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Bi Ming daoist felt that one after another rays of light fell on the body, and was also aware of the abnormality. Most of them were supported by magical items and divine ability. He couldn’t help feeling a little surprised, but he immediately guessed it. What’s the matter.

This is because no one hopes that Shen Daoist can win, so they all help him. In addition to what he got at this moment, the same is true for the help given to him by Zhang Yu and the two Court Managers Zhong and Chong.

But he is not a rigid person, he will accept what should be accepted, and he will not pay too much attention to anything.

In any case, there is no fairness in the absolute sense of the law of fighting. If one of the parties can have more magical item means to help, that is also its own ability.

He is also convinced that Shen Daoist will never sit still, and will definitely find ways to increase his chances of winning.

After Shen Daoist received the news that Bi Ming Daoist was coming to discuss the law with him, he thought of the words left by the Court Manager Zhu, and immediately knew what was going on. This is the essence of Profound Court in disguise. I asked him about it.

He did not refuse to discuss the law, and it is not easy to refuse. We must know that this battle must have attracted a lot of people’s attention. If even people like Bi Ming who have cultivated into the heterogeneous bloodline dare not respond, then his reputation that he has managed to build will inevitably be hit, and those colleagues will also question his ability.

You are not even better than others in the Dao technique, which shows that you don’t have much truth. Then why should we believe what you say?

On the contrary, if he does not refuse, he still has the possibility of winning.

Because of the importance of this battle, he went to various fellow daoist acquaintances to walk around as Bi Ming daoist thought, borrowing various magical items from these people.

He also tried to borrow means from You Daoist and Yan Nudao to help, but neither of them paid any attention to him. He didn’t know if he knew Profound Court’s attitude a long time ago, or simply didn’t want to contact him.

Regarding this, he just gave it a try and gave up if he didn’t succeed. He thought that the preparation was enough, and he also deliberately managed to learn about Bi Ming’s past record from some fellow daoist, consciously he still has several points of chance of winning, for this he also specially invited a few good friends of friendship. Come and watch the array.

Soon after he was ready, Dao Child came to report, “Master, the Bi Ming Profound Venerable has already gone outside Dao Palace.”

Shen Daoist stood in the great hall with negative sleeves, posing a casual look, saying: “Then please Bi Ming Profound Venerable into the hall.”

Not long after, Bi Ming daoist walked in from outside, he glanced at Shen Daoist standing on the steps, bowed, and said: “Shen Profound Venerable is polite, Bi Ming is here today, trying and discussing the driving dao .”

Shen Daoist reserved his head and counted as a response.

The true technique of watching the battle on both sides, Xiu Daoist, he didn’t realize he was rude, because Bi Ming Daoist’s approach was close to the different kind, and they didn’t like it. When it was placed in the time of Ancient Xia and Shen Xia, then he must try to clean up. Yes, even if it is not so radical now, it has always been looked down upon.

Bi Ming daoist is also very clear about this. He left Celestial Xia with Zhu Feng, Yuan Tong and the others. Later, he pursued this way alone, knowing that his actions were not recognized by many people.

But today’s argumentation just happened to give myself a good opportunity to rectify my reputation. Even if I borrowed a lot of Profound Court’s power, it would be better.

He had no plan to discuss with Shen Daoist, and directly said: “Then Bi Ming will be offended.” His magical power surged, and seven colored ray reflected, and the whole person, including his aura, had a certain degree of alienation. , Looks like a gorgeous bird.

Watching the true cultivator frowned when they saw this, and a trace of contempt was revealed in the depths of the eyes. It’s not that they underestimate Biming’s fighting ability, but that he doesn’t understand him, who is not a man but wants to be a beast.

As an opponent, Shen Daoist didn’t dare to despise much. As soon as he raised his hand, the surrounding Dao Palace changed for a while, turning it into an independent territory, enough for the two to move and fight. At the same time, he also released the magical power, and Bi Ming The daoist confronts far away, but it is even better than the magical power imposing manner, which shows that it is indeed more cultivation.

After the two faced each other for a while, Bi Ming daoist took the lead and launched an attack, turning a colorful light into the sky, and radiating iridescent lights on it.

Shen Daoist stood still, took the magic mantra, and floated the magical item screen on his body, tightly guarding his own portal.

In the Profound Dao Palace of the Qing Dynasty, Zhang Yu watched the two of them. In fact, he was not the only one who watched the battle at this moment, and all Court Managers were looking at the battle.

For Bi Ming Daoist, he knew something when he entered the Shouzheng Palace. The speed and offensive ability of this daoist are extremely strong, his body is strong and tough, and his fighting ability is extraordinary, but he lacks some changes in the changes. This is also his weakness.

Shen Daoist He has also read some records. Although the requirements for the Court Manager’s cultivation base were not so high earlier, it may not be without the strength to make credit. This person has made up for many of his shortcomings during the long cultivation years. , There are almost no special shortcomings.

Originally, it was difficult for Shen Daoist to win, but now it is different. He got a lot of help. Only after fighting for a while, he saw that Shen Daoist’s brilliant strategy and methods were all evaded like an unknown prophet. In this way, the advantages of Bi Ming Daoist have been infinitely magnified.

While these two people were still discussing the law, Zhu Court Manager came to a Taoist temple in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, and said to the door Dao Child: “This boy, is Old Qin there?”

Without waiting for Tong’er’s answer, an old daoist walks from inside laughed and said, “It turns out that it was Zhu Court Manager who came to the door. The old daoist is negligent, please, please please.”

He invited Zhu Court Manager to the shore of a large lake in the middle of the lake. Seeing that there is another middle-aged daoist here, the two seemed to be fishing for big whales here. Qin old daoist pointed to the middle-aged daoist and said: “Zhu Court Manager, this position is your fellow daoist.”

There was a solemn courtesy from Mi Daoist, saying: “It turned out to be Zhu Court Manager, it’s courteous.”

The reason why Profound Court chose Zhu Court Manager to be the person to talk to the Dao is because he became a famous teacher. This pulse has been passed down since the time of ancient Xia, and there have been many problems in the door. Less superior cultivator.

The most important thing is that in this vein, there are few disputes with others. On the contrary, others are down. If they can help, they will help, and they will take the initiative to ask for something that is not too important afterwards, so as to understand the inheritance. negative. This not only helps others, but also reaps some benefits for myself, and also avoids the situation of rebellion against the enemy.

So in the Zhumai Dao Zhuan, his reputation for this lineage is very good, even the chief executive is very polite to him.

And now these true cultivators of closed-door cultivation, even if they are unfamiliar with themselves, most of the sects have been dealing with his sects, so communication is much easier.

After a gift, Zhu Court Manager followed the old daoist on the back of a Dragon Tortoise, sat down in the upper shed, and there was a dao child cooking tea here. The host and the guest talked about it. After the sentence, Qin old daoist asked him what he wanted.

Zhu Court Manager said: “This time Zhu came here to ask you about your views on closed-door cultivation and the responsibility of entering the world.”

Qin and You looked at each other, Qin old daoist said cautiously: “It seems that Zhu Court Manager came for me to wait for the name on the petition. I am not waiting to fight Profound Court. It’s just for fellow fellows, Profound Court just said that I was allowed to wait for closed-door cultivation in Yunhai, and now I changed my mind again. This change is too fast.”

Your daoist also complained slightly: “Yes, the Profound Court order is inconsistent, and many colleagues can’t accept it.”

Zhu Court Manager thought for a while, it is not difficult to understand their thoughts.

In the eyes of many retired true cultivators, the world is almost fixed or slow. It’s only four hundred years since Celestial Xia enter the world to now. In the feeling of these true cultivators, that is, playing a few games of chess, discussing a few times with others, and then retreating a few times, I didn’t care much. Passed.

Three-four hundred years, it was very short-lived in their senses, so in their opinion, you just allowed me to close-door closed-door cultivation, and now you “suddenly” said that you want to change your mind. Isn’t this a change? It’s no wonder that many people who provoke resistance are immediately attached to report under the instigation of Shen Daoist.

Actually, if Zhu Court Manager hadn’t been in Superior Continent for a long time, and then went to Profound Court as the Court Manager, maybe he would feel this way too. He said: “Zhu can understand your feelings, but today’s life is different from the past, and Zhu is also blunt. In fact, the court didn’t care much about whether your colleagues enter the world or not.”

“Oh?” The two were a little surprised. You daoist said: “Then why did Profound Court change its mind again?”

Zhu Court Manager said: “This is the reason why Court Manager Zhong and Court Manager Chong are fighting for reasons.” He said about the efforts of the next two, and explained the reason for the next two. , And finally said: “Pushing fellow fellows to enter the world is just to prevent fellow fellows from being pushed to the edge in the future, so the true technique will probably die out.”

Qin old daoist and You daoist are both lost in thought.

All of them, follower god Xia hour will enter the dao. Usually think that one’s own power is fundamental, and everything else is nothing, so when it comes to fighting for power, it feels indifferent. In the past, in Sect, even if they didn’t do anything, it didn’t prevent them from being respected by others as elders.

But what Zhu Court Manager said, they also noticed that the situation was different from before. Although true technique is still dominant now, the power of the profound cultivator increases extremely fast. If the power of the profound cultivator catches up and surpasses the true cultivator in the future, then maybe the Court Manager’s words will really come true, and this time may not be too long.

After careful consideration by Qin old daoist, he seriously said: “Zhu Court Manager can come here, indeed with goodwill. The meaning of Profound Court, old daoist also understands, old daoist, I will withdraw the name on the petition. Come down and listen to the arrangements of Profound Court.”

You Daoist also said: “The same is true for Poor Daoist.”

Zhu Court Manager gave a salute and said: “The two understand the righteousness, and Zhu will give thanks on behalf of the court.” The two hurriedly returned the courtesy, saying that they did not dare.

After successfully persuading the two of them, Zhu Court Manager left here and went on to meet with those cultivators who were agitated by Shen Daoist, which was also at stake for this generation.

The facts prove and true cultivator are not all irrational people. Those who go to extremes are only a few. They just escaped from the world before and did not care about the changes in the Profound Court. After knowing the intentions of Profound Court, they also have Understand.

However, understanding does not mean willingness, but they all know that personal confrontation with Profound Court is impossible to succeed. Profound Court is at least willing to be reasonable and not acting indiscriminately, so most of them agreed to withdraw their names. So when Shen Daoist fought with Bi Ming, the power he agitated had been disintegrated silently.



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