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The cultivation of Bi Ming Daoist is not particularly high, but his fighting ability is not weak, and his flying speed is also extremely fast, so it is very suitable for him to explore.

It was only two months since he went, but when he returned, he borrowed the Yuandu Xuantu. The main time was spent on traveling and inspecting the area.

After returning to the upper layer, he did not stop for a while, and went directly to the Shouzheng Palace. When I saw Zhang Yu and briefly explained the journey, I waved my hand and let go of a spiritual light, showing what I had seen in detail.

Zhang Yu looked into this spiritual light, and saw that the plains emerged inside, as if looking down from the sky, the scenery was still retreating at a very fast speed. This should be Bi Ming’s original self. Perspective.

Before long, the flying speed slowed down, and you can see that there are small cities with lush water and grass on the banks of the mountains, plains and rivers and lakes. These small cities are scattered on the earth, and it is not difficult to see the people inside. They are all native.

And in every city center, there is a gorgeous temple standing there. From the architectural style and priest method, it can be seen that it has a lot of involvement with different God.

Almost all of the different Gods of the last era are like this, and he is also very familiar with it. Although I have experienced Chaos Tide, the greatest influence on the land of era, that is, the different God group, has not completely disappeared, but is quite prosperous.

This may be because Different God has not been able to become a true “Sovereign”, and there is no different God country that encompasses all land. This generation is scattered on the boundless land, and there are very few going to the void. .

It can be said that the different Gods were originally in the state of all split up and in pieces, and the various countries of the division have never been in the same state, and the spirituality has not been able to develop to Peak, so the influence of Chaos Tide on them is unimaginable. It’s so big.

Celestial Xia has been fighting with these spirituality different Gods for a very long period of time after entering the world, and a considerable number of different Gods have joined Celestial Xia.

From Mochi to Ipar, all were strong for a while, called Sovereign is no problem, but the different God cannot be compared with the last two era Gods. If Celestial Xia has not come to this world, then the development of the matter is likely to be the Divine Taibo clan invading the inner layer, which will trigger a greater Chaos Tide change, thereby destroying all the different gods, ending the civilization of the previous era, and starting this The glory of era.

However, the arrival of Celestial Xia has changed everything. Not only did it defeat the Divine Taibo clan that was supposed to invade the inner layer, but it also carried the overwhelming majority mystical creatures on the land and even part of the siege of the different God, which was undertaken by Celestial Xia. Most of the pressure was removed, which also led to the fact that the different God group was not completely washed away by Chaos Tide, and a considerable part of it survived.

Zhang Yu is aware that there are still a large number of different Gods outside the territory of Celestial Xia, but because Celestial Xia’s main opponents were not theirs in the past, so as long as this generation does not cause harm to Celestial Xia, there is no need to care about it. .

From the scene in front of you, it seems that this generation has a common heart force, and is moving on the way it should have been.

As Bi Ming’s perspective crosses these fragmented fringe city sites, as more fertile places are gone, more cities gradually appear, more exquisite and magnificent, and the deeper they go, the denser they are The higher it is, the stronger and more energetic creatures inside, and the divine power of different God is also increasing.

God’s grace is everywhere here, spirituality power affects the fertile soil and water, and near the center, a Heavenspan tower appears. In Bi Ming’s spirituality gaze, the cloudy sky has a blue and white depth. Lightning rays of light, there are dense and abundant divinity power, and after a while, a divinity rays of light will be thrown into it from the land.

Bi Ming Daoist said: “When the subordinates are here, they are not very close because they feel the power of the upper layer and the divine power is all over here. In the past, it is likely to be discovered by these different Gods, and there will be no After going deeper, I observed the living people in the lower city and found that there are so many people with spirituality.”

He stretched out his hand and pressed it to show all the living people in the central city area. As a member of Celestial Xia, he does not focus all his attention on the power of the upper layer, and he also pays attention to the creatures of the lower layer.

Zhang Yu looked at it and noticed some details. The low-level residents in the peripheral cities are clearly from different races. Apart from worshiping God, they are quite different from each other. However, the central city site is a single race, rich and proud, and the scale and number are quite large. And indeed, as Bi Ming said, the overwhelming majority also have divinity bloodline.

If it’s all that’s all, it’s at best a different God divine country, but he saw some traces of mystical transformation similar to the Ipar Divine Race, which shows that it’s probably a supreme slate member at the time. It can be traced back to Mochi Divine Race.

In addition to these, there is also a creation flying boat similar to Celestial Xia. Originally, it’s not a big deal for Different God to have this skill, and Ipal is very good at it. If you look closely, you can actually see some traces of Frost Continent in the past.

His eyes flickered, and the improvement of skill was not achieved overnight, even if it was similar, it would not be so close. Frost Continent remnant was not completely eradicated, it would be possible if it came here.

If the two are in one place, it will undoubtedly increase the potential of the divine country. It seems that a new and powerful civilization is being gestated.

Bi Ming daoist said: “The subordinates turned around again later, and found that every time a new god was born around, and was led into the lightning cloud in the center. , This is very different from the different Gods I have come into contact with Celestial Xia in the past.”

Zhang Yu nodded, this shows that this divine country is no longer a rude eradication of different beliefs, but an attempt to merge into a whole. This is a great progress, but first of all, there must be a more powerful force to override it. Makes all the surrounding forces unable to resist.

He asked: “Does this divine country have a name?”

Bi Ming Daoist said: “Whether they pray or pray, they are calling for ‘Tio’. It should be the name of the divine country, and probably the divine name.”

Zhang Yu said: “This time you have worked so hard for a fellow daoist. Let’s go back to the fellow daoist for rest. I will take care of the follow-up, and if something happens, I will ask someone to call the fellow daoist.”

Bi Ming daoist inspected the head and said: “The subordinate will retire first.”

After he left, Zhang Yu looked at the lightning cloud again. It was a manifestation with spirituality outside. This era may be suitable for the age of spirituality. Only from God Restoration Group’s worship of Mochi Divine Race, but finally presented in spirituality, proves that it fits a certain change.

Shouzheng Palace Lord is responsible for fighting against the different God. It is within the scope of power to fight against this divine country. However, this divine country is far away from Celestial Xia, so it will take more than a month to fly at the speed of Bi Ming. Arrived, so there is currently no threat to Celestial Xia, and there is no room for direct conflict.

When this divine country grows to the stage of Sovereign, I don’t know how long it will take, and how many countries on the ancient scroll record will spin and die. This divine country does not know whether it can be sustained in the long run, and he needs to face it now. For the foreign land in the direction of Eastern Court, you just need to keep watching at any time.

With a wave of his sleeve, he flicked this piece of spiritual light away, and then he turned his mind, he had already fallen from the upper layer and entered the foreign land outside the southern land of Eastern Court.

His Avatar had already landed here two months earlier, and he was slowly arranging the array outside with the air of the clear sky. Since this array was constructed out of thin air, there is no half-reliance, so no mistakes can be made here. A few days have almost reached the time of the final formation, so he personally came here to sit here in order to avoid any changes.

He swung away the jade mist star light, and Yunzhi jade platform emerged under his feet. Standing in the misty formation, he saw the boundless phosgene coming, forming a cloud of spirit clouds, falling into the surroundings like a whirlpool. After five days of this, there was an empty and wonderful sound, and then it turned agitated, like a sea of ​​waves rushing.

In the upper layer of the sea of ​​clouds, Court Manager Lin has always been concerned about the great array. When he saw this scene at the moment, he threw a jade pill with a heavenly star on the surface of the latitude and longitude from beyond heaven, and suddenly a spirit Hong Fei enters the array domain, and floats in the mist.

Lin Court Manager grasped the magic mantra and guided the Qi of Clear Sky to hover around this. The phosgene in the array that was originally to fly, finally settled down as if captured.

Lin Court Manager fell from the upper layer, bowed, and solemnly said: “Court Manager Zhang, everything is ready, now the great array is complete, I will try to clear the sky. Acting as Chaos Tide, I have opened this door, and I have to trouble you to keep your position.”

Opening the door to a foreign land is either to wait for the next Chaos Tide to arrive, or to take the initiative to promote it, but to wait for an unknown amount of time, it is also possible for variables to occur during the period, so they decided to take the initiative.

The array is set up to prevent all kinds of accidents. Deploying the formation with the air of clear sky is also a way of attaching great importance to the opponent’s performance. Once the internal qi formed by this treasure of town and Tao forms an array pivot, no matter what form the opposite side is in, it is impossible to enter the world or plunge into mystical spirituality before the array is broken.

Zhang Yu nodded and said: “Yudang will hold on to the array pivot, and the creatures in this domain are not called to enter the world.” At this moment, he glanced up, although there were only two of them, but in fact, the Profound Court courts. Manager is paying attention to them at the moment and is ready to provide support at any time.

Lin Court Manager pinches his finger to hold the magical power, and transforms the surrounding wisps of Qi Qi into Chaos Tide, trying to move that exotic place.

For today’s affairs, he made a lot of preparations, but this internal qi is just right. It is neither too much nor too little, and it will reach the upper limit of the different Domain Portal accounts opened.

Zhang Yu unfolded the Heart Light at this moment and spread it all over the array. Under the reflection of his Heart Light, looking from the upper layer, the great array almost became a swirling silver river. And he stared at the front, and saw that under Lin Court Manager’s magical power ceaselessly urged, that foreign land finally slowly cracked a trace of cracks.



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