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Inside the interlayer, three upper layers of the Nanlu God Restoration Group are standing on a golden stage in the lobby. The headed golden robe old man said: “Another body must exist, we must try to find it out.”

The image above the young man looks at the golden stage on the opposite side. This is exactly the scene in the cave. He is not optimistic, and said: “This body left early, and it may not be useful if you can’t find it. .”

golden robe old man said solemnly: “It is still useful. After he wakes up, he may leave offspring elsewhere. After we find it, we can hold a ceremony and use his offspring to reshape the body, even if he dies. There are leftovers that have never completely decayed, and they can all be used.”

Another young woman frowned: “If he is valued by other gods, or if he also takes refuge in Celestial Xia like that ‘Yao Li’, then we’re probably going to waste our efforts.”

golden robe old man said: “Then try to find Yao Li in Eastern Court. They shouldn’t know about the body, but they definitely know that it’s important to us, so they must protect her very tightly. She cannot be found here, we can only find another way.”

The young man said: “Should we give up on “Yao Li”?”

golden robe The old man thought for a moment, and said: “No, keep trying. Maybe there is still a chance. Even if it doesn’t succeed, it can confuse the Celestial Xia people and make them think that our focus is still there.”

The young man agreed: “Yes.”

golden robe The old man frowned at this time, because the image on the golden stage was shaking, which meant that there was a strong mental interference, and his expression became dignified, saying: “These two people must have been followed by Celestial Xia people. Got it.”

The young woman became anxious and said: “We can’t stay here anymore.”

golden robe The old man was still calm and said: “Don’t worry, they can’t find here yet.”

They won’t be so stupid to let the outside eyeliner directly return to their own realm, not to mention that the needed news has already been brought back. It doesn’t matter if people are thrown outside. They want as many people as they like. Just use the skills left by Mochi Divine Race, and you can make a batch at any time.

The young man suddenly said at this moment: “No.”

The woman said: “What’s wrong?”

The young man said: “We can see someone looking for us through spirituality, so we can also find us through spirituality transmission. It is not their power that has been exposed, but they are searching for us through spirituality transmission! “

The golden robe old man suddenly changed his face, and he already felt that something had been faintly at the moment, he immediately pressed the golden stage in front of him, loudly said: “Get out of here!”

The young man and the woman also hurriedly put their hands up, and the three of them urged together, the huge long worm carrying them seemed to be stained with a layer of golden light, and the silhouette also became pale from substance. After the golden light faded, it disappeared.

Not very long after they left, there was a flicker in the void, Jin Zhixing and Albert Gao appeared in the place where the long insects were originally entrenched.

Alberto stretched out his hand to catch a breath of spirituality, and said: “It hasn’t been long since I left. Jin Fellow Daoist, can I catch up?”

Jin Zhixing said: “Wait for this Jin to give it a try.” He released a rays of light in his eyes, and the light fell in this virtual realm.

Although he handed over the Grand Dao Seal to Zhang Yu, he was a person who had experienced dao seal after all. The eye seal is what he is best at.

At this moment, in his eyes, those spiritual rays of light turned into traces that can be traced, spreading to the depths of the interlayer, he said: “Ai fellow daoist, come with me.”

During the speech, his body flashed and moved towards the spiritual scar and flashed away, and Alberto followed him.

After the three people in God Restoration Group retreated from the long worm, they felt that the danger had not retreated, and they did not stop. They continued to flee towards the interlayer, intending to escape from chasing the enemy, but the feeling was always covering them and making them. Can’t get rid of it all the time.

So they could only avoid it again and again, but soon discovered that it was useless, probably because the other party had gotten their spirituality, so that no matter where they moved, they would be found out. If the strategy remains the same, it will be sooner or later to be caught up.

In such a dangerous situation, the three of them had to make a decision to evade the interlayer deeper. Such a choice was really useful. It temporarily separated the enemy a little, but still did not get rid of the danger. The choice can only continue to do so.

But at this time, the young woman anxiously reminded: “Can’t go down anymore!”

If you go too deep into the interlayer, then they will gradually break away from the world, if the connection is completely disconnected, then they will not be able to come out again.

golden robe old man said solemnly: “Go on, even if you can’t go back, it’s better than being found by Celestial Xia. When the gods return, we, as servants of the gods, can also come back together.”

The young man did not agree with this statement. Going deep in the interlayer, although they can avoid chasing and killing, but in this way, they will not interfere in the world. For example, it was impossible to find the divine body before. And if they didn’t contribute to the Moqi gods, then after the Moqi gods really returned to the world, why did they bring them back?

He hesitated for a while, but still raised his doubts.

The golden robe old man looked towards him and said: “This worry is not unreasonable. If so, we need someone to stay here, but we can’t let everyone stay.”

The young man’s expression changed a few times, gritted his teeth and said: “Okay, I will stay, but I suggest that the three of us should be separated so that we won’t be swept away!”

The young woman did not object. In the ordinary interlayer, you can still see some floating and broken things, but in the deepest part of the interlayer, it is really nothing but nothingness. If there is no self-entrance Deep sleep, for a long time, you must go crazy, and if you fall into deep sleep, if you can’t come out, is it different from the living dead? It’s better to hide outside.

golden robe The old man thought for a while and agreed to this decision.

So the long worm that carried them suddenly split into three sections, and each re-growth into its original shape in a short moment. Golden robe The section controlled by the old man continues to the interlayer, while the young man and the woman flee in different directions.

Seeing this, Jin Zhixing and Albert Gao had a little discussion, and then decisively abandoned the section going to the depths of the interlayer, while pursuing the other two separately.

Jin Zhixing, fortunately, said that with the eye seal, the enemy could hardly get rid of him. Alberto’s ability in this respect is far less than his. His journey is intermittent and he is about to chase people away.

But he also has a way. He immediately called “Xuntian Dao Chapter” and found several Chaotic Chapter cultivators who are good at calculations. After all, he was originally from Celestial Xia and he knew many old friends, among them Some are good at Vital Perception tracking method.

Relying on Dao Chapter’s traffic, he roughly knows where he should pursue, although the pursuit may be intermittent in this way, but at last he was not thrown off.

Jin Zhixing’s side is very smooth, he is getting closer and closer now, he has already seen the silhouette of the long worm, hehe laughed, and said: “Under this Jin’s eye seal, how can you Can you escape?”

The long worm saw that he was about to catch up, and when he was forced, he dared not stay in the interlayer anymore, so he could only escape to the world, and then escaped into the interlayer again, trying to get rid of him. But this move didn’t have much effect. After he escaped into the interlayer again, he was finally caught up by Jin Zhixing.

The long worm didn’t run away anymore at this moment. The huge body turned around, and spiritual rays of light burst out all over, and the two ferocious foot clamps grabbed him towards him.

Jin Zhixing squinted his eyes, and when the Heart Light was released, the vast rays of light fell, and the long worm was forced down, making it impossible to move, while the hard shell behind the long worm was forcibly separated and exposed People from the God Restoration Group hiding in the interior cabin.

The young man has already put on the golden mask at this moment. He took up a scepter and waved it, and each pottery broke open from the insect egg-like cabin, inspired spirituality, ready to face the enemy, but the next moment, As a bright light fell in from outside, everything came to a halt.

Jin Zhixing walked in from the bright light, passed through the silhouettes of the statues, and came to the young man.

He looked at the person for a moment, snorted, and then as soon as the Heart Light outside his body converged, all people and things were involved in a moment, and he was the only one standing in the void in the blink of an eye. He raised his hand and shook his sleeves, his gaze swept left and right, there was nothing left around him, and he turned and left.

The upper layer of the clear sky, Ying Zhuan walked out of the rays of light, and saw that there was a green grass, a lush plain surrounded by flowers and trees, and the ground was covered with multi-colored petals. He arrived here. , I felt a burst of energetic essence falling on my body, and I could feel that my internal qi had become smoother and clearer.

Behind him, spirituality dolls poked their heads out, grabbed his robe, and let out a low wow exclamation.

At this moment, a group of light and shadow appeared on the front left, and these dolls immediately retracted their heads.

The rays of light dispersed, the daoist of Ming Zhou appeared from the inside, bowed to him, and said: “English Profound Venerable, in the next Ming Zhou, it is the spirit of the clear sky, and I am ordered to introduce the Profound Venerable here. .”

Ying Zhuan looked at him for a moment, and raised his sleeves with a bow.

Ming Zhou’s daoist was another bow. At this time, a bell rang from the sky, and a Goddess float came and stopped nearby. He turned sideways and said, “Profound Venerable, please.” [ 19459002]

Ying Zhuan nodded got into the car, and some of those spirituality dolls ran out, bounced around on the float, touched here, stepped on there, stood up with each other, and looked into the distance.

The daoist of Ming Zhou saw this and couldn’t help but smiled. He could see that these were spiritual creatures and were involved in Ying Zhuan as part of his cultivation technique, but he was the spirit of the clear sky. , But had a good impression on these dolls. He thought for a while and said to Ying Zhuan: “British Profound Venerable, I would like to ask here tomorrow, I don’t know where you want to go down here?”



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