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Grand Profound Calendar On the third day of June 402, a flying boat exuding bright rays of light emerged above the sky above the plain east of Yiluo Superior Continent.

Zhang Yu is now sitting in the main cabin of the flying boat, while the Wonderous Pills Lord is lying on the soft table not far from him, shaking his tail from time to time.

Li Qinghe is observing the land below, paying attention to the signal from the sentry tower below. Qing Xi fiddles with various bright flowers from Jingqiu Superior Continent, while humming light music while Qing Shu is Hold the long sword in hand and stand by the side solemnly.

This is the third year that Zhang Yu has traveled abroad.

At the beginning, he went to Azure Sun Superior Continent, and he would be picked up by Li Qinghe, Qing Shu, Qing Xi and the others who had reached there first, and then set off from there, and started a parade.

Now in this third year, he has been touring almost every continent. During this period, every Celestial City on every continent, and the guard station set up there, he has personally visited it. Right now It is to Yiluo Superior Continent, and after this stop, go to the last stop Eastern Court Fuzhou, then you can end this time journey.

Li Qinghe saw a crystal jade flashing in the distance, and said: “Sir, the Yiluo Superior Continent station is in front.”

On the resident side, Xu Chengtong is waiting here with all the resident cultivators.

No matter where Zhang Yu goes, he will use Xuntian Dao Chapter to inform in advance, so as not to delay the incident, so they will know the news one step in advance.

At this moment, seeing the flying boat appear, Xu Chengtong suddenly became excited, then turned to the rear, with a stern expression, and said: “The Court Manager is about to arrive. The dísciple will follow me to meet me later.”

Cultivators are respond “yes” in unison.

The flying boat slowly stopped and fell. First, a star light unfolded, spreading to half of the field, and then gathered, the huge flying boat has disappeared.

Zhang Yu is already standing above the plains. He grabbed the Heart Light outside his body and walked forward. Li Qinghe, Qing Xi and Qing Shu followed behind, and the Wondrous Pills Lord stepped forward. The four heels were at his feet.

When Xu Chengtong saw him, he quickly walked up to greet him, respectfully leaning forward and said: “Subordinate Xu Chengtong, pay homage to the Court Manager.” The dísciple behind him also followed him, and his movements were neat. uniform.

Zhang Yu nodded in return and said: “Xu Jisi, don’t have to be more present.”

Xu Chengtong said yes, he leaned over and took a step, stretched out his hand to ask, and said: “Court Manager, the resident has already finished sweeping the couch, waiting for the Court Manager to inspect.”

Zhang Yu didn’t stay outside much, and followed Xu Chengtong into the station.

Because the Shouzheng station is mainly used to guard against foreign enemies, it is in the form of a high-rise fortress. All of it is built with solid jade. After Chaos Tide retreats, various array restrictions are attached, with layers of loops inside and outside. Barriers, there are also military barriers underneath.

In addition to the cultivator, there is also a creation armored soldier garrison and a hundred-man fleet. All the expenses here are borne by the Profound Court and the local continents.

In the main stage, there are not many decorations, but Zhang Yu saw that compared with other stations, Yiluo Station can be called shabby here.

Most cultivators always give themselves a little convenience and enjoyment while pursuing the path. After all, in addition to the bitter cultivator, some live in pavilions, and who will live in all black, no daylight caves? ?

He said: “Xu Zhisi here is different from other places, but there is no sensual entertainment.”

Xu Chengtong said righteously: “We cultivator, what is this kind of thing outside of the body? Sensual empathy, the cultivator with a higher resident cultivation base is okay, knows how to restrain, knows how to reconcile emotions, but the dísciple below is easy to think about Floating, the subordinates are the value divisions, it is an example, and I cannot let the following dísciple learn.”

Zhang Yu nodded, “Xu Jisi is diligent.”

He walked down this circle, Xu Chengtong is indeed the simplest here, but each officer has his own method and style, and the situation in each place is different. It is impossible to generalize on this point. Not ready to interfere.

Xu Chengtong presented a jade slip at this time and said: “Court Manager, the reports of the various machines in the Yiluo Continent in the past five years are all included in it. Please also Court Manager to check it out.”


Zhang Yu took it, and when he turned his mind inside, he read it again. The records are very detailed, including not only the Yiluo Superior Continent, but also the surrounding continents.

Yilo Superior Continent is located in the center of 13 Superior Continent, with Jingqiu in the south, Yikong in the north, Azure Sun in the east, and Yongguan in the west. The location is very special. It stands to reason that it is vulnerable to various gods and monsters and mystical creatures.

In the past few years, Xu Chengtong has relied on extraordinary means to not only deal with his own affairs properly, but also help the rest of the guard station many times, so in the case of other stations just can be maintained, He has grown a lot here instead.

Xu Chengtong added: “Court Manager, there are still some matters reported by his subordinates.”

Zhang Yu put down the jade slip and said: “Xu Jisi, please tell me.”

Xu Chengtong said: “In the past two years, my subordinates have noticed that chaos monsters on all continents have increased significantly.”

Zhang Yu un’ed, he is not surprised by this. This situation is not unique to the Yiluo Superior Continent side. Dao Chapter increases the number of profound cultivators and makes it easy for people to enter the dao. One thing has come, that is, some cultivators can’t help but take shortcuts and invest in Grand Chaos. After all, it is too easy to get strength from here.

Although he invested a seal that can manage to resist Grand Chaos in Dao Chapter of Xuntian, not all of them will take this seriously. The lower the cultivator base, the more so.

Moreover, when the boundary is low, I don’t feel too much when I ask for Grand Chaos. It seems easy to be suppressed. This creates an illusion that these people think they can control it, which leads to deeper and deeper sinking.

The problem is that all facts have proved that if you want to control it normally, your talents and will have to be better by your peers. The only thing that is worse is to cause worse results.

This is also inevitable.

Going back this time, he also intends to try to ease or resolve the matter.

On the side of Yiluo Superior Continent, Xu Chengtong handled it very well, but whenever the chaos monster was found, it was the first time to deal with it, and it did not cause any major disasters.

He said: “Xu Zhisi, Yiluo Superior Continent has done a good job.”

Xu Chengtong hurriedly said: “It’s a fortunate subordinate to be able to work for Court Manager. How can subordinates dare to take credit for this little credit? It’s just a little bit harder than others.”

He secretly said happily at the moment: “Sure enough, Old Xu, Court Manager, I remember everything I did. It is ridiculous that those gangsters said that the Court Manager did not come to inspect Yiluo first. The Court Manager was dissatisfied with me. Old Xu. Don’t you know that inspections and other things, the more you feel relieved, and the more you pay attention to it?”

Zhang Yu said: “Xu Zhisi, the responsibility is important, but the cultivation cannot be put down.”

Xu Chengtong said: “Yes, my subordinates understand.”

He also knows in his heart that he can stand out among the resident duty divisions today, not only because he has the means, but also because he has excellent cultivation ability in this boundary. Only the higher the cultivation, the more he can do. , Avatar takes care of most affairs every day, and he is constantly cultivation for the rest of the day.

Zhang Yu stretched out his hand at this moment, and as an internal qi fell, a long emerald green branch fell into his hand. He handed it to Xu Chengtong, “Xu Zhisi, you can land this species in the resident all around, this thing can help your cultivation and also protect your residence.”

This is Yimu’s falling branch in the world. He will leave one branch almost wherever he goes to guard the station, but the effect is not the same, giving Xu Chengtong this one not only, but also a hint of clear sky Qi inside.

Generally speaking, because of the high level of Qiqiang Qi, only the Profound Venerable can make good use of it, and it is difficult for a cultivator without this boundary to operate.

However, since the battle with Shangchen Heaven three years ago, due to multiple collisions with Shangchen Heaven Supreme Treasure Qingling Tianzhi, the upper layer has been able to transform a part of the performance, which was originally Qingling Tianzhi. Internal qi, this qi can be used even with ordinary dísciple.

Actually, Profound Court is already thinking of ways to invest in such internal qi in Profound Mansion everywhere, so that it can help the cultivator in the end.

Xu Chengtong took over the branches with a slightly excited expression, bowed to the end, and said: “Subordinates thank Court Manager for the gift.”

Zhang Yu encouraged him a few words. After staying in the resident for half a day, he didn’t say much. After checking the internal and external situation, he left the place by boat.

After sending him away, Xu Chengtong turned back to the station, first arranged everything, planted the branches carefully, and then returned to the inner room to meditate.

One night later, a dísciple’s voice came in in foreign languages, and said quickly: “teacher, teacher, there are changes outside…”

Xu Chengtong opened his eyes and came out of the inner room. As soon as he went to the outside, he felt a strong vitality. The branches that were planted last night have now become towering trees.

The place that has changed even more is the resident all around. The boundary that looked at a bit desolate is now overgrown with vegetation, and there are wafting waters and rivers everywhere, full of vitality, and there are still people in the distance who don’t know where they came from. Herd of deer.

He couldn’t help but exclaimed with excitement: “This is all the kindness that Court Manager has given me.” After that, he looked very serious and told dísciple: “Quickly set up a confession and be respectful. I would like to thank the Court Manager for his gift.”

After Zhang Yu left the station, he first went to Yiluo Superior Continent to meet Profound Leader Gao Mo. After staying here for a few days, he drove a flying boat to the Eastern Court Profound Mansion, the last stop on the trip.

At this moment, the upper layer of the clear sky, Zhang Yu’s main body is sitting in the Profound Dao Palace on the sea of ​​clouds.

In the past three years, his main body has been sitting here to observe the cultivation, and his understanding of the dao technique has undoubtedly deepened a lot, and the fate has also created several divine abilities.

In the past few years, without the great threat of the outer layer, Celestial Xia is generally stable, but he has read through the dao book, and there is a question that always lingers in the heart.

Now that I have picked up the cultivator of high rank attainment, there are only a few people including him, but there should be more, so where did these people go?

After thinking about it, he heard a chime bell ringing, knowing that the court meeting had arrived in the middle of the month, then rises, and walked in the rays of light in the enter the dao palace.



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