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When Guan Chaosheng returned from Essence Soul, he also opened his eyes.

Li Mizhen said at this time: “Close the fellow daoist, the two factions of fellow daoist are already here.”

Guan Chaosheng looked to one side and saw a huge Celestial City appeared in the void, with auspicious clouds underneath the city, and Auspicious Light flying.

He raised his hand and waved, the sun refining the sky behind him suddenly shined, and there was a brilliant light shining straight down on Celestial City. The city got this traction, and suddenly speeded up a few minutes, and after a few breaths, it came to the front.

When the whole city was stopped, the road of clouds fell, Xianding Daoist and Yu Lingbi each stepped on the auspicious clouds, came forward, and came to the two of them.

Li Mizhen glanced at the green branch in Yu Lingbi’s hand, bowed, and said, “This must be the fish in charge.”

Yu Lingbi still has a gift and a gift to Guan Chaosheng, “Guan High Venerable is courteous.”

Guan Chaosheng glanced at Yu Lingbi, very casually nodded, and looked towards Xianding daoist, saying: “Xianding Fellow Daoist, not seen for hundreds of years, it seems that your cultivation has grown a lot.”

Xianding Daoist knows that Guan Chaosheng has always spoken and acted casually, and Guan Chaosheng cultivated before him, and his cultivation was higher than him. This is not to deliberately demean him, so he does not take it seriously. He laughed, said : “If I can get a word from my dao brother, it seems that my cultivation over the years is quite successful.”

Li Mizhen said: “Everyone, I will wait for some time to relive the past, and now I should leave here soon and find another world to live.”

Xianding Daoist agreed: “Fellow daoist Li said yes, this life is not stable. Celestial Xia knows that I am here, and will change my mind at any time, and come to attack me, only to go elsewhere. So as to avoid the Celestial Xia pawn front.”

Li Mi Zhen said: “Exactly, although I am defeated this time, I can go back to accumulate strength. In the future, I will have the opportunity to enter the world and be short and long with Celestial Xia.”

The daoist said with a smile.

Yu Lingbi just smiled politely.

Guan Chaosheng didn’t seem to care what he said at all. He said, “Then please Fellow Daoist Li to do it quickly. The treasures of our four towns and Taoists are the only ones that can be used by you. Open the void and find a place of attachment.”

Li Mizhen said hello. He took out a three-color jade box and wiped it on the white box lid. Suddenly an invisible internal qi flew out, but it released “Swallow Heaven Insect”.

At first, everyone didn’t have any feelings, as if they didn’t respond to anything, but after a while, a tiny hole appeared in the wall of the void, and it gradually expanded from tiny to wide, and you could see that the back was revealed. One side airspace.

Li Mizhen glanced at this moment, shook the head, and said, “It’s this kind of emptiness again.”

Actually, the overwhelming majority airspace that crossed before is like this, but so, it will not last long. In the past, they still need to continue to try to find the next place, but in this process, there is no doubt It will make the three worms in a state of deficit.

If this continues, Sanchong will swallow the vital essence of his master, which is not a good thing for him.

But it doesn’t need to be so now.

He said to Yu Lingbi: “Please also ask Yu to take the lead to set aside the branches.”

In addition to being able to grow freely in the void, the Qingling Tianzhi also has a mystical feature, that is, to follow the direction of its strong branches. It is very possible to find the yin and yang. The stars are separated In the airspace, that is the right place to live.

As for why not directly looking for a way out here, that is because Celestial Xia will find traces of their migration. Before fully regaining their vitality, they should stay away from Celestial Xia as much as possible to prevent the latter from finding them.

Yu Lingbi said: “Junior should do his best.”

She picked up the green branch in her hand and waved it at the void hole, and a branch fell down, and this branch entered the inside and slowly grew.

Guan Chaosheng was too slow to abandon him. He stretched out his hand and grabbed a piece of Qi of Yang. He swung his sleeves and crossed into the branch. This branch got an internal qi, which seemed to be a great benefit. Extending rapidly and rapidly, complex branches and branches will be born soon.

In fact, these powers are too violent. When this powerful force is exhausted, this branch will be exhausted and withered away, and it will not be able to be recovered.

But at the moment, it is to find a suitable place as soon as possible. Some prices must be paid. Yu Lingbi has the lowest cultivation among the four, and the right to speak is not high, so no one cares about her loss. And she herself looked as usual without complaining at all.

Xianding Daoist sighed at this time: “If there is a clear sky, then it can open up the universe, straighten out the yin and yang, and transform into the void to carry our heaven and earth, so it doesn’t need to be the case anymore. Trouble.”

Whether it is the golden sand he holds, the refining of the sky and the sun, or the three worms of the Gods and Zhaos, they all destroy and destroy far more than the growth and creation. They have found a place, so they need the Shangchen faction to join. , And only Qingling Tianzhi could barely replace the function of Qi of the Sky.

Li Mizhen said: “Although I can’t develop it on my own, but with the guidance of the fellow daoist of the Shangchen faction, I can look for it slowly, and I will definitely find a suitable place.”

As the four factions tried to leave, on the other side, the magical item that Gambak was riding was already close to the main city of Gloom City.

Because he himself resides in Xuntian Dao Chapter, as long as he does not take the initiative to leave, then Profound Court can find his place by this.

When he arrives in the main city of Gloom City, Celestial Xia has found it.

If Gloom City is taken down here, then he will be able to atone for his sins.

As he approached, a light burst into Gloom City, and a flying boat moved towards him. When he got closer, a cultivator stepped out from the flying boat and bowed to him, saying: “But is it Gan Daoist?”

Gamber stood on the boat with his sleeves down and said: “Exactly, who are you?”

The cultivator said: “I am the dísciple under the seat of High Venerable, and High Venerable ordered me to come and attract daoist.”

Gumboben suddenly felt a palpitation at this time. He suddenly became vigilant and asked: “Where is Wang Daoist? Where is High Venerable?”

The cultivator replied: “Wang Daoist is greeting Chang Daoist.”

Gan Bohe said, “Is the Chang Daoist also here?”

The cultivator said: “Yes, Wang Daoist hasn’t arrived long, only one step ahead of Daoist.” He urged: “Gan Daoist should follow the dísciple to enter. My Gloom City will be withdrawn soon, so I can’t delay outside. It’s been too long.”

Gumbo didn’t move. He didn’t really change his mind and was willing to withdraw with the Xianding Daoist. Instead, he gave Celestial Xia a guide to the existence of Gloom City, not to mention that he felt threatened at this moment, even if he could not. He won’t go to see Xianding either, only he was thinking, what excuse should he use to delay it now.

At this moment, there was a sudden movement in Xuntian Dao Chapter. It was Celestial Xia who responded, but he looked at it, and the person who spoke to the other side said, “But is it Profound Venerable? In Xia Jinzhi, I was ordered to speak with Gan Profound Venerable.”

Gamber Surprisedly says: “Are you Golden Profound Venerable?” As far as he knows, this person has already taken refuge in Shangchen Heaven earlier, so why is he now a Celestial Xia person?

Jin Zhixing Road: “That’s right.”

He hehe smiled and said somewhat reservedly: “Gan fellow daoist, now this Jin sits down at Zhang Shouzheng. This time Zhang Shouzheng is ordering this Jin to come and help the fellow daoist, but the fellow daoist may not know it. Now, the situation has changed a little. The four factions have already withdrawn into the void, and it is obvious that they are already gone.”

Gumbo surprisedly said: “Xianding is gone?” Now he was a little bit distressed. Originally, he still wanted to make up for it, but if this is an empty city, how much value can this city have?

Jin Zhixing said: “Fellow daoist is not anxious, although it is clear that it is gone, but Gloom City may not be completely empty. It is also impossible to take all people away. There are many Gloom City in it. As a citizen of Celestial Xia, Zhang Shouzheng has already said that if Gan Profound Venerable can cooperate with us to successfully win this place, I still wish to remember a great achievement for fellow daoist.”

At the same time, under the attention of Guan Chaosheng and the others, the branches that were thrown into the airspace quickly grew to an end under the fierce robbery of the sun. He distinguished it and saw that one of the branches was particularly strong. , Unconsciously said: “It seems that the next step is to go there.”

The daoist said: “It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. It is better to cross to the other side first, and then discuss the future.”

Li Mizhen also agreed. At this moment, because there was no external force to stop him, Heaven Insect had successfully tore through an extremely narrow gap, which was enough for the four factions to pass through.

He said: “Li is here to maintain the door, and ask the two to go there first.”

Daoist nodded, when the escaping light turned, he returned to the Celestial City with Yu Lingbi. Driven by the Auspicious Light, the Celestial City fell into the void on the opposite side and plunged into it. .

Guan Chaosheng was also back on Jieyang at this time. It was seen that the two were already crossing. He glanced at the two-way passage behind him, and flicked his sleeves to urge Jieyang and the entire Huanyang faction. Crossed over.

When Li Mizhen saw them crossing, his heart suddenly fluctuated for a moment. He emerged a single thought. At this time, if he took the cultivator with the cultivator, he turned back and took refuge in Celestial Xia……

Only when he thought so, the jade stone box suddenly lit up, and the three insects seemed to be beginning to stir, he shook the head, and immediately gathered his mind, took the magic mantra and cited a streak of light Ni plunged into the opposite void, then put away the jade box, Zongguang plunged into it.

After him, many Essence Soul cultivators of the gods and gods also followed one by one. Every time a person had a crack in the past, the gap was small, and when the last person put in, the narrow and long gap was closed.

As all the cultivators of the four families retreated, the broken sky branch that remained on the two-world passage was finally unable to support it, and collapsed.

As soon as this thing was lost, the entire void channel lost its strength and collapsed silently. It can be seen that many nearby stars were involuntarily moved towards there, but then this strength was lost to the sky. After the gasification, the gas revolved there, and the aftermath of the fissure was completely smoothed.

In the great array of Wan Yao, the Profound Venerable looked at this scene, and their moods were relaxed. The situation reached this step, at least this time the battle was over.

At this moment, the rays of light flashed above the array pivot, and the daoist appeared on the altar in the next week. He bowed to Zhang Yu and said, “Keep upright, the Profound Court has sent an order, the battle has been set, and the Profound Venerable can be withdrawn. upper layer .”



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