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Yu Qingrong actually hopes to see Zhang Yu start an attack with her.

Now the blessings she and Chen Baixiao have received are not enough, and they have never had the confidence to destroy Zhang Yu in one fell swoop. Therefore, they are not prepared to go out fighting with Zhang Yu as before, but if Zhang Yu takes the initiative to attack them, they will not be able to go back to look at the great array and will be held back by them.

Actually, she also knows that Zhang Yu may be aware of the changes in the breath on the goggles. After all, it is not difficult. But actually these changes in breath can be manipulated.

As early as at first, she deliberately left a little room.

In other words, the so-called highest point of internal qi is not the true highest point, but it can actually accommodate more.

Based on her previous fight with Zhang Yu, she roughly calculated Zhang Yu’s heart force level. If it is just a pure force impact, she thinks this “Structure Mirror” is enough to resist, unless Zhang Yu can find another way. , Start from the path of divine ability change, and then break this device.

But this may be extremely small.

Regardless of her own judgment, or the consciousness passed from refining the sky, she clearly told her that Zhang Yu is not good at divine ability changes.

At this moment, as a particularly magnificent star light rushed up, she felt a great threat in her senses.

Although the power of the previous “all worlds in the same day” surges up like waves, it is always orderly and findable. Each force is similar, and it will not suddenly weaken or become stronger. , But this time, she found an unprecedented violent wave rushed over.

This power is not only powerful, it also pushes the aftermath that has never been completely dissipated, and the entire air lens is also shaking and shaking, and it looks abnormally unstable.

Although she left enough room, she felt that Zhang Yu had broken the common sense she had previously thought several times, and she felt that she needed to be more cautious.

So she thought, and Essence Soul emerged from her. This was a slender girl with black hair like a waterfall. After two steps, she came to her behind and stretched out her hand on her shoulder. Dunn has a new magical power of the same source and current flowing into her body, and merged with the air lens.

But this is not to impose more magical power to resist, but to do the opposite, and to guide that power to oneself.

At this moment, she only felt that a majestic force that could almost break through all the restraints was transmitted from the mirror, and came to her from the body, but under the traction of magical power, not at all stayed, but Flowing from her like flowing water, it finally hit the Essence Soul behind her!

This Essence Soul flickered a few times, then…exploded!

But with this shatter, the strength within it is also vented out.

Above the sky, Zhang Yu did not at all stop after pushing the “all worlds in the same day” to fall with the mystery of the “heavy heaven”, but instead of running this mystery again, it was another with This completely consistent divine ability blasted up, and then he sent another one by the same method!

He could only use Chongtian Xuanyi two to three times originally, but after taking high rank attainment, now it is no problem to use it three to five times in one fight.

The number of times of using Xuanyi actually not at all has increased too much. This is because when his own cultivation base cultivation is promoted, the role of Xuanyi is also magnified at the same time. The two are correspondingly improved. The change. The increase in the number of uses is mostly attributed to the fundamental foundation of refining Xuanliang tonic.

However, he feels that the “fate” can also improve this, only to get this seal to the end, and he has not been able to use the many profound principles in it.

Although his 3rd-layer attack was closely connected, there was a deliberate gap between the latter two and the first one.

This is a tactic. He is not good at divine ability changes, but he is better than others in the rhythm of the battlefield. It is just a very simple arrangement, but it has played a great role.

Yu Qingrong’s mind was judgment, and the collision just now was Zhang Yu’s strongest attack.

Just as the wave had ups and downs, Peak passed by and naturally fell back, and then, the offensive from the rear did have a momentary vacancy. This seemed to confirm her judgment, and from this, her aura also followed It fell unconsciously.

But she just relaxed, but her expression changed, because she felt the pressure that seemed to overturn heaven and earth suddenly came, because this situation was too strong and too strong, she was no longer able to use Essence Soul at this moment.

She understood in an instant that the momentary interruption of the offensive was not the fall of a huge wave after Peak, but a stronger wave coming behind it.

The divine ability is like billions of stars colliding at the same time, and all the front and rear are blasted down in one point. This is beyond the limit that this mirror can accommodate, and numerous cracks suddenly appeared on the mirror , The rainbow of light overflowing from the edge of the mirror couldn’t help being chaotic, like a cloud being pulled by the strong wind, changing into a shatter cloud.

Yu Qingrong secretly clenched the teeth without knowing it, didn’t expect to be on guard, but still underestimated Zhang Yu’s power.

But fortunately, there is a feature of this “Shuli Mirror”, that is, even the shatter will not disintegrate immediately, but will persist for a while.

And one thing, this mirror can be repaired.

So even at this time, it can still be saved.

She fascinated her, and put the fierce roaring energy that had originally surrounded her body into it, and stabilized her air glasses a bit, and then Essence Soul appeared to her side. This time it took over the power, but forms a In mudra, in the two passages behind, there was a burst of strong energy bursting out, and the light fell on the mirror body.

It can be seen that in the vast void, a brilliant star light and a magnificent qi rushed from both ends, intertwined and slammed into a huge flat air mirror.

One is constantly destroying infiltration, while the other is constantly repairing.

After a stalemate with each other for a while, after all, it was the treasure of Taoism that was even stronger. The star light on the opposite side seemed unsustainable and was gradually dissipating.

Chen Baixiao didn’t make a move. He kept staring at Zhang Yu’s main body in the sky, holding the sword tightly in his hand, and thousands of sword lights floating behind him.

Based on his own intuition, he felt that Zhang Yu would not have only such a method, maybe he would use the twelve split-light sword light just now, if so, then he would need to stop him.

But until the moment the confrontation was about to come to an end, he never saw Zhang Yu using other tricks, but he always felt something was wrong.

Yu Qingrong saw that the whole air mirror was stabilized, and she really relaxed just now, but at this time, she suddenly frowned because she heard the joy of immortal spirit.

Chen Baixiao also felt something at this moment. The two looked up and realized that pupil suddenly shrinked.

I saw in the void ahead, a group of extremely bright rays of light emerged, like a great sun floating there, and then the rays of light, a daoist dressed in jade white Robe’s young daoist, stepping on a cloud of light like a ridge of light, flies across with a sword in the vast glory!

This is the divine ability of “Sky Seal Fate”, after a certain amount of momentum, you can attack the enemy across a long distance in an instant.

This divine ability can only issue a single blow, and it must disappear after a single blow, but the power it can exert is three points stronger than his main body. Not only that, but he also promotes this divine ability. The “Chongtian” mysterious!

This phantom followed the “all worlds in the same day”, and successfully passed through the moment when the gap appeared in the gas mirror, and under the influence of the “lack of karma”, it perfectly covered all kinds of aura changes , Chen Baixiao and Yu Qingrong never had the slightest heart sign beforehand.

The seemingly violent attack in front is just a cover for that’s all, and this is his real killing move!

At this moment, the sun-like rays of light suddenly fell straight down, and as soon as it fell on the two of them, Zhang Yu expression indifferent took a look, shaken his sleeves, and stepped down with his sword.

From the appearance of rays of light to the arrival of the person, all these seem extremely slow, and all movements are clearly presented in the eyes of Yu Qingrong and Chen Baixiao, but all of this actually happened in an instant .

At this moment, both of them felt a deep chill. The warning sign from their hearts kept stimulating them, but they couldn’t move at all, or it was too late, because when they found out, In fact, that sword light has already been cut off, and now it is just a reflection from the mind.

In the void in the distance, if stars are scattered, huge goggles hang high above, star light scattered outwards in the middle, overflowing phosgene and rainbow are like solidification, heaven and earth are also like a picture The still picture scroll, only the young daoist backing this round of brilliance, one holding a sword, floats from the far end.

Chen Baixiao’s Essence Soul is now in front of Yu Qingrong. He was always ready to take action. With the unique intuition of the sword cultivator, although he has no sense, he instinctively thinks that Yu Qingrong is Zhang Yu’s target at this time. Without any warning, he sent Essence Soul to Yu Qingrong’s front, and at this moment desperately urged Essence Soul to communicate.

It can be seen that the sword in Essence Soul’s hand is being raised little by little and stretched forward little by little, as if trying to stop the attack this time.

But he also knew in his heart that it was too late. All he saw was what had happened. He was impossible to catch up with the shadow of the past.

Zhang Yu Shadow Transformation riding light came, as if I didn’t see the Essence Soul at all, penetrated directly from its body, and came to Yu Qingrong’s vicinity, while swinging his sleeves, the sword blades that seemed like Guanghua condensed from it. With a wave of his body.

After this blow, he didn’t have any nostalgia, turned around and walked away, then the silhouette faded into the boundless star light.

At the moment it dissipated, heaven and earth seemed to resume operation. Yu Qingrong stood for a moment in a daze. She sighed like helplessness and resentment, next moment, the whole person burst into splendid and dazzling dust and smoke.



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