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Great Craftsman Long listened to what he said, thought about it, and shook his head: “An young man was a student of the former Profound Leader of Eastern Court. It is said that these things were also given by that person. Venerable, I am afraid that the status is higher now. If the young man is unwilling to take this out, we are afraid it will be difficult for him to take it out.”

Great Craftsman Yu said: “There are many ways. It only depends on his own willingness. Some things are not based on strengths. I also know An鈥檚 Old Master. There are also teacher Guo of An鈥檚 young man. Ying Guo is a great craftsman, which is also a great craftsman in the main institution. We can talk to her about items.”

Great Craftsman Long said: “Is there no result yet?”

Great Craftsman Yu said: “This matter can’t come in a hurry, and there are still several great craftsman including Brother Long you have not participated in, if there is a breakthrough, then there is no need to do this. “

Great Craftsman Long nodded, he went forward two steps and looked at the three mystical creatures, but he was on a high platform, and the distance was far away, and he was already at the edge, so look at it roughly, the details It’s not very real.

At this time, a voice came from a distance: “If Great Craftsman Long has a closer look, then you can go and see it.”

Great Craftsman Long turned his head and looked over, only to see in the distance on the platform, there is an inwardly recessed niche, and a cultivator who is more than 30 years old is sitting cross-legged there because of the distance. , So I didn’t notice that there was someone there, but the other person’s voice was clearly passed to his ears.

Great Craftsman Yu said: “This is Chu Dao cultivator. All cultivators here are controlled by him. Since Chu Dao cultivator settled here, he has been here. In order to ensure the stability of this place, he has not left for more than ten years. Past.”

Great Craftsman Long was very surprised, he also solemnly saluted Daoist Chu.

Chu dao cultivator slightly smiled and said: “It’s nothing, I’m just interested in these ancient things that鈥檚 all.”

Great Craftsman Long looked at the Chudao cultivator again. He didn’t know why, but he felt that he felt a little strange to himself, and he seemed to be different from the cultivator he had come into contact with before.

He didn鈥檛 go deep, he packed his mind, walked down from the high platform, and then carefully went to the three mystical creatures. Although he knew that these creatures would not wake up, he could still feel a sense Heavy pressure falls on the body,

His breathing became involuntarily hurried, just a few short steps, but it made him feel like he was climbing a mountain with a heavy load, sweating profusely.

Daoist Chu waved his sleeve at this time, and a pill flew up and said: “Great Craftsman Long, take it down.”

Great Craftsman Long grabbed it and swallowed it without hesitation. When the medicinal power melted away, I felt a lot of calmness in my mind, calmed down, turned around and saluted the top of the high platform, and then walked a little closer.

He stopped about three feet away and lifted the head to look. Standing here, I can more clearly feel the hugeness of these creatures, as well as their own smallness.

That is not only a difference in body size, but also a manifestation of life.

Although he normally faces those cultivators, Profound Venerable has never been in contact. Now facing these creatures who may be at the same level as Profound Venerable, he has a dusty illusion of facing heaven and earth.

He breathed hard, calmed down, and watched carefully. The scales and stone walls on these Xuren are perfectly integrated, as if they were carved out of them by nature.

And you can see that there are any damages and holes on it, there are many defects in the body, and there are many cracks and peeling gaps on the stone wall, as if it has been subjected to a violent attack.

Great Craftsman Yu came to him at this time, with a solemn expression: “The antiquity god fell in front of this stone wall. Its purpose is unknown, but it undoubtedly caused some damage to these mystical creatures. I just don鈥檛 know why I didn鈥檛 finish this, and I lost all my life because of it.”

Great Craftsman Long said: “Where is the antiquity god?

Great Craftsman Yu said: “It has been dragged back, but its body is like rotten wood. Apart from its size, there is no mystical at all, and it is still under investigation.”

Great Craftsman Long took a closer look for a while, and still had a lot of questions in his mind. When he wanted to say something, Great Craftsman Yu raised his hand to stop him and said, “Go out and talk.” What Great Craftsman Long realized , Nodded.

The two returned to the ground along the original road and stood on a mound where they met. Great Craftsman Long said: “Which step is it now?”

Great Craftsman Yu said: “We have extracted a peculiar kind of spirit from these three ghosts, and created 25 kinds of creation creatures based on this, of which only twelve have the potential to continue upward .

But the more you go up, the fewer the number. Now, before the final level, as expected, there is only one kind left, and we can’t get past it anyway. Here need more great craftsman to explore together, brother Long, you and I have worked together for a long time, I know you are quite talented in the 鈥楻ongji鈥?together, hope you can help us. “

Great Craftsman Long solemnly nodded his head and said: “This Long will do my best.” He said again: “Brother Yu, how long have you discovered this place?”

“Probably more than ninety years.” Great Craftsman Yu sighed: “It’s just that I couldn’t use all of this before, and I just looked at that’s all. Fortunately, the creation skill has made great progress in the past few decades. We picked it up again.”

Great Craftsman Long thought for a while, and said: “More than ninety years? That’s almost before and after the rise of Chaos Tide.”

Great Craftsman Yu said: “It was at that time, perhaps the influence of Chaos Tide was revealed here.”

He said at this time: “Do you know Brother Long? There is a hypothesis above. It is said that every time Chaos Tide rises, it is an era cycle, and a destined civilization will rise, and the original ruler will inevitably die.

We, Celestial Xia, have broken this fixation, but this breaking is not without cost. Perhaps some ancient things will wake up from this, or perhaps more things will come, trying to push us to Go back to the original track. “

Great Craftsman Long said solemnly: “Before that all this not at all crushed our Celestial Xia, and Celestial Xia will not fall because of this!”

Great Craftsman Yu agreed: “Exactly, don’t those demons and monsters in the past deserve to be side by side with my Celestial Xia?”

He vigorously said: “In such a surging forward with great momentum of heaven and earth, my Heavenly Secrets creation group should also be a force that can push the tide of Celestial Xia. We have to make our own voice, and Not just let those cultivators act as the protagonists of heaven and earth.”

Great Craftsman Long looks at this vast heaven and earth, saying: “Yes, it should be so.”

Great Craftsman Yu said: “Since ancient times, cultivator can only be achieved by a few people. Nowadays, they are all cultivators who control the upper layer. However, creation allows countless citizens of Celestial Xia to touch the upper layer without cultivation. For this For a dream, even if he pays more for it, Yu is still willing.”

Great Craftsman Long sighed: “In the battle between Celestial Xia and Shangchen Heaven, the fighting flying boat and creation profound weapon of my creation group were used, but it was not something that could influence the battle. It鈥檚 just used as a support,” he sighed, “So this is not enough.”

Great Craftsman Yu said: “Yes, that’s not enough. We originally hoped that the creation armored soldier, but now we still lack too much, and there is no suitable person to wear it. This way is gone. It has not been completed for several decades, but the road ahead is very likely to be completed.”

This mystical creature is originally an upper layer creature, just a ready-made template, where they don鈥檛 understand, they just create a description.

Moreover, the key is that this thing can be just and honorable for research, which is really unsuccessful. You can also take advantage of the fact that it is supporting the expansion of creation and pass the statement to some upper layer cultivators that are biased towards them, please support.

Eastern Court Fuzhou, Fuzhou.

After Ban Lan got down from the high platform, he returned to his home and asked d铆sciple to find He Li.

He Li came soon. After entering, he bowed and said: “Sir, what’s the order?”

Although Shangchen Heaven has fallen, the two of them are on the same boat. Besides, Ban Lan himself is indeed very capable, so he has been following along.

Ban Lan said: “I was called by Zhang Shouzheng just now.”

“Zhang Shouzheng…” He Li began to feel a little puzzled, but when he understood, his face did not show any horror, and said in a panic: “This, this, first, I…”

Ban Lan looks at him and said: “In fact, we exposed it a long time ago.”

He Li reluctantly calmed down and said in a trembling voice: “So, now?”

Ban Lan said: “Now there is an opportunity to redeem my merits. Keeping integrity makes me responsible for investigating God Restoration Group.”

He Li listened to this, and gradually calmed down, and at the same time his mind became more active, showing joy, but he realized that this was an opportunity.

They also understand God Restoration Group. As a hidden line of Shangchen Heaven, they have also managed to learn more about the organization that opposes Celestial Xia.

He quickly entered the state, thought for a while, and said: “Sir, God Restoration Group was hit by Cui Profound Corrector three years ago, and there is no sign anymore.”

Ban Lan is affirmed: “They must be there, unless they give up their own ideas. In the past Eastern Court, resurrecting one or two different Gods can trigger a chaos, but it can expand from Fuzhou, after Zhang Shouzheng arrived. , This thing will never happen again.

At that time, they should know in their hearts that they should either withdraw or fight to the end. Most people will choose the former, but any organization will not have only one opinion. I guess this is because there are stubborn people who still follow the old strategy, while the other group is hiding. Maybe it is happy to see it. By the way, it can also eliminate dissidents.

Cui Profound Corrector should have eliminated these people.

So the reason why this generation disappeared was because of internal concessions and external attacks. “

He Li thought about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case, because from the information he has collected, the scale of the troubles in the God Restoration Group has been getting smaller and smaller in the past ten years, and the momentum has become weaker and weaker. There is nothing to add at all. Much like Ban Lan said, he admired: “Mr. is really insightful.”

Ban Lan said: “This is just a possibility that鈥檚 all. If this is the case, then we have to find the hidden God Restoration Group.”



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