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On the stage of the Rainbow Palace Lord, the three Guyangzi sat in the shape of a character, with golden glow shining from them, and for a while, the three seemed to be fused inside and outside by the rays of light.

Among the three, there is a full bud like a young lotus.

This thing is the “Bao Ling Qing Cui”, which is made from the fruits of the Qing Ling heavenly branches.

Because this thing is born on the treasure of the town and Tao, in addition to its various mysterious functions, it can also absorb the invasion of the treasure of the foreign town and Tao, such as the air of the clear sky that is attacked at this moment.

Although this thing will be consumed in the process, it can reduce the damage of Tianzhi itself, which can buy them more time.

At this time, the three of them stretched out their hands and pointed at the object at the same time. The buds were softly trembled, and the buds slowly opened a gap, and a thin and soft smoke emerged from there, and it rose to the top of the temple, and it instantly became rolling thick clouds, floating above the top bi, then be covered, but also along the walls to sag down.

The walls of the great hall are filled with milk-white smoke for a while, and as soon as this gas comes out, you can feel that the shaky great hall seems to be a lot more stable, and it no longer trembles violently as it did just now.

Seeing all the Essence Soul cultivators in the hall, quickly seize the time to breathe.

At this moment, there is a jade 鬲 in front of everyone, and there is a shining spirit inside. These high-quality supplies that they can’t usually enjoy, but now they can get them at will.

Often daoist looks at the great hall that has been calmed down temporarily, he sighed, and said: “What’s the use of continuing to breathe for a while?”

Daoist Xue looked at him, but ignored him. He felt unable to talk to this person, otherwise the sincerity that he had just picked up would be lost again.

At this moment, the Court Managers of Celestial Xia suddenly discovered that the trembling Azure Spirit Tianzhi had suddenly become tenacious, and it had survived several consecutive shocks.

Dai Court Manager said: “Here I think Shangchen Heaven has something to support.”

Lin Court Manager said: “As expected, I don’t care about him, I still break his big branch first, and then shake the trunk.”

With the breaking of a large branch of the Qingling Heavenly Branch, a corner of Shangchen Heaven’s sky was missing, and a large part of the barrier between the two worlds was also opened up.

It’s as if the water sac was originally just a small hole, with only the patter dripping down, but now it suddenly tears open a big mouth, a large stream of water leaks outwards, and the clear sky can be more convenient. Poured into this room.

Celestial Xia’s strategy here has not changed in the slightest, but the impact of the clear sky is continuous, and the ray of green scent is limited after all. After two Xia hours, it was exhausted. Up,

Without this breath to help reduce the impact of the clear sky, the Shangchen Heaven Rainbow Palace shook like a boat in the wind and waves again.

The surrounding glazed jade tiles shattered by the vibration, and the jade pillar that originally supported the great hall also gave birth to cracks.

Guyangzi’s expression condensed. This is not only the pillar of the temple, but also the main vein that maintains the existence of the great hall as a whole. If it breaks here, the power can’t be united.

He took advantage of the gap between the low offensive and took advantage of his life. He swung his sleeves to make up for it, and finally closed the gap back.

At this moment, he suddenly felt in his heart, but he found that there was a message coming from the Huanyang School. After a moment of indulgence, he aroused the wisp of internal qi, pointed down, not far from the three of them, paused. A bright light rose.

In the rays of light, a silhouette appeared. The person was shrouded in light and could not see clearly. This person looked at the three of them and said, “The three fellow daoists, it’s been a long time.”

Guyangzi looked at him and said, “Guan Fellow Daoist?”

Guan Chaosheng nodded and said: “It’s me. I see the vitality on the branch that runs through the two worlds is gradually exhausted. I know that it is the fellow daoist that seems to be a bit bad here.”

Tianhong daoist snorted, said: “Are you here to tease me and wait?”

Guan Chaosheng said in a relaxed tone: “I didn’t mean it, just because you and my faction have a common enemy. I don’t want to see your faction being overthrown by Celestial Xia so easily. I have a method, which can be used through sacrificial offering. Things are used to maintain oneself, leaving it first, and whether to use it or not, it depends on the three of them.”

Guyangzi frowns saying: “sacrificial offering?”

A rays of light flashed outside Guan Chaosheng, and then a dao talisman outlined by a golden light was reflected on the open space ahead.

Then he said: “The magic mantra has been left, and when I return from Huanyang, I will reminisce with you.” After speaking, the rays of light gathered, and the silhouette disappeared.

Tianhong daoist glanced at the dao talisman, surprisedly said: “This is… the method of sacrificial offering.”

Lingdu’s daoist expression shone, and immediately raised his voice: “This is absolutely not feasible!” He looked towards the two people, and said in a solemn voice: “This method is innocent. If I use this method, how can I return to Shangchen Heaven? Can preach the Taoist School? Doesn’t it become like the Huanyang School?”

Guyangzi slowly said: “Lingdu fellow daoist well said, my Sect Founder took the divine wood sky branch and transformed it into the ancestry. When I set up Sect in ancient Xia, I walked the right way of the shoulder and sky. With the righteousness of chasing evil, how can you do this evil? And if you don’t even recognize this and adopt this evil method, then I will not die and I will die.”

They have enjoyed all the benefits of Shangchen Heaven since the beginning of the cultivation. Now when Shangchen Heaven is in peril, they also take on the responsibility of the sect and maintain the dao lineage. Here, the dao lineage is more than the inheritance of the dao technique. , More Daoism and righteousness!

If even these were gone, then Shangchen Heaven would no longer be Shangchen Heaven. Even though the sect could still exist on the surface, the inner Daozhen that remained unchanged would have died out.

Tianhong Daoist did not speak. In fact, he felt that all the cultivators in the faction may not be loyal to Shangchen Heaven. Maybe some people are thinking about taking refuge in Celestial Xia and taking these people who are not loyal to the faction to sacrificial offering Now, it’s no big deal.

But since Guyang and Lingdu said so, there was some truth to them, so he didn’t object to them.

The only pity is that this sacrificial offering method clearly only uses cultivator instead of evil god. If evil god can be used, he can use it. He hasn’t done this before.

Because they insisted not to use this evil method, they also had nothing to do for maintenance. Two Xia hours passed by. Because they couldn’t keep up with the consumption, the remaining two branches broke off one after another, blocking the gate of the palace. The branches are gradually cracking.

As the last few branches shattered, a huge hole was exposed in front. At this time, a beam of brilliant morning light was seen coming from beyond heaven and shining into the great hall.

The three of Guyangzi tidied their robes and stood up from their seats.

Guyangzi walked two steps before, looked towards the outside, and said loudly: “Everyone, this battle determines the rise and fall of my Shangchen Heaven, I hope you can do your best to defend my dao lineage!”

At the other end of the void, Guan Chaosheng took it back from Mind. He tapped his finger twice on the barnacle, looked at the other end, and said: “fellow daoist Li, what happened?”

With an old daoist bowed, he said: “Fellow daoist, the service ghost is already there, just waiting for the fellow daoist to issue an order.”

Guan Chaosheng took a look outside, and saw an invisible air clinging to the wall of the void. He unconsciously nods. If the Shangchen Heaven Qingling Tianzhi can “turn the result for the cause”, then Shenzhao sent this town. The change of Zhibao can be called “create something from nothing”. As long as the price of completing a certain thing is paid, it can be completed before the change of the thing.

For example, if the Phantom has the ability to swallow the wall of the void, then as long as it pays the price of penetrating this wall, it will be able to break open a sufficiently spacious passage between the two realms in an instant.

Because this process is embedded in the present world, this technique cannot last too long. If the power of maintenance is exhausted, this period of change will be separated from the present world and become a period that has never occurred. Event, then the Wall of Void will be restored.

So only to seize the opportunity to cross over to the other side during this period of time and continue to provide foreign objects to maintain this strength, in order to continue this achievement.

He said: “Celestial Xia may not be able to detect movement, I will do some cover for the fellow daoist.”

Dispatch the old daoist and said: “Then there is a fellow daoist.”

Guan Chaosheng’s eyes flickered, and suddenly a Qi Er flew up under his feet, fiercely drew on the wall of the void, and at the same time waved his sleeves, a Dao Tribulation Yang Qi pushed to that branch. Above it, it suddenly grew out of a large section, causing the passage between the two realms to be opened again.

Zhang Yu always pay attention to the opposite change, suddenly found a movement such as this, since not ignore, he only means to be able to use here is more limited, can only be pushed to send out more clear dome ferry gas from the array Press it up.

However, he could feel that the situation at this time was different from the past. Before swallowing Heaven Insect, he had been gnawing at the wall of the void with the breath of the clear sky, but the effect was not great, only a little bit of consumption, but now there But it seemed to be supported by a powerful force and became more active.

This time the offensive may be unusual. Even Shangchen Heaven can pour the effect as the cause, and the two schools may not have similar methods.

He reminded aloud: “fellow daoists, pay attention to the guard great array, hold the internal qi carefully, there may be variables on the opposite side,”

The Profound Venerable is awe-inspiring.

And just after he said this for a few breaths, he saw the wall of void suddenly expand outward, tearing open a huge void in a sudden, and then a fiery light overflowed from it.

Zhang Yu’s eyes flickered with divine light. Through that bright light, he could see a daoist silhouette drifting outwards. He thought for a moment and swept his sleeves. “Jiezhu” buzzed, and suddenly flew away. A bright golden light could be seen in the boundless void.

Although “Don’t Tribute Beads in the Air” might be huge, it cannot be moved by itself and cannot deflect after going out, so it is easier for the cultivator to dodge, but it is used to bombard targets from a certain direction. Just right.

The daoist silhouette is coming out at this moment, and seeing a golden light moving towards oneself flying towards me, it seems to look up indifferently, but does not dodge or avoid it, stretches out his five fingers, just takes it, Void slammed into a huge shock, and it actually caught Kong Wu Jie Zhu Shengsheng in his hands!



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