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Eastern Court Nanlu, as a ray of brilliance drifted by, Mysterious Chaos Cicada spread out its brilliant star-like wings and came to the land border painted with scarlet on the map.

With the speed, the height of Mysterious Chaos Cicada is constantly decreasing.

Since the change of Chaos Tide in this period, it has been declining for hundreds of years. Only recently has it changed frequently. However, in Eastern Court, Chaos Tide in some places has actually maintained a certain degree of prosperity.

For example, this land boundary is like this right now. Therefore, it is generally seen from the sky, what you can see is a twisted and colorful color, that is, Zhang Yu has an eye seal, plus his cultivation profound, so he can judge clearly.

However, if Chaos Tide is extremely strong, there are not many people who can fully distinguish it. At that time, only by falling on the ground can distinguish the surrounding things clearly.

Mysterious Chaos Cicada did not rush into the boundary marked by the red fog, but went around in a circle. From the outside, it seems that the terrain inside is more complicated. In addition to the mountains and gully, there are some jungle plants. In addition to being sparser, it is different from elsewhere.

Zhang Yu saw this place, slightly hesitated, and then changed his mind, he used Heart Light control and capture to live two mystical creatures, planted a strand of Heart Light, and made him enter this area.

After a while, there was a strange feeling in his heart. The mystical creature entered the inside, but his Heart Light seemed to be repelled. It is not so much rejection, as it is entering a different realm. His Heart Light still stayed in the world, but the two mystical creatures entered another place and disappeared.

At first, he thought it would be something like interlayer rift or Spirit Pass divine country, but it doesn’t seem to be the case now.

He already understands that it is not difficult for people with low levels to enter it, but like him, Profound Venerable whose transcendence is out of the world, cannot enter it.

This is like a narrow and low door. People at a lower level can enter easily, but people at a higher level are like a high mountain sky. They can’t squeeze in and forcefully do it. , Even if the portal is broken, it is useless. Under the premise of not being sure what is going on here, such rough practices are not advisable.

However, God Restoration Group’s inability to do anything about this does not mean that he can’t either. As Mysterious Chaos Cicada’s eyes flicker, layers of chaos and filth are stripped away, and the road ahead becomes widened, and there is a piece of it. The complete mystical spiritual light is extracted from within. He went up to the Heart Light to pick it up, and suddenly a little spiritual light shined into it.

At the same time, the scene in front of him changed suddenly, Zhang Yu was already standing on the gray ground, surrounded by black flying ash that seemed to be embers.

Here, people in withered cloaks are slowly walking around on this piece of land, their breath is deep and obscure. This is not a creature, but a manifestation of spirituality.

Zhang Yu’s figure is also shining slightly at this time. In this case, he entered here by using a method of reflecting spiritual light, which is a little inspiration from the chip creature, thus Changed.

This is just to take everything in this area into one’s own mind, and when the two reflect each other, they can be viewed with Heart Light. Therefore, he looks at here, but he is not here.

However, for some mystical creatures, seeing is seeing. It can also initiate various contacts and attack the mind. So these methods are not something everyone can use casually. Coincidentally, it will fall into Danger Land instead.

He looked up at this moment, and there was a red scarlet mist in the forefront. There was a small whispering sound inside. He stepped forward, and as he approached this thing, the voice was getting more and more. The bigger it is, but it becomes more and more complicated, and it is hard to hear what it is talking about.

However, relying on his own profound cultivation, he vaguely distinguished something. Soon, his silhouette walked in front of the scarlet fog, and walked in without the slightest hesitation, but at this moment, that noisy The sound suddenly disappeared.

He was unaffected at all, walking incessantly, and continued to walk towards the depths of the dense fog, and as he went deep into it, the red fog gradually faded, and the scenery in front gradually appeared, it seemed to be… , A thing suddenly rushed to the front, and fluttered and fluttered just a few fingers away from him.

He remained unmoved, his eyes calmly looked at, but it was something that resembled a mosquito and a bird with multicolored feathers. It had a needle-like pointed and thin beak, slender feet, and a hairy body. It was crazy Normally, they collided with him, but they were blocked by an invisible barrier.

He raised his head and looked up, the red mist had completely dissipated at some point, and the vast airspace was revealed, not only this place, but as far as the eye can see, all of these things are densely packed and incomprehensible. Counting, extending to the sky above the sky, the sound waves formed are hiding the sky and covering the earth rushing towards him.

Only at this time, a crimson giant claw suddenly appeared, and accompanied by the explosion of the landslide, four huge long scars of flesh and blood were left on the invisible barrier. The mosquitoes were almost wiped out, either scattered or exploded out of thin air.

Then he heard the invisible chewing sound, but the specific creature did not seem to exist. At this moment, he looked deeper and saw that in the mountain plateau, countless strange-shaped birds were flying from a high place. At this time, there were brilliant flowers with sharp teeth emerging from nothingness. He swallowed only one mouthful, then retreated, and turned into a clear sky again.

When he watched, a shadow suddenly came over in front of him, the rays of light suddenly dimmed, and he saw countless tiny insects crawling on the invisible barrier. When it passed, the barren left a piece of land on the ground. Skeleton.

But soon, many weird plants broke out of the soil. After a while, they bloomed and bear fruit. The fruit fell on the ground and turned into beetles crawling all over the ground. Then the soil turned up. The so-called earth, It is actually made up of many smaller monster insects.

Actually, it’s more than the earth…

Zhang Yu looked up and looked at. In his gaze, even the sky was crowded with countless creatures. They were next to each other with almost no gaps, but they were in a blurry form, those flowers It is one of the predation organs of creatures. Only when the prey comes around, it will turn into changes from unreal to real and be killed.

He could see that these creatures were reproducing at an abnormally fast speed, and they were constantly changing. It was just that after he watched for a while, many creatures no longer appeared and were subsequently reappeared. Replaced by some creatures.

This situation is very abnormal, and this area seems to have been deliberately cut out from the world, a land area deliberately occupied by people.

It can be seen that there is a deep rift between this realm and the world. Those who come from outside will only stay in the rift, so those who were sent by the God Restoration Group did not disappear. It’s on the way to find it all the time, as long as it never reaches the end, then there is no way to get out.

The people who occupy this area seem to be trying something, so they are isolated from the inside and outside, not only letting people from outside come in, nor letting the creatures inside run out.

In fact, although he can see many creatures here, they are only mirrored by spirituality. In fact, they are still very far away from each other. It is hard to say where they are, perhaps at the far end of the void. Perhaps in the depths of the interlayer.

He was pondered, if only the mystical creatures that he saw just now were nothing. Although they looked terrifying, they were not high-level and not threatening. Considering the extremely fast rate of change of these things, they have existed for so many years, it is difficult to guarantee that there is no more upper layer thing.

He couldn’t help but think of another thing at this time. Every time after Chaos Tide, there must be some mystical creatures emerging. Will they come out of these realms?

In other words, there is not only one place of this kind of land, but many places?

If this is the case, Chaos Tide is equivalent to its opening and closing door, so if you think about it further, does this have anything to do with the origin of Chaos Tide?

As he deeply thought about it, he felt as if he had touched something, his eyes flashed slightly, and he decided to return to the upper layer to speak again, so the silhouette was empty and disappeared.

A few days later, the court meeting reopened in the middle of the month. This time is still a matter of discussing the world’s defense. The digital Court Managers, including Dai Court Manager, all believe that it is necessary to strengthen the palace, not to use creation.

This time Zhu Court Manager petitioned the court to decide. Although the overwhelming majority Court Manager was on the side of the Shouzheng Palace, Zhong Weiwu, Chong Zhao, and Chang Sun Qian rejected this.

The chief executive did not say a word about this. If in the past, he would definitely not let things fall to the five executives, but now it is obvious that the transfer of authority is beginning, so it is not the same as before to reconcile it.

On the other hand, the Court Manager Chen didn’t seem to be persistent about it. He just said: “This time, I will discuss it next time, but the defense cannot be slackened. The defense and supervision of the Shouzheng Palace needs to be strengthened.”

He also expressed his attitude, even if the result is not coming out, it does not prevent him from strengthening the residence of the palace.

The reason here is also very appropriate. It is impossible to do nothing if there is no result in the court meeting. It is very likely that the enemy will take advantage of the void. The purpose of their court discussion is to solve the problem, not to get caught up in the problem itself. This has also been unanimously approved by all Court Managers. Even Zhong Court Manager and Chong Court Manager did not oppose it. In their view, as long as the decision to strengthen the residence of the Shouzheng Palace is not made by the official court, it will be restored. And room for change.

After this court meeting, Zhong and Chong returned to the palace. Zhong Court Manager said solemnly: “Looking at the attitude of Court Manager Chen, I need to deny it twice.”

Chong Court Manager said: “That will only take two months at most, and it is impossible for the defending station to grow strong in this short period of time…” During the speech, he suddenly noticed something and couldn’t help but look to the lower bound.



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