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When the giant claws were about to land on Zhang Yu, he did not respond directly, but phantom shook his body, and the Avatar came out from it, facing the giant with no smoke or fire. Angrily stretched out his hand and pressed it, and after the star light flashed, the monster instantly exploded into blood and flesh in the sky. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Zhang Yu himself stood still with his sleeve down. This kind of attack was too simple. It was so simple that there was no difficulty in defending. He had to think about whether it had a deeper purpose. Taking into account the existence of Yuxue, it is likely that he can’t help but personally attack the enemy, then he will meet the conditions of the other party.

But he would not give up because of choking, even dare not to fight back. He has just tried it out. Once the Grand Dao Seal is involved, the other party’s oath is difficult to restrain him, and the fate Avatar is not only his Avatar, but also the help of the Grand Dao Seal, so that it can be bypassed. The binding of the other party.

At this moment, after the monster exploded countless flesh and blood, it did not stop there. Instead, it disintegrated into countless tiny to extreme worms, and came to him in a cage.

Zhang Yu’s expression is calm. At their level, as long as there is no transcendence to the upper boundary, the foreign object is general, whether it is small or large, at most it is only a change in the means of confrontation, but if there is no cooperation, take it out separately It doesn’t make any sense.

Therefore, he still did not respond at all. The Avatar was to take a Heart Light and immediately maintain him. Those insects penetrated in, just like a moth flying into the fire, flashing rays of light China has become nothing.

Shenmo didn’t stop because of this. He started to sketch again, and monsters appeared on the mural. This time, mainly a half-human, half-lizard creature.

Zhang Yu looked at him and felt familiar. This seemed to be the “Miaoren” he had ever seen. It was in the same period as Ipal, so it seems that it may also come from the creation of Mochi Divine Race.

He looked around, and even though these creatures were not low-level and there were a lot of them in front of them, they would overwhelm the Avatar, which was impossible.

He was also turning his mind at this moment, thinking that Shenmo’s vows must also meet certain conditions. Just like the previous method against Jiao Yao, it is an agreement on the behavior and actions of both parties, which restricts others as well as oneself. part.

This is a bit similar to the old ancestor he had played against in the past, where there is a curse that falls on someone, and there must be a curse on oneself.

It’s just what the oath is like. He doesn’t know the conditions inside, so he is not easy to use and countermeasures. And it doesn’t make sense to entangle this, because Shenmo can set up all kinds of bait traps to make you misjudge. Even if you are fully defensive, it is impossible to predict everything. Once a mistake is made, it may be used by it.

This is like two chess players, one side knows how you play chess and can see all your moves clearly, but you can’t see the opposite chess pieces and chess paths at all. This is impossible to outperform the opponent.

So if he wants to get rid of this dog, he must try to break this situation. The best way is to pull the opponent into your own chessboard instead of following the opponent.

Thinking about him here, he does not go to the court to control the battle, concentrates his mind, raises his sleeve to draw a decisive draw, and the Heart Light on his body feels like an eruption for a while.

With the traction of his Heart Light, a large swath of clear air surged in from the outer territory, rushed into this virtual domain, and at the same time turned it into the Chaos Tide of the pre-epoch.

Now he is a person who seeks the complete dao technique, and the Heart Light magical power is even higher, and the Qi Qiqi attracted is even greater.

This move is undoubtedly the key to the opponent. Because no matter how powerful the God Moyu Oath is, when Moqi Divine Race chose to avoid Chaos Tide as a whole, it has already shown that its power can’t fight Chaos Tide. It is very likely that God Mo will not be able to go from supreme smoothly under the influence of Chaos Tide Steal power everywhere.

Shenmo really changed his expression, and the slate he was about to sketch suddenly showed numerous cracks, and then the pieces shattered. He tried several pieces in a row.

He decisively drew a few strokes on his chest, moving faster and faster. It can be seen that there are wisps of golden light outside the great hall shooting in, and gradually outline a huge figure, which gradually moves from nothingness to reality , Look at the appearance of has several points of cultivator.

This is his attempt to temporarily fabricate a mystical creature that can confront the enemy Zhang Yu. Here we need to rely on the power of supreme he has stolen, and at the same time have a certain understanding of the opponent’s power. The more we know, the more the creatures fabricated can restrain the opponent.

If you cannot do it once, you cannot do it twice, and you can do it again three times. In short, you can complete the final mystical creature through constant fighting temptations, so that not only Zhang Yu can be restrained, but all cultivators can also be restrained by this.

Zhang Yu does not care what he does at this moment, Shenmo uses Shenmo’s means, and he uses his own means. He first handed the purple stone sand to Avatar use and made him protect the law at the same time.

After a while, I saw a Yingying purple light expanding out, protecting him entirely. On the other hand, he called Xuntian Dao Chapter and conveyed some of his own judgment and requirements to the Profound Court.

After doing this, he calmed his mind and looked at him, and then slowly said a loud voice. At the same time, a circle of brilliant light appeared behind him, and the six above seemed to melt into the void. The dao talisman appeared, and one of the dao talisman appeared with the word “Feng”.

This time, he was going to use “Six Uprights” to solve the opponent directly.

Even if Shenmo can steal supreme, it does not mean that he is a supreme. Otherwise, he does not need to stand here. He can go to the higher boundary early, so this person can roughly be regarded as a treasure that controls the road. The different God, maybe there is still something inferior.

And he relied on Six Uprights to communicate with Gao Miao on the Dao, the power of this technique even entrusted Guan Chaosheng to suppress and kill once, this person can also control and capture.

Now it depends on how Shenmo chooses. If it is the best to stop himself by force, he can take advantage of the situation to fight back, because the other party’s promise is impossible to kill him and he can’t resist it. The other party can’t do this. The other party can’t even Jiao Yao directly. Kill, otherwise wouldn’t it be better to just swear to kill them directly? This also proved in turn, why the opponent only used those flashy means to attack him.

When God Mo heard the grand Grand Dao sound, he felt a strong sense of danger from the depths of the divinity, which directly caused his body to tremble physically and mentally, and his expression suddenly became suspicious. .

He now has two choices, one is to directly block Zhang Yu, which will break the protection of the Avatar standing around Zhang Yu; the other is to leave here and go to other realms, then it will naturally be possible Avoid the attack of such divine ability.

It is true that as Zhang Yu judged, there are restrictions on opponents in his vows, as well as restrictions on himself, because this can maximize the power of supreme, otherwise he will have no limits. Used his power for himself.

This also made it impossible to stop Zhang Yu’s divine ability unless he took the initiative to break the oath.

But the price of breaking the oath is beyond his tolerance. So there is only one choice left.

As his expression changed, he finally reluctantly chose to retreat, his body instantly turned into countless golden sand and scattered, a ray of magnificent light burst into the sky.

A gap was suddenly opened on the top of the great hall. You can see that this gap is straight to the Heavenspan, and there is also a huge hole on the sky wall.

When Zhang Yu saw him leave, his eyes flashed, and did not immediately chase him, but Ling Ming Yin Avatar conveyed his message to Profound Court.

Above the clear sky and sea of ​​clouds, Zhong Court Manager has always been prepared. The moment Shenmo left, he also got a message from Chen Yu.

He calculated it and got the result immediately, so he went to Zhang Yu’s place by borrowing the Yuandu Xuantu to communicate. Although the Zhankong Daoist was unable to move his hands in order to suppress the gods of Moqi, it was no problem to convey only one or two spirituality ideas.

After Zhang Yu knew where he was going, he still maintained the divine ability. He was called to the heart boat by the Avatar of Destiny. Then he urged the boat and followed the direction of Zhong Court Manager. Chasing to the place of God and Mo, he broke into a virtual realm that was reopened after the latter was established.

When he got here, he drank a second dao sound, saying: “Eat! Take it!”

Shenmo saw him chasing, his heart was horrified, and at the same time, he saw that there was another word “duo” among the six dao talisman. He didn’t want to face this technique directly, so he hurried out again. .

Zhang Yu once again sent his command to Profound Court. And he is thoughts stirred, and he has a new judgment on Shenmo’s methods.

Follower god Mo retreated twice. It is not difficult to see that the pledge cannot be made casually, but should be prepared in advance.

This is also very reasonable, supreme cannot be stolen casually. It can only use the original vows in fighting, but it can’t predict everything, so it has the immediate retreat. .

After the Court Manager Lin knew the situation, he turned to the Court Manager and Chong Court Manager and said: “Two fellow daoists, this time may or need to use the virtual world created by the deduction, but the two are ready. Huh?”

Both Zhong and Chong are nodded, and Zhong Court Manager said: “Available at any time.”

Lin Court Manager nodded and said: “Okay! Then please be prepared. When Court Manager Zhang arrives, he will move this world and introduce him into the world!”

God Mo came down to escape three times in succession, but each time it was settled, Zhang Yu was chasing afterwards, no matter what he used to cover it was useless.

And the omen of danger in his mind is getting heavier and heavier. Because on top of the six dao talisman behind Zhang Yu, there are already four filled in the stamp, and two more can complete the last step.

In fact, Zhang Yu once judged that if God Mo continued to hide and went to the depths of the interlayer, then after the deduction exceeded three times, the Profound Court would never be able to find his place anymore. But Shenmo didn’t know this. From his perspective, Zhang Yu clearly had a way to track him down, and he was impossible to get rid of him.

At this time, he couldn’t help but start thinking about whether to use certain methods.

But at this moment, a strange induction suddenly passed, his eyes suddenly opened, and that feeling… It was clearly the spirituality prophecy left by Divine Race before the crash… It should be an omen!



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