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On February 2th and 20th, the auction market in Auspicious Light City has lasted for 5 days since October 8.

The auction market at the end of the year is generally around 5 days, and because of the gradual calming of the two places in the north and southwest this year, especially after Morning Light City returns to Protectorate under the jursidiction of, many new Rare Item pieces that have only been circulated in Southwest in the past have also surged. Joined Auspicious Light City, so it was extended for several days.

Outside the city square, there are countless pavers, although it is already in the evening, but it is the bustling time. Between the swings, there was a lot of light.

“Husband, what do you think about this jadeite? Tao Sheng said, as long as the pendant is made of Rongyu, this piece is Rongyu, which has the effect of calming the mind.

A pair of young husband and wife passed by a jade paving, and the woman held a piece of exquisite Phoenix jade accessories.

The man is holding a child of the total angle, dissatisfied: “What do you want this thing to do, ruined! Do you have time to make Xia ritual a few times?”

The woman pouted and squeezed Yu Pei a little bit down.

The man couldn’t look at her like this, so he said: “Buy it, buy it.”

The stall owner also took a great peng chasing the sun jade carving, said with a smile: “Guests, this is a safe thing, it is better to buy one for the child, peace and safety in the coming year, blessing Ling Lang in the future ten thousand li. “

The man looked at the child in his arms and said, “OK!”

As the young couple talked, a youngster wearing a black robe walked slowly behind them. He had scarlet eyes under the sea and the clothes were like smoke, but the people around him were strange to him But it seems to be ignored.

Suddenly, he stopped before a paving place, where all the clay dolls were in a simple state.

The stall owner said diligently: “Guests or two? Pair of two coppers, and give one to the guests.”

The black clothed youngster reached out and pressed, and two pieces of copper came over and said, “Just a pair,” he glanced to one side, “you give the child behind the more.”

The paving hawker started, saying: “Good.”

black clothed youngster put away the doll and turned away.

At that moment, the pair of young husband and wife came over. The child saw a lot of clay dolls, both eyes were shining, one arm around the man’s neck and one finger in front, said: “Dad, I want a doll.”

The paving hawker smiled, picked up a doll and put it in the child’s hand, the child suddenly giggled.

The woman mumbled when she saw it, and was about to take copper from the handkerchief bag, and the paving hawker waved her hands again and again, “No need to give, no need to give, see if there is. Jun, everyone loves everyone! “

The man proudly said, “That is, like me.”

The woman gave him a blank look and hesitated, but it was not good to take other people’s things.

The man didn’t care: “Just a clay doll, don’t worry,” he asked the hawker: “The stall owner, is it a copper one?” Seeing the vendor nodded, he extended the hand to the woman, “Come on, get another copper plate I.”

The woman was puzzled and handed over the past.

After the man took it, he put the copper on the case and said, “The stall owner, take another clay doll, and put it here. If you want to bring a child to buy it later, say I gave it to the child.”

“It’s so good!” The stall owner smiled.

The woman also pursed her lips and snuggled up, holding the child forward from left to right.

Someone passed by the pavilion from time to time in the back, but I heard that the people in front of me took the initiative to leave a copper, saying that it was for the child behind.

The black clothed youngster walked through many stalls and walked into the auction field. He found a seat that was most conspicuous, embraced by double bracelets, sat down, and waited for the auction to begin.

At this time, a medium-sized ship drove into the port and slowly leaned on the dock. Although there were survey soldiers coming up to check, everyone did n’t seem to see the one placed on the deck and covered with a thick cloth object.

After the survey soldier signed the document, the squad leader Gao asked his men to move the humanoid object from the ship to the dock dump, and then he took a golden bowl from an army soldier and directed it at the squad leader Chang gave a smile, said with a smile: “Squad leader Chang, do you come or me?”

Squad leader Chang snorted, stepped forward to take the golden bowl and walked directly to the thing, Shen shouted: “Unlock.”

As soon as he ordered, an army soldier came up and cut the thick rope with thick ropes.

squad leader Chang waved these pawns back, and stepped forward to grab the hood, and then lifted it up, revealing a huge idol covered with thick bloody symbols. 5 The facial features are vivid, but the corners of the mouth are vivid. With a weird smile.

The squad leader Chang grabbed a handful of gold powder from the golden bowl and sprinkled it on the forehead of the idol, according to what the rest of the God Restoration Group taught: “God of Crime and Disorder and Laughter and Frolicing ‘Kakiaki’, I am calling you here, please wake up as agreed. “

As this sentence fell, the idol’s eyes lit up suddenly, and the odd smile on the corner of his mouth became apparent.

Squad leader Chang has always been very cautious. Seeing this scene, he immediately vigilantly stepped away from the several steps, and then saw this huge idol slowly sit up straight, and stood up again, and there are three people who stand tall.

This idol slowly lowered his head and glanced at 2 people, the rays of light flashing non-stop.

Chang 2 and Gao 1 are like adversaries.

Fortunately, Idol not at all came to ignore them, slowly lifts the head, looked towards the direction of the noisy port, and then walked step by step along the Grand Dao towards the inside of the port. The people on the port saw this tall at this time. Idol came over, all cred out in surprise, and ran away one after another.

At this time, there were 2 discovered cultivator being inspected. They found the situation here, and they were all surprised. The two people had a heart light on their body and rushed up to try to stop idol from moving forward.

idol just glanced at them, all around World seemed to be in a trance, the 2 discovered cultivators rushed past him, and then ran away in one direction, as if there were their goals there.

idol looks at their backs go away, making a malicious laugh.

He turned his head, the eyes of lights flashed in his eyes, and he walked towards the crowded auction market in the direction of Xicheng. As he walked, his body gradually shrunk, and the person became like a True Master, but only two eyes were full Malicious.

In the auction field, black clothed youngster was inspecting the item he photographed. It was 2 pieces of mystical organs in glass bottles. From the appearance, it looked like 2 beautifully shaped crystal jade. His clothes roared like smoke, and the two things were put away, and then he stood up from his seat.

I don’t know when to start, the seats around him have already become empty.

The several found cultivators and many guards standing at the door have been staring at him since he entered the stadium. At this time, he looks up at him and ca n’t help but feel nervous. A found cultivator asks with courage: “Ying Zhuan, you What are you doing here? “

The black clothed youngster did n’t seem to hear this sentence at all, nor did he go to see these discovered cultivator, and walked directly out, between the robe dancing, it seemed that a firework was drifting through, and the people who were there were all automatic. Parting, giving him a way, looks at him step by step.

The black clothed youngster walked out of the auction field and was about to leave here, but at this time, he suddenly heard a wailing scream at his ear, and then there were countless voices full of panic.

He turned his head to look and saw that there was a huge idol standing there above the market. At the moment, he was running around with people with malicious eyes looks below. Between the huge bodies, he stepped on with his feet at will. It was a mass of flesh and blood exploding, and then there were countless insects hatching out of that flesh and flew away in all directions, biting the running crowd.

black clothed youngster noticed that not far from idol, a child who fell to the ground was crying sorrowfully, and there was a cracked mud doll on hand, and beside him, a pair of young husband and wife fell in the pool of blood Among.

That idol seemed to notice the child too, with a weird smile on the corner of his mouth, walked up, stretched out a finger, and slowly moved towards the child.

black clothed youngster looks at that idol, after taking several steps under his feet, his toes were a little bit, suddenly turned into a black fire streamer, and rushed towards it.

Idol made a quick movement, turning his head to look, but his mouth was cracked, his nose suddenly became longer, like a lance, malicious looks at the black fire greeted.

However, the scarlet eyes of the black clothed youngster did n’t even blink, and ran into it directly, letting that long nose pierce himself, while hitting the head of idol with a punch, the playful eyes of the latter suddenly changed. Became shocked.


A black flame burst out in the market, covering the entire square.

The black clothed youngster fell to the ground, the robe fluttered behind him, and all the black and red rays of light converged. The idol had no head. On the black body, pieces of debris collapsed, and finally fell to the ground.

A black hole appeared in the chest of the black clothed youngster, but he seemed to be indifferent, his scarlet eyes turned, and he glanced at a ship at the port.

At this moment, the Chang and Gao 2 people who were standing there watching didn’t expect at all. Someone would kill them out of thin air, and easily solved the purpose of this God of Crime and Disorder.

When he saw his person looking over, there was a horror in his heart.


The thought flashed through 2 people’s minds at the same time.

But at this moment, the two people were in a trance, but they were horrified to find that the black clothed youngster had stood on the bow, and the black robe behind him fluttered to the side like the flames of the wind.

2 people glanced at each other, and body spirit rays of light rushed out at the same time, they made a drink, and rushed towards the black clothed youngster, but only halfway, 2 people suddenly burst into a black fire, body surface The spiritual rays of light quickly dimmed, and then the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and fire flared out, and in the middle of the sky, it exploded into a puff of fire and dust.

Black clothed youngster took a palm of his hand at that time, took out 2 clay dolls and looked at it. When he saw that not at all was damaged, he put it back again, and the hole in his body slowly closed.

He glanced back in the direction of Profound Mansion, his robe fluttered, and a black fire stood up, and disappeared along with the last light between the sea and the sky.



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