The monster made by this [greedy] teaching made a lot of noise.

In this piece of hanging ruins surrounded by blood, even a few kilometers apart, almost exhausting the eyesight of several chosen ones, the scene of [Greedy] believers attacking Mark was still witnessed.

A super fat man who weighed at least four hundred catties kept taking out all kinds of food from the huge wooden barrel under his left arm and stuffed them into his bloody mouth, while smiling cheerfully: "Hahaha! Which family is so unlucky that angered [Greed], and actually let those idiots not seek victory, and directly sent [Greedy Chaos Demon] to snipe? This is a good show."

While he was talking, he had devoured two hamburgers, three hot dogs, two baked potatoes...

On the other side, the two gray-robed men witnessed the scene where [Greedy] believers used their souls as fuel, turned into meteors, crossed space, and slammed into them fiercely.

A woman lost her voice: "What is that?"

A man snorted coldly: "[Greedy]! I heard that the Church of Light and Night recently killed [Greedy] people. It's all right now, revenge is coming. In this chaotic world, how can we uphold justice? It's that simple, they have spent too much combat power in the extraordinary war against the evil camp. The only way is to keep reincarnation and accumulate strength."

"Been taught a lesson."

However, before the man finished speaking, he just felt the chaotic aura of the [Greedy One] rise to its peak, and everything came to an abrupt end.

This time, the man couldn't hide the shock on his face at all.

"What's wrong?" the woman asked.

"[Greedy]... was killed!" The man's voice trembled.

"That's a [Greedy Chaos Demon]? If it's a senior, you can kill it, right?"

"Of course I can." The man seemed to want to argue, but he was discouraged immediately: "But I definitely can't kill such a powerful Chaos monster in one shot. What's more frightening is that the person who killed [Greedy Chaos Demon] in a second didn't even burst out his breath That's it."

The man and woman gasped almost at the same time - this proves that the man didn't exert any effort at all!

They looked at each other and said in unison: "Once we meet! Go around!"

The third group of witnesses was a white horse knight holding a horse bow. If you observe carefully, you will find that his mount is a translucent soul horse.

White horse, white clothes and white armor, but this white knight has crazy flames that outsiders can't imagine in his eyes.

"Hehe! Hehe! Haha! Hahahaha! [Blood Moon Baptism] is really interesting! Sure enough, such a powerful opponent is worthy of my conquest! Hahahaha!"

The night owl's eerie laughter was blown away by the cold wind that ran through the floating ruins not long after it spread.

And outside the world in the blood moon, countless forces are watching the strange sky.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is just another ordinary night.

Only the extraordinary can see that the 12 bright moons in the sky are all covered with scarlet blood.

Sitting on the armchair in front of the window, the old Destiny's face was sinking like water, and several of his disciples were discussing quietly beside him. In their view, the Blood Moon Ceremony has just begun, and it shouldn't change so quickly.

Suddenly, Albert discovered that there was a blood moon and a total lunar eclipse suddenly appeared.

"This is...【Greedy】is gone?"

After so many [Blood Moon Baptisms], the major churches have already had experience. Among the 12 blood moons, if there is a total lunar eclipse on any blood moon, it means that the son of heaven of a certain family has fallen.

When the blood moon was bright, no one knew which young talent was selected.

During a total lunar eclipse, you will see the emblem of that family instead.

A golden pocket, this must be [greedy]. Because it represents their greed that can never be satisfied.

Seeing this abnormal state, even though he was as calm as Lao De, there was an unconcealable joy on his face.

They have long received the news that [Greed], who has few talents this year, is preparing to launch suicide revenge on their church.

The operation of a normal church is nothing more than letting one's own candidates try their best to kill the good seedlings of the enemy and keep themselves.

Cults obviously have a different way of thinking—I don’t have good seedlings, if you find a way to destroy your good seedlings, then everyone will be back on the same starting line.

In order to retaliate, the church of [Greed] can kill three A-level demons or strong men at all costs, and send their own human flesh bombs into the [Blood Moon Baptism].

Once it captures the aura of the enemy, such as someone who recently killed [Greedy], this Chaos Demon will burn its soul, cross the boundary of space, and immediately launch the bloodiest revenge.

This was what Lao De and the others were most worried about.

Observing the blood moon from the outside, it is impossible to know who killed the [Greedy] person.

That didn't stop them from celebrating.

Who knows why the [Greedy] candidate died. But when the enemy is dead, I should laugh three times!


Mark didn't know about the commotion outside.

Looking at the blood and flesh that rained down like a torrential rain, he retreated a long way, panting heavily.

He was very lucky in the fight just now.

This kind of chaotic monster that harms others and does not benefit oneself, not to mention that he is just a Doctor Who of Sequence 7, if he is replaced by a combat-type Transcendent of Sequence 6, there is a high probability that he will not be able to please.

People are from the explosion.

I don't want my life, and my soul is not good, just to tease you.

In this case, no matter how strong your strength is, you will still have a headache.

Mark's greatest luck is holding 【Basatan's Machete】. This token of the evil god seems to have a miraculous effect on dealing with the attacks of the tentacle system.

More powerful evil thoughts have a strong suppression effect on low-level evil thoughts.

The other is [Flying Sword of Blasphemy].

Frankly speaking, this thing may not be very powerful against the strong in the lawful camp. Because most of the lawful camps have strict protection secrets.

The [Flying Sword of Blasphemy], which is essentially soul impurities and pollutants, has just destroyed the control of the Chaos Demon's body, and only then has its soul core been exposed.

As for the last knife...

It's not so much that Mark missed it miraculously, it's better to say that the machete wanted to cut the soul core.

Well, crabs are omnivores.

Basatana is really not picky.

After Mark confirmed that the Chaos Demon had completely belched, he carried the centipede lamp and walked over purifying it all the way. When he took back the machete, he froze for a moment.

He found a rectangular metal card about the size of a palm on the ground, with a strange red soul glow lingering on it.

When Mark picked it up carefully, something even more miraculous happened—the four sides of this blood-red card formed a blood-colored carved outline like a cream cake lace, and an image appeared in the middle, which was the Greedy Card that Mark just killed. Chaos Demon.

"this is……"

Before Mark could react, he was frightened (happy) again and again.

Right next to the card in his hand, two red lights burst out suddenly, and before he could react, two similar blood-colored cards floated in parallel in mid-air one meter above the ground.

Mark's pupils shrank suddenly.

He was no stranger to the faces of the other two cards, they were the two [greedy] priests he and Helena jointly killed!

Below the patterns of the three cards, there is a piece of Gulet language text. Although he is an ancient literature student, he can't understand it, but this does not prevent him, as a time traveler and a veteran game player, from understanding - he got it There is a small card group called [Greedy].

sky! I have traveled to another world, and I can still meet a card player?

Wait, isn't there a so-called [big crime] deck?

Why didn't anyone tell me that the blood moon baptism is actually a game of death that kills the enemy and turns the enemy into a card?

So who do you end up playing against?

Evil God?

No wonder it was a blood moon baptism, not a red moon baptism.

Mark thought of many things at once, which made his mind a little messy.

"Mark, what's the matter with you?"

"Are you OK?"

Minnie and Byson asked in low voices.

"I'm fine, but there will probably be a series of battles next."

"It's fine." Minnie breathed a sigh of relief, "Where shall we go next?"

Undecided, destiny dice.

Mark said to the dice: 1 to 7 go to the left, 8 to 13 go to the middle, 14 to 20 go to the right.

Then the dice gave him the whole 20.

Mark's left and right eyelids twitched, and he was left speechless.

Sure enough, good things can only be obtained by sacrificing one's life.

Crazy disgust in my heart, but my body is very upright.


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