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Zhang Yu clearly witnessed the demise of Yu Qingrong. Only he could feel that this person’s body in the world was not actually falling under the impact of the clear sky, but was repelled by some kind of power, and melted away first.

At that last moment, almost all the vitality of the magical power in this person’s body broke out, and the whole person seemed to be a burning raging sun.

But this burst of power, under the huge clear sky rushing, can not stir any waves, and it is easily washed away.

At this moment, the divine light flashed in his eyes, and he looked somewhere.

Because Yu Qingrong was defeated again and almost exhausted her magical power in the end, her spirit and sustenance was also exposed.

He thought, and the double-handled flying sword flees directly to the place of the gods. Originally, he was going to try to destroy the sustenance of the spirit and completely killed the person, but then found out that he did not need to do it like this, because Yu Qingrong was suing His spirit has also been swallowed, invaded by the scorching rays of light, and is dissipating by itself.

The air looked like the radiant sun. After the hottest rays of light were broadcast, it finally burned everything, and finally flickered, and finally went out, and there was no half of it.

Seeing these results, he took the gods back from the place of emptiness. At this moment, he suddenly felt that someone was looking at him, so he raised his head and looked at the two-world passage.

At the other end of the passage between the two realms, Guan Chaosheng stood above Qi Er. His pair of phoenix eyes reflected the scene on the opposite side, and also reflected the silhouette of Zhang Yu, but he did not at all go out, face There is no frustration.

He looked at the top and said to himself: “It’s almost too soon.”

Although Chen Baixiao and Yu Qingrong died, the cultivators of the Huanyang School, including him, were all connected with Liankong Jieyang.

If they do not die, they can continuously use the power of Jieyang for their own use. If they are defeated, then everything they have will become fuel for the burning of Jieyang.

So although the two of them lost in the hands of Zhang Yu, they were actually killed under the strength of yang. This can also be called a refining, which undoubtedly speeds up the split open space. The power of the wall. And whether this is a loss or a gain, it is difficult to say clearly.

Guan Chaosheng thoughts stirred, although I have folded two same sects that extract the natural and false attraction, it is indeed a pity, but as long as you send enough sacrificial offering to Jieyang, you can still push the cultivator to try to pick the attraction of.

He said: “Everyone of the same sect, if you enter the world, those who do meritorious service shall be the host.”

Behind him, there are more than thirty auras extending from Jieyang, and each aura is standing on top of a daoist. These are the Profound Venerable of the Huanyang School, and his words In the end, these daoist all are the chief inspectors.

At this time, Guan Chaosheng looked towards the far side of the rainbow, and said: “fellow daoist Li, did you succeed there?”

The old daoist said: “It has been put out for a while. But to prevent the Profound Court from discovering it, it is only a tiny thread.”

Just when Guan Chaosheng released the fierce energy of Jieyang, he also took this opportunity to let go of some ghosts, so on the surface it seemed that Guan Chaosheng was only offering a helping hand to Yu Qingrong, but secretly they also made a move along the way.

Guan Chaosheng took another look at the outside room, then returned to his vine seat and leaned down, saying: “It’s good if you succeed, but Fellow Daoist Li, you have to be more careful here, and later, I’m afraid Shangchen Heaven may not be able to hold it.”

The old daoist is just an inspector.

In the void, Zhang Yu felt the look towards his face on the opposite side of the passage receding, and his mind turned, the purple sand flying in the sky fell into the Heart Light.

Wait later, Kongwu Jiezhu also flew over, turned around him, and fell into his sleeve.

At this moment, he stretched out his hand to catch the jade dagger left by Chen Baixiao, held it in his hand and looked at it, and also put it away.

He turned around and turned a star light back into the great array. He raised his head and said to the Profound Venerable who looked at him: “Everyone. Although these two factions are retreating temporarily, they can be compared with the Sect forces behind this generation. In other words, it’s not a fundamental move, and the two-world channel is still expanding. You need to be cautious.”

The Profound Venerable everywhere in the town is called by the judges.

After Zhang Yu reminded him, he returned to the array pivot and sat down on the altar. He first released the empty beaded bead to keep this thing gathering momentum there.

Just as he said, two cultivators who picked high rank attainment were lost. If a force like Gloom City was to disperse immediately.

Like Huanyang or Shenzhao, the Great Sect, which has a long history, has experienced various crises in the past, so it can continue to this day, it must have its own means of survival , Not to mention the treasure of the town.

If this treasure has also been passed through, they can’t stop it anyway. They can only retreat at the first moment. What they can do is to try to stop and delay the process and attack Profound Court. Cut Shangchen Heaven to buy more time.

After checking the array pivot again, he looked at the outside room again. I don’t know when, those evil gods have disappeared, only those thunder nets still exist there to cover the outer edge.

He saw that both inside and outside were unobstructed, so he took out the jade dagger, and after looking at it for a while, he turned Heart Light inside, but he saw scenes.

Most of the scenes here are where Chen Baixiao is holding a sword and fighting people, and his opponents are all sword cultivators, but most of the time, this person can’t fight others with a sword, so he will use Qi of Yang to attack and kill. Able to beat people.

The “Yuanchengbian” technique is the least concerned about the master’s method of breaking the enemy, as long as he can defeat the opponent, no matter what means is used, if the opponent holds a sword, then he can use the sword’s divine ability.

In this aura left by Chen Baixiao, there are more than 20 kinds of sword births the divine ability changes, and nearly half of them are sword births the divine techniques.

Since ancient Xia, 36 sword births the divine have never appeared at the same time. They just shine for a while.

So it was Chen Baixiao’s biggest wish, which was to gather the 36 sword births the divine techniques and combine them with the “Yuan Chengbian”, but he could not complete it in the end, because he could not bear to give it up, so All stayed in aura.

Zhang Yu looked at it and felt that Chen Baixiao was really attentive. Looking at the past, the sword births the divine were all born by themselves. There has never been a rumor. However, after such a change in Yuan Cheng, there is The possibility of passing on.

In addition to these, in the end, Chen Baixiao himself had some insights and understandings of the dao technique, and finally left a thought in an instant after his abandonment. In fact, in his opinion, this is the most valuable part.

But now is not the time to look at these.

He put away the jade dagger, pondered, and only then fought with the two of them. He had a lot of new experience and experience, so he sorted it out first.

At this moment, on Shangchen Heaven’s side, Tianhong daoist retracted his gaze and said, “The Huanyang faction seems to be blocked by Celestial Xia again this time.”

He didn’t ridicule this time, because this time Huanyang successively turned off two cultivators that picked high rank attainment, and it couldn’t be said that he did not do his best.

Guyangzi looks at the aura of Shangchen Heaven in front of him. Seeing the rays of light above, it is brighter, and said: “This is not useless. I think this generation uses the Qi of the sky at last, I want to come These internal qis were originally used to attack me, but they have been removed. Celestial Xia’s attack on me is bound to be postponed.”

Lingdu Daoist said at this time: “Will Huanyang’s confidence be shaken by this frustration?”

Guyangzi said: “When it is not enough, now they have paid so much, but have not received anything. They are definitely not reconciled, especially the Huanyang faction who regards encroachment as the priority, if it is damaged, it will not try to make up When I come back, it’s not in line with their ideas. Now I don’t need to wait and say, they will take the initiative to break the barriers. Even more how, the few people behind the Huanyang faction have agreed with me to send the Sect Founder. For the younger generation, I will not violate the above decree.”

Hanging above Heavenly Dao Palace, at this moment, the court managers also received magical power back, and the rays of light slowly converged.

The Court Manager Zhong bowed to the seat at this time and said: “Chief Executive, Court Managers, Zhong just noticed a slight internal qi change. It seems that something has escaped into the void from the passage of the two realms. “

Lin Court Manager thought for a moment, and said: “If the opposite party can release things at this moment, it must be an important thing, and perhaps it can be used as a reliance. Refining the sky and the sun cannot escape, and only God can come over. Three worms.”

He paused, and said: “The three worms are impossible, swallow the sky, and the two worms move too much. The effect of releasing them at this moment is not great. This thing may be a ghost worm.”

Wei Court Manager pondered for a moment, and said: “The movement caused by just now is very small, this bug can come over, and it will definitely not be too much.”

Lin Court Manager seriously said: “Court Managers shouldn’t underestimate this thing. The “Phantom Worm” can swallow everything in the void, and grow up from now on. If you leave it alone, it’s likely to grow from it. It may cause trouble.

Imagine if the Huanyang faction tries to enter the world again, or it will attack the great array of Zhang Shouzheng stationed by this worm from now on, and when I wait to attack Shangchen Heaven, this worm may also come to my place. Need attention. “

Zhu Court Manager thought for a while, and said: “This worm certainly has this hazard, but since it is strong by swallowing foreign objects, when it also needs to be swallowed, I just need to quickly take down Shangchen Heaven. It won’t have time to disturb me. When Shangchen Heaven is broken, I’ll deal with this thing later, but Zhang Shouzheng needs a reminder.”

The first daoist said: “Feng Court Manager, you tell Zhang Shouzheng where to let him pay close attention to it.”

The wind daoist immediately became an inspector.

The first daoist turned to Lin Court Manager again and said: “Lin Court Manager, don’t delay the attack too much. You will start it after half a day. You go to the battle and supervise this matter.”

Lin Court Manager responded awe-inspiringly. He got up from his seat, and after an inspector, he came out of Dao Palace, and in a blink of an eye he crossed the void and fell into the array pivot under the Celestial Xia at this moment.



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