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After Yu Qingrong released the “Hey God”, she sent it into the magical power, idol’s slanted eyes suddenly revealed a bright light, and the cracked wide mouth also revealed a strange evil smile. Shares of internal qi spread.

Only at this moment, Yu Qingrong’s expression couldn’t help showing a trace of disgust.

Although this thing is very useful, she still doesn’t like the ugly appearance of this thing. That aura feels even more filthy, but she can only endure it in order to win this fighting. Up.

Chen Baixiao put the thick profound jade box aside, and when he stretched out his hand, he pulled out a long sword. He flicked up his fingers twice, and then gently waved it outwards.

At this moment, densely packed sword lights emerged in the void, hundreds of millions, all flying towards the great array in front of them, and they quickly fell on the outer edge of the formation, where there was a cloud of mist. Was stirred up in waves.

He said hello to Zhang Yu, and based on this, he conveyed the past meaning. Even if he is standing in the two-way passage, he can also destroy the great array. If he wants to prevent this, he must come to them. Now the selected land boundary comes up for fighting.

Zhang Yu is not difficult to understand the meaning of this, but since the enemy reappears, he should also take the challenge. As for the passive and active, these all are can be won in fighting, and it is by no means static.

He flicked his robe sleeves, stood up from the magical stage, stepped on the Yunzhi Jade Terrace, and drove a ball of star light jade mist, floating from inside and out of the array pivot.

Only when he came out, he glanced at the idol of “Hey God”. Even without the eye seal, he knew that this thing seemed to involve some kind of chance change.

It may not be appropriate to let it survive.

Will you choose to deal with these two people or destroy them first?

He changed his mind and felt that there was no need to prioritize them. The two could be dealt with together, and this thing might not be unusable.

This thing seems to be able to restrict him, but looking at it the other way round, isn’t it a drag on the two opposing people?

If he attacks this thing, the two will definitely reach out for protection, which gives him a chance to mobilize them in tactics.

Even if the situation is hindered later, he can directly use “Six Uprights”. If the opponent leaves this thing and retreats into the passage, it is not difficult for him to be damaged. If the two of them took this thing, it would break the game.

When the great array came out, he stretched out his hand, and the sword light flashed, holding the Song of Cicadas in his hand, and at the same time, he changed his mind to form a spirit incarnation.

He stood still, and the Avatar drove an azure rainbow, holding a sword and rushing to the front two passages.

At the same time, he shakes his wrist and instantly differentiates twelve sword lights, moving towards the Chen and Yu locations first!

When Chen Baixiao and Yu Qingrong saw him transforming into more than ten sword lights, they both looked solemnly. Chen Baixiao’s eyes were even colder. He had been indirectly defeated by this sword light offensive before. However, he was not well prepared before, and now that he has been on guard, it is different.

From the cultivator’s point of view, there is no way to deal with it, it just depends on whether you find the right way. Of course, even if some small cultivators know how to deal with it, they lack either magical items or divine ability means because of their lack of knowledge. They cannot resist it, but they obviously are not.

When the two came out, they decided on a strategy. Chen Baixiao was in charge of the offensive, and Yu Qingrong came to use the divide ability to defend and support. At this time, the latter held a jade bead and held it in front of him, playing the magic mantra in the middle. And forefingers clicked, the rays of light on and outside the pearl lit up, accompanied by the sound of wind mist, but saw circles of white air screens emerge, from tiny to vast, giving birth to infinite layers, welcoming to the sword light.

This is the “Heavy Severing Pearl”, it is a magical item specially used to deal with the sword cultivator. The sword qi from outside attack will fall on it, it will be weakened by the barriers, and the All-Severing Cut also lies in the strength and Illness can be restrained by this.

It is worth mentioning that this magical item is not internally compatible. In other words, Chen Baixiao can arbitrarily send out sword momentum inside without being affected by the slightest, but it is difficult for foreign swords to attack him easily.

The twelve sword light was extremely fast, killing it in the blink of an eye, but it was really hindered by the layers of air barriers, and the power gathered on it was weakened by layers. It looks like this, even if it can After reaching the two people, there might not be much left.

Zhang Yu took a look. If the sword light is divided into “All-Severing Cut”, it can be called the upper class among all the attacking methods. Even if he has not really reached the extreme yet, he is not a normal hand Duan. Neng broke.

After encountering layers of obstacles, the rays of light above the sword light are slightly dim, but just as Chen Baixiao has encountered before, the differentiation of the sword light is not Shadow Transformation, but can be regarded as the sword itself. Cut, but as long as the master is still there, you can start again if you are excited.

At this moment, under his intention to cross the Heart Light, twelve sword lights are stimulated again, and simultaneously burst into glory, and the regenerative power rushes forward.

Chen Baixiao didn’t care about the sword light because Yu Qingrong was in charge of defending. Instead, he was ready to start a confrontation with Zhang Yu. With a sharp look, he got the long sword in his hand to cut forward.

In an instant, thousands of sword lights crossed the void like a meteor, and went straight to Zhang Yu’s place. Half of them were transformed into the “unbreakable victory” technique, while the rest also changed.

Under the shining sun of Liankong Jieyang, his divine ability magical power has been greatly improved. If he had previously played against Zhang Yu with only 70% to 80% of his original strength, now he has not only recovered to the old level, but also became strong. A bit.

When Yu Qingrong saw those twelve sword lights, she was ready to go back and forth again. She took it out of the sachet without rushing, and then swiped it outwards, and suddenly the petals flew, each one Rolling and falling in the air, covering the front, it is dazzling and full of fragrance.

The sword light fell, and hit the petals. It can be seen that some were torn apart by the sword light, and some were absorbed by the stain.

This petal is called “Lianshan Petal”, which is designed to deal with sword. It can increase the burden on sword out of thin air and affect its involvement with the master.

As more and more petals were wrapped around, the power above the twelve sword light was weakened again under the entanglement of the air barrier and the object.

However, at this time, there was a crash in the front, and the air barriers in the distance burst open. Only a star light penetrated and shot in, but Zhang Yu’s Avatar came in with thousands of sword lights. On the way, whether it was the air barrier or the petals, they were repelled and shaken away between the jade mist star light and the waving of his sleeve robe outside him.

Chen Baixiao’s eyes condensed slightly. At this time, he couldn’t help thinking of the moment when Zhang Yu had just come to kill his living body with a sword, but he trusted Yu Qingrong, so he didn’t care about it, and instead increased his offensive.

At this moment, Zhang Yu’s main body is standing above the passage. Once Chen Baixiao’s sword qi of “unbreakable victory” came out, he could ignore the gap between them and directly land on him, but this time he has already It was prepared.

When the sword light was about to come out, one after another sword shadow already flew out on its own, and took the initiative to greet it, cutting off the internal qi on it directly.

At this moment, he is not at all anxious to launch a follow-up offensive. It can be seen that the two obviously have a lot of means this time, and the strength is not comparable. He waits to be prepared to see more clearly before doing it.

Yu Qingrong saw that the sword light was approaching gradually, regardless of the previous “re-shang bead” or “lianshan petal”, it was difficult to stop it, and knew that it had to be a killing move.

She gave an intent to pinch the tactics and saw a violent energy shining in the two-world passageway, and instantly rushed to the twelve sword lights, and immediately weakened the divine ability above, and the sword light itself was also flickering. It seems to be resolved.

Zhang Yu sees that these two people can directly communicate and reinforce the strength of yang to help each other. I don’t realize that the eyes are slightly condensed. If this is the case, then we have to re-evaluate the power that these two people can exert.

And the treasure of Zhendao is undoubtedly more prosperous. He has no plan to fight against it. With a thought, one after another sword light disappears from the void, but all is recovered.

However, this is not because he has stopped the offensive. Although the sword light has withdrawn, it has also completed the role of opening the passage. At this moment, his one has already been killed by the sword before the passage of the two realms!

Even in the Profound Venerable level, the cultivator is afraid of being deceived by the excel at sword technique, because when the cultivator is killed, it is better than any divine ability dao art. Quickly, once it rushes into the inner circle, it may pose a great threat to them.

Yu Qingrong’s expression was serious at this time. She pinched her tactics and pointed forward. A light screen rose in front of her eyes, but at the next moment, the light screen was torn apart by the sword light.

Zhang Yu Avatar stepped in from outside with a sword.

And at this time, he seemed to hit something, his figure was slightly stagnant, and a densely packed dao talisman suddenly appeared in the surrounding void, and the light screen behind it was also suddenly closed!

At this moment, Chen Baixiao and Yu Qingrong gave birth to rays of light in their eyes at the same time, “It’s now!”

This is the countermeasure they have discussed in the morning, and it is also the opportunity they have been waiting for. By setting up traps, they concentrate on killing Zhang Yu Avatar!

According to their judgment, Zhang Yu’s Avatar is due to a certain divine ability, or it has to pay a certain price. If the body is killed, it should not be possible to differentiate again in a short time, then come down to deal with the main The body is much easier.

If it is judged to be on a business trip, it is nothing. They are fighting with their backs on the two-way passage this time. Seeing that the opportunity is not right, they can then retreat.

At this moment, Chen Baixiao’s Essence Soul escaped and raised his sword to cut forward. Zhang Yu turned into a sword and swung a sword. Two swords suddenly collided in the same place. Only under the impact of the power of All-Severing Cut, Chen Baixiao Essence Soul collapsed instantaneously, but Zhang Yu Avatar was also stopped for a moment, and it was too late to free himself from the siege of dao talisman.

At this moment, Yu Qingrong, Zhang Yu’s avatar, points out a gorgeous rays of light. With a flash of his sleeves, Heart Light disperses the rays of light.

Under the rays of light, Chen Baixiao’s Essence Soul recovered and appeared again at this moment, still slashing with a sword, Zhang Yu’s Avatar’s sword was turned, taking the offensive and shaking it. In the middle, that Essence Soul couldn’t bear it again and collapsed again.

Yu Qingrong took advantage of this opportunity to make more dao talisman emerge from the magic mantra, while releasing divine ability dao art to Zhang Yu Avatar, you retreat to me, I accept you to attack, the connection between the two is just right. .

And relying on such a little bit of struggle, Zhang Yu Avatar was delayed in place.

But they know that there is no way to go on like this, and as long as it is prolonged a little longer, Zhang Yu’s main body’s method may come.

So they are waiting, waiting for the rays of light that refines the sky and the sun to pass through the two-world channel. As long as the light falls on this incarnation, it can be refined. At that time, said They can also know the profound principles of Zhang Yu.

The divine light in Zhang Yu Avatar’s eyes flickered, and the two judged that they were right. He rushed here because the sword can play the greatest role in the inner circle.

But when he got close, not only his Sword Art could be used, but also his more powerful divine ability also exerted greater power. He glanced at the two of them, lightly said: “Even town!”



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