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Among the great array of Wan Yao, Yan Ruohan stood on the array pivot and stared at the opposite side. Now the void is quiet, and there is no movement in the two-way passage for a long time.

Following Zhang Yu’s previous instructions, Wan Yao’s great array has already pushed the array strength and gradually approached the gate of the two-world passage.

Before this, even if the air of the clear sky blocked the pressure, this channel was still unremittingly expanding outward, but now, perhaps because of the absence of four High Venerable, the power of the treasure of the road is obvious It has already weakened, and the clear air that only relies on the array strength to promote has the momentum to bridge this passage.

If it can be completely bridged, then this can be completely blocked. However, this time the two factions are seeking to enter the world together. There may be an upper layer mighty figure in it, so this generation might not be so easy to retreat.

Although the two factions have suffered heavy setbacks, there should still be some strength. The situation of the Huanyang Sect is difficult to say, but she remembers that when the Shenzhao Sect left, a surnamed Li High Venerable was in charge. This one has never appeared before, maybe she is waiting for an opportunity.

If this person enters here, then there may be another fight to be fought.

On the opposite side of the void, that one after another Jieyang Qier. The thirty-odd daoist are immersing in the strong energy into that green spirit branch to maintain the existence of this thing.

But they don’t hold the power of Jieyang, just because Guan Chaosheng and the others are not there, they can push the treasure of the town a little bit, and the force that may be urged is weaker than the three of Chaosheng, and they can’t fight the outside. The air of clear sky that surges.

An elder named Shen said: “The passage between the two realms is being bridged. If we don’t try to hinder it, we are afraid it will be difficult to complete the patriarch’s account.”

Another Fang surnamed elder said: “The guards of Celestial Xia outside are powerful, and even the three High Venerables are invincible. I can’t beat him at all. I need to get Li High Venerable from the gods to come forward. Some permits can be dealt with, Li High Venerable cares about himself and stays still, what can we do?”

Uncle Sun Daoist said: “Li High Venerable is afraid of unintentionally making progress. He is still here now. Because of the care of the patriarch above, we dare not do anything. We can’t count on him.”

Shen elder said: “I don’t know when High Venerable will be able to return, I see…” He looked at the rest of the people, “I see, I only have to wait until High Venerable comes back to do care.”

Even though he said so, everyone can understand what he meant, that is, if Guan Chaosheng does not return, then he simply maintains it like this.

The other elders did not speak.

To this point, the Huanyang faction suffered so much loss that they were shocked, so in their hearts they didn’t really want to enter the world, because they might even have to enter the world.

But this is something arranged by the Patriarch. As long as this order is not withdrawn, they will not dare to retreat at all, so they are now half-dead.

If Guan Chaosheng can come back in time, it is best. If he can’t come back, then no wonder they, they have tried their best.

At this moment, there are actually some people who are already looking forward to Shangchen Heaven’s defeat earlier, so they don’t have to insist anymore.

On the far side of the rainbow, he also silently looks at the two-way passage with the old daoist.

The Heaven Insect swallowed by him is still there gnawing the wall of the void, but as soon as the Qi clears the sky, he takes the initiative to avoid it, and he does not seem to have any desire to win.

He actually made the same plan. It is better if the Patriarch’s order should not be disobeyed or disobeyed, but there are some strategies in terms of specific practices.

If Shangchen Heaven no longer exists, they will not be able to fight Celestial Xia alone, and it will be meaningless to go back, so they can go back.

That is to say, driven by such thoughts, a weird scene has appeared in the field now, that is, both the enemy and the enemy are looking forward to the early fall of Shangchen Heaven.

Shangchen Heaven, above the sky above the sky, Zhang Yu saw Gu Yangzi used a magical item to resist, knowing that the time was almost time.

At this time, this person has undoubtedly reached a situation where he has to use a foreign object to make up for his own shortcomings. At this moment, he must not be given a respite, otherwise he will have to start from the beginning.

He changed his mind and turned into an Avatar beside him, his own offensive remained the same, and he constantly urged the surging air pressure to rise up, while the Avatar pointed at the Guyangzi, for a moment, light seizing The divine ability, “Illusory Light Divine Cut”, “Zhu Heng Chang Yi” and so on, disappeared all at once.

After the battle with Guan Chaosheng, he knew very well that he had cultivated the boundary of Guyangzi and his dao technique was the fundamental basis for him. As long as the dao technique was not broken, he would not be harmed by foreign divine ability magical power.

But the person can move the meta machine and dissipate the external forces, and it is not without endurance. Once he accepts too much divine ability dao technique in a certain moment, he will inevitably be unable to bear it.

This is now one person against the enemy and the two of them, even if it is just a momentary delay, it is an extremely fatal loophole.

He can see the fighters, and the Court Manager Chen can also see that when he shoots, he is also instigating the magical power, urging the Qi Qi to push up.

The two exerted their strength at the same time this time, and Gu Yangzi also felt unprecedented pressure. At this moment, the best choice is not to fight the two directly, but to try to avoid it.

However, what he is facing at this moment, or his opponent at this moment, is not only the Chen Court Manager and Zhang Yu, but also the entire Celestial Xia behind them. As early as when he was fighting, Profound Court had already placed array plate magical items around him. He couldn’t avoid it at this moment, and he couldn’t walk. Even if he retreated farther, he might fall into the array pivot.

Even if his dao technique is excellent, he is not afraid of the formation, but this is undoubtedly giving Zhang Yu and Chen Court Manager a better chance, so he has only one way to meet him.

At this time, he also showed a group of methods of control, even in this extremely embarrassing situation, the response still did not see the slightest panic.

He took the long branch in his hand and twitched it, and dashed head-on with the clear air that Zhang Yu pushed over. After a little hindrance at the strongest point, he stretched out his hand and pressed it again. The Qingling vitality was pressed, and the two melted and collapsed together.

But he can block one side, but he can’t block the other side. At this time, the offensive of Court Manager Chen is already overwhelmed. He has to use a technique of “pursuing the truth and borrowing success” from his own It should draw life from the accumulation.

At this time, he didn’t care about the supplies of future cultivation, he just used as much as he had.

But this is not enough, because he has vitality, he also needs the power to invoke vitality, so he has used a “delayed” divine ability, which is to overdraw his own essence vitality, thereby digging out stronger Strength to tune the vitality of the green spirit.

He completed these changes in an instant, but Court Manager Chen’s offensive came even faster. At this moment, he had already breached his outer layer dao technique barrier, and he was about to rush to him. He spit out at this moment. A mouthful of azure qi’s vitality, this can be resisted, and it can barely be regarded as blocking the two men’s round of siege.

But he knew in his heart that the crisis had not been resolved. Unsurprisingly, the two would still choose this attack method when they came down. Regardless of whether it is the accumulation of cultivation or the essence of his own, there are always numbers. As long as he can’t change the situation on the field, once these things are exhausted, then it is time for him to lose.

Court Manager Chen and Zhang Yu are not in a hurry at the moment. Now they have mastered the rhythm and general trend of fighting. They only need to maintain the offensive and strip off and disintegrate the methods available to the Guyangzi. When it comes to any screen protection, that is the turning point.

So after the previous round of offensive, the two immediately set off a second round offensive, and Gu Yangzi had to resort to all his best to fight head-on again.

Under the pressure of the two, he kept digging his own essence and drawing supplies, but he didn’t get a chance to recover, and his aura also weakened.

Seeing that he was about to run out of support, he promptly transferred a “rectification of yang to the channel” technique, and his breath returned to its heyday in an instant.

This is not simply a complete recovery, but using the power of the Azure Spirit Heavenly Branch to transfer his own meta-machine to the moment before the fight. For him at this moment, all mystery, divine ability and even Essence is never used before.

Zhang Yu saw that his recovery was complete, the pupil light flashed slightly, and the offensive in his hands remained unchanged. Court Manager Chen’s expression did not change at all, and his shot was as calm as before. Because they all know that people like Guyangzi are not easy to kill before they completely eliminate their methods.

But these actions actually don’t make much sense, because it’s just a delay that’s all. Now that there is no miracle, the Huanyang faction is constrained, it is impossible for the Shangchen Heaven family to fight alone.

Celestial Xia’s Profound Venerable also unknowingly set their sights on them at this time, because they can all feel that this battle will soon have a result.

After the fighting between the two sides continued for a while, the solitary yang child internal qi sank again.

And this time, he still didn’t find any chance to break through the siege between the two. In the next confrontation that exhausted the magical power, because of the lack of magical power, the green he held in his hand The branches broke apart in the impact first, and fell to the ground into several broken branches.

follow closely from behind, but it was the thousands of shadow lights that were transformed by the green hairpin. It was also broken through by the twelve sword lights. One of them was cut directly on the body of the hairpin. This magical item stopped. I couldn’t bear it, and was broken into two pieces, and the inspiration was gone.

All this happened in an instant. Guyangzi lost two protection treasures, and his original defensive position suddenly became chaotic. At the same time, he felt heaven and earth dimmed, and everything seemed to be separated from himself. , Self-induction was cut off again.

This kind of divine ability is very brilliant, it is produced by condensing the Qi of the clear sky, even he can’t completely resolve it with the method in the fixed element.

Because his various mysticisms have been used repeatedly, so at this moment he can only cast one divine ability. Although he recovered in an instant, he then saw that an incomparably sharp sword light had already been suppressed. Before reaching the middle of the eyebrows!



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