Mysterious as the Wind, Always With Me

Chapter 78 Who is in the atmosphere (1 more)

Loyalty is not absolute, it is not loyal.

Piety is not absolute, it is pagan.

Mark is very clear that a socialist successor like himself has believed in materialism since he was a child. Even if he is killed, he cannot become the favorite fanatic of the gods. If he wants to climb up, he must find another way.

As one of the most powerful gods in the world, is the twin goddess a fanatic?

The answer is obviously no shortage!

From the memory of the original owner, we can know that in the past three hundred years, the gods of all walks of life have responded less and less to the prayers of believers. The point is that there are fewer and fewer mortals who are qualified to enter the kingdom of gods.

In the past hundred years, except for the contemporary high priests or amazing talents, basically no one can become the family of the gods, enter the kingdom of God, and enjoy the eternal life and happiness advocated by the major sects.

Instead, he knew from his grandfather's few words that the gods opened up space cracks one after another, storing the souls of powerful mortal warriors in them and becoming heroic spirits.

Jump out when necessary and fight for the gods.

Well, it sounds nice, but the spirit quality of a heroic spirit will slowly dissipate and eventually annihilate.

Compared with the theoretically immortal warrior of the gods [Battle Angel], there is a clear difference in rank.


Devout believers would never ask why.

If materialists look at it from a scientific point of view, they can get an inference—the Kingdom of God, which is preached to have supreme glory and happiness, should have an upper limit of volume.

The servants of the gods are crowded to a certain extent, and there is no way to welcome newcomers without giving up some people.

Moreover, the essence of the gods is mostly highly concentrated spiritual energy bodies. Mark infers that most of the gods need the belief of mortals, and the spiritual power produced is transformed into spiritual matter, which is supplemented into the kingdom of God.

That's why the upper class is always a minority.

This kind of pyramid structure is universal in any world.

As a high-ranking person, if he can make the middle layer bigger, that would be great.

The twin goddesses who are the most powerful in this world and answer the prayers of believers most frequently are only at this level, not to mention other weaker gods.

So here comes the problem.

Why can Mark, a cute newcomer who only has Sequence 7, win the favor of the twin goddesses?

Just because he is handsome?

Just because of his 'amazing talent'?

Or did he shock the God Realm with his song "The Lonely Brave"?

No! No way! No matter how you think about it, it's wrong!

The Gemini Goddess is not the music goddess who said, "I have nothing to do today, let's listen to music in the theater". How could it be so superficial?

After Mark thought it over, he realized: After all, it was the Basatan's machete that attracted the Twin Goddesses.

He can play the magic circle of summoning spirits, fish in the spirit world, and quickly increase his own strength.

Why can't the twin goddesses?

The twin goddesses absolutely despise mere demon generals, but what about a real evil god?

Great tonic!

Granted, Mark can live without the Gemini goddesses.

As the banner of a kind and lawful camp, the Gemini Goddesses probably wouldn't rob them by force. Even if they were gods, if they dared to do this, wouldn't they be afraid that the shifting of their camps would cause their divine power system to collapse?

Even if it is a god, it will not be much better if you change the camp to play off, compared with Galian.

It's just that Mark is not a twin goddess, and his cheap grandfather and second uncle's family will be miserable.

It's not easy for them to deal with outsiders, and they can't give face to their little brother?

Mark tactfully presented Basatan's beacon, not only can take the opportunity to try to solve his nightmare problem, but also rely on the wharf to hold some peeps at him, and help his cheap family by the way.

The most important thing is... Basatan, a shit crab, doesn't follow the rules.

Mark didn't hate it so much the last time it traded seriously.

Forget about this cheap crab wanting to swallow the soul of the demon general. Last time, he wanted to enslave him for free work.

Who can bear this?

Last time Mark was able to rely on its unknown master to threaten it, and somehow stopped the deterioration of the situation.

What about next time?

When Basatan comes to sneak attack next time without talking about martial arts, but follows the network cable, oh no, he comes to trick him along the passage of the spirit world, then what should we do?


Must sell!

At least let the goddess of the night go to explore the way and weigh the other party's weight.

Wouldn't it be better if the backstage boss facing him was actually Mark's compatriot and stronger than Evernight Goddess?

No matter how bad someone is, he can be a leader!

Anyway, Mark didn't feel guilty about selling the world.

Once the two sides meet, no matter what happens, Mark is the real sure profit.

This wave! It's Evernight on the fifth floor, and Mark is on the atmosphere!

After Mark refused to directly join the Church of Evernight, he untied the crab machete at his waist with 'very wit', swung it horizontally, and offered it with both hands.

"This is a sacrifice agreed with Ms. Hei Ye. However, can you please contact Ms. Hei Ye, Your Excellency, and there are some details that I would like to explain to the goddess in person."

Knight was slightly surprised. He summoned a priest of the night to take the machete, and then nodded: "I can pray for you. But I declare in advance that the great lady of the night will not answer every prayer."

Mark bowed humbly: "It's natural."

The ceremony soon began.

As a kind and lawful righteous god, the Goddess of the Night does not require any bloody sacrifices in her prayer ceremony. In front of Mark, it is just Nat and the four priests of the Night kneeling in front of the altar made by Moyu, speaking in Gulet Shout out the holy name of Lady Evernight, and explain the purpose of Mark's visit, and Lady Evernight will come...

The smoothness of the ceremony made Knight, who is the [Whip of the Night], feel incredible.

The Evernight Goddess would usually respond to his prayers as the spokesperson of the mortal world, but how long it took to respond depended on whether the Evernight Goddess happened to be free, or how much she attached importance to the matter.

Generally speaking, the Evernight Goddess is much lazier than her sister. Unless there is a major crisis, she will not talk to Knight within an hour. She prays tonight and responds the next night.

After Knight finished praying, just as he was about to tell Mark to wait patiently, the cold divine power descended.

Thick black fog poured out from every corner of the hall, instantly drowning out all the light. For the followers of the night, this feeling is like soaking in a hot spring, not only is it not cold, but also has a slight sense of warmth.

As a matter of course, there was no need to release any divine power and coercion. Every believer in the night in the hall bowed deeply, prostrated themselves on the ground, and paid the highest respect to their goddess.

For an outsider like Mark, this situation is really a bit scary. He lost almost all his vision, he couldn't see his fingers, and his whole body was wrapped in black mist.

The only thing that can be seen against the black background is a gray slim figure and a pair of deep and mysterious black pupils.

Clear, bright, as if you can see anywhere in the deepest part of your soul at a glance.

"Oh? It's Mark! I didn't expect you to come so soon." The ethereal voice, as soft as honey, fully revealed that the goddess was in a happy mood.

"I'm just here to fulfill my promise to you, the goddess." Mark behaved quite decently.

"Nate said that you have something to report directly, so just say it."

Mark didn't know whether Knight and the others could hear it. This was not what he needed to care about. He bowed deeply: "Ms. Evernight, this evil god's token is connected with an evil god in the shape of a giant crab, named [Basatan]! It is not our Any evil god known in this world..."

Ever since he happened to meet Basatan in [The Book of the Nether Sea], Mark almost knew everything about Basatan's situation, including that the other party was in a state of being bound and enslaved.

The only thing Mark subconsciously ignores is that the other party is likely to be enslaved by his compatriots.

However, Mark spends more time indignantly portraying the other party's bad faith and other bad things.

"Anyway, Goddess, please be extremely careful, the other party is despicable and shameless, and there is likely to be a stronger evil god behind him."

In fact, the second half is all nonsense, and a lot of content is repeated, but it is necessary and nutritious nonsense.

A kid who recruited evil gods without hesitation, and ran away after making a fortune. It is fake to have no tricks, but it is unreasonable to be too scheming and have too much common sense about the gods. Even if Mark is a believer in the God of Knowledge, then It is also impossible to know similar divine power rules. This is beyond the scope of knowledge available to mortals.

Mark is very grateful that he is a time traveler.

Before he crossed over, he really never thought that the knowledge about gods and spirits he had read in games and novels would actually be the truth when he came to another world.

This made him wonder what a powerful world the earth is...

The Evernight Goddess narrowed her eyes into a crescent shape, and she happily listened to all Mark's statements before she finally said:

"Mark Destiny, thank you for your confession and dedication. I have already removed the imprint of Basatan's soul on your body. As for your reward, even if you are my believer, I will not hesitate , not to mention that you are a believer in the God of Knowledge. How about this, you state your request, Knight will help you choose three S-level Extraordinary items from the Treasury of the Night, and you can choose one. Other things, Just tell Knight, and he will try to accommodate your request."

Dealing with the outer gods is the domain of the gods, and there is no need for the goddess of the night to talk nonsense with Mark. Rather, she listened to Mark's statement for so long in order to ascertain the information.

With this patience, should she be praised as the leading god who won a big victory in the last era?

Since the goddess was going to flash, Mark would not hold back. After saluting, he let the surrounding black mist dissipate.

The altar returned to calm again, but Mark could feel the sights from around him.

For believers in the night, being able to communicate with the main god they fanatically believe in for so long is a kind of supreme happiness.

Fortunately, Mark did not enter the Church of Evernight, otherwise it would not be envy, but envy, jealousy and hatred.

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