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The Lord Moqi was originally passive under the combined blows of Baiwang and Qingshuo. Now Zhang Yu’s attack was also timed, making him unable to hide, and he was beaten directly on the body. , With a burst of golden light flickering, his person fell sideways.

Of course, whether it’s the body or the attacked posture, all this is just a pure appearance, a reflection of divinity, and it is okay to say that the illusion is not impossible. From a deep level, the two sides of fighting are heart from beginning to end. The collision and confrontation between Light magical power and divinity.

Bai Wang and Qing Shuo saw that the divine lord was severely hit, and at this moment they were not ready to give them a chance to counterattack and resist. They both sacrificed their magical items to attack them.

Under constant blows, bursts of rays of light bloomed in the body of God Lord Moqi. These rays of light were bright and dark, strong and weak, which represented that the power inside his body was already very strong. Unstable, the conflict between strength and weakness has become violent, and the more so, the more difficult it is to maintain it.

This is not so much the impact of external forces as it is the soaring of one’s own power.

In addition to the inside, there are also some external influences that have been exerted. For example, Zhang Yu managed to pull the Qi Qi from the outside. This Qihua performance Chaos Tide reversed the Dao Ji and made it It is not suitable for Mochi Divine Race.

If you are fighting against a weak enemy, this may not have a big impact on it, but at the moment the opponent is at least a similar level opponent, then even a small entanglement is a great interference, even more how Zhang Yu is enough to be a powerful enemy.

At this moment, under the impact inside and outside, as well as the continuous blows in the field, Mochi Lord God gradually lost the previous spirit, and it was almost impossible to make an effective counterattack. Qing Shuo hit it with a jade ruler, this time he hit between the bends of his legs, and he knelt down suddenly.

And this blow seems to have broken a certain limit, making the rays of light appearing on his body more prosperous, and the internal conflicts are also more intense.

Zhang Yu has been using eye seal to observe its internal situation. At this moment, it is almost the time. This person’s power has been scattered, and the conflict between strength and weakness has reached its most intense moment. Although this person has not collapsed on his own, but Also unable to fight back.

So I lifted my sleeves and took the sword art. Between the moments, a thunderbolt flashed through the void, a brilliant sword light drops from the sky, pierced directly from the body of the Lord Moqi, and directly nailed it. In this virtual domain.

At this moment, he stretched out his hand, Firmament Startling Sword was already in his hand, and then swiped the sword, the sword light flashed, and the head of Mochi Lord God fell from the neck.

It’s just that its body doesn’t fall down, and the part of the fracture is also bright and dark, as if the lava melts.

Mochi Lord God is not a person, a person is not a person, a body is not a body, and the only constant is divinity, so everything displayed in front of them, whether it is the battle just now or the shape and posture presented by the opponent, is just a kind of They choose the most intuitive way of cognition.

This kind of cognition can be so simple, it can be brilliant, it can be a complex interweaving of various dao techniques and divinity, and it depends entirely on their habits and their own wishes. And what you have in mind is what you see. As long as you have mastered the fundamentals of Tao, these external appearances are not important.

Like the decapitated head of the divine lord, it is naturally not a real head, but is actually the backbone of its divinity power.

Once this place is broken, the remaining divinity power loses the unified dispatch and becomes even more disorganized. If it can be sorted out and recovered, then it will appear on the outside that its head has grown again. But Zhang Yu was on the side, and he would never give him this opportunity again.

In fact, it is not necessary for him to make another move. The skull-broken body just persisted for a while, and there were cracks on the surface. Under the conflict between strong and weak forces, there was one after another divinity rays of light. It burst out like a scorching sun.

After this situation lasted for a while, his whole body collapsed, and together with the head turned into a large pile of residues that seemed to sparkle with a little fire star. The divinity that had not disappeared at that time was like a pile of charcoal fire temporarily suppressed, the surface seemed calm, but the hot spark remained stubbornly inside.

Zhang Yu looks at this pile of shattered things, but he is not afraid to recover it again.

The divinity of the Lord of Moqi is extremely extreme, which also means that he has not changed, has no other abilities, and there is no possibility of any means other than power.

At this moment, if there is that Moqi “Divine Division” here, it may be able to bring his divinity back to life again, and now there is no such possibility.

His mind turned, Bai Wang and Qing Shuo turned into a white qi and an azure qi, each of which fell into his body.

He lifts the head, now it’s time to find the next one, which is the last higher God “sacrifice” of Mochi Divine Race.

This person is also the one in Mochi Divine Race who is responsible for stealing the power of supreme, which can be said to be the source of all the abilities of Mochi Divine Race.

God of Yi does not know the strength of the god of power, but sometimes, the strength of the power depends on how to use it. It only depends on the god who can steal power and distribute it to the other gods of Moqi, and even The supreme slate may also come from his own hands, and its use and understanding of divinity should be very brilliant, and I am afraid that it is also the enemy that needs to be dealt with most cautiously in this fight.

He doesn’t know what’s going on with Jiao Yao at the moment, but now the god sacrifice hasn’t appeared in other places, and Jiao Yao has not sent a letter for help, so it is very likely that he is still entangled. So he followed the power that came from the gods to search for it.

On the other side of the battlefield, Jin Zhixing had already contacted Ying Zhuan and said that he understood why he was looking for him. Fortunately, Xuntian Dao Chapter contacted each other and discussed countermeasures in private only during the battle.

In order to show that it was not a private connection, but a public heart, their conversation also fell in a place that everyone can see.

Ying Zhuan seemed to be fighting against the follower gods and did not immediately respond. Liang Yi said: “Fellow daoist Ying, please feel free to go. There is me here. I will assist the fellow daoist. Yao against the enemy.”

After a while, Ying Zhuan simply replied: “Good!”

Jin Zhixing waited until he agreed, mind rouses, and said: “fellow daoist Ying, please fellow daoist and come to this Jin first.”

Every god has a divinity virtual domain, which is also their choice to distinguish themselves from others. In terms of their commonality, if the divinity is completely connected, it is fuse together, without each other.

Ying Zhuan followed the aura he left behind, and while the black fire fluttered on her body, she stepped into the place where Jin Zhixing confronted the enemy.

Jin Zhixing’s opponent at this moment is the crocodile, one of the four-pillar gods, and the prototype of Zom’s crocodile. At this moment, he is presented with a creature shaped like an evil lizard, and then a creeping bright red. entrails.

Although the appearance will change from time to time, the divinity of this god is always the same. The only difference is that people with deep cultivation can see it more thoroughly, while those with lower cultivation can only observe one part.

Here cultivator takes some advantage. They are people who explore the truth between heaven and earth, so they can see it more clearly.

On the other hand, although Yishen saw these Gods with his own eyes and spent a long time together, but because they didn’t practice the Dao technique, they didn’t understand the truth. On the contrary, they didn’t understand as much as they could. The only appearances they showed before were seven vague figures. .

While fighting with the enemy, Jin Zhixing said: “Fellow daoist Ying, this crocodile can swallow people’s thoughts. In the past, this Jin had fought with his creator, but whenever the thought of killing him arises, it will encourage Its arrogance.

Although we now seal our minds with the clear air, the commonality between the generations still exists. As long as there are follower gods and even higher gods, we can provide continuous supplies for this god. It is also very difficult to kill, only the ability of the fellow daoist can cut its divinity, and teach it no more. “

Ying Zhuan said: “Gold Profound Venerable just tell me what to do.”

Jin Zhixing said: “Okay, first please fellow daoist Ying to wait aside, and later I will observe its divinity weakness, if you see it, please contact fellow daoist to kill in time!”

Ying Zhuan responded.

Jin Zhixing turned to seal, his eyes condensed, and he began to look at the crocodile, shining brightly and letting out.

The weakness of divinity is also the joint of divinity change, because no matter what things are constantly changing, no change is death, and the same is true for divinity. The strong mighty figure of divinity conceals the defects of change. The weakness can become negligible and almost non-existent. The divinity is weak and naturally easy to be exposed.

In this respect, the cultivator takes advantage again. Whether it is in the eyes of Albert Gao or Jin Zhixing, it can be seen very clearly. Jin Zhixing is even more clear because of the eye seal. .

It’s just that the more you target the weakness, the more you maintain the divinity, so be sure to hit the enemy with a single blow, otherwise it is tantamount to helping the enemy to actively repair it.

While watching, he launched Heart Light and divine ability dao art to collide with the opposite side endlessly, and the flowing divinity gradually became clear in his eyes.

At a certain moment, he suddenly increased the intensity of the Heart Light collision, almost instantly pushing his own strength to the extreme. Originally, the balance of power had been maintained on the court. This sudden impact made the crocodile The operation of divinity was also stagnant. At the same time, his aura settled on the point of divinity change and passed it on to Ying Zhuan.

Ying Zhuan has been preparing, keeping an eye on the corresponding changes. At this moment, he knew it, and a trace of scarlet appeared in the dark eyes. At the same time, a large group of black fire was born out of thin air. The crocodile was completely enveloped in it, but this was not the point. Among them, a cluster of life flames touched by breath, and instantly fell into that divinity weakness.

Once this fire touched, the divinity immediately began to disappear, but these were only secondary. The key was that with the fall of this fire, there was also a wisp of Grand Chaos being hooked, followed by entering the world, and the promotion of life fire It quickly infects the divinity of the crocodiles!



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