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Eastern Court Heavenly Secrets Institution, An young man put two celadon tea cups in front of the case, the tea is scented, and he is now calling for the Yaoli who has just come to visit him.

Yaoli combed a hanging bun today, wore a deep dress with a plain begonia pattern, tied with a red silk ribbon, a sachet on her waist, and a coral bead chain on her wrist. Here in Eastern Court, this It is a very common Celestial Xia girl’s outfit.

Today is holiday, Auspicious Light City is not far from Heavenly Secrets Institution in Anju, so it is very convenient to come by flying boat.

An young man had never seen Yao Li before, but had correspondence with each other. He knew that Yao Li was also Zhang Yu’s student, so he was very enthusiastic, and even took half a day out of his busy schedule to entertain her. He curiously asked: “Yao Junior Sister Li, why didn’t Yao Junior Sister Li go to Zhoushi for a tour, but came to me.”

Yao Li said: “The last time I heard Qinghe senior brother talk about the senior brother, I took the liberty to send a few letters to the senior brother. I thought that I never saw the senior brother. This time I came to visit Anzhou. .”

An young man laughed, spread out both hands, and said: “How about it, senior brother looks like this, didn’t you let Yao Junior Sister Li down, right?”

Yaoli looked at him, shook her head and said, “I was not disappointed, but there were no surprises.”

An young man’s smile faltered.

Yaoli picked up the tea cup on the case, covered her mouth with her sleeve, looked at him only with a pair of black and clear eyes, and said: “Just kidding with the senior brother.”

An young man grinned, said: “Your expression is too persuasive.” He put his finger on a plate of bright vermilion biscuits, “Junior Sister, this is a special candied fruit in Anju. The secret formula picked from spirituality plants in Fuzhou has a sweet aftertaste, not greasy, but just right, you can’t eat it elsewhere, Junior Sister might as well try it.”

Yao Li said: “Thank you senior brother.”

At this time, it seemed to smell the scent, suddenly a jade flower fox trot over, with two paws lying on the case, looking at the look at that the young man was looking forward to, and the fluffy tail was also swinging there. .

Yaoli’s eyes lit up slightly and said, “Is this raised by the senior brother?”

An young man said: “Yes, when I lived with the teacher in the outer layer Legs Constellation, we adopted it specially, by the way, Junior Sister, you haven’t been there yet, right?”

Yao Li gently shook the head.

An young man excitedly said: “Don’t underestimate it, it’s a mystical creature, it can understand us, but it’s smart, don’t believe me,” he coughed, waved his hand, and said, “Now You can eat it tonight, these all are mine, mine! Go back.”

Jade Flower Fox was stunned, looked at him stupidly, and then suddenly jumped, but came over and bit him. An young man screamed, and Jade Flower Fox ran out with his tail swung.

Yao Li couldn’t help but smile in her eyes.

An young man rubbed the back of his hand with more tooth marks, put it behind him if nothing happened, and said: “Junior Sister, don’t envy you, maybe the teacher will find you a mystical creature anytime. Whether it’s protecting you or helping you deliver messages, it’s very convenient.”

At this moment, an attendant walked in outside the hall and said: “young man, someone asks for a meeting outside, saying that it is Jade Capital.”

An young man said: “Jade Capital is here, is it Mr. Guo?” He apologized to Yaoli: “Junior Sister, please wait a moment, I will come when I go.” Yaoli said: “Senior brother is busy on my own.” .”

An young man walked out. Not long after, he walked in hurriedly and apologized: “Sorry Junior Sister, my other teacher is looking for me, I need to go to Jade Capital once, I’m afraid I can’t greet me. Junior Sister, I can take care of the attendant. If you are interested in creation, you can play here for two more days.”

Yao Li suddenly said: “Senior brother is going here, is there a guard?”

An young man startled, he scratched his head. Originally, Jade Flower Fox was his guard, but he was mad at him. He whispered: “I don’t need any guard to go to Jade Capital, right?”

But he said so, he was still very cautious, obediently and honestly went to find two armored soldiers as guards, in fact, even if he didn’t mention it, Heavenly Secrets Institution would also allocate manpower for him, because now Heavenly In Secrets Workshop, besides Great Craftsman Wu, he is the most important.

He prepared some things, and took his entourage onto the flying boat and flew across the ocean, but within ten days, the flying boat landed at Jade Capital, and then came directly to Jade Capital Heavenly Secrets Institution .

When he came out of the underground speeding carriage and passed by the square, on one side of a metal high platform, there were two cultivators and the middle-aged man standing there and looking at his silhouette.

The middle-aged man was a little nervous and said: “He also brought two guards, can it be done?”

A cultivator with strange pupils in his eyes said: “Anzhizhi’s main guard power is in Eastern Court. Because of his relationship with the influential figure and the profound connection with Profound Mansion, he should lose The best way to protect the power is to transfer him to Jade Capital. When he is here, as long as the influential figure is not followed by himself, he is like a fish that has landed ashore and can only be at our mercy.”

Another cultivator coldly said: “Even more how, he also came to Heavenly Secrets Institution. No one can cover him here.”

The middle-aged man said: “You can do well. But don’t do it if you can.”

The different pupil cultivator said: “Shang great craftsman, you are too worried. We will not use military force. That may irritate the influential figure behind him and break the rules of Celestial Xia on the surface. We Just be confused and let him explain all that should be explained.”

middle-aged man This is the only way to be at ease. It’s good to be able to do nothing, so even if you find out, it can’t be considered too much.

The letter An young man received was sent by Guo Ying. He hadn’t seen it in a few years. He wanted to meet the teacher directly, but after arriving, he heard that he was presiding over the creation courtyard. Can only live in first.

He had just settled down in the guest room prepared by Heavenly Secrets Institution, and before he could clean it up in the future, the middle-aged man and two cultivators walked over. The middle-aged man bowed to him and said: “An master craftsman is polite.”

An young man was a little surprised, and there was a courtesy, saying: “Your Excellency is…”

The middle-aged man put down his hand and said: “An master craftsman, you may not know me. I am a student of Dazong Wei’s student and I have just returned to Jade Capital Heavenly Secrets Institution.”

An young man suddenly said: “It turned out to be a great craftsman. The name of senior is Junior. I’ve also heard of senior. What’s the matter for senior?”

Shang Ke seriously said: “There is one thing, I found the master craftsman, but also because I wanted to ask the master craftsman to do me a favor.”

An young man asked: “But is it the creation skill?”

Shang Ke said resolutely: “We are here to find a master craftsman. We want to ask you to give the creation skill of the level you know to entrust and hand it over to the Heavenly Secrets Institution.”

An young man startled, he dug his ears and said: “Wait, I didn’t hear clearly, you say it again.”

The persuaded with a harsh and kind look: “An master craftsman, are you unwilling? You know, these skills you have are of great use to the Heavenly Secrets Institution. They should not be hidden and tucked, but should be used for your colleagues. Sharing. With these, our Heavenly Secrets Institution can also make progress faster and benefit more people.”

An young man looks at this person, not knowing whether to be angry or to laugh, he settled down, raised his hand and asked sincerely: “Senior, please teach Junior, how shameless a person can be as it should be by rights Say this remark?”

Shang Ke’s expression changed, said with displeasure: “An master craftsman, I am seriously discussing with you, but I am joking with you.”

An young man resisted the urge to curse and said: “I’m not talking to you either. What does it have to do with you who are given to me by the teacher?”

The two cultivators couldn’t help but glance at each other.

Shang Ke sighed: “An master craftsman, your thoughts are too narrow. If the skills of Heavenly Secrets Institution grow, it can promote the progress of all the creation skills of Celestial Xia. Compared with this, one thing does not belong to you. What is the cost of your skill?”

An young man embraced his arms, and said with disdain: “While my curse is still on the way, I invite you to go out now. When they arrive, I am afraid you will not be able to hold it.”

Shang Ke looked disappointed.

At this time a cultivator opened the mouth and said: “I told you a long time ago that the tongue is useless, we still have to come.”

An young man asked vigilantly: “What do you want to do?”

The cultivator slightly startled, his gaze condensed, and said: “Can you see us?” Then he reacted, shouted: “He has a magical item on his body to cover, so I will break it first!”

This is actually a very rare thing. Creation craftsmen seldom bring cultivator items with them, because this will cause the fungus spirit to build the creation to lose their vitality. Generally speaking, Heavenly Secrets Institution will never let these items be Brought in by someone who is not a great craftsman.

There was a psychedelic color in the eyes of the different pupil cultivator, and the whole inner room flashed suddenly. The young man was only in a trance, but a jade talisman on his body released a soft rays of light, The mind was frozen.

Another person took this while taking it towards the jade talisman, but Heart Light was in contact with it, but his expression changed and he spit out a mouthful of blood. He couldn’t help showing horror. When he was about to desperate to do something, he suddenly heard a scream, “You dare to use the divine ability in Jade Capital city, you are not brave!”

The two cultivators changed their colors, “Is it under the gate of Baizhen Mountain? Let’s go!”

It was just that the two talents went out with a streak of light, they were covered by a streak of light, and they were taken in in the blink of an eye. The indoor rays of light came out and a cheerful girl in colorful clothes came out. Shaking his hand at the young man, “Hey, are you okay?”

An young man asked vigilantly: “Who are you?” In his eyes, the other party was clearly a paper man, just a face and figure outlined with lines.

The girl in Caiyi started, said with a smile: “You can see my magic, I have the Magic Talisman given to you by the expert, don’t you worry, this is the art of talisman painting. I am beyond a thousand li. , My uncle master, you and the teacher are the same sect, she told me to take care of you.”

At this moment, she stepped aside and took a slap in the face, “Hey, you are even a victim of junior colleague, are you too human?”

At this time, Shang Ke was confused and said: “What did you say? Who are you?”

An young man surprised strangely said: “This also pretends too much.”

The girl in Caiyi frowned because she felt that this person was not pretending, but was indeed deceived. If so, this person was also used.

But there is a problem, who can say that he didn’t mean it?

However, there is no complete evidence, so it can’t be used to convict. On the contrary, the person is also the person who has been violated by the divine ability. She snorted lightly, “Fortunately, let’s go.”



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