Mysterious as the Wind, Always With Me

Chapter 40 A Little Accident

Go through the living room and into the next factory-like area.

Before entering, Mark saw the red light representing the warning flashing.

Dead vines were also wrapped around the huge lathes one by one.

Different from the outside, Mark found a lot of broken mechanical guards here, as well as some gray-robed corpses that were probably [Greedy Cultists].

Whether it is a guard or a cultist, no matter how you look at it, they have been belching for at least a month.

The mechanical guards manipulated by living brains are in disarray, and the brains that serve as the core and are placed in strange glass bottles are mostly shriveled. Some were burned to varying degrees, and some looked as if they had exploded themselves.

And the corpses of [Greedy] believers are completely dry, even the flies are gone.

Mark began to wonder: Has Thiago Michel, the master, been kneeling for a long time? Your own workshop has been tossed like this, and there is no movement at all?

Another question came up: who was the one he saw last night? If Thiago is running away, then the direction is wrong! If this place is already worthless ruins, then what is the mysterious power fluctuation that just diffused?

With doubts, Mark moved on.

Soon, there was no road ahead, as if it was just a warehouse for stacking materials.

However, Mark found another lever and pulled it down.

With the slight sound of mechanical gears turning, he found that the place where he was standing was a large disc, and together with the loose-leaf door, it was turned to the back.

The next moment, Mark realized that he was still too naive.

He has seen some weird scenes, but this is the first time he has come across such a non-martial arts thing.

Right in front of him, a huge mirror stood there, facing the entrance where he came in.

The entrance is so big, no matter from which angle you look at it, it is impossible to ignore this giant mirror that is two meters high and five meters wide, which is simply the size of a middle school blackboard!

He saw a hazy yellow light, the light was not holy, and the light and pain came together, and the pain he felt was as if all his internal organs were forcibly pulled out of his chest.

He absolutely didn't want to experience that heart-piercing pain for the second time in his life.

In the weird mirror, there was a powerful suction that he couldn't resist, pulling his whole body into this ominous mirror.

At this moment, his nerves were tense to the extreme.

The crisis of death gripped his heart tightly. It is very likely that in the next second, if he makes a wrong operation, he will overturn the car and die here unjustly.


Up to this point, there is no need to worry about scaring the snake.

Mark fired with full firepower - he held up the lantern with his left hand, and swung the dazzling evil-slaying light domineeringly, while holding the revolver tightly in his right hand. At the same time, even if it was 'five eight thirty-five', he recognized it, and let the little Byson girl activate the concealment ability without affecting his sanity as much as possible.

However, just after he rushed in like a raging bull.

The first thing he saw was a familiar figure from the back!


Isn't this the armored giant on the train?

Time seemed to stand still.

Of course, Mark is confused on three sides.

The two inside were equally dumbfounded.

Of course, it was the armored giant who spoke first. I don't know if it was an illusion. I thought he was a strong man before. Why does this voice that is so pleasantly surprised sound a bit girly?

"Your Excellency Judge of Light!?"

mark:? ? ?

opposite:? ? ? ?

On the other side, this scene is even more outrageous.

He had already driven his prey to a dead end, and the opponent's armor with holes everywhere was the best proof.

It only takes one more round of attack to bring down the prey.

At the most critical moment, a golden glow lit up behind the target.

As soon as this ray of light, which obviously has the characteristics of light, drove away the yellow radiance of the surrounding nothingness, it declared its arrival domineeringly and thoroughly in this temporarily created abnormal space.

In the shining golden light, he vaguely saw the figure behind the armored giant—a brown round felt hat, an exorcism lantern in his left hand, and a revolver engraved with bright runes in his right hand. No matter the weather was hot or cold, his upper body was always in leather jacket.

This shape is the standard shape of a bright judge!

No wonder the prey surprises!

No wonder the prey is so slow to catch!

This bitch actually found backup early in the morning, and he is still the most damned judge! ?

This mysterious [greedy] priest is going crazy.

After instantly letting his figure disappear into the red mist, his hysterical screams echoed throughout the mirror world.

"Why can't you be obedient and get caught?"

"It is the right thing in the world to dedicate everything to the great [God of Greed]!"

"[Greedy] desire is the driving force for human progress!"

"Why don't you understand?"



The ear-piercing howl kept reverberating in this weird world, and the mysterious power that set off the whole world kept boiling like porridge.

One after another, human remnants appeared around Mark and the armored giant.

It feels a bit like an afterimage, but Mark instinctively feels that this is a ghost who was taken into this world by the [greedy] priest in some way.

Gentlemen skeletons appeared one after another. They only had a handful of bones left, but they wore gorgeous suits. Some skeletons held blooming roses in their mouths, and some skeletons held large cigars in their mouths. Some wore round caps with peacock feathers, and whatever their manner of adornment, their female companions were invariably the phantoms of the most beautiful women in a hundred.

One by one, the skeletons danced to the melodious music with the phantom of a translucent beautiful woman in their arms, and then made various intimate and unbearable movements...

At the same time, the originally empty ground was covered with countless banknotes, ancient gold and silver coins from various countries, and intricate gem decorations.

One after another, the phantoms rushed majestically into the spiritual sea of ​​the armored giant and Mark, testing their spiritual weakness with unimaginably dense mental attacks.

There are both endless temptations and the fear of losing everything.

Mark felt his field of vision split in two.

The upper part of the field of vision is a gorgeous and warm world with ecstasy and frenzy.

The lower half of the horizon seems to have fallen into the dark side of a bustling city.

In the rotten house full of holes, Mark alone endured the cold wind blowing in from various holes and gaps.

The house is bare, there is no food, and there is nothing to keep warm.

The blooming scene in the first half is incompatible with the destitute self.

The whole world is going away from me.

What's the point of me being alive?

Why not...

Just at the critical moment, Mark felt his right arm sink, and immediately an exaggerated explosion sounded in his right ear.


That was... gunshots!

Mark suddenly came back to his senses.

In front of him, the silver armor on the back of the armored giant is as clean as a mirror, clearly reflecting Mark's condition. A flashing bullet is in an abnormally distorted state, bound by several spiritual threads, hovering over his right temple less than one centimeter outside.

Mark felt a burning pain all over his right cheek.

Even though Minnie shot herself at a critical moment and stopped the bullet for him, the burst of holy light still had a considerable burning effect on his skin.

Mark was stunned. If it wasn't for Miss Puppet's action, what was reflected on the armor at this moment would probably be a slumped corpse whose brains were constantly spraying out.

He immediately realized that he still underestimated this sinful priest!

At this time, Mark hadn't realized that not only he, but also his opponent had made a serious mistake—Mark's appearance as a judge really bluffed the opponent.

This resulted in a ridiculous and fatal misjudgment: who is more cost-effective to deal with, a Mechanicus artisan who is about to be knocked down, or a judge with full strength who specializes in dealing with cultists and strange existences?

The answer, of course, is to bring down the armored giant first!

This caused the [Greedy] priest to put most of the power of the psychic attack on the armored giant, and the attack on Mark was only incidental, and more of a diversionary effect.

In fact, Mark had already knelt down, and without Minnie's shot, he would be dead.

But Mark's early awakening gave him a chance to save the armored giant.

At this moment, the armored giant raised the golden long-handled war hammer high, and was about to smash his head with the hammer...

The lantern in Mark's hand shot out a strong white light, focusing on the back of the giant's head, and by the way, he shot the back of the giant's thick right hand armor with his right hand.



When the hammer fell, it was finally smashed crookedly.

The gigantic hammer hit his left shoulder armor, creating an exaggerated dent the size of a washbasin, making his already tattered armor even worse.

If you escaped, you escaped!

When the [Greedy] priest was unable to kill the two with the psychic invasion, his end came.

"There!" In the direction of the light of the lantern, the turbid yellow mist quickly dissipated in the field of vision, leaving a spacious passage.

Originally, the [Greedy] priest still had a chance to escape.

Just as he was about to perform a certain mysterious magic, a hoarse female voice came from behind him for no reason.

"Will you... dance with me?"

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