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Mysterious Chaos Cicada waved its wings and turned into a splendid starlight, entered the foreign land, and passed directly through the creatures. These mystical creatures also seemed unaware of this, because the two sides did not Not in one level.

This visualization picture followed that trace of induction and went directly to the deepest part of the foreign land. This is an area that cannot be touched by any creatures outside, and it is an area that can only be entered by the power of the upper layer.

There is no other superfluous things here, only a stone slab engraved with symbols and words, hanging in the middle position. Mysterious Chaos Cicada revolved around the stone slab, and then fluttered its brilliant wings. From top to bottom, it rushed towards the object, and a shining star light instantly swamped the place.

And at the moment outside, Lin Court Manager’s several magical items fell under the cover, but instead of smashing in chaos, they cooperated with each other. One of them covered the four directions and spread to the whole area; Empty, to catch dissonance; another piece is shaped like rain and mist, moistening into everything. At this moment, from the outside to the inside, from the big to the small, and from the broad to the subtle, everything that covers the inner territory of the area is separated separately, so that the captured object has nowhere to hide.

It can be said that as long as anything targeted is still within this domain and does not exceed the upper limit of his power, it cannot escape.

Lin Court Manager looked at it calmly at this time.

After searching, he also found what he wanted. This is one palm-size stone statue has a relatively simple appearance, but simply shows the outline of a human shape.

Judging from the traces left inside, the silhouette he saw just now should be the spirituality hidden in it, but now it’s empty. It seemed to have exploded out in circles.

And it seems that because of the lack of spirituality, the statue is only a pure statue, and there is no trace of the charm that he saw just now. It’s just an illusion that people have only seen it.

Chang Sun Qian also looked over, looks at that can only roughly distinguish the shape of the head and limbs, stared for a while and then looked away, without saying a word.

Zhang Yu was also fascinated at this time, and saw a star light flying out of the different inner territory and reintegrating into his body.

Lin Court Manager pondered for a moment, and did not mention what he had seen before, but said: “Has Court Manager Zhang found anything?”

Zhang Yu lifted his sleeves. At this time, there was an extra slate in his hand. It can be seen that the front and back sides are engraved with a strange rhythm.

Lin Court Manager has seen this kind of things many times these days, his expression is a little condensed, and he said: “Supreme slate? Is it Divine Race?”

Zhang Yu said: “It is indeed a supreme slate, but it may not be related to Mochi Divine Race.”

The supreme slabs left by Mochi Divine Race ended up in the hands of Ipar Divine Race, and he was later taken over by him. He had seen every slab left over. In this respect, he can be said to be the person who knows the most in Profound Court. So he saw at a glance that there was a difference between the two.

He said: “I say the two are not related, and there is another proof, because I read the prophetic slate of Mochi Divine Race, and it hardly involves this exotic land. It is so hard to arrange the land. Will be discarded, and those God Restoration Group members will not have had contact with the two eras in the past, which shows that Mochi Divine Race has no direct involvement with it.”

Lin Court Manager believed his judgment and said: “If it has nothing to do with Mochi Divine Race, the Court Manager thinks that this object is older than the stone slab carved by Mochi Divine Race?”

Zhang Yu said: “Yu thinks is so.”

Lin Court Manager nodded and said: “Since it was before Divine Race in Mochi, then the time when this thing appears can be set between the second era and the third era. Court Manager Zhang may understand this. Content?”

Zhang Yu said: “Although Yu can’t fully interpret this slate, he can roughly understand the number of ways. If the previous Moqi slate is a transformation of mystical creatures, then this is a way of the world or some kind of The rationale has been reformed, but this is not an easy thing to do, so it can only be limited to a certain scope. This is probably the reason for the formation of this alien land.”

Lin Court Manager thought for a while and said: “As far as Lin knows, once these slabs are set up, the agreement with supreme is completed. The lord of the foreign land can take this slab away, but why does it still stay? What about here? Is this unintentional or intentional?”

Zhang Yu definitely replied: “It should be a deliberate move. It should be a ceremony. There is also supreme. There is not just one piece. There may be multiple pieces. If the agreement is similar, sometimes it will Resonance is motivating, and a single piece of appointment is useless, but if multiple pieces of supreme appointments with the same content are motivated together, it will be difficult to tell the result.”

Lin Court Manager nodded, said: “If this is the case, I am afraid that as Court Manager Zhang said before, there are other places like this foreign land elsewhere in the land or in the void.”

Chang Sun Qian said at this moment: “It must exist.”

Lin Court Manager was surprised: “Court Manager, Changsun, why is this? Could it be the reason?”

Changsun Qiandao: “Because the transformation of the creatures in this alien land is not complete. Although it is only a cyclic evolution, it lacks a few key creatures. The upper limit is predictable. If there are many places in these alien regions, then the alien The main purpose is probably to complete a final goal, because it cannot be completed in one sitting, so it is divided into multiple parts, and then the completed parts are added together.”

Lin Court Manager asked: “How sure is the court manager, the grandson of the court?”

Chang Sun Qian indifferently said: “Now it is just speculation, but if I can find another place, I will be able to conclude. No”

Lin Court Manager solemnly said: “Then we need to explore the boundaries of those evil gods.”

Zhang Yu said: “The Royal will pay attention to this matter, and will send more people to the void.”

He paused and said: “There is one more thing. The Court Manager Lin told me about the mystical west side. He sent the Bi Ming Fellow Daoist to investigate, and the results have just come out.” He stretched out his hand to plan. He made a letter of jade talisman and handed it over: “The details are here.”

Lin Court Manager took it and took a look, got a general understanding, looked up and said: “What’s the opinion of Court Manager Zhang?”

Zhang Yu said: “From my point of view, this generation of flying boats have traces of Frost Continent, so it is not ruled out that they will use Celestial Xia as their opponent in the future, but this generation is far away from me, so there is no need to pay too much attention now. You can observe it for now.”

Lin Court Manager said: “Okay, then act according to what Court Manager Zhang said…” At this point, his voice was slightly paused.

Chang Sun Qian said indifferently: “Since there is nothing wrong here, the eldest grandson will go back first.” He bowed, turned a spiritual light and returned to the upper layer.

When Lin Court Manager waited for him to leave, he took out the statue and said, “Lin found this statue on the side. The spirituality of the statue was slightly different from that of Court Manager Zhang. has several points of similarities, I wonder if Court Manager Zhang might see some clues?”

Zhang Yu moved slightly in his heart. He took the statue and looked at it. The statue itself is very simple. After thinking for a while, he poured Heart Light into it, and suddenly a silhouette appeared.

Lin Court Manager stared at it. This time it became clearer. It is indeed similar to Zhang Yu, but it is hard to say that it is the influence of Heart Light or the problem of the statue itself.

Zhang Yu pondered for a moment, and said: “This statue does not emphasize the outside but the inside. It uses superb spirituality carving skills. It is a kind of recognition of a certain’life’ by the carving person. A perfect person, or an interpretation of a perfect creature, if I am not wrong… what this statue has molded should be’supreme’.”

“Supreme?” Lin Court Manager couldn’t help being astonished for a while.

Zhang Yu said: “From the native records and legends, the existence of’supreme’ is close to what we cultivator said, so the existence of supreme, no matter in fact or in the understanding of Moqi Divine Race, They are all before everything.”

Lin Court Manager nodded and said: “This is nature. If it is Dao’, it will last forever. First there is Tao, then I, and then we ask for Tao. This is called’Return to Innate’.”

Zhang Yu said: “Whether it is Ipal or Mochi, they are chasing the understanding and stealing of supreme. They also admit that supreme is higher than them and ahead of them, but it is different from the way of we. The supreme of understanding has a divinity or a human nature. From the perspective of this generation, if supreme comes to the world, then it is the most perfect creature. In this generation’s understanding, it should be like this, or similar It looks like this.”

Lin Court Manager thought for a while, couldn’t help but nod, he admitted this statement. The surface of the statue looks rough, but without the intentional participation of the upper layer power, it cannot be built into such a way of expressing spirituality, let alone carrying Zhang Yu’s Heart Light. However, it was carved with heart and deliberately turned this stand into an image. Even if it is not a supreme, it is a very important thing. Zhang Yu’s explanation is extremely credible.

He said: “Since it is a supreme statue, there is always a purpose for this thing to stay here.”

Zhang Yu said: “The statue of supreme is beside the foreign land, and the power of supreme is enough to carry everything. If so, the host of the foreign land is very likely to use the statue of supreme to see everything here, and then get this place from the power of supreme. So that you won’t be implicated or tracked down.”

Lin Court Manager said: “This is a clever way. This foreign master can’t be underestimated. It’s just that when we found this place, the clue was also interrupted, and finally went back to the void.”

Zhang Yu said: “After the imperial return, we will arrange this matter.”

Lin Court Manager said: “If it is Zhang Court Manager what difficulty is there, you can come and talk to Lin.”

Zhang Yu responded, and after a few more words, Lin Court Manager left first. He glanced at the statue in his hand and looked thoughtful in his heart. He always had a feeling that this thing seemed to have something to do with his adoptive father.

On that day, he asked Xun Ji about his adoptive father, but the latter said that it was his family affair. It was inconvenient to talk more, so he didn’t go to see him. When the time comes, he would come to look for him. It must know something. It’s just that the teacher doesn’t know where he went now, so he can’t ask now.

Judging from the slabs, his adoptive father should have tried to lead him to the path of mystical at first, but he should have given up on this move later. But… Did you really give up, or did you have other plans?



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