stopped. Through the window, he saw his head projected floating on a picture. On the table.

"What is the Foundation planning to do to me?" Charles secretly asked in his heart.

After careful observation, it was discovered that when there was a person in the room with his back turned to himself while writing, Charles quickly crawled in from the window.

As he skipped reading on the virtual keyboard, on the tidy table, the Charles projection disappeared quickly, and a line of words appeared on it. "Charles' Psychological Profile" quickly opened with spider legs. Charles found that it recorded a lot of his own things. The details.

The foundation seems to want to infer Charles's psychological activities from various aspects of personality, living environment, occupation, and growth background.

The Foundation was unable to invade Charles's brain for some reason, and began to use external factors to deduct from the inside.

After seeing the various inferences inside, Charles, who was sitting in the sun, couldn't help but startled in a cold sweat. This guess was too accurate, and their desires and thoughts were estimated by them!

Suddenly the next door opened and Charles quickly climbed to the back of the table. Just when he was standing still, a pair of legs wrapped in black silk stretched over. "Huh? 2854, have you touched my things?"

"Who touched your thing, the data you researched has been uploaded to the central computer, I want to see if I can download it." The other party's words made Charles's heart tense.

As soon as he thought of his being watched by everyone in the Foundation, he felt that everything in his heart was stripped naked, and it was as uncomfortable as being watched by others under a searchlight.

This is not the most terrifying. They can profile themselves, so they can profile Julio, Jax, Jenny, and even the madmen of Fatanism!

When all their actions were predicted by the Foundation, even if the Earth Sea humans had a table-triggering card in their hands, they would lose in the end!

The opponent will always be on the edge of that line in motion control, and finally through gradual cannibalization, the No. 3 plan will be activated again.

But fortunately, the other party's methods have been known to me, and it is not too late to prevent. This alone makes Charles feel that this action has made a lot of money.

When the table was quiet, he quickly climbed to the ground along the legs of the table, and finally slipped out through the gap in the room.

Just before he got out of it, Charles stopped suddenly. He recalled what the man said, "Upload to the central computer? If I can retrieve their database on the central ~Can you find more top-secret information?"

When Charles thought of this, he wasn't busy looking for anomalous objects in custody. If he could find all kinds of information here, what else to go to SITE6.

He started searching room by room, looking for the computer that was not controlled by anyone.

When he finally found a virtual computer that no one was using, a row of search columns appeared in front of Charles, and he was stunned.

There are too many things to search, and I don’t know what to search first for a while.

After hesitating for a while, Charles quickly jumped a few times on the virtual keyboard, and the three numbers 001 quickly popped up in the search bar.

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