Mysterious as the Wind, Always With Me

Chapter 80: Proposal of Cursing (3 more)

Returning to the side hall just now, Mark spoke first: "Your Excellency Knight, please don't use honorific titles from now on. My grandfather is of the same generation as you. I am very uncomfortable that you always use honorific titles."

"Then... alright!" Knight represented the Evernight Goddess before making a deal with Mark, an outsider. Since the goddess ordered Mark to be a guest of honor, Knight naturally followed suit.

The transaction arranged by the Goddess is over. Mark is now asking for help from the Church of Evernight, and it is somewhat inappropriate to speak in the tone of a VIP.

Mark returned to his seniority, just to build relationships, and Knight was also happy to relax.

Mark made a personal request. He took out the [Remnant of the Valkyrie] card and told Knight about his nightmare.

Knight pondered: "This kind of curse-like dream is very difficult to deal with. The curse is like a messy ball of thread. If the premise of 'doing no serious damage to your soul' is the solution, you need to find the end of the thread. Unravel this ball of thread with great care."

Mark held his chin: "Deep into the dream world, find the key nodes or items inside, and then destroy the connection between the dream and my soul?"

"Yes! According to what you said, you can't bring all supernatural items, even [abnormal] existences connected to your soul into your dreams. This means that this is a terrible spell that directly hits the source of the soul, at least S-level technique."

"Be specific."

"To some extent, it is a kind of luck that you were drawn into the original nightmare of the blood moon card in your hand. Because the root is in your own hands. If it is bad, you will be drawn into the place where your soul was at that time , In a cursed dream designated by an enemy, that is the situation that needs to be avoided the most."

So far, Knight has confirmed that Mark has a treasure that can shield the breath of fate. Without that stuff, Mark would definitely be worse off.

Of course Knight wouldn't say it, he turned to say: "Your Excellency, please recall that the caster has not only seen you, but has also been very close to you. If it is an A-level caster, he must at least stay close to you." For more than five minutes, and stare at you."

The first thing Mark thought of was the arrogant and cowardly man in white.

Knight added: "The caster of this spell died shortly after seeing you. Only by using his own soul as firewood, and lighting a signal beacon in the spirit world, and notifying his own members, can this spell be upgraded to S rank .”


Not the man in white!

Mark had to put his suspicions on the two dead reincarnation believers and the skinny cloaked man.

Mark put forward a hypothesis: "What if, I mean what if... I kill the caster who is still hurting me?"

"Although Ma Shanguo, Ms. Night, will publicly announce her asylum to you, it doesn't mean that Ms. Night will definitely launch a war of gods for you, especially between the orthodox churches." Knight reminded Mark: "On the other hand, The other party dare not continue to deepen your curse. Because it means that it will anger Lady Evernight."

Mark settled for the next best thing: "So, if I crack the nightmare, will it trigger a backlash or something?"

The corners of Knight's mouth were grinning, revealing his white teeth. There was no blood, but his expression was bloodthirsty: "Cursing is essentially an evil way to forcibly change the fate of the other party. If the other party cracks the dream of bad luck, then play with fate." Those who are born will definitely suffer the most merciless backlash from fate. Hehe! The backlash of the S-level curse must be very exciting..."

After listening to the speeches of one of the best experts in the world, Mark felt relieved.

"What if I want to ask the Evernight Church for help?"

"With the permission of Ms. Night, we can send an expert on curses to find a way to enter your dreams. Please note that every cursed dream in the world is unique, and S-level nightmares are extremely dangerous. We cannot I promise you nothing, only promise to do my best."

"Okay! I can hold on, I'll try."

A certain person has too many memories that may not be clear. If an outsider is let in, no one can be sure what will happen.

You have a choice, it's better to do it yourself.

The last topic, on the contrary, is relatively simple. Mark proposed to be affiliated with the Evernight Church.

It might be a little troublesome to switch to other professions.

Fortunately, Doctor Who is a typical professional counterpart.

Most orthodox churches that need to solve [anomalies] and demons have a tradition of hiring occultists as consultants.

Regardless of whether Mark comes or not, the night watchman squad and judges who are busy on the front line will always need a large number of mystic scholars to help.

An internship contract with a monthly salary of 12,000 Wright dollars was signed, and Mark was a consultant hired by the Church of Evernight, and he was officially registered with the Church of Evernight.

It was not until this moment that Mark digested the benefits brought by [Blood Moon Baptism].

"Okay, your grandpa wants to see you. What do you think?" Nate had a wicked smile on his lips.

"Then... let's meet. Shall I go to the Great Holy Church of Light?"

Knight's smirk became more obvious: "Oh! Dear Mr. Destiny, have you forgotten? Ms. Guangming publicly expressed her dislike for you. You were the greatest disrespect to her in the past!"

Knight's damn translator's voice gave Mark the urge to take off his shoes and throw them in his face.

This product is intentional!

Knowing how outrageous it is that the big boss of the Light God Cult actually gave birth to a grandson of the Dark Night family, he deliberately entertained him here.

Obviously, this [Whip of the Night] has been pretending to be serious for so long, and now that Mark is in the pit, there is no need to pretend.

Well, at least this guy is more genuine than those hypocrites.

Mark had a feeling of being out of breath.

Knight left, patting him affectionately on the shoulder before leaving.

Because of Mark's special status, even if it is an internship contract, he needs to be directly responsible to Knight just like the judge.

Knight was already his nominal boss.

Mark, who stayed in the side hall, didn't wait long, and the gorgeous black background and gold-rimmed door slowly opened, making a clear "squeak" sound.

Two old acquaintances entered.

One is Bishop Albert, whom Mark is no stranger to, and the other is the grandfather that Mark should be more familiar with——Antoine Destiny.

Looking at this gray-haired old man with beards and a round face like a Buddha, Mark ignored the luxurious clothes on his body and greeted him in an awkward low voice: "Grandpa."

A simple title, but it made the old man feel like he would burst into tears at any time.

The old Destiny was three meters away from Mark, stretched out his wrinkled hands, and approached step by step: "Mark, can I...can I touch you?"

The long and broken memories of the original owner came to Mark's mind.

The relationship between the two grandparents is not only bad, it is extremely bad.

In the eyes of the dead ghost, it was the unkind grandfather who passed on the high-ranking salary that should have been passed on to his father and then to his mediocre second uncle.

When he was still at home, the dead ghost had a quarrel with his grandfather. To be precise, he cursed the old man crazily, and the old man accepted everything like a doormat.

After 'running away from home', the dead ghost Mark, who had no ability to earn a living, lived a luxurious life by relying on the remittances from his grandfather.

Relying on his good family background and a handsome face, this guy is doing well in the low-level aristocratic circle.

Putting it on the earth, this is a satellite launched into the sky, and it will only repeat a sentence "Get some money! Get some money!"

Over the years, out of guilt, Lao De tried his best to meet all the requirements of this rebellious grandson, until the dead ghost Mark died of fright at the Le Mans Manor.

Seriously, Mark has nothing against this cheap grandpa.

On the other hand, he was afraid that this big man of the Light God Sect would find out that his grandson had been swapped. Although there is the cover of damage to the soul, the less uncontrollable factors the better.

He cruelly rejected the old man's request, pointed to the seat in front of him, and said flatly, "Sit down."

Lao De's enthusiasm was ruthlessly interrupted again, he was really uncomfortable, but his disciple secretly pulled his elbow.

Lao De suddenly came to his senses: Praise the light! This has been the best attitude my grandson has had in years.

His expression is a bit wonderful: he should want to cry, but also feel happy, there is a kind of contradictory expression mixed with crying and laughing on his face.

The two masters and apprentices sat down, and Lao De said slowly: "Grandpa knows I'm sorry for you, but back then I really needed an adult heir..."

Before he finished speaking, Mark raised his hand and made a stop gesture: "Stop talking. That's a thing of the past. I don't want to hear it anymore. Anyway, I have been hated by the goddess of light, let alone inherit your so-called family business .Isn't this all good for everyone?"


"I'm already a 'collateral' of the Destiny family." Mark said emphatically, and the other person understood immediately: "I am a person who is disgusted by Ms. Guangming. Even if you want me to change my surname, I have no objection. How about just This way..."

"No, no, no! The teacher definitely didn't mean that." Albert was going out to help the teacher with the thunder: "In fact, the teacher has always cared about you. When you had an accident at Le Mans Manor, he also instructed me to come to rescue you as soon as possible. Teacher, he was really forced by political enemies back then..."

Mark's expression of "you don't want to listen to the scriptures, don't listen to it", coupled with the cold eyes, made Albert's voice quiet down.

Lao De dejectedly said, "Mark, what do you have to do to forgive grandpa."

The film star Mark stood up excitedly, waving his arms violently, his eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth: "Forgiveness is impossible! I will never forgive you in my life! Calling you grandpa is already my biggest concession. If it weren't for your ruthless deprivation My future is ruined, can I come out and work hard? Can I curse the enemy with death?"

"You... are you cursed?"

Mark looked angry: "Yes! S-level bad luck death curse, are you happy? If I die, I won't affect you and Uncle Er!"

Old De's face was pale, but in the next second, he stood up, and his figure suddenly became extremely tall and stalwart: "No! Wait! I'll ask Knight again. I couldn't keep your dad last time. I will definitely do it this time." Keep yours! Mark, trust Grandpa! I will definitely..."

Mark didn't seem to listen, and turned around to leave, which made Lao De miserable. Albert next to him couldn't bear to look directly at him.

Who knows, when Mark walked to the gate, he suddenly turned his head and said in a low voice: "If I can't die this time, you will find me to do business in the future, for the sake of the blood of the Destiny family, I will I'll give you a discount."

After all, this time he really slammed the door and left.

The old Destiny was sad and moved, and finally a thousand words turned into a sigh.


ps: There is one more update before 12 o'clock in the evening

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