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Zhang Yu drove the Xingzhou back and returned to the upper layer of the clear sky soon. After getting off the flying boat, he returned the boat and many of the magical treasures he carried on this trip. The Qi of the Sky also left the seal, but it was taken back by the Profound Court.

He just stepped into the Shouzheng Palace, and he saw the light flashed in the temple, and the daoist stood there in the next week, bowed to him, handed the merits and said: “Shouzheng, Profound Court ordered me to send this Contributions.”

Zhang Yu is somewhat surprised. Usually, the Xuan Liang is given after the recounting of the gong. It always takes two or three days, and it is seldom given after the event is over and before the turnaround.

He took a look at the merits, but was astonished and discovered that the number of profound grains was actually quite a lot, and it actually had five hundred minutes.

Last time I fought with Lao Long Jiaoyao, I rescued two Profound Venerables and got back more than 500 minutes. This time one was not saved, the other was not cut, and I never found Shangchen Heaven. Why did there still exist? So much Xuan Liang?

His thoughts turned, thinking that Dai Gonghan’s tone of finally turning him back was very relaxed and soothing, and he faintly guessed something.

He asked Ming Zhou about the status of other people’s granting of Profound Food. Unsurprisingly, all Profound Venerable who participated in this battle were given generous gifts this time.

This look is based on the rewards after the victory.

Profound Court didn’t say it explicitly, but it informed them of the real result of their trip in another way.

The daoist of Ming Zhou also said at this time: “There is one more thing. The court will act with Profound Venerable for the convenience of Shouzheng. Before this, the Qi of Qingqiang was brought down first, but it is still necessary to make a request for Shouzheng.”

Zhang Yu nodded and said: “It should be so.” He immediately took the letter of invitation and put a name seal on it. Zhou Ming daoist took it over, and after checking the chief, he left.

Zhang Yu pondered for a while, and now Profound Court should have mastered an important bargaining chip. If Shangchen Heaven is really found, the next battle should come soon.

This battle must be aimed at destroying the entire Shangchen Heaven.

Shangchen Heaven also possesses certain strength after all, and this generation is defending at home, with the Qingling Tianzhi as a cover. If it is a strong attack, then Celestial Xia’s casualties are definitely not small.

However, in order not to deal with Huanyang and Shangchen at the same time, some price must be paid.

At this time, he thought of the empty and fierce qi that made Shangchen Heaven frantic. Was it really caused by the collision of the two internal qi?

But not necessarily.

He thinks that if he thinks deeper, perhaps the Huanyang faction wants Shangchen Heaven to bear Celestial Xia’s attack first, and then come back for profit by himself.

Shangchen Heaven may be able to guess some, but in order to fight Celestial Xia, they may only ignore these for the time being.

He raised his head and looked at the star map on the temple. Compared to the time before he left, there were more star points on it. Obviously, the court did not stop and continue to arrange and draw the stars during the fighting, but was always orderly Regarding various matters, I believe Profound Court will arrange all considerations. As a defender, he just needs to be ready to go to battle at any time.

He walked into the inner hall and sat down on the jade platform.

Every time he comes back from fighting with people, he will look back at the gains and losses, but there is not much to think about in this battle.

The divine ability of winning hasn’t been revealed, that is, fighting him with the treasure of Zhendao. He fights with this one mainly by relying on the Qi of the sky, otherwise the battle will not be contested at all.

At this level, the effect of tactical strategy has been minimized. It is not that it is completely useless, but it is too difficult to find the right fighter. It is very likely that the opponent will clean up before finding the opportunity. Up.

To talk about the experience and lessons of this battle, then we can only continue to improve the Heart Light. With enough Heart Light, it will be more convenient and easy to control the Qi Qi, and the strength will naturally increase. .

“How about improving Heart Light…”

He thought about it, because refining Xuan Liang can also have spirit essence, so he has accumulated abundant spirit essence in the past few years of cultivation, but he has never used it, just relying on his own ordinary cultivation. Improve heart force.

This is what he deliberately did, because no matter how deep the foundation of a cultivator is, no matter how strong the heart force is, it also needs to be able to control it. It is only limited to gaining power but not being able to use it freely, so he has always been Sharpen yourself, try to be able to unify and control your own strength as freely as possible.

His hard work has also paid off. Now that the internal and external coordination and the solid foundation have been consolidated, he can bear further improvement.

But he didn’t do it right away. After reading the dao writing on high rank attainment by Court Manager Chen, he had a vague idea in his mind, so he considered it and decided to press it first.

Before the formal retreat, he also had to deal with some trivial matters in advance. He first ordered the Deity chief to bring in the reports from the various locations, and after replying one by one, he called Xuntian Dao Chapter to take a look. .

There is a report from Yan Yuming about the result of the battle between Ying Zhuan and the armored soldier with the surname Bao. Unsurprisingly, Ying Zhuan won, and the armored soldier hardly showed anything. The strength of the person is defeated.

He looked at the movie that Yan Yuming attached to the back. Compared with the armored soldier he had seen in the past, this one is stronger in mystical strength and also joined a part of the Ipar Divine Race. The skill.

He gave the skill of the Divine Race to the Profound Court, but it must be impossible. It must be left there to be absorbed and used. Didn’t expect it to be absorbed by the creation so soon. .

But after all changes in creation are at a disadvantage. In his view, creation has two biggest problems to overcome. One is to cross the upper layer boundary, if it can’t be crossed, then it’s always going around. ,

The second is how to find a suitable armored soldier, no matter how high rank the profound armor is, there is no suitable person to wear it, it is always useless. Try to solve this problem even more difficult if the superior armor is upgraded to that level.

In comparison, the creation cultivator he saw that day was more convenient to build. So this generation will not get a breakthrough for a long time, maybe they will go back to the old way.

This is actually not a good thing, because armored is to give ordinary people who can’t be cultivation a chance to also climb the Grand Dao. If all go to the creation cultivator, then this road may be separated from ordinary people .

But these things need to be considered later, and now we need to deal with the threat of Shangchen Heaven.

With a wave of his sleeves, he placed a Jade Lord full of profound grains in front of the temple. Now as more and more profound grains are given, he feels for the first time that his refining speed is a little slower than that of the rich grains. Speed ​​up.

He glanced at the sea of ​​clouds rolling outside the temple, and he felt a feeling in his heart, maybe this time before the war, he was closed for the last time. After he retracted his gaze, he was sure of his mind, and he was seated.

In the altar in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, only ten days have passed. Under the transformation and instillation of countless clear air, the first branch a few feet long has now grown into a plant erected there. Giant branch.

Lin Court Manager made some calculations in his mind and said: “In a hundred days, when this branch grows stronger, it can be used to carry we magical power, and then find the backbone.”

Zhankong Daoist looked at the main trunk and asked cautiously: “Hundred days? Is it shorter?”

Judging by his knowledge, if this thing is really useful, it’s best to continue to grow for more than half a year. Then the certainty will be greater. He said: “Lin Court Manager is so eager, but worried about Shangchen Heaven. Is there any movement there first?”

Lin Court Manager said: “Yes, Shangchen Heaven has determined where the Huanyang dispatched station is located this time. If you look for it this time, there will be no collisions like the last time. If this generation goes well It won’t take long for the two families to get in touch with each other, which will be very detrimental to me, so we must as soon as possible, if we can win Shangchen Heaven before it joins the Huanyang faction, then the situation will be relatively favorable for me. .”

He paused and said: “Actually, I have the confidence to figure out the location of Shangchen Heaven beforehand, but the green spirit sky branches are one body, and any branch master that falls outside can be known. A variable.”

The master does not refer to the three men of Guyang, but the three mighty figures of Shangchen Heaven. If these three do not show up, then you can hide the past, but if these three show up, then Shangchen Heaven will know Celestial Xia is doing things at the moment.

Zhankong Daoist understood what he meant. He pondered for a while and said: “But higher boundary mighty figures usually don’t interfere with world affairs.”

Lin Court Manager said: “Usually this is not the case, especially here is the number of the two powers involved, it will inevitably have to pay a certain price, but this may still be possible. But no matter what, Celestial Xia wants We must do it for this. Even if a higher boundary mighty figure intervenes, we are not afraid.”

Zhankong daoist nodded unconsciously. Last time the Gloom City sacrificed treasures, the five Celestial Xia executives never took action to counteract it. Maybe they won’t come forward this time, but facing the opposite does not mean that Celestial Xia just stopped. There is definitely a time to return, but that should be the most critical point.

Actually, from the current situation, even if the opposing side gets these benefits, it is still within the range of Celestial Xia. For example, facing two treasures of the town this time, they still got this green branch. Be able to spy on the location of Shangchen Heaven.

While waiting, Celestial Xia is not doing nothing here, and once again dispatched a lot of Profound Venerable to make a move to explore Shangchen Heaven again, and the scale of the action was not worse than before.

Ying Chong felt pressure again here.

Because this time every Profound Venerable is carrying the clear air protection, this action makes it impossible for evil god to observe everyone’s movements. If he loses his eyes and ears, he can only As at the beginning, use airspace one by one to confuse opponents.

On the surface, the two sides were once again caught in a long-term confrontation, but Yingchong’s heart became more and more disturbed, and he always felt that he had overlooked something.

In such a tangled battle, time passed by little by little, and a hundred days passed quickly.



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