Mysterious as the Wind, Always With Me

Chapter 51 Evil God! you don't want to...

According to the legend, even the words of the great devil have the power to speak like an edict. Just a word can cause the soul of an ordinary priest of light to be severely injured, thanks to the highly concentrated soul pollutants.

Integrate a huge amount of malicious spiritual energy into the soul, and then shoot it out, polluting the opponent's soul.

This is a typical evil secret technique.

When the lawful camp encounters highly polluted soul energy, the most common method is to cheer up their spirits and forcibly prevent the polluted soul energy from entering their souls. Or the strong man cuts off his arm and cuts off his polluted soul from the main body.

In their concept, only they can strengthen their own soul through meditation and training, and they never thought of devouring other souls to strengthen themselves.

This kind of operation will only be considered by the chaotic and neutral camps.

The crystallization of spiritual power that Mark found in the [Book of the Nether Sea] is the secret technique [blasphemy magic sword] that separates the inhaled soul impurities and stores them as a soul sword!

This kind of operation is a basic exercise for high-level demons and devils.

For humans, it is quite a profound secret technique.

That's why this spiritual crystal is suspended in the abyss of the [Book of the Nether Sea], and no demons will touch it.

Mystic techniques are either the deepest and strongest or the best.

For a newcomer in the mysterious world, the best thing is to be suitable.

Mark had a thought, and suddenly there was an illusory golden sword case outside the colorfully black flying sword, and the flying sword was firmly put in it.

Seeing that Mark had the means to deal with the pollution of ectoplasm, the three girls breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, for three days in a row, Mark successfully tricked seven demons.

Well, the number of Blasphemy Flying Swords has also increased to four.

It's just, how can I not get my shoes wet when I often walk by the beach?

Mark and Byson took turns to seduce, twisting their pure souls and flickering towards the regional channel of the spirit world.

Then, the uncle really came.

On the morning of the fourth day, when Mark recited the incantation of the magic circle with ease, he soon saw a large piece of crimson blood mist with a scorched smell evaporating from the first layer of the magic circle.

The other party did not come out immediately.

Mark quickly understood why.

The blood mist flew by itself in less than three seconds, and together with the blood spirit evil light that was getting more and more abundant in the scarlet magic circle, it swayed around like ink.

"Ah!" Feeling the overwhelming evil spirit in the blood, no matter whether it was Mark or Helena in the mecha, no one dared to take it hard.

The moment the two of them dodged back, the magic circle on the first floor suddenly changed—the blood mist, driven by a strong will, instantly condensed into bloody runes, and they quickly merged into the first floor. In the magic circle, before Mark and others could react, the area of ​​the magic circle tripled.

"This..." Mark's wide eyes were filled with astonishment.

He finally knew why Margaret and Fat Cat warned him one after another, be careful.

Here's why!

The opening of the magic circle you opened is too small for powerful demons to get in. It doesn't matter, the evil spirit will help you open the hole very intimately.

Originally, you thought you were opening a water tap, but it turned out to be a floodgate for a dam.

When the river-like evil gushed out of the magic circle, not to mention Mark, even the brain of Baisen, the bait, was blank.

What appeared in front of them was a five-meter-tall demon. The upper body looks a bit like a tauren, and the lower body is a lot of octopus tentacles.

No one understood why the honor of this demon looked so abstract.

None of this matters.

The crisis has arrived!

Discovering that this powerful demon was waving its tentacles and was about to erase the circle of light that Mark had prepared in advance, Helena drove the mecha and bravely went up to it.

The seemingly three-meter-high mecha is not necessarily inferior in strength to this five-meter demon.

The opponent just raised his red arm and knocked lightly.


Helena flew out obliquely and backwards on the spot.

"Crack!" When flying backwards, her mech smashed three tung trees in the mangrove forest.

It was not possible to be hit into the sea on the spot, and the heavy impact still caused Helena's body to be in severe pain.

Before Mark even had time to ask Helena if she was okay, he saw the other party punching her.

Relying on instinct, he leaned down and dodged dangerously.

The piece behind him has been used by them as a windshield for the past two days. At least a huge boulder weighing five tons rolled and flew into the air like a toy.

"Boom—" The boulder burst into pieces in the air, and countless debris flying into the sea water, blasting an exaggerated water column ten meters high.




The demon roared in devil language, and more than thirty tentacles shot out from its lower body.

This time, no matter how high Mark's dodge ability is, there is no room for him to stand up.

As a last resort, Minnie's spiritual thread shot out from Mark's back, dexterously hung on the tops of several trees in the mangrove forest behind, and actively pulled Mark's body to fly backwards.

Seeing that Mark led Bison back quickly, the demon roared angrily. It was some kind of demonic language that was not widely spread.

This five-meter-high monster suddenly swelled up like an inflated body, becoming three stories high in the blink of an eye, like a 400-ton mining truck, chasing Mark and running over it.

Every tentacle of its lower body lashed against the rocks under it, releasing a huge impact force, and every time it took a step, the rocks shattered one after another.

Leaving the small open space where the ceremony was held is a small mangrove forest growing densely by the sea.

"Crack la la!" Three consecutive big trees, which were hugged by two people, flew and exploded like small building blocks, breaking into several knots in mid-air, and the debris scattered in the shallow water area.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Knowing that the high probability was useless, Mark fired three shots, and the gun hit!

However, no matter whether it was the head or the chest, the red-skinned demon was not broken at all.

Mark saw it clearly, the holy light bullet, which was enough to blow the head of an ordinary demon, also left three shallow white marks on the monster's body.

The centipede lantern was lifted up high, and the bright golden light dazzled the demon for a moment, so that the demon could not open his eyes. In less than 0.5 seconds, the opponent resumed his movements.

It was even more violent, and the tentacles under it suddenly grew longer. These ten-meter-long tentacles beat the trees like a whip, destroying and smashing everything that blocked it.

This exaggerated destructive power made Mark completely give up, and he no longer considered letting Susie the centipede transform into a body.

Compared with the A-level monster and the S-level demon in front of him, the difference in quality is likely to be even bigger than Mark imagined.

In this world, if the other party is stronger than you, it is undoubtedly terrifying.

What's even more frightening is that you don't even know how much stronger the other party is than you.

This kind of disparity like a natural moat, if an ordinary mysterious person encounters it, the rest can only be despair.

Fortunately, Mark bought an insurance policy.

If the situation allowed, he would never make a deal with an evil god, even if it was an evil god who was tossed around like a watchdog and raised casually.

Several times before, he was nothing more than some low-level little demons.

This time he had to do something big.

Finally couldn't help it, he took out the bone machete from the belt behind his waist, waved it in the air, and yelled out the name that was probably taboo:


The bloodthirsty gaze in the red demon's eyes faded away in an instant.

Helena's desperate rushing over suddenly stopped.

A sense of fear rose inexplicably in the hearts of every being present.

No matter which way their eyes were looking a second ago, now, a second later, there is only one focus of their sight-the magic circle that the demon just came out of.

The waves that had been lapping on the shore seemed to have stagnated.

The seabirds that flew away in fear from the mangroves twitched, their muscles convulsed, their bodies lost control, and they fell into the sea.

This small piece of sea area became strange and quiet because of the coming of this terrifying aura.

For the first time since the scarlet demon appeared, it had an expression called fear on its face.

"No! The supreme being, I swear I didn't know he was your family."

He yelled in horror and begged for mercy, but it was too late.

Mark saw the huge pliers that were bigger than the [Mechanical Ascension] again. Even though it was a translucent incorporeal body, as soon as it appeared from the further expanded magic circle, it caught it like lightning. That red demon.

The demon did resist to a considerable extent.

The terrifying soul explosion sound echoed throughout the airspace.

Mark's ears didn't hear it, his soul did.

Helena fainted on the spot, and the heavy mecha fell to the shore.

Mark's eyes were closed tightly, his scalp was numb, and the skin all over his body was tingling. At this moment, his heart accelerated to at least 200 beats per minute.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo—"

He gasped heavily.

After finally recovering his senses, he only saw the monster with the upper body of the tauren and the lower body of an octopus, screaming like a woman, while being pulled into the magic circle by the big pliers, and there was no more sound.

Nothing left.


The thick black spiritual energy is like a prairie fire, spreading all over this small island, and all animals and plants wither and die at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was a mess all around.

Everything fell into silence, the world seemed to calm down, and the scene was as dead as a fire that had been completely burned by a fire.

However, Mark looked up to the sky unwillingly and yelled: "Hey! Bassatan! What about the three or seven points agreed upon?"

A cold and evil voice sounded in his ears.

"Three? I helped you solve a miscellaneous abyss demon general that you can't deal with. You still have the nerve to ask me for your share? Mortal! It's my greatest kindness not to eat you before. I already know you The coordinates of that world. I may not be able to enter that world, but if I want to kill you, I can do it casually. You can help me find snacks in the future. Hahahaha!"

The sinister laughter of the evil god Basatan kept echoing, shaking Mark with the feeling that his soul would be broken at any time.

Sure enough, it would be no good to make a deal with the evil god.

Even if he didn't sign a contract to sell his soul, it didn't mean that he could use a real evil god casually.

Mark's whole body was shaking with anger.

what can he do

What else can he do?

It was originally a verbal agreement, unless he got a god-level contract, who could force a rascal evil god?

Mark is not reconciled!

He decided to cheat Basatan once.

"Hey! Basatan, you don't want your master to find out about your stealing, do you?"

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