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The moment Chi Shou saw Zhang Yu was filled with anger and despair.

I have all come here, why wouldn’t I let me go?

Although the Divine Army’s barracks can be seen as long as it crosses the river, but the place where it must pass has been blocked. Surrounded by the vast plains, he has no way to escape.

He took a deep breath, opened his hands, and showed his sincerity as much as possible. He said to the sky: “I admit defeat, respect driving, I know, I have not been the army inspector of Divine Army, now it is just a squad leader, If Zun Jia let me go, I would be willing to submit to Profound Mansion. “

Zhang Yu quietly looks at him, there is no response, but the rays of light on Xia Sword around him are getting brighter and brighter.

He will not accept the surrender of this person. It is not difficult to feel from the heart lake. His person still breathes a sigh of relief. It is clear that he is now forced to admit that’s all because of the situation.

Furthermore, the human heart will change. Even if his heart surrenders now, he ca n’t be guaranteed that he wo n’t be shaken afterwards. He does n’t have the means to completely control the minds of others and stays with him. That is to raise a poisonous snake.

He will not make this mistake.

Chi Shou didn’t wait for Zhang Yu’s answer, but saw the scene where the word light flashed, realizing that the latter could not let go of him, and his heart was dark cursed, a little under his feet, his figure suddenly turned into a phantom floating away, but not Go towards the army camp of Divine Army, but go towards Auspicious Light City at the rear.

The Dawn River has a wide channel and turbulent waves. To go to the military camp, you must pass through a bridge. However, there is no room for dodge on the bridge. Not to mention, Zhang Yu is still blocked on the road.

But Auspicious Light City is different. This place is closer to the Divine Army barracks, and there are more buildings in the city. If he is lucky to run there, he can use it to hide. Once he gets to the crowded place, Zhang Yu impossible unbridled on him.

Looking at the direction of his retreat, Zhang Yu knew what idea he was playing, his thoughts were condensed, the flying sword turned into light, and the skies flew towards him.

Chi Shou felt the flying sword struck and immediately fled to avoid, but although he did not move slowly, after all, the sword light flashed faster, after counting the interest, a ray of magnificent light crossed over his shoulder, where spirituality rays of light immediately appeared a tremor, and there was also a wound on his shoulder that turned over.

He stretched out his hand and immediately stopped the blood from flowing out. In the process, because of the strong desire to survive, his speed did not slow down at all.

At this time a mound appeared in front.

He saw a few broken pillars and stone walls behind the mound. A hint of hope suddenly appeared in his heart, and he made a mistake, and then avoided a sword light. Then he pointed a little toe and took advantage of it to leap forward. When I hit the thick stone wall, the silhouette is empty, and the whole person penetrates like a mist.

Flying sword follow closely from behind Chased, punctured the stone wall, but it was a little slow.

After Chi Shou rolled over to the ground, his body was folded, and he rushed towards a stone pillar again.

He once again hoped to use this stone pillar to delay the pursuit of the flying sword, but at this time, the sword light was abruptly fast, and when he had not completely emerged from the stone pillar, he took a sword here Run through.

At the next moment, the stone pillar suddenly burst into pieces, and each piece was extremely uniform.

Chi Shou stumbled out of it, and he could see that he kept vomiting blood, the 5 officials were twisted, and his whole body suddenly became dark and bright, as if in a fierce and virtual change.

After the flying sword went to the distance, it turned around and flew back again.

Chi Shou seemed to have suffered so much this time that he could not dodge at all. The sword light pierced directly from his body. He seemed to utter a cry out loudly, but his body seemed to be on another level. not at all any sound came out, only the spiritual light on the body was violently shaken again.

At this time, he seemed to be unable to support him. He leaned forward and fell to the ground, but after a while, his silhouette disappeared, but he sank into the ground.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yu summoned Xia Sword back, held out his hand, and then the rays of light flashed on his body, slowly flying in a certain direction, and his eyes were indifferent looks below.

He has seen it as early as in the previous battle, although Chi Shou can shuttle back and forth in the building without being blocked, but in fact, his human body has never been a virtual body for a long time, but within the real and virtual Change back and forth.

This is undoubtedly to reduce the consumption of spirituality.

Although his people are sinking into the ground now, once the spirituality is exhausted, it still has to come out.

Of course, with this person’s ability, even two weeks alive under the ground is okay, but the problem is that it is to fix itself in one place. Once it is found, it can no longer be slain.

More importantly, his person not at all can escape from his heart lake, so just follow.

After flying about the path of several li, he saw a flash of light somewhere in the plain, but Chi Shou finally couldn’t bear it, and came out of the surface, then stumbled forward and ran forward, you can see the spirituality of his person rays of light are now very dark.

A rustle sound, a rays of light came from a distance, penetrated from his back, and then penetrated from the front chest, his body shuddered violently, but his body was not at all injured, only that layer of spirituality rays of light Become unreal.

The sword light turned around again, and crossed it again, making this sign even more violent. After the sword light shuttled back and forth several times, the rays of light on his body had become extremely unstable.

At the end, with a dazzling brilliance flashing on him, it burst like a dull thunder cloud exploded, and the whole person was disappeared. Only countless things with a little light fell like raindrops. It’s all around.

After these things reached the ground, the rays of light faded, but they turned into tiny blood beads. After a while, they rolled up like life, attracted to each other, gathered together in one place, and finally changed It became a crystal bloodstone with a slightly darker color.

Zhang Yu glanced at it, and the thing slowly floated up and fell into his hands. After glancing at it, he also put it in his pocket.

Counting, this is the second divine robe.

But without Chi Shou, this divine robe can only be returned to normal.

Chi Shou is not without strength, and the position of his army inspector is also promoted by solid military merits.

It is said that no matter what kind of difficult spiritual creatures it used to be, even the Different God, which makes other army inspectors feel tricky, it can often be solved with one blow after Chi Shou finds an opportunity.

However, although this person’s attack method is sharp, the short board is also obvious. In the face of flying, there is no way to counter it, and even he has not even attacked him from start to finish, only once prepared to do it, he first flinched back.

In fact, even if it is repeated several times, as long as the defect has not been repaired, the result of the battle will also be any change.

Zhang Yu secretly reminded himself that he must never make such mistakes. In future cultivation, he should try to smooth out all visible shortcomings.

But he also knows that flaws always exist, which needs to be made up in a fight.

Just like in this battle, although Chi Shou did not bring him any danger, but his sharp sense of memory made him remember deeply, and thus corrected Heart Light, and if he meets similar opponents next time, he will I won’t make the same mistake again.

And through this fighting, he also found that the flying sword is not flexible enough to make a transition. If it is completely against the opponent who is well-known for its speed, if it is purely thrown by the sword, it can really treat such a person.

He pondered a bit, it seems that the next step is to try to strengthen the communication between man and sword.

He glanced in the direction of the Divine Army barracks and was about to turn away, but at this time, his thoughts turned and he stopped again.

Chi Shou knew that there was no point in walking through the ground, but he still had to stay underground for a while. Was it just because he wanted to stay longer?

Thinking of this, he cast his eyes down and glanced back and forth a few times over the ground, and finally stayed in one place. As soon as his heart fell, the sword light fell with it, and a big hole was suddenly opened, and in the mud, there was a lying This booklet made of leather.

He slowly fell down, and after standing, reached out and beckoned and took it into his palm.

I opened the booklet and looked at it. I saw a series of missing characters and symbols. They were not written in pen and ink, but portrayed with the power of spirituality.

This booklet is not thick, but there is a lot of content. Some can be seen as written long ago, and some are undoubtedly added.

He guessed that these missing words and symbols should be some kind of secret symbol in the Divine Army, used to convey some information. Perhaps only Chi Shou, who had done the army inspector, knew the true meaning of this.

However, if there is no accident, the ones that were just added should be the clues that Chi Shou specially left to the Divine Army.

He collected the booklet and scanned it again. After confirming that there was nothing left, he returned the sword and turned his back to the magnificent Mountain of Serenity mountain range. He took a firm footstep and returned to the direction of Auspicious Light City.



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