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Not long after Zhang Yu explained it, Gan Bai, Chang Yang, Daoist Xue and the others were called by the daoist in the next week.

In addition to their three people, there are Lu Xingsuke who originally did the Shangchen Heaven envoy, and Chang Zechang daoist who also joined from Gloom City.

These five people are all initially planned by Profound Court and are going to be sent to the police star.

After the five people entered the temple, they came to meet Zhang Yu one after another. Zhang Yu was also very polite and invited them to sit down in the temple. When he came down, he said directly: “Everyone must know, I will call Is your intention here?”

Chang Zechang daoist was the last Gloom City cultivator to take refuge in Celestial Xia. It was also at this moment that he, together with Jin Zhixing and Gumbo, destroyed the Gloom City great array and rescued the citizens of Celestial Xia His performance is the most positive. Zhang Yu’s question, he immediately responded: “Yes, Court Manager Zhang and fellow daoist tomorrow have all told us. We have all made oaths. I am always willing to go to the police star to guard. “

Zhang Yu said: “Since you already understand, then I won’t say too much. The several police stars in the police station have been punished and punished for various crimes, and they are also different in terms of keeping time.”

He looked towards Chang Yang and said: “Chang Fellow Daoist.”

Chang Daoist stood up, raised his hands, and said: “Chang is here.”

Zhang Yu said: “Fellow daoist has never killed Celestial Xia citizens in the past, nor has he fought with my Celestial Xia cultivator. Before that, he had managed to get a number of fellow daoists to vote against my Celestial Xia, so it was always fellow. Daoist only needs to guard for ten years to turn around. If he is willing to continue guarding after ten years, it can be counted as accumulated effort.”

Chang Daoist a righteous, said: “Serving Celestial Xia is what Chang wants. After Chang is redeemed, Celestial Xia can be useful to Chang, and Chang can go to work. “

Daoist Xue heard him say this, snorted in his heart.

Chang Yang lags behind every time he fights. Every time he retreats, he is the first one to go. Every time he fights, he can do nothing but do nothing. How can this harm Celestial Xia? simply can’t infringe, right?

On the contrary, it is myself, who is so sincere and dedicated to sect, but has become a person who needs to be severely punished by Celestial Xia. What is wrong with this world? Is there no place for honest people?

Zhang Yu looked over at this moment and said: “fellow daoist Xue.”

Daoist Xue immediately stoved up, sternly replied: “This Xue is here, what do you want from Court Manager Zhang?”

Zhang Yu said: “You are like the usual fellow daoist. You come from Shangchen Heaven. You should also guard a police star. Although you have returned to Celestial Xia early, you have avoided many unnecessary deaths and injuries. Xia’s offensive is smoother, but you have committed the Celestial Xia cultivator in the past. Although the two rivals at that time, you were ordered to act, but the merits and demerits should be separated.

According to the Profound Court, set the rule and order. You should guard the police star for 300 years. If the higher God Zhao, Huanyang and other factions return, you need to come forward and stop it. Are you willing? “

Daoist Xue is angry, isn’t this just exile?

Chang Yang is only ten years old, but he is three hundred years old, which is thirty times the difference. This world is really unfair, and sincere people can’t do it well!

If possible, he is naturally unwilling.

He raised his head and said loudly: “this Xue should have been punished severely, but Court Manager Zhang gave this Xue such a chance to redeem his merits. This Xue is really grateful and must be loyal to things and dare not make mistakes. .”

Zhang Yu was slightly nodded, and then introduced to Lu Xing: “Lu fellow daoist, you and fellow daoist Xue, also need to guard the police star for three hundred years, do you have any objections?”

Lu Xingjie pondered for a moment, and said: “Celestial Xia can give Lu a certain chance. Lu is not a person who is unable to tell good from bad. Three hundred years is not too long. It’s just that if Shangchen Heaven really returns in the future, Please do not send Lu to Shangchen Heaven. After all, Lu is from this school, and now he has betrayed, and he does not want to confront the old one anymore, and ask the Court Manager to do it.”

Daoist Xue can’t help but frown to himself: “It’s obviously anyway, how can you say it’s betrayal?”

Zhang Yu thought for a moment, and said: “Whether Lu Fellow daoist will meet Shangchen Heaven, it is impossible to say now. If this generation suddenly returns within three hundred years and you collide with Lu Fellow daoist, then Celestial Xia Since it’s impossible to transfer the fellow daoist back, so I can’t agree to you, if you think it’s inappropriate, I can send you back to prison immediately.”

Lu Xingjie showed helplessness, and said: “Well, Lu takes back this statement.”

Daoist Xue snorted, angrily said in his heart: “This person has already taken refuge in Celestial Xia, but he still pretends to be such a sincere face, which is as hypocritical as Chang Yang.” Thinking of this, he also cast a glance at Chang Yang.

Zhang Yu explained to these three people, and then looked at Gan Bo and Chang Bi. Without waiting for him to ask, Chang Bi took the initiative to say: “Zhang Court Manager, I am willing to listen to Profound Court. Arrangement.”

Gamber’s face tightened, and he asked in a serious manner: “Court Manager Zhang, how can I contact Profound Court while I’m on a cruise? Anything, I have to report it to Profound Court?”

Zhang Yu said: “I’m going to talk about this matter. Everyone is connected with Dao Chapter. Fellow Daoist is Chaotic Chapter cultivator. Whenever something happens, you can pass it through.”

He looked towards the remaining few people again, “And when you are away, you need to have a profound cultivator dísciple by your side so that you can communicate at any time. Although there are some matters, you can ask the fellow daoist next week. This matter cannot be delayed. , Since you already know your responsibilities, you can set off to the void today.”

He glanced at the Ming Zhou daoist. The latter bowed to him, and then made a bet somewhere. A hollow in the temple suddenly melted, and Ming Zhou daoist made a gesture towards there, saying: “Everyone, Profound Venerable, please follow me. Coming tomorrow.”

The five people looked at each other and followed the Ming Zhou people into the passage. When I went to the opposite side, I found myself on a great stage. In the distance is a sea of ​​misty clouds, and there are five big stars half-sinking and half-floating in it. Their appearance is solid, all of which are gray and white, with golden floating around. Dao talisman, the size is average.

Even from their eyes, the difference is so small that it is almost indistinguishable. In their previous cognition, such situations are rare. The larger the magical item, the greater the deviation, but Celestial Xia can do it. This is undoubtedly showing the foundation of Celestial Xia from another side.

Chang Daoist suddenly showed a look of admiration, saying: “It’s no wonder Celestial Xia defeated the three sects and teamed up. Just looking at this thing, it’s not simple.”

Everyone couldn’t help but look at him.

Chang Daoist didn’t care about everyone’s gaze at all. At the beginning, when he gathered everyone, he was just a step late and was turned away by the Ming Ding Daoist. It was Gloom City who threw him away like an abandoned child. Gloom City I’m sorry for him, and it’s not that he’s sorry for Gloom City. Now that I have taken refuge in Celestial Xia, I should take refuge with my heart and let go of everything.

Ming Zhou Daoist said: “These five police stars, you Profound Venerable can choose one to guard.”

Gambo’s two small sleeves flicked, and the escaping light flashed, and he fell above one of the police stars. He reached for the patted array pivot and sat down.

He doesn’t care about police stars or police stars, as long as Dao Chapter can still be used, where is it different?

Seeing that he has chosen the location, the remaining few people also chose a police star to settle. When the daoist saw this in the next week, he raised his head and communicated somewhere. After a while, he saw multiple golden lights falling one after another. Then five people disappeared one after another with the police star under him.

While Zhang Yu was dealing with the duties, the dignified Avatar still stayed in the Eastern Court House. During these few days, Avatar also met with the previous students and Liu Guang and the others.

After reminiscing with these old times, he also completed this cruise completely, but then there is one last thing left to deal with.

He lifts the head looks towards the sky, and has thoughts in his heart.

Only a moment, an oval shadow appeared on the top of his head, and then a grand golden light fell, covering his whole person.

When he appeared again, he was already in a flying boat, where Zhankong Daoist and a handsome boy in Taoist costume were standing.

Zhankong daoist laughed bowed to him and said: “Court Manager Zhang is polite.” The boy in daoist dress saluted the rules and said, “Little Valley has seen Court Manager.”

Zhang Yu also has another gift, “It is courteous to look at the sky and rule.”

Although Zhankong Daoist has made great achievements this time, Profound Court intends to promote his reputation, but he insisted on resigning, so he still held the post of Guanzhi, but managed to replenish him with more profound food.

Zhankong Daoist said at this time: “Court Manager called the old daoist this time, where is it going to go? Or is there anything I can do with the old daoist?”

Zhang Yu not at all concealed anything, but directly said: “Guanzhi also knows that I am busy integrating upright duties recently, so I want to go to the original mountain gate of Yuandu and set up a station to sort out the affairs of Yuandu.”

Zhankong Daoist heard this, his expression became more serious, nodded and said: “This is what it should be.”

After the Yuandu faction was merged into Celestial Xia, it no longer existed in name, but before Shangchen Heaven was not destroyed, the Profound Court took a temporary laissez-faire attitude, and everything internally was done according to the original, nothing too big. change.

Now that Shangchen Heaven is gone, it is time to free up, re-arrange this matter, and put the upper and lower sides under the control of Celestial Xia rule and order.

Zhankong Daoist thought for a while and said: “I wonder when the Court Manager is going to go?”

Zhang Yu said: “Is it convenient to observe and rule at this moment?”

Zhankong Daoist said: “I have nothing else to do here, so I can go with the Court Manager.” He took the magic mantra, and after a while, a golden light fell, and the three of them were shot down. Among them, after the rays of light were held for a while, it was only taken up, and the shadow also receded.

After the rays of light dispersed, Zhang Yu felt that he was feet firmly on the ground, but at this moment, he looked up, but saw a daoist shrouded in golden light silhouette standing in front, appearance indistinct, only vague Distinguish the silhouette. He couldn’t help being somewhat surprised, raised his sleeves, and solemnly said: “Student Zhang Yu, I have seen Master Xun.”



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