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A Zhang Yu Avatar has been standing on the stage and watching, seeing the water rushing away, with great momentum, but his expression moved slightly at this moment, because he recognized that the water is “Heavenly Oneness Heavy Water.”

On that day, he was able to resist Yu Chang with a single drop of heavy water on his body. Now that many heavy waters have gathered together and formed a wave of surges, how amazing is the strength of this gathering?

Except for the treasure of town and road, I think there is nothing that can be resisted from the front.

Ying Chong has been standing on a high place to watch the situation, and seeing the Bengteng River coming over, he always feels that this water has something to do with him, but he wants to do not raise anyway.

Due to external shocks, the array restriction scattered in the heaven and earth in Shangchen Heaven responded on its own, and thunders still appeared in the atmosphere, blasting down.

However, the lightning of the great divine prestige just entered the water, but it disappeared after a few flashes, and the flood dragons in the water moved around one by one. Every time a blue thunder came, it turned out to be a mouthful. Swallow it, and still reveal an expression of enjoyment.

When Ying Chong saw this scene, he was about to urge the Gloom City gold sands to go up and hinder him, but the other side seemed to know that he was going to do so. The sky above the green spirit branch was spreading with a billowing sky clearing air. Clouds and fog generally cover the periphery.

This air is obviously only a little, and it is only a thin layer when you look at it, but after the golden sand falls into it, it melts and disappears, and it can’t be penetrated.

And with this delay, a larger current has already rushed in, constantly destroying the array restrictions on the sky above the sky. It can be seen that the shielding layers have collapsed, and only the air and light remain after the collapse.

All the arrays of Shangchen Heaven are arranged based on the Qingling Tianzhi. Generally speaking, as long as there is no end to the vitality, the front will collapse, and the rear will be laid out. Such an infinite cycle, endless and endless, step by step, break through one by one, dozens of times A hundred years will not yield results.

However, this water is too turbulent, and I have never waited until the rear array pivot is formed again, and the front formation is destroyed by one after another.

Ying Chong knows that this water cannot be allowed to wreak havoc at this moment, otherwise it will not take long before all the restriction arrays in front of them will be overwhelmed.

So he condensed his mind, and escaped Essence Soul into the blue spirit sky branch, moved the branches, and dropped the empty heavens that were attached to them, blocking them in front.

The water rushed into an airspace and quickly filled the airspace. Everything in it was cleaned up. However, follow closely from behind, and another airspace came up as a substitute. It is another airspace to take over.

Ying Chong knows that the water cannot be blocked by the front, but he can use the endless airspace to delay it. However, it is endless. After all, there are still countless airspaces that can be moved back this time, but I am not sure whether it will eventually be able to This water is completely contained.

Besides, these airspaces were originally used by him as a backup, but now they are flushed by this water, so they can only resist first.

Celestial Xia just made a move that was not too crucial, and eliminated one of his back players.

But he has no choice.

When the two forces fight each other, the comparison is the various magical item magical treasure and divine ability methods that both sides have. The family property of Shangchen Heaven is definitely not comparable to Celestial Xia, which inherits most of the legacy of God Xia.

Not to mention that after Celestial Xia occupied the upper layer, there are countless treasures. For more than three hundred years, it has been enough to refining to produce a lot of magical treasures. They can only make a fuss on the Qingling Tianzhi here.

In the face of this kind of tyrannical law, even if he can deploy and arrange it, it is useless, only to respond with relative strength.

It’s just that he has one or one less chips in his hand, and he may run out at some point. At this moment, he can only support as much as possible, only hoping that Guyangzi will soon be able to get some more.

However, Celestial Xia will not give him any respite.

After Yusu daoist shot, Zhu Court Manager bowed to the top and took out a Magic Talisman full of dao talisman from his sleeve. If the cloud light of the mian is floating and flickering, only when it appears, the light will illuminate half of the temple.

As soon as he tossed it to the outside, the talisman swayed, surpassing the branches that crossed the two realms, drifted smoothly through the cloud swirl, and fell into Shangchen Heaven.

Because the previous “Heavenly Oneness Heavy Water” wave was too fierce, the restriction array in front of Shangchen Heaven was destroyed, so there was no obstacle to it. This talisman turned and reached the sky. After a while, there was a bang, and a bright light azure burst forth.

This qi light is different from the light emitted by the Qingling Tianzhi. If the vitality and clear qi is emerald green and rich, it replenishes the spirit, and its qi light is like the fire in the furnace, burning all things.

The place where Guanghua went, the star light above Tianyuan was captured by it, the restriction array melted like wax, and some Shangchen Heaven cultivator and discipline that controlled the restriction array melted without even making a sound. For nothing.

And taking advantage of this momentum, those Deity rushed in again, but this time, unlike the previous one, they rushed into the sky above the sky without cover, and seemed like a stream of light, Disperse towards all directions.

Suddenly, if millions of flying flaming meteors spread into heaven and earth, if you ignore the atmosphere of killing soldiers, the scene is extremely spectacular.

However, they can act unscrupulously where the Magic Talisman rays of light shine, but once they get out of the range of rays of light, they are immediately hit.

The sky above the heavens dimmed slightly, and there were boundless deep azure thick clouds rushing in, and even more violent winds swept over them. When those Deity were blown by this wind, the golden light flames on their bodies went out, and then they were covered by thick clouds Once wrapped, the whole is absorbed, no matter how much charge ahead is, it is easily destroyed.

More than that, these thick clouds came from all directions, and the light displayed by Magic Talisman was constantly squeezed inward, and the light range shrank a little bit inward as each other disappeared.

At this time, about a dozen Profound Venerable suddenly opened their eyes on the seat of the Cloud Sea Altar.

Those Deity just now, and many of them are changed by their incarnation shining shadow, because they are mixed in millions of Deity, they are not noticeable, and the opposite has never noticed it.

After such an event, the arrangement of the restriction array of Shangchen Heaven was also exposed in their eyes.

Everyone had to write a copy of what they found, and after it was printed, Deity sent it to the Heavenly Dao Palace.

On the Dao Palace seat, Court Manager Lin was waiting to read the letters he sent, looking thoughtful, and asked Deity attendant to send them to Court Managers for viewing.

Wei Court Manager looked down, thought for a moment, and said: “The situation is a bit wrong. If the three of Guyang, Tianhong, and Lingdu are on the opposite side, the defender shouldn’t be so weak that he can call Qinglingtian. Zhi’s strength should also arrange these. If it is not intended to show weakness, then the host on the opposite side should still win, rather than the three Guyangzi.”

However, Celestial Xia is now adopting a forward attack technique, which is a steady and steady way. This strategy is very simple. First, try to explore the various array restrictions, and then rely on strong strength to protect your screen. The layer is peeled off, and the barrier in the forward path will not end unless it is completely eliminated.

The competition here is the background of both sides, wherever they are advanced. So showing weakness at this time is meaningless.

Court Manager Zhong said: “Chief Executive, Court Managers, Zhong thinks that the Guyang trio are probably still trying to find the Huanyang School at this moment. If they have not given up by this time, then there must be something to do. The means of success.”

Lin Court Manager pondered for a moment before he said: “We have limited knowledge of Qingling Tianzhi, but there are only so many ways to save lives.”

Court Manager Chen said solemnly: “Don’t bother about it. Huanyang faction has been prepared for a long time. It’s rushing into this world, and it’s impossible to send all the power back in a flash. It must first To get through the road to enter the world, we just have to eliminate Shangchen Heaven here first.”

After discussing a few words, the Court Managers decided to speed up the attack slightly.

So the Court Managers worked together to urge more clear air into the huge branch located on the sea of ​​clear clouds.

In just a few breaths, I heard the sound of the branches twisting, and I saw that the branches branched out from the trunk, and then extended and grew. There were cloud swirls at the top, and the peak was penetrating After here, just like the main branch, hit the wall of Shangchen Heaven!

This is trying to open up more channels, so that Shangchen Heaven can’t figure out where Celestial Xia will break through later.

And Shangchen Heaven is also impossible to let these pathways aside, it is bound to force this generation to guard everywhere, further diminishing its original power for defending.

At the same moment, Ying Chong also saw another circle of ripples appearing on the sky wall of the sky, and this time is not two places, but more than ten places.

He was heart shivered with cold, and he didn’t need to think too much, and he could roughly judge Celestial Xia’s intentions at the moment, but he had to make the corresponding arrangements, and he immediately sent the defend restriction array to the people below to pay attention to those places, which is undoubtedly Makes the arrangement of the restriction array dispersed.

But if he ignores it, Celestial Xia will take advantage of it.

Actually, he knows very well that with Celestial Xia’s power, it is possible to choose multiple places and break through at the same time. This is also the difference in strength between the two sides.

After the Shangchen Heaven outer layer was broken through a gap for the first time, the defense was not as good as before under the invasion of the clear sky. Therefore, the breakthrough this time was smooth. The forks penetrated the sky wall one by one, and plunged into the sky from different directions.

Zhang Yu is standing behind, but he can see clearly, every place drilled through by branches is first illuminated by thousands of stars, rays of light tore through the vortex, and then by the air of clear sky The transformation cloud blocked the Gloom City gold sand there, and then many Deity rushed in. The attacking routine process was exactly the same as before.

But this is the way, which makes Shangchen Heaven difficult to deal with everywhere.

Undoubtedly, if Shangchen Heaven continues to rely on the restriction array, I am afraid that it will be unstoppable, so it will soon be the turn of the cultivator or Profound Venerable to play.



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