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On the platform of Qingqiyunhai, the Court Managers and the others have been paying attention to the battle, and at a certain moment, they suddenly noticed that the Heavenly Secrets at Shangchen Heaven had stopped.

Lin Court Manager walked two steps before, glanced at the depths of the void, thought for a while, turned around and said: “Shangchen Heaven must be because I am waiting for the oppression and are overwhelmed, and I need to draw all my strength to stop the people. So I stopped Heavenly Secrets and calculated the two Court Managers. This is a great opportunity.”

Dai Gonghan nodded, said: “In that case, that thing can be done.”

They have discussed some strategies against Shangchen Heaven before, but there are a lot of difficulties in implementing them, especially the Heavenly Secrets calculations can always detect some clues.

No matter how good the strategy is, people need to execute it. If the opponent detects that they are in danger, it is better to move forward obediently and honestly, but since there is no Heavenly Secrets countermeasures, then they can. Try to pick it up again.

Court Manager Lin called the daoist of Ming Zhou to come over and said: “Ming Zhou, you go to the two Court Managers, Zhong and Chong, and ask them to act according to the strategy we discussed earlier.”

Tomorrow daoist a chief inspector, led the order.

Lin Court Manager said again: “The situation ahead is also very important. It’s okay to say from the Righteous Purity fellow daoist, but Zhang Shouzheng needs a little attention, I think so…” Then he said his opinion, and then Said: “Dear Court Manager, Grandson Court Manager, what do you two think?”

Dai Gonghan said: “Lin Court Manager’s words are justified. For the sake of the overall situation, when it is not conservative at the moment, it is time to let go.”

The Changsun Qian said indifferently: “I have no opinion, as long as it is beneficial to Celestial Xia and the overall situation, I can do anything.”

Court Manager Lin said: “Okay, then I will ask you Court Managers to decide on this.”

In the void, Zhang Yu looks at the boundless golden wave of dust and sand pouring toward him. He knew in his heart that although he had successfully attracted Shangchen Heaven’s attention at this moment, he also had to bear more pressure.

If this corner of him collapses, then Shangchen Heaven will turn his head and use these powers to deal with his Profound Venerable Yu. They must persist long enough to win opportunities for others, and at the same time, they can’t go back. So at this moment, He is still continuing to clash inside.

He can perceive that the person who controls the golden sand has obviously not reached the point where it can be used freely. There is always a difference in thickness between the surrounding golden sand, and he can pass through the weak, and he can also move Wandering, mobilizing the gold sand back and forth, thereby tearing open the gap.

At the same time, he is still trying to see if he can attract more clear air.

While walking away, he suddenly heard something coming from Xuntian Dao Chapter, so he went up, but found that it was the rumor that Court Manager was wearing, and he said, “Wear Court Manager, can you take photos? “

Dai Court Manager said positively: “Zhang Shouzheng, Profound Court considers that you are persevering or difficult in front of you. Therefore, after discussing it, it is decided that I will teach you some use methods about the clear sky. Hope You can write it down.”

Zhang Yu’s heart moved slightly, he replied: “Dai Court Manager, please say.”

This is a rare opportunity. He knows very well that if it weren’t for the timing and conditions, he wouldn’t be able to teach this way as he is now upright. Perhaps even if he became a Court Manager, he wouldn’t know. These ones.

At this time, he felt that the sound of a chime-like sound was transmitted through Dao Chapter through Xuntian Dao Chapter. Upon careful observation, the chime-like sound seemed to be formed by the flow and rotation of the clear sky, and at the same time, it was passed along with many mysterious principles. Into the Divine Heart.

Same as the dao writing of Profound Court. Those who can understand can naturally understand, and those who cannot understand are useless. Therefore, although he has received a lot of tips, all he can get is only what he can master at this level. , And cannot transcendence the upper limit of his own cultivation.

But even these just gave him enough inspiration.

After gradually comprehending, he also began to try to infiltrate the Heart Light into the clear sky, making it more useful for himself.

And he also found that after doing this, not only did the original might of the sky clear air have not been weakened, but it also made the scope of his own enclosure become larger.

That is to say, his magical power is not like Righteous Purity, and there is no danger of being cut off, but he has a thick magical power far better than his peers, so he can persist for a longer time.

Gradually, he became familiar with the use of this qi, he got up again, changed his previous shift and avoidance, and once again began to speed up the breakthrough into the depths of the golden sand barrier.

Not only can he control the air of clear sky better, he also has eye seal which can be used to observe the road ahead. When the two are combined, the speed is a bit faster than Righteous Purity.

When winning the rush to use the golden sands to hinder the two, he actually has a distinction between the size of the golden sands.

He judged that the threat of Righteous Purity is much greater than that of Zhang Yu, so a large amount of gold sand was mobilized on Righteous Purity, and Zhang Yu allocated a relatively small part here.

From what he has observed before, this is also a more reasonable allocation.

But the development of the situation on the court once again disrupted what he at first thought was a proper arrangement.

Zhang Yu has not been blocked by the containment of golden sand, but has stabilized under the impact of the waves. Not only has it stabilized, but also launched another collision. At this moment, he looks at It was Kancan before Righteous Purity, which surprised him.

He thought about it carefully, thinking that it would be undesirable to rush the gold sand to deal with Zhang Yu at this time, and it would only lose both sides in the end.

Therefore, instead of strengthening Zhang Yu’s side, he weakened it a bit, and the weakened part was moved to Righteous Purity to stop its advance.

As for Zhang Yu’s place…

He shook his sleeves, stood up from his seat, and summoned a confidant to come over and said: “I will block the Celestial Xia from coming, and I will leave an Avatar here. Before you come back, you Just follow his instructions.”

Then the discipline responded quickly.

After taking care of him, he walked out of the Rainbow Hall and decided to stop Zhang Yu himself.

Although he was defeated by Zhang Yu last time, he also admitted that Zhang Yu’s strength was tyrannical, but at that time, because he was close to the Celestial Xia boundary, he was mainly afraid of being estimated to be the place of the void, and he could not get out. That’s why I took the initiative to abandon the living body.

However, he was not convinced. If you lose, you lose. You don’t have to find too many reasons. The two my ministers are fighting. Fighting does everything possible. He never said that his opponent must fight you fairly.

But this time, it was his turn to occupy the home court, not to mention the Gloom City golden sands outside, but also three green spirit sky branches.

There are two treasures of Taoism, although not complete, they are enough to fight Zhang Yu.

Of course, he doesn’t need to tell the victory or defeat. If Zhang Yu can’t be beaten for a while, he just needs to hold him, and wait until the three of Gu Yang cut the sky branches and erase the glare of the void. , Then this crisis can be resolved.

After thinking about it, he drew out a green branch and waved it forward. An airspace suddenly appeared shortly before, and he walked along this branch to the outside.

As soon as he left, in the inner hall of Shangchen Heaven, three people, Guyangzi, Tianhong, and Lingdu who were performing the magic, immediately noticed.

Lingdu Daoist said: “Win the Fellow Daoist and personally stop Celestial Xia from advancing. Nowadays, except for the Fellow Daoist who controls Daobao with me, there is no one else to call. It seems to be an extremely urgent moment .”

Tianhong Daoist said: “Don’t worry about the outside, first wipe out the internal qi in front of this place. It is not clean here. Isn’t that opening the door and letting Celestial Xia come in?”

Guyangzi said: “This matter can’t be rushed. We just need to solve it quickly. If we win the fellow daoist, we can withdraw it as soon as possible.”

The most difficult thing here is that the strong energy is attached to the sky branch of the blue spirit, and it is born with this branch of life, and when it comes back, even this energy will be brought back. So it is disposed of outside.

But if it is simply cutting off the branches, if the remaining part is found by Celestial Xia, then they can be found by this calculation, so it is necessary to try to move this energy out first, so that the light is consumed. Then cut off the branches. However, these things need to be done step by step, but it is impossible to get up quickly.

After a brief exchange between the three of them, they did not care about the outside affairs, and continued to suppress and resolve the matter with all their strength.

While Zhang Yu was surrounded by layers of golden sand, he was gradually approaching the place where the bright light was. The closer he got, the more he felt a sense of heat, as if he was covered by Burn it.

He couldn’t help but think of the Taoist treasure of the Huanyang School contained in the classics. This strong energy is suspected to be transmitted from that thing, because only things of similar or even the same level can It may make it difficult to get rid of Qingling Tianzhi easily.

At this moment, he looked at the fierce anger in the distance. Maybe someone else had to get here, and he would need to get closer to sense the trunk of the green branches, but he had an eye seal, and standing here was already enough.

His thoughts turned, he released the Heart Light to diffuse the air of the clear sky, and then lifted the eye seal to look forward, vaguely, a silhouette seemed to appear in the void.

He realized that this might be the backbone of the Qingling Tianzhi, and Shangchen Heaven’s main heaven is attached to it, but this thing exists and disappears, as if it is separated from the world, if it is not the bright light guide , I am afraid that a certain inadvertent moment will be out of his sight.

As he continued to find out, the whereabouts of the outline gradually became clear. If you continue to follow this, it is very likely that you will touch the main heaven.

Once he finds this place, he does not need to rush in himself. With the implication of the clear sky, the Profound Court can also immediately know.

But at this time, the warning sign in his heart suddenly came to light, his figure shifted back, but an azure light crossed from his original location, and even a trace of clear sky was in contact with azure light Dispersed among them.

He turned his eyes to look, but saw a young daoist standing on a high place, holding an azure long branch in his hand, facing the bowed, and said: “Zhang Shouzheng, We meet again.”

Zhang Yu nodded in return, and then swung his sleeves, the brilliance flashed behind his back, a sword light had already killed him.



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