Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 768: Dead body

The rotten flesh and blood merged with each other, barely splicing the way Charles was before, and he was just about to flash over there. Piper, with only half of his body left, got out of the wall beside him.

Following him were two K9 swollen old dog O5 with bird's head and T6 which rejoined the broken body.

At the same time there are others. They look strange, but judging from their positions, these guys are all members of the GK Council.

They should have appeared in private TE2 again, but Charles immediately understood that these guys weren't the same group who talked to him in private TE2 before.

As a foundation, they are trying to make the best use of their material. Members of the GK Council will never produce one. They are all clones.

Looking at the unrecognizable Charles in the distance, the GK Council has no need to talk at this time. At this point, either you die or I forget.

As A2's manipulator split, a few black wires stretched out from the inside toward the optical fiber on the ground and quickly rolled, "Project Three is activated!" In the next second, the huge heart in the center beats violently.

As the heart beats faster and faster, the light of the surrounding environment dimmed instantly, and a black gauze expanded from the heart to the surroundings.

When the black yarn connects the upper and lower parts of the entire space, it becomes the huge dark wall that swallows everything.

This huge wall quickly swallowed all kinds of machinery and equipment on the ground and the GK Council, and hurriedly covered Charles.

If this black wall is allowed to go out, then the entire earth and sea will be completely enveloped by it. After Charles' body flashed slightly, he plunged into this huge wall in an instant.

Dark, extremely dark, there is nothing but darkness behind the huge wall. Charles flashed frequently, but no matter how it flashed, it couldn't reach the end.

This is very wrong. If you follow the normal distance, you will be afraid that even the private TE6 will flash out.

There was a whistling sound suddenly, and something in the dark took away some flesh and blood from Charles.

This is just the beginning. Things in the dark are getting more and more frequent, constantly scraping away the flesh and blood of Charles.

Suddenly Charles stopped, he stopped teleporting, and the remaining flesh and blood continued to roll, finally condensing into a huge yellow eye.

As the huge eyes suddenly opened, yellow light shot out from the eyes and pierced into the darkness, and the entire dark environment seemed to be about to collapse.

O5 Pogoro curled up the swollen old dog's body and approached Charles close to the ground, but before he was halfway closer, the deformed body began to collapse.

All kinds of flesh and blood that did not belong to his body quickly occupied him, and within a few seconds, he became a pile of disgustingly creeping flesh.

But at this moment, two huge shadows walked into the darkness. It was Pide, and the outside Pide came down! !

The two tall demigods rushed towards Charles from left to right. Under the influence of each other, flesh and blood began to grow on them, but this level of attack could not stop them at all.

Seeing Charles was attacked, suddenly a soft light shot in from outside, it was sunlight, soft sunlight.

The sunlight grew bigger and bigger, eventually tearing the darkness apart, and the extreme darkness was replaced by the dazzling sunlight.

Charles's huge eyes suddenly raised his head, and the entire private TE6 broke open. He saw a dazzling sun floating in the air. It was Dawn One on Hope Island! !

The small Lily is floating in the center of Dawn 1, and the light from it makes Dawn 1’s sunlight appear colorful.

"Mr. Charles! I'm here to help you!" Lily's dim voice followed the soft sunlight into Charles's eyes.

Lily's sunshine helped a lot, and Charles's body flashed in an instant, directly in front of the heart.

Accompanied by the sound of glass shattering, the heart suddenly stopped beating, and the extremely black inside slowly flowed out, eventually forming a black ball.

"High?" A certain chaotic voice came out from the darkness, and the black ball trembled slightly, and then quickly dispersed like a snowman, melting in place.

The darkness on the surface outside was darkened a little inexplicably, and all the darkness that had been taken away by the God of Light returned completely.

The unrecognizable Charles ignored the call of darkness, using hundreds of triangular deformed eyes on his body to look at the members of the GK council gathered nearby.

"You don't even know what you are doing! You monster!" K9 opened the two sharp beaks and shouted at Charles with excitement full of anger.

Charles ignored the opponent, he just saw the sun in the sky getting more and more dazzling, and the light was a bit wrong.

It's time to retreat if the plan is successful. "Shin, take Lily away, take everyone away."

Hearing what Charles said, the two Paiders immediately rushed upward, trying to stop Shining from leaving.

But when Charles stopped them quickly, he didn't need to beat them, he just had to hold them now, and now they would win as long as they persisted till the end.

According to what he thought, when he was procrastinating hard, the sky suddenly went dark.

Charles thought it was Shining who took Lily away, but he soon discovered that it was not the same thing.

The deformed eyes that grew above the body looked up, and a huge figure directly blocked the sun. It was not someone else, but the body of the **** Pide who had been hovering in mid-air before. The **** who should have died suddenly resurrected! !

Even if he had no head now, and most of the flesh and bones on his body, he stood there with a huge body, his shoulders almost reached the top of the dome, and the oppression felt like a mountain.

Shining out of thin air, a translucent three-eyed giant skull appeared on the top of the god's As the **** Pide slowly bends his body down, Charles felt the pressure of heavy pressure. On myself.

The translucent fangs slowly opened his mouth, "If you think that you are just solving me physically, then you may be misguided. As part of the hod6 level god, my existence does not necessarily depend on the entity."

Charles saw this huge body and instantly reacted. This translucent head was the previous central computer! Even if the private TE2 is subverted, it still hasn't died! !

"Dad! I'll help you!" Shining body instantly melted into Charles's body, and Charles's squirming flesh and blood expanded rapidly.

God Pade's three translucent eyes looked down at Charles, who was getting bigger, and instantly lifted his right hand with only the bones of his hand, and stretched it towards him.

As the tentacles wriggled with fluorescent green, a giant Idick eye that was bigger than before began to open his eyes.

At the same time, the sparkling sunlight in the sky became more and more dazzling, and Anna's eye was also opened to its maximum.

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