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Zhang Yu previously analyzed that Anermota, as Yan Xulun’s absolute close friend, no matter what the Yan’s father and son want to do, they can’t get around them. In particular, some secret actions involving the outside world are inseparable from their support.

So he omitted the previous temptations and asked him about it straight away.

Anermota lay weakly at the bottom of the big pit, he replied: “It’s this thing … I know it, and I asked someone to do it. Is this thing … how does it matter to you?”

Zhang Yu said: “Shu Tong is my guarantor.”

Anermota said: “So it was your thing …” After a while, he said: “Can you promise me a request?”

Zhang Yu lightly said: “It depends on what it is.”

Anermota’s tone hurried, saying: “This matter is not difficult for you. I know I can’t go back alive today. I hope you hide this news and don’t let my financee know about it.”

Zhang Yu said: “You are one of the Divine Army 4 army inspectors. Even if I don’t say, the matter of your disappearance will not be hidden for long.”

Anermota coughed violently and blood spewed out of his mouth continuously. He gathered all his strength and said: “Yes, but as long as she is not really sure that I am dead, then there is hope in her heart. She will still be able to live, maybe for a long time, she will forget me … “

Zhang Yu thought for a moment and said, “Yes, I can’t take the initiative to say this.”

Anermota is grateful: “Thank you!”

He lay there for a while, and seemed to recover a little strength before saying: “I put that thing …” His voice gradually became inaudible. It seemed that he was unable to answer, but was afraid of something.

Zhang Yu now has superhuman first-class keen senses, although Anermota’s voice is very small, but he still hears clearly, he nodded and said: “It turns out there, what do you trust?”

Anermota said: “I have a ring on me, and that is by letter, you can take it away.”

Zhang Yu thought about it and asked, “What excuse did Yan Xulun make you come out this time?”

Anermota regretted: “Hunting a Spiral-horned White Mountain Giant Ox, the king of wasteland, a spiritual creature, that should have been my prey, and now it seems that it can only be given to others.”

Zhang Yu looks at him and said, “Does the thing you took have any use for you?”

Anermota was somewhat surprised, saying: “Don’t you know, it doesn’t matter, when you get it, you are understood … Actually I regret it a little bit, maybe if there is no such thing, maybe …”

His voice became smaller and smaller until he could not hear it at all.

Zhang Yu stepped forward at several steps and came closer. With the heart lake induction, he is not afraid of the other party’s approach of perish together. In fact, Anermota has only one last breath at the moment, and even his consciousness is blurred.

His eyes fell, and a moment later, a finely carved ring flew from Anermota’s body and fell into his palm.

This thing should have been crafted from a certain hard-textured Yungang stone. With Anermota’s ability, it can even be used as a throwing weapon at a critical moment. No wonder it was not damaged in the previous battle.

He put this thing away, and then thought about it.

sword light Sure raised, and went to the sky, and then suddenly fell!


The whole crater exploded and the dust spread out.

After everything calmed down, Anermota’s body was gone, and he had been completely shattered to pieces.

But it can be seen that the splashed blood did not disappear at all, but instead turned into a drop of blood beads, and rolled back and forth on the ground.

After a while, all the blood beads seemed to be pulled by a force, gathered in one place, and finally condensed into a blood-colored gemstone. Under the sun, it appeared crystal-clear and brilliant.

Zhang Yu glanced at it, and this thing floated in front of him.

This gem is a divine robe. As long as this thing is incorporated into a certain human body, mortals can immediately obtain extraordinary power. It perfectly strips everything that originally belonged to the gods. It is the crystallization of Celestial Xia predecessors wisdom and superb skill.

The reason why this thing does not use divine crystal, Divine Stone and other names is that once this object is integrated into the body, it will form a layer of texture on the surface of the body, just like a gorgeous robe.

In fact, the source of divine robe is different, and the strength of God deprived of strength is also different. What is more important here is actually the person who puts on the divine robe.

Some divine robe is taken from the powerful God, but if the person who inherits the divine robe does not fit it, then they will not be able to exert their original power, and may even do nothing.

On the contrary, some divine robes that were originally built with weak God, if they fall into the hands of the right people, they can exert more powerful power.

Just like the “Beautiful God” divine robe, it is only useful in Anermota, but it is extremely mediocre in the hands of others, let alone become the Divine Army 4 large army inspector.

He thought about it, put it in his pocket, and then reached for it, then Xia Sword came up, grabbed the hilt, and put it into the sheath.

Then I glanced around, the rays of light flashed on him, and the whole person flew into the air again. When I reached in midair, I recognized it, and with a bang, I flew away toward the west!

Overlooking from the air, the earth flew back and forth underneath, the cattle and horses running on wasteland were frightened to escape, not very long, the outline of Auspicious Light City appeared clearly.

After flying another section of the road, he found an uninhabited land outside the city and fell down, tightened the cloak, and walked into the Auspicious Light from the south town gate with a sword, called a carriage, and drove A section of the road, stopped in front of the Silver Office in the Western District.

Auspicious Light City has two Silver Offices in the east of the city and two in the Western District. The Silver Office in the Western District is converted from a native temple. It is a typical stepped building. The stone great hall above is supported by ten huge pillars From now on, beautiful stone carvings remain on it.

After the Silver Office took over, two more right-angled sloped wing corridors were added on the 2 sides. The building left a large open space on the front. Because it is close to the port, the auction in Auspicious Light City is generally here. Held.

After Zhang Yu stepped into it, he took out the Yuzhang of the Political Council joint administrator, and was immediately respectfully invited to come in. The Silver Office specially sent a Wealth Manager to accompany him.

Wealth Manager carefully asked what he needed to do, Zhang Yu took out the stone ring, Wealth Manager took out a cloth, very carefully picked up the stone ring, after checking it, he said: “joint administrator, please follow me.”

Zhang Yu followed him into the great hall, went down a corridor, and finally came to a stone library gate. There is a lot of space here, which should be underground.

Wealth Manager asked for a gesture and respectfully said: “Trouble joint administrator first wait for a while in the next compartment, I will come later.”

Zhang Yu nodded, entered the side room, sat down and waited.

In the past, Wealth Manager came out with a stone box and placed it on the table in front of him, saying: “joint administrator can check if there is any loss.” After he finished, he gave a hand, just Retired first.

Zhang Yu glanced at it, the lid of the stone box slowly flew to the side and fell gently. There was a square line item wrapped in a cloth bag. It was another box, apart from this, and there was a stopper inside. Holding a few letterheads.

His eyes moved slightly, and this cloth bag might be of no use to others, but he recognized it. This was the old cloth used to cover the dust on the top of the bookcase in his home.

To be sure, this is what his foster father left behind.

So I extended the hand, opened it, and opened the box inside, revealing a torn slate with many symbols on it.

This is actually this thing?

Upon seeing the symbol above, many memories poured into my mind.

He remembered that when he was a child, he often followed his adoptive father to read some obscure words, which were very similar to the symbols on this stone tablet, but he never encountered similar things when he learned various written languages.

Interestingly, if he didn’t look at these things, he couldn’t remember the pronunciation at all, but now it caught his eyes, but he remembered them again.

He knew that this thing was not simple, otherwise Anermota and Yan Xulun would never ask for it for 1000 square meters.

It seems that the clues should be on those letterheads, which can be taken back and checked slowly.

He repacked the things, summoned Wealth Manager, put it in a thick suitcase, and walked out.

When he was about to walk out of the gate, he turned back to the Wealth Manager and said, “I hope you forget this thing.” As he spoke, an unfathomable force passed from the voice.

The Wealth Manager slightly trance, then respectfully said: “Yes, I will forget.”

Zhang Yu turned around and stepped out of the great hall. The light outside is very bright. Looking away, you can see that the port in the distance is busy. On the stone steps below, there are people constantly going up and down, and a few children are playing back and forth, from time to time. With cheerful laughter, it seems that the whole city is still full of vigor and vitality.

After standing here for a moment, he walked down the stone steps step by step.



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