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The seal that Zhang Yu looked at this time was True Breath Seal, which was the breathing technique obtained when he followed the old cultivator teacher.

His teacher once reminded not to try to use spirit essence to improve this seal, otherwise unpredictable changes will occur.

He later understood the meaning.

Because the breathing technique was originally used to break the body’s shackles, this is the same as finding the found principles and then breaking the body limit.

Therefore, if True Breath Seal is promoted with spirit essence, then under the circumstances at that time, it is equivalent to forcing the Seal of Chapter 2 on the Chaotic Chapter. In his original situation, it will probably be eroded by Grand Chaos. .

Although in theory, as long as there is enough spirit essence, this seems to be possible.

But now he can clearly feel that the jump involving boundary level is not so simple. Before he can reach a certain enough opportunity to trigger transformation, there is no more spirit essence. If it is unsuccessful, once it succeeds, The final result is that the missing part is filled by the power of Grand Chaos.

And now he has already completed the breakthrough of the body, so there is no problem to improve the breathing technique again, or the breathing technique itself has little effect on him.

But the reason why he made this choice right now is because Qi Bi emphasized a fate when giving him half of the found jade. This statement is not like the tone of the found cultivator, but the typical old cultivator’s argument.

But in fact, this is not abrupt, because the initial establishment of new techniques was originally participated and promoted by a group of old cultivator. The found jade should also be brought by Profound Mansion from the local area, maybe older than expected , So it is very possible to bring a little old cultivator color.

That being the case, he wanted to give it a try, using the means of old cultivator to see if he could provoke any chance on the found jade.

The method of the old cultivator is to breathe with heart to communicate, just like his Xia Sword, the most important thing here is one, sincere sincerity, 2 is the breathing method.

After the spirit essence was put in, the True Breath Seal was read in a flash. With a rays of light falling from the seal, he felt a wonderful feeling in the heart.

In fact, his physical not at all changes in substance, but it is the induction of the foreign object, which seems to have become more nimble and ethereal, but it is only a slight improvement.

He realized it carefully and said that there was no change at all, and that it was not the case. If the breathing technique used to be a pool of self-circulating pool water, which was blocked and isolated, then now it is the communication of the outside water, and the inside and outside can be circulated.

Before, he always replaced sleep with this breathing technique, but after breaking the physical restraint and entering the Spiritual Clarity Chapter, the effect was not great, and it seemed that he just kept a habit.

Over the past month, he has raised the spirit essence. He also uses the founding method of Profound Mansion, but after the True Breath Technique is improved, it seems to be able to provide substantial help. This is unexpected harvest.

Turning here, he suddenly realized that this breakthrough, he now seems to be able to cultivate the next section of the cultivation technique that his teacher said.

But that’s what that’s all about.

The old cultivator requires a long time to hone the cultivation. The breathing technique is just the simplest one. There are more complicated and deep methods behind it, and there are even general problems like Tao Dingfu, even the cultivation techniques of the upper layer. Find it yourself.

Rather than spending effort on this, it would be better to read 2 more seals and collect more source energy items.

At this time, he looked at the found jade and thought in his heart, if this method still does not work, then he does n’t have to be too persistent, just put it down, this thing is always by his side, and then look for opportunities later.

Thinking about it, he immediately sit cross-legged, and then placed the discovered jade on the palm of his hand, breathing slowly, his mind slowly sinking, trying to communicate this thing.

He did not at all to deliberately explore, but purely by nature, fetched when the opportunity came, not taken, not obsessed.

I don’t know how long it has been in the past. He suddenly woke up from a deep sitting, only to feel that the breath is clear, the mind is clear, and the state is unprecedentedly good.

He immediately noticed that this discovered jade has the function of supporting cultivation, even if there is no seal on it, it is also a very useful treasure.

Not only that, his previous ideas were correct, and the communication of the genius did have a role. There is indeed a seal in the found jade, but there is no seal name on the seal, and the things in it seem to be the same. Blurred, seemingly empty and not empty, difficult to distinguish clearly.

He thought for a moment that since the seal in the jade can only be sensed by the way of old cultivator, it might be a kind of cultivation technique left by the old cultivator. Now the reason why he can’t see clearly is probably that the cultivation base is not enough.

That being the case, let it go for now.

For him, this time the True Breath Seal was improved, and it was verified that the discovered jade is a magical item. This is also a fate, and there is no need to go for extra luxury.

He got up and came out of the quiet room, then came to the top floor of the dwelling, taking advantage of the scenery and the beautiful scenery, so he brewed a pot of tea here, while tasting tea, while looking at an ancient secret, while Wondrous Pills Lord was It was leaping from side to side, chasing a soft ball that was bouncing around.

After noon, Li Qinghe came up and said, “Sir, young man Yan is here.”

Zhang Yu said: “Let him come up.”

Li Qinghe went away.

After a while, Yan Yuming came to the top floor, bowed, and handed a document, saying: “teacher, the teacher last time took care of the discipline. After the discipline is arranged, it is now results.”

Zhang Yu said: “Good job.”

He took over the document and turned it over, and it turned out that the status was different, and Profound Mansion’s attitude was different. This time, as soon as he raised the matter, Profound Mansion sent more than a dozen discovered cultivator to Dawn Mountain Town to investigate.

The leader was a discovered cultivator of Condense Heart Light. After careful searching, an underground passage was indeed found near the ruins.

After going deep for a while, these found cultivators found a lot of natives and had conflicts with them. Because I do n’t know how many enemies there are, the other party ’s forces are not unknown, and the area below is also very large, so everyone quickly retreated. After returning, he reported the matter again.

He thought about it, Xiang Chun is now planning to deal with Morning Light City. Before the result, I am afraid that this matter can only be temporarily put aside. After all, Profound Mansion has limited power and can only focus on one place.

He flipped through the Profound Mansion disciple who participated in the investigation this time, as well as the specific actions of each person. It was unexpectedly found that Bai Qingqing was among them, and it played a big role in it. It was through the eye seal technique of cultivation that all people found the entrance.

After thinking about it, he took the pen and wrote the next paragraph to everyone in the document.

His attitude is related to Profound Mansion’s judgment on these discovered cultivators. Of course, it cannot be commented at will. It is based on facts, but there is no problem if it is slightly biased to one or two people.

He wrote a few more sentences under the names of several of them, especially Bai Qingqing, who emphasized the remarks. At last, he also entered the government together.

Of course, Bai Qingqing is not sure what he is thinking about.

Just as he finished writing, Li Qinghe came to the top floor again and said, “Sir, Chief Xiang sent me to say that he has something to ask.”

Zhang Yu’s pen is slightly paused, knowing that the matter has come to fruition, he quickly finished writing the last few words, put the pen on hold, and stood up and said: “Go tell the person, say that I will prepare, and wait a moment To. “

At the same time, in the Swallow Beak Bay of Protectorate Southwest, a medium-sized sailboat sailed into the port, and a dozen people descended from the wide rope shelf ladders, all of them wearing cloak cloak, all tall.

At the forefront is a 40-year-old middle-aged man. He has straight-five officials, sharp eyes like eagle eyes, a thin face, thin lips, and a beard on the face. The hair worn in a bun looks like Very casual, a few strands drifted slightly.

The people waiting at the port rushed in together, and one of the burly giants came up with a hand and said with full energy: “Army Inspector Chi!”

Middle-aged man shifted his eyes, and there was a deep voice in his voice, saying: “I’m only a former army inspector, that’s all.”

The burly man resolute and decisive said: “Anermota has been missing for almost 2 months. He must have been involved in an accident and can’t come back, so it’s true that he is called the army inspector by the name of Zunjia!”

The middle-aged man shook his head: “I’m not, don’t call me that, I will be unhappy.”

The burly man laughed, he has seen all kinds of people, and he can see that although this one is reluctant on the surface, he is actually quite happy, that is, he does not want to admit that’s all.


Fiercely scorned him in his heart!

The middle-aged man listened to him saying that it seemed very helpless sighed, as if you like to say what you like, I can’t force you anyway.

At this time, the morning mist gradually dissipated, and the Morning Light City appeared in the distance.

He looked up and said, “Morning Light City seems to be bigger than before. Well, something has been added to the city wall.”

The burly man could not help but was surprised. Recently, there have been some more buildings outside the Morning Light City, and a layer of scarlet mud has been smeared outside the city wall. This was used by various tribes in the early years to build temples. It is said that it can effectively resist the erosion of certain spirituality .

didn’t expect This one is so far away, and can see such small changes, it is really amazing.

Thinking of this, his original thoughts could not help but a little, tried to ask, said: “Not yet consulted, Army Inspector Chi this time to do and so on?”

When the middle-aged man heard him say it, ruthless immediately scolded: “No need to pose in front of me! I know that you have your own eyeliner in Protectorate, and there are officials who are bought by you on the Political Council. The purpose of my coming is clear to you. 2 Chu! “

“Who is pretending?”

The burly man was cursed again in his heart. Of course, he still smiled on the surface. Now they can’t do without the help of the other party. At least this one is not greedy for money. He prefers the former between being scolded and money.

He said sideways, “Army Inspector Chi, it’s me or not, the dock is windy, let’s talk in the city.”



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