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When the dao child saw Jiao Yao gone, he stood there for a while, and then took a speed car to walk back. Not long after he came to the Dao Palace in the clear spring and flowing petals on the sea of ​​clear clouds.

No need to know, he went straight into this, all the way to the back hall in a pavilion by the lotus pond, where there are two daoist playing chess.

dao child stepped forward, waited for a child to fall, made a gap and went forward, to one of the middle-aged daoist wearing a vermilion daoist robe: “Master, Jiao High Venerable said that the Shouzheng Palace had assigned an event machine , There was no time to come here, and then the boy saw him leaving in a hurry.”

Shen Daoist sighed and said: “This old dragon is pretending to be confused.”

The daoist opposite him was dressed in an ink-colored daoist robe, long beard fluttering, and clear and dusty. He smiled and said: “This old dragon made a mistake last time and stuffed his descendants into the Shouzheng Palace. I have found a way back. How can I stand on our side if I finally swear by it? Counting on this old dragon, it is better to count on his younger generations.”

Shen Daoist said: “I just asked the boy to try to ask, this old Dragon Fruit can’t help it, that’s all…” He waved his sleeves, lifts the head and said: “Tong Fellow Daoist, this time Things can’t be taken lightly. If the Shouzheng Palace is allowed to gather we and assign me to work, how can I wait for a clean cultivation?”

Tong Daoist stroking his beard said: “But this is the meaning of the Profound Court, and it has passed the Profound Court’s resolution. It is not easy to handle.”

Shen Daoist said: “Fellow Daoist is only half right. Although this is the resolution of the Profound Court, it only refers to the expansion of the Shouzheng Palace and the reinforcement of the defense of all parties. But we have not yet set the opportunity for we Profound Venerable enter the world. Even the Wonderful Profound Boundary, who is in the world, is now trying to set off for the time being, and it has not been promoted in one go, which shows that the Profound Court is also cautious.

Just imagine, if this goes well, and then continue, then the next step is to force me to enter the world. If we didn’t say a word in this, Profound Court thought we had acquiesced, so I have to submit a request to Profound Court so that all fellow practitioners will not be disturbed. “

Tong Daoist said: “If you want to talk about this, we must have a leader with enough prestige. Since the old dragon is unwilling, then only Fellow Daoist and Yan Fellow Daoist are the only ones to do that. Talker.”

Shen Daoist indifferently said: “The two sides also sent people to invite, but especially the fellow daoist is dedicated to studying the Dao, and the Yan Fellow Daoist is unwilling to hate others, remaining in seclusion, otherwise, neither will I As for the old dragon.”

Tong daoist startled and said: “It turns out that the fellow daoist also invited these two…” He frowned and said: “This is difficult, without these few, I wait for the words in Profound Court, there may not be many Weight.”

Shen Daoist resolutely said: “This thing always needs someone to do it. If these people refuse to do it, then I will do it! When Celestial Xia came to this world that year. We and everyone in the same way are all standing. Thanks to the credit, the Profound Court also promised that we can cultivation in the sea of ​​clouds for a long time, and only play when necessary or when maintaining Celestial Xia. Now if the rules are changed, it would be wrong.”

Tong Daoist tried to ask: “Then Fellow Daoist is going to how to solve this matter?”

Shen Daoist had been prepared for a long time, and said directly: “If the rules are suppressed, no one can be safe. Only by establishing laws so that the Profound Court does not force the people of we closed-door cultivation to enter the world, can we truly Solve this matter.”

Tong Daoist was startled and said: “Fellow daoist this step is a little far away. It is okay to propose a proposal, but it is too difficult to establish a law. This is because the Profound Court has done the right thing. “

For Profound Court to establish a law to recognize this matter, it must be recognized by all Court Managers. This is impossible in any way. If you know that it is impossible, is this not afraid to provoke you to the unhappy of Court Managers?

Shen Daoist’s expression did not change in the slightest: “This is against Profound Court. We are submitting our own reasonable petition. This is also approved by Profound Court. If we don’t mention it, Profound Court thinks it can arrange me at will. Now.”

Tong Daoist couldn’t help but sighed in relief, saying: “It turns out that the fellow daoist just wanted to show his attitude to the Profound Court. If it really wants to be like this, this is good, this is good.”

Shen Daoist said: “This matter must be done as soon as possible. I will visit fellow daoists these few days and ask them to attach my petition.” At this time, he calmly dropped a piece on the chessboard and said: “Tong fellow daoist, to You are here.”

Three days later, Miao Hao was in Dao Palace.

Court Manager Zhong was speaking with Court Manager Chong Ying through Yubi. He said: “A few days ago, the fellow daoist Shen came to find me for the true cultivator enter the world. dao brother?”

Chong Court Manager said solemnly: “I think they have been closed-door cultivation for too long, confused, I have never been the spokesperson of this generation, and the court decides things. How can they be beaked? Profound Court’s law ceremony Do you want more rule and order?”

Zhong Court Manager said: “This matter should not be blocked. Since they filed a petition, they always have to give them a chance to speak. They have also given credit to Celestial Xia. Moreover, Fellow Daoist Shen has also been a Court in the past. The Manager, even though he abdicated, he can always say a few words.”

Chong Court Manager disagrees with this, saying: “Shen Wei, this person is too selfish. Chong has always believed that if Celestial Xia was defeated in the battle with Shangchen Heaven, this person would probably take people to Shangchen. Heaven there.”

Zhong Court Manager shook his head and said: “Don’t make comments on things that haven’t happened before. There is no problem with the petition itself, but the refutation should be refuted. There is no conflict between the two. Just tell them our attitude truthfully. .”

Another day later, in the Dao Palace in the Sea of ​​Clouds, Shen Daoist and Tong Daoist also received a reply, saying that this is a Profound Court resolution and cannot be changed.

Tong Daoist sighed: “Profound Court really rejected it.”

Shen Daoist said: “It’s already in the expectation.” He threw this reply aside, caring for the boy and said: “Take a few more copies and share them with fellow daoists to watch and let him know this. The result.”

Dao child clicked, picked up the reply and quit.

Shen Daoist smiled. He was a Court Manager and knew the Profound Court as well as these true cultivators in the clear sea of ​​clouds.

If you stand up for them, they will not come forward with you. Instead, they will sit in the back and watch you toss in front. If you can get anything, they will also enjoy it. But if the shackles of rule and order fall, they will also come forward to resist, but they usually do their own things without interfering with each other, which is just a mess of sand, and the power cannot be gathered together.

So what he has to do is how to gather this scattered sand.

He put forward those suggestions, not really expecting Profound Court to agree, but just waiting for this reply, and this one pushed everyone to the corner. Because if it doesn’t come out to change, it’s a foregone conclusion. He can use this opportunity to condense people’s hearts and gather strength.

At this time, Tong Daoist was a little unfounded. After all, he was fighting against Profound Court, and he was a little flustered.

Shen Daoist glanced at him and said, “Fellow Daoist, don’t worry, we came according to Profound Court’s rule and order, and there is nothing out of the ordinary. Profound Court will not wait for me.”

Tong Daoist secretly thought: “I won’t wait for me, but you, the leader, may not take you…” When he thought of this, he suddenly seemed to think of something, suddenly looked up towards Shen Daoist, After hesitating for a while, he asked in a low voice: “Dare to ask fellow daoist Shen, do you intend to return to Profound Court?”

Shen Daoist took a sip from the teacup on the case, and smiled, and said, “I let fellow Daoist guess it.” He said leisurely: “As far as I know, the chief executive is about to abdicate, and the Profound Court must be on top. There is a vacancy. At this time, if I can take the crowd into the crowd, it is the trend of the times. I have to be back in my seat.

Tong Daoist was stunned. He didn’t mind it. After all, there was someone in the court who was willing to speak for them. It was always a good thing, But…

He looked towards Shen daoist and said carefully: “Will the fellow daoist be willing to fight for the advantage of the fellow daoists?”

Shen Daoist raised his hand and said as if promised: “If I enter the court because of your support, then I will stretch it out for you.”

In his plan, he will gather everyone down and send out a petition again. It would be best if Profound Court can accept it this time. Naturally, he will have more prestige. If it is unsuccessful, it can also make all true cultivators realize that if no one speaks for them, who else is there besides him who is willing to stand up at this time?

Regardless of success or failure, he is the same winner.

In the Shouzheng Palace, Zhang Yu Avatar is arranging people from all over the world these days, but the few true cultivators who were willing to come have never come. On the other hand, the people on the prison side, only after a few days of talking with the Court Manager Wu, they came one after another, and now they have all arranged to go.

He also received the petition immediately. Profound Court did not refuse the petition from the following person. If the request is reasonable, it will also consider it at its discretion. But this time the request was too high, so he also rejected it.

the past few days he also heard some words from the closed-door cultivation true cultivator. Although no one dared to criticize the Shouzheng Palace explicitly, there are inevitably some murmurs in secret, saying that if the blame is to be defended For creation, where did so many things come from?

Based on his knowledge of true cultivator, he is sure that there is definitely someone behind this inciting this matter.

Just a little interrogation, knowing that this is a man named Shen Ming pushing behind.

He took a look at this catalogue and learned that this man who was also a Court Manager once also guarded the 13th Superior Continent. Not only that, he is also a Profound Continent who has inherited the merits of opening the continent. Venerable, the credit is also great.

However, compared with many colleagues of the same period, the credit can only be regarded as passable. It is just the Profound Venerable with the credit of his peers. At the moment, most of them are dead except those who are still in the court. On the contrary, he was back then. Due to a serious injury, entrust took the initiative to leave the position of Court Manager, but escaped the most tragic battles.

However, there is evidence that his injuries actually healed a long time ago, but he stayed behind for a long time. Until now, when all the foreign enemies were eliminated, they ran out again.

Zhang Yu set aside the record of this person casually, combined with this person’s past actions and the current situation in the court, but he roughly guessed what the person’s idea was.

However, how to deal with these incidents is not within the authority of the Shouzheng Palace, so he will not interfere more as a Shouzheng, but when the next court meeting, he will be the Court Manager. Interrogate.



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