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Zhang Yu’s a finger pointed is just a simple “all worlds in the same day”.

However, since he achieved high rank attainment, his understanding of dao technique has been different. There have been more subtle changes than before, and his strength has become stronger and longer.

Even under the same power, might not be comparable to previous methods.

The immeasurable star light collided with the red light. Where the two sides collided, a collapsed cavity was formed in an instant, but this only lasted for a moment. Under the impetus of the subsequent force, the breath on both sides whirled and collided, and the cavity was It was crushed into one after another broken vortex, countless flashing rays of light jumped out, and then was crushed to pieces.

The red-clothed young daoist is somewhat surprised, the power that erupted from the opposite side unexpectedly shattered his first day chakra.

However, seeing the opponent is not impossible to withstand a single blow, but his emotions are more high-pitched. After this blow, there are 2nd day rounds and 3rd day rounds, and each offensive is doubled.

He eagerly wanted to see the scene where the opponent couldn’t resist and was defeated, so he couldn’t wait for a big push, and the following red light slammed on it!

After Zhang Yu showed his divine ability, he felt the air in the “fate”, within the body Heart Light not only did not consume, but was still rising rapidly like a rising tide, his eyes light flashed, the fingertips is another mighty stronger “all the world in the same day” blasted up!

But this is not the end. Under the impetus of his vast ocean-like heart force, he immediately resorted to the 3rd, 4th…

In just one breath, he blasted out 36 “all worlds in the same day”!

At this moment, people who watched the battle can see that after the initial collision, the red light that originally occupied half of the sky seemed to be forcibly torn apart by the star light, and the awe-inspiring star light gathered like a huge wave toward The rest of the airspace rushed away, seeming to fill it up!

The red-clothed young daoist was surprised first, then surprised, and finally surprised and angry appeared. He looked at the huge star light so incredibly that he poured over to him, and his magical power couldn’t be hindered at all.

The urgency of the rotation of the divine wheel behind him is almost an indistinguishable phantom, but it is still difficult to beat the heaven overflowing giant wave, the boundless star light pouring out, he was also taken in by his unwilling anger. Submerge into it together!

Zhang Yu kept a finger pointed, the star light in front lasted for a while, and after it dissipated, he flicked his sleeves and returned his hands.

At this moment, the emptiness in front seems to have been cleaned once, becoming empty, and there is no trace of silhouette.

With one blow, the living body of the red-clothed young daoist has been born and destroyed!

At the moment, both of them can be said to have left no leeway.

This all-out magical power competition has always been avoided by the cultivator, because the danger lies in this one carelessness, that is, losing all the games and turning into flying ash.

In this competition, strong is strong and weak is weak. There is no room for change.

However, there have been many changes between the two sides in the collision. He only used twelve divine abilities in the front to suppress his human power, and the remaining more than twenty divine abilities are almost all used to suppress his divine ability, mystery and even body protection magical item of.

However, no matter how many means he has, it is unavoidable in this situation, and all means are hard to resist. After all, he fell under the strikes of 36 worlds and the same day.

In Shangchen Heaven, Ying Chong looked at this result through the constantly shaking light curtain, and remained silent for a long time.

The disciple on the side was a little surprised, and asked some puzzled: “teacher, this, is this the end of this battle?”

Winning slowly said: “It’s not over yet. The person who came here is supposed to have taken the cultivator of the’virtual and real’ attainment. Although the living body is destroyed for a while, it only needs to be a condom. Yes.” Paused, he said again: “This battle is not so easy to tell the winner.”

In fact, he is more concerned about this. Judging from the strength that Zhang Yu has shown, it is clear that he has picked up such attributes.

This undoubtedly adds a great variable to Shangchen Heaven.

He shook his head unconsciously. If the three High Venerables are willing to obey his plan and kill this person early, then why should this person be given the opportunity to climb this kind of cultivation?

Now it is too late.

At the other end of the passage between the two realms, the Three Hosts of Huanyang sitting on Qi Er on the Refining Sky Tribulation Yang were also unexpected.

They also know Dan Xiaochen, the number of forward attacks is indeed very good, and it is true that few people can fight him head-on by relying on magical power divine ability.

They imagined that Dan Xiaochen might overwhelm the opposite, and they also imagined that it might evenly matched, but didn’t expect, and the opposite turned out to be crushed back.

Guan Chaosheng seemed to mutter to himself: “Who is this person?”

However, after this sentence, he seemed to lose his interest. He turned to his side and regained his previous carelessness. Although this person is powerful, he can get fighting among cultivators with high rank attainment. Simply competing with magical power, when this battle is not far to the end, who knows the result?

However, when he picked up the teacup to drink, after a short while, he seemed to feel something, and then suddenly turned his head and looked over.

Chen Baixiao and Yu Qingrong also seem to be aware of it at this moment, and they both look at the past.

After the cultivator practiced the “virtual and real”, once the body is taken away, it can immediately reincarnate the living body, even if it is slightly delayed, it is only a few breaths, but how much is in the past It’s time, why didn’t Dan Xiaochen come back?

Zhang Yu stands alone in the void at the moment, with Zhiyun jade platform under his feet, and his robe sleeves fluttering with the jade mist star light on his body. This scene can be described as lonely and high.

At this moment, in that place of emptiness, it’s a different scene.

I saw two flying swords flying around a group of red light, attacking and killing back and forth, and outside the red light, there were two divine wheels flying back and forth to block.

It’s just that whenever he wants to throw himself into the world, he is killed by a split sword light, and he is robbed of a layer. After several times, he is further weakened and he dare not try again. Can stay in place.

It is difficult to kill a cultivator that reinforces the coexistence of reality and emptiness, but Zhang Yu knows how to deal with this generation as a person who obtains this kind of attraction.

At the moment when the divine ability was blasted out, he found the other side’s place through the eye seal.

This is also the fact that the opponent tried his best to fight him as soon as he came up, and his popularity was unreservedly presented in front of him. Next time, he might not be able to hit such a good thing, unless he seals the eye Mastery can be even higher.

When he arrived here, he realized that the god wheel held by the opponent was not the first one that was shown, but in fact it was a pair, just one for defend and one for attack.

But if at a critical moment, the one in charge of defend can also be released to attack the enemy, but the other party will not be able to do so and he will be robbed of the world, and now he is forced by his sword light. Here.

There is no time flow in the land of the void, only the ups and downs of cause and effect. If one attack is not annihilated, it will be the cause and the fruit will fall. Aura will also touch the boundary of the virtual and the reality once. Increase, but every time can be regarded as an opportunity for the defend side to reorganize the battle.

But Zhang Yu’s two flying swords are sharp, never letting the opponent’s aura leak half a point, and he also has Mysterious Chaos Cicada flying outside, always drew support from Yimu Divine Tree, the offensive can be described as tidal Come, don’t cut off.

At this moment, the scarlet’s air is condense to the shadow of the red-clothed young daoist’s Essence Soul. He sits cross-legged at the most center, and when the two wheels rotate, he always agitates the red air, making it soar as a flame.

But his spirit is limited after all. It is not like Zhang Yu who has Divine Tree as a backup in addition to his own vigorous spirit. Therefore, under the sword light’s repeated encirclement and suppression, his spirit is continuously robbed, and it is gradually hard to resist. , The red light on the outside became more and more dimmed, and was gradually forced into the inside by the sword light.

At a certain moment, a sword light flickered, and it actually penetrated directly from the group of red light, while the other a sword light was slashed along the way, and one of the defend god wheels was attached to the back. The red light was actually split in half from it!

After suffering such severe damage and losing a defensive wheel, the spirit finally collapsed. The two sword lights were unreasonable and unforgiving. They went up and smashed them all. However, half of the residual energy was not left behind, only the remaining divine wheel was shattered because of its spirit, and could no longer stay in the place of emptiness, and fell back into the world.

Zhang Yu didn’t chase after him either. There seemed to be a star light reflected in the eyes and flickered, and the two flying swords were taken back into his own place.

The battle ended in this way. He himself was quite satisfied, because he didn’t expose too many methods of himself, at most he showed a divine ability.

Before the opponent has figured out his details, it shouldn’t be easy to attack again. This gave the Profound Court time to attack Shangchen Heaven.

Perhaps everyone on the opposite side rushed out to be able to defeat him, but the problem is that the passage between the two realms is not stable. It is impossible to carry too many people, so the other side can come over. It is also for Shangchen Heaven to share the pressure. Willing to make wedding dresses for Shangchen Heaven.

At this moment, the rays of light flashed in front, and there was a flash of light and shadow on the god wheel that fell back into the void, and the red-clothed young daoist silhouette flashed out from the inside. He looked at Zhang Yu, and his face was convincing. , But he still held his head high and said loudly: “Fellow daoist Zhang, you can beat me, I admire it, but you beat me, but I don’t want to wait if true technique can beat profound techniques.”

Zhang Yu had heard similar remarks before. He looked at his person and lightly said: “Profound techniques are not the way of one person, but the way of tens of thousands of people. They are not born for victory, but only for crossing. People exist.”

The red-clothed young daoist showed some doubts. When I was about to ask again, the silhouette was in a mess, turning into a cloud of red mist in silence, and it dissipated in an instant.

And the Lord God-less wheel turned out of thin air, but it was thrown toward the two-world channel, apparently sensing something summon, and wanted to fly back.

Zhang Yu’s gaze fell on it, and the thing was taken hold of life and life, and then it seemed to be dragged by an invisible force, and it was taken to his side until it was swept away again.



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