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An young man sorted out the things he had brought. Seeing that it was too late and there was no creation to build here, he couldn’t fight overnight, so he took a shower and fell asleep.

He has a big heart. Although he has just encountered some things, he is not afraid at all, because he has the Magic Talisman body protection given by Zhang Yu, otherwise he would not dare to go to Jade Capital alone, nor is Profound Mansion. Will rest assured to let him come.

Just when he hu hu was asleep, he suddenly saw golden light all over the ground, spreading like frost and snow, and after a while, the whole interior was illuminated, and there was a very pleasant mysterious sound.

He was startled by this and rubbed his eyes unconsciously, got up from the couch, turned around and saw a Deity in a robe standing there, vaguely visible similarities to Zhang Yu has several points of.


Before the word “teacher” was spoken, he realized that it was wrong, and suddenly stopped.

Because during the time he was following Zhang Yu, he was taught to know a lot of mystical knowledge. Cannot accept the other party from the heart, such as actively calling or answering the other party, doing so will lead to some very bad results.

And he feels that Zhang Yu never deliberately mystifying, just call him directly if you see him, and he feels that this person is like Zhang Yu in his heart, not really like it, especially now that he is wary of being together , It feels more dissimilar.

It’s just that the mysterious voice never stopped, but it seemed to be calling him all the time, as if asking him to pass. He was in a trance, and his body shuddered, but at this moment, there was a clear light shining from behind, instantly Pure Spiritual Qi ran into his mind, he was shivered, and he was awake again.

He couldn’t help looking back and saw that there was a talisman connecting to heaven penetrating the earth standing behind him. There were countless mysterious dao talisman on it. Seeing the familiar appearance, he suddenly realized that this is not what he carried with him. Is that jade talisman? It’s just that it’s magnified how many times.

This clear light was vast, and when this photo fell, it was spilled on the “Deity” on the opposite side. Its silhouette was blurred and distorted. It seemed that there was a miserable howling, and then disappeared.

An young man opened his eyes and found that he was still lying on the bed well, just now it seemed to be just a dream, no, not a dream!

He stretched out his hand and took out the jade talisman given by Zhang Yu. He found that there was some warmth in the thing, and felt lucky. Fortunately, he always carried the body protection symbol given by the teacher.

In the Dao Palace of Qingqiong, Zhang Yu glanced down. He noticed that the Magic Talisman placed on An young man was touched in some way, but he did not have to go to ask if it was infringed upon him. He has to do a lot now, basically external, especially the recent exploration in the void requires him to keep an eye on.

Not only Jade Capital, but also small matters such as the inner layer. He believes that the Profound Mansion military and the Profound Mansion military can handle it properly, and he does not need to interfere. So he turned his gaze back and continued to sit still, waiting for news from the void.

An young man put Jade Talisman back and looked out the glass window, but found that the sky was very dim. It was only midnight, but he lost sleep for a while.

He slapped his palm, and the creature’s abdomen clinging to the wall slammed into a bright light, and the whole interior was lit up like daytime, but he glanced inadvertently, but he was surprised because he was not far from the bed. , There is a pile of light gray dust. Reminiscent of the scene in the dream just now, this seems to be where Deity is standing.

He thought for a while, he said he was a craftsman, and his future achievements would not be lost to the cultivator, but now he always relies on the protection of the teacher. Although this is not shameful, it also seems that he has no ability.

He feels that he also serves as some self-protection. Fortunately, he had an idea before, so he jumped off the bed, dragged a metal box over, and pressed his hand up, the box slowly melted, turned into a liquid flowing to the bottom, and fell into the groove under his feet. It revealed a metal sphere with irregular caulking, about the size of a fist.

This is an “observer” he created by himself. In the past, he was disdainful of using it, because he was confident that he was the most powerful in his skill, and he didn’t need any help. But the observer also has an advantage that is difficult for ordinary people, that is, it can distinguish between the real and the unreal, and can clearly recognize the self and the foreign object.

If you have an observer, you can remind or interrupt his words when you encounter such dangerous situations just now, and you can even provide him with appropriate advice.

He took out a knife, cut his finger, and then took a deep breath, put a finger on it, the metal sphere suddenly became warm, and glare appeared on the caulking. Rays of light, he closed his eyes, and then moved slightly in his heart. When he opened his eyes again, a silhouette made of blue crystal light appeared in front of him, floating there motionless.

He moved in his heart and said: “You are called’Xinhu’.” As soon as his voice fell, a voice reflected from the bottom of his heart, saying: “Okay, sir, Xinhu works for the husband. “

An young man is satisfied with nodded, very good. This observer is very obedient, and he did not talk back to him. It deserves to be made by him.

Because the observers have different personalities, some are very detached, some are very rebellious, and are not in harmony with the owner. What he wants is an observer who can help himself instead of making trouble with him.

However, he researched it and thought it had something to do with psychology. When the master asks for the observer, if it is concerned about gains and losses, or pays too much attention to the observer, then this situation often occurs.

On the other hand, if you have no burden, most observers are optimistic and cheerful, at least they will not work against the master. That is to say, the more you care about it, the less it will listen to you, the less you care about it, the more obedient it will be. .

And he made this observer by himself, and he had made up his mind a long time ago. If this guy doesn’t obey him, he would rather give up and rebuild it. The result is very honest.

He said: “Heart Fox, stare at me, don’t let people disturb me, do you understand?”

Xinhu calmly replied: “Xinhu understands.”

An young man was very satisfied and went to bed without worry.

This sensation hasn’t just woke up until tomorrow, and he is also refreshed. In the past, he used breathing techniques to replace sleep, but the time for sleep was not long. Now when he sleeps, it seems that every part of the body is alive.

After washing, he moved around, only to come down to find that there was nothing to do. After thinking about it, I decided to go out and stroll around.

Although Jade Capital Heavenly Secrets main institution is within Jade Capital, it occupies a large area, almost the size of a state capital. There are not only many Heavenly Secrets Workshops, but also mountain pool gardens and several famous mountain peaks. There is a Heavenly Secrets academy, if you visit it carefully, don’t even think about it every two weeks.

He took two armored soldiers out of the house, and went straight to the most beautiful green lake in the courtyard, but he did not notice that many people were staring at his silhouette at this moment.

Great Craftsman Yu stood behind the glazed wall, looked at him in the distance, and said, “Is that an An’s child?”

The master craftsman behind him replied: “It’s him.”

Great Craftsman Yu shook his head and said: “Unfortunately, those brilliant skills are actually handled by such children.” He asked again: “Are everything arranged?”

The master craftsman replied: “It is arranged. In the next few days, we will let a youngster show the creation skill, and then pretend to unintentionally ridicule the Eastern Court. If he answers, then invite him to gamble in front of everyone. It’s not exciting, we will try to guide, and when the fight comes back, he will show what he has mastered.”

Great Craftsman Yu said: “Leave it to you, I just want the result.”

The master craftsman said: “Great Craftsman Yu, don’t worry, as long as this kid is still in Heavenly Secrets Institution, we can get what we want from him.”

An young man for a long time builds creation in the workshop, and rarely goes out. This time to visit the scenery, I feel a lot relaxed, but he still does not forget to think about the difficult problems by the way, and I feel that his thinking is also smooth. For a long time, just in an open-air workshop, he met a youngster named Shushu who was talking about creation skills everywhere.

When it comes to Eastern Court, the more he listens, the more unpleasant he gets, whispered: “If I come here, you guys will mention this? Want to get me hooked? Huh, I just want to try to see if your hook is hard or not! “

He confessed to the attendant next to him a few times, then turned his head and left.

After a while, the attendant followed up and said: “Sir, he promised, he is willing to compete with you for his skill, but he will pick it up.”

An young man waved his hand and said: “Tell him again, whatever he chooses, I can accompany him.”

The attendant left.

On the second day, Uncle Shu arrived as scheduled. And politely invited him to come to a cleaned up creation workshop, and put forward a test request. A highly respected great craftsman was specially invited as a witness.

Within three days, both of them were responsible for creating a part of the creation. When they were finally put together, it was not bad, obviously a tie.

The uncle did not realize that he was defeated and admired him very much, because everything he did was arranged by the great craftsman, and the topics were all prepared by the great craftsman in advance, and the young man did not know anything, it was pure Relying on one’s own ability to create things, it is an exaggeration to say that it has the strength of a great craftsman.

He convincingly said: “Brother An, I have benefited a lot from the competition this time. Let me tell you the truth. This time someone deliberately asked me to lead you to show your skills.”

An young man blinked and said, “Why did uncle suddenly want to tell me this?”

Uncle laughed and said: “Because I used to think that with your abilities impossible to master so much creation knowledge, holding some in your hand instead of letting them play a role, it’s all disrespect of knowledge. Those who can play a more role will grasp it, but I find this to be a prejudice.”

He said sincerely: “Brother An, your thinking is like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies, your skill is superb, and you have mastered creation knowledge that many people can’t master in a lifetime. These things are in your hands. May be able to go further.”

An young man said curiously: “You tell me that, are you afraid of being offended when you go back?”

Uncle said with a smile: “I’m not afraid, I am like you, Brother An, with a skill. Although Jade Capital is good, I also have other places to go. No matter how bad, I can still go to rely on Brother An. You, I just don’t know if Brother An will be happy then.”

An young man happily said: “If my uncle is willing to come, I can’t ask for it, But…” He hesitated.

Uncle Shu startled and said: “How?”

An young man complained: “Can you change your name, every time I call you, I always think you are taking advantage of me.”

Uncle Shu couldn’t help laughing, and said, “Brother An, you are very funny,” he said with a straight face, “That’s OK, I will definitely go there at Eastern Court.” [19459002 ]



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