At three o'clock this afternoon, Helena found a deserted island.

It was then decided to anchor on the seabed a little closer to the island.

Mark announced one thing: "I can't enjoy so much purified ectoplasm for myself. The level limit of my mysterious sequence determines the upper limit of ectoplasm I can absorb. But you guys, do you want to strengthen your soul? ?”

In fact, Mark mainly said it to Helena.

Byson and Minnie have long been soul-bound to Mark.

Bison is in charge of concealment and does not require much spiritual power.

Minnie's attack and defense are integrated, and her combat power is stronger. Her problem now is not soul expansion, but Mark, the master, must have enough soul power to exert her combat power. In a situation where the servant is strong and the master is weak, if she increases her soul power, it will wear down Mark instead.

When Helena heard this, she felt excited. It is not only because of Mark's appreciation, but also because there are very few opportunities to improve the power of the soul. Any piece of soul equipment that has no major negative effects is a sky-high price in the black market.

It's not that no one has shot the soul medicine made by the demon soul. The key is that there are too many impurities. Using these things can indeed improve the strength in a short period of time. If it goes on for a long time, it will soon lose its wisdom and become a monster.

"I...can I?" Helena's voice trembled slightly.

"If you want to be promoted to a great craftsman, you also have high requirements for soul power?"

"Yes." Helena said like a mosquito humming.

"I don't force you on this matter. After all, soul expansion is very dangerous. The degree of danger of this matter is on the same level as the difficulty of changing the mysterious sequence. If one is not good, it will become a monster. Even if I help you, this matter will fail. The odds are nearly half."

There's one more thing Mark didn't say.

He can indeed help Helena expand her soul, and there is a prerequisite for this, that is, Helena trusts him unconditionally.

Helena looked into Mark's eyes, and saw that the black pupils were clear, without any scheming.

This gave her great courage.

At this moment, she felt that she was the moth to the flame, even if she burned herself to death, she would not hesitate to do so.

She nodded emphatically.

"Then it's settled." Mark took out the purified spirit crystal of the demon general: "In case there are impurities and evil thoughts remaining on it, I will absorb it first and then give it to you. After all, I will put the excess soul impurities Forge [Flying Sword of Blasphemy], you won't."


At this moment, the sun is fierce, and the twelve bright moons are dimmed under the brilliance of the sun.

The sunlight shone through the round glass porthole on Helena's wheat-colored skin, and even the fine hair on her arms could be clearly seen.

When things came to an end, Helena became a little bit shy.

Thinking that Mark had saved her, or twice, she went all out, closed her eyes, felt the pulse of the soul, and could clearly feel that a bigger and more fiery soul was approaching.

At first, as the opponent's spirit body approached, Helena had the illusion that her breathing began to become short of breath.

The longer she was immersed in the darkness, the clearer her heart became. She clearly 'saw' that a two-finger-thick spiritual bridge was built, and a small white soul crystal as small as a little finger slowly came across.

After taking it lightly, even if she was mentally prepared early in the morning, when this highly concentrated soul crystal suddenly melted in her spirit body, she still felt that it was getting more and more difficult to breathe, and her eyes slowly began to blur.

This is like a person can easily drink 600ml of coffee, but it is difficult to swallow 200g of concentrated coffee powder raw.

This is called indigestion.

"Woo!" Helena snorted, couldn't help opening her mouth wide, and breathed hard.

It's a pity that physical actions can't change the condition of the spirit body. This terrible feeling is like a large amount of paste choking into her two lungs.

That terrible feeling of suffocation made her feel that her eyes would go dark in the next moment, and her soul would fall into the abyss of complete destruction.

At the critical moment, Mark intervened strongly.

Facing the most swollen part of her spiritual body, it was just that light swipe.

A brilliant blow!

It's like cutting lotus root, not all cut off, leaving a lot of lotus root shreds.

"Don't be distracted! Imagine growing more filaments on the split part of your spirit body, and re-sew the gap!" Mark's scolding sound echoed in Helena's soul world.

The essence of the soul is a highly concentrated spiritual energy body.

One's own soul is of course driven by oneself.

Helena fantasized that on the edge of the soul opening that was so thin that it seemed to be broken at any time, more spiritual threads stretched out, they grasped each other, knotted with the opposite partner, and connected into long and short Different spirits.

And the dense spiritual threads are combined to form a net.

If the net is further filled, it will become a big soul patch.

Helena's operation can't be said to be very good, at least above the standard.

Mark was overjoyed: "Okay! The next sword is coming."


A series of operations is magical.

Helena felt that she had cut open her own flesh, and then forced the body to grow new muscle fibers and skin to cover the wound again.

Just coming and going, her spirit body changed from the original egg size to the size of an apple.

When she came to her senses and opened her eyes, everything was done.

"Sorry, I'm not very proficient in the technique. Fortunately, the process went smoothly. Next, you need to slowly strengthen the boundary of your spirit body, and then fill the spirit body with spiritual power."

"Thank you... there is one more thing. When I was in contact with the soul just now, I saw some... fragments of the past... You are indeed the young master of a famous family."

Mark was speechless, and he kept the memory of his time traveler very well. I can't hold back the memory fragments of the dead ghost flying all over the sky.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to peek." Helena lowered her head in shame.

In order to maintain the personality, Mark said helplessly: "Perhaps the Destiny family is indeed a famous family in the Illuminati Church. But I am just an abandoned son who was abandoned by my grandfather and was not allowed to inherit the family business. All I can think about is Abandon the family and go it alone."

"Eldest young master... I, I will fully support you." Helena's chin was almost buried in her chest, her voice buzzing.

Mark patted Helena's right arm lightly: "Don't look outside, I won't allow you to call me young master."

Who knew that such a touch would make her panic even more.

"Good young master, yes, young master."

Mark was embarrassed, and had no choice but to change the subject: "You have worked so hard for so long, why don't you spend it extravagantly and wipe yourself off."

It was only then that Helena realized that when her soul was expanded just now, her body reacted greatly, and she was sweating stinkingly, almost turning into sweat paste and sticky.

She screamed and ran out of the hatch.

Mark rubbed his eyebrows and smiled wryly.

As a time traveler living in the modern celestial dynasty, I don't feel that humble at all. But people in this world attach great importance to inheritance. The first son is responsible for inheriting the family business and will always be superior to others. The second and third sons have to get out of the house to support themselves when they are raised.

As for illegitimate children, they have no human rights. Thank goodness for the parents to eat.

Mark really didn't know how to deal with Helena's deep-seated humbleness.

"Forget it, let it be."

Here, Mark is methodically preparing for the [Blood Moon Baptism]. In places he didn't know, there were also a group of people preparing.

In the Church of Light, old Destiny paced back and forth in his office a little anxiously.

In front of him, a group of regional bishops headed by Albert lined up with their heads bowed.

"How dare that bastard Nadal!?"

The old man roared, and none of the disciples below dared to speak. They look at me, I look at you, and in the end Albert was pushed out secretly.

"Teacher, are you sure that Master Mark is still alive?"

"Of course, my soul connection with him has never been broken."

This is where old Destiny gets sulky. It's okay for the grandson who has been ignored by him to be mediocre, but who knows that he suddenly rises extremely powerfully.

The S-level world was defeated in the academy, the high crime priest was killed twice in the train battle and the Mishuer mansion, and then news suddenly came out from San Kasao City that someone had escaped from the [Book of the Nether Sea].

People who don't have a complete picture of the chain of events, of course, don't feel it, and don't even associate it together.

Due to the highly consistent time, place, and methods, the old Destiny is a sophisticated figure, and he calculated all the tracks that Mark thought to be secret at once.

This allowed him to pat his chest and shout: My grandson of Lao De is no ordinary genius! He is a genius among geniuses!

Precisely because he was sure that Mark would most likely encounter such a shitty thing as [Blood Moon Baptism], Lao De decided to buy insurance for his grandson——he found the youngest and most promising female punisher in the history of the Church of Evernight [Vivienne Carlos] .

As early as the age of 16, she single-handedly hunted down a well-known A-level demon on the most wanted list, and became famous in the Church of Evernight.

At the age of 18, she already has the reputation of [Midnight Silver Light].

For the sake of his grandson, he put down his old face and asked Albert to go over to check his mouth, to see if the other party could help take care of Mark if he ran into Mark during the blood moon baptism.

Unexpectedly, the other party turned out to be a collateral child of his political enemy Nadal family.

The Nadal family took the opportunity to open their mouths, asking for the positions of two regional bishops, and they did not guarantee that they would protect Mark.

This made Lao De very angry.

Albert approached, and whispered: "Teacher, I heard that the girl is quite arrogant, so why not take a gamble?"

"How to bet?"

"Master Mark has hidden his whereabouts. Even the night watchman and the punisher can't find him. This means that he obviously has his own thoughts. Judging from his actions, he will never be diverted to the evil camp. We We can’t afford to lose, and so do they. Why don’t we take the Nadal family back. Anyway, the young master’s chance of surviving is definitely greater than that over there.”

Old De thought for a while: "Okay!"

Not long after, the Nadal family received news.

Young Bishop Juan Nadal summoned Vivian.

"Bishop, are you looking for me?"

"Last time about the Destiny boy..."

"I said that in that damned place [Blood Moon Baptism], I have problems protecting myself, and I don't have time to be a nanny." Although the female punisher's face was hidden in the shadows, she did not hide the sullen eyes.

"No... They said that if you can't hold on, you can turn to that young master for help. As a price, our Nadal family needs to withdraw from the election of two regional bishops."

"Huh?" Vivian was really angry.

She really wanted to question the other person face to face-are you polite?

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