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Nie Xinying said: “teacher, is this thing just a broken part?”

Deng Jing laughed and said: “No matter what in the world, there are roots to be found. In my view of Bai Zhenshan lineage, Grand Dao is different from inside and outside, with subtle inner and outer motives. Grand Dao from the inner Controlling me, while we seek the way, the outer way seeks out the inner way, and the true mystery can eventually be touched.

Regardless of the inner dao, this’outer dao’ is born in one, and then derives all things and all things, all things are originally one, continuous, but the length of operation is different, thinking that the teacher sees it,” he shook his hand Bai Zhi, “This thing will not be separated from the main department for more than ten years at most. “

Nie Xinying was looking thoughtful and said: “As the teacher said, this thing is self-defeating and has not been implicated in ten years, then the belief in God in this thing is already self-contained?”

Deng Jing nodded and said: “So. Disciple. Your previous judgment was correct. Believing in God should be the God of Heavenly Secrets creation that the craftsmen of Heavenly Secrets Institution think. This reminds me of one thing…” [ 19459002]

He recalled: “I remember that in Shenxia, ​​there were several dao factions that used to refining items on the shore of the Linghu Lake. Later, because of excessive use, the Linghu Lake dried up, so they were abandoned. But this place Cultivators gather all the year round, and after the dao lineage leaves, they are also prosperous.

Later, a group of mortals often came to worship here, thinking that there is a god of fire forging and forging, and there are spirits and spirits who manifested by this, and became a god, but it is very smart, knowing that it is cultivated The light of the veins, and later also asked for an edict, various factions dao lineage was surprised to find that, under its existence, the Linghu Lake was overflowing again. Later, some cultivators gradually paid attention to the role of mortals and these Gods.

This belief in God should be similar to this. Those craftsmen’s infinite reverence for Heavenly Secrets creation occasionally infected this thing, and the two blended with each other. Achieve each other. Craftsmen send more knowledge and skills to strengthen faith in God, and faith in God is to give back to craftsmen more rewards, thereby improving their own skills. “

Speaking of this, he sighed: “As long as this belief in God appears, it will inevitably grow. I am afraid that few craftsmen who chase skills can withstand such temptation, plus there are constraints in it. If the law doesn’t let itself leak out, it’s easier to grow stronger. Fortunately, you discovered it early.”

Nie Xinying thought about it, glanced at the white branch, and said seriously: “Dare to ask the teacher, is there anything similar in Jade Capital?”

Deng Jing said with a smile: “I know Xinying you are not at ease, this matter is not difficult, and you will know when you look at it as a teacher.”

He didn’t move, an aura rushed into the mist above Jade Capital, and then seemed to turn his gaze, and instantly saw the entire Jade Capital inside and outside.

After he returned with a sigh of air, he said: “Except for Heavenly Secrets Institution, Jade Capital does not see this mystical in the rest of the boundaries, but it is only Jade Capital. Wing Kong Superior Continent also has Heavenly Secrets Institution. Although I don’t know what the situation is, my power and responsibility are not involved. I can’t detect it, and I really want to stop this problem. I’m afraid Celestial Xia and Heavenly Secrets Institutions will have to conduct a thorough investigation.”

Nie Xinying thought for a while, and then said: “Dare to ask the teacher, and the teacher said that this branch is not the main branch. If the believer in this branch is killed, it will perish and collapse, or will return to its owner. “

Deng Jingdao: “Believing in God as a teacher has had a lot of dealings in the past, it can be said that there is nothing common with each other, but generally speaking, once faith in God manifests, it is extremely difficult to destroy, but if a large number of believers are changed, Or if the thing that is implicated in sustenance is destroyed, even if it is reshaped, it will not be the same.

After the credible deity manifests, it has autonomous consciousness. If it traces its source to find its own main ministry, and expresses the acknowledge allegiance, and recognizes it as Lord God, then even if he is destroyed, everything about him will be Will be absorbed by Lord God, and can be expanded again. “

Nie Xinying thought about it. If the god of faith is the god of Heavenly Secrets creation, the more creation knowledge and skills he acquires, the stronger it is. Heavenly Secrets Institution urges merchants to call for a young man and try to obtain skills from him. , This should be just an excuse, and its purpose should be to steal the skill.

It’s just that she thought of a question.

She said: “Dísciple once heard that believers know and believe in God. In other words, as long as those great craftsman knows in Heavenly Secrets Institution, they are likely to be known by that believer. If you recognize the Lord God, no matter if it dies or not, will it be known to that Lord God?”

Deng Jing nodded and said: “This is the truth. If there is a’Lord God’, it would have been known for a long time, and now it is useless to care.” He picked up the white branch and said: “This thing is destroyed. It is not difficult, but it is only ruined in this way, but it is self-breaking the clue. The source cannot be traced to the teacher here, but Profound Court may not be impossible.”

With that, he returned it to Nie Xinying’s hands.

Nie Xinying lifts the head, surprised: “teacher?”

Deng Jing said with a smile: “My teacher is currently participating in the cultivation, and as a guard, it is not easy to leave Jade Capital at will, so you will go to the upper layer for me and give this to the Profound Court. “

At the same time, he flicked his sleeves again, and the dao talisman on the jade tablet in front suddenly turned into golden light and floated down, and gathered into a golden book in his hand, and sent it to Nie Xinying, saying: ” You can stay there longer.”

Nie Xinying immediately understood what Deng Jing meant. The book on this jade tablet was the book of Baizhen Mountain Lineage, which was also a dao lineage. If you want to go to the upper layer, you must complete this book.

At present, her magical power is still a little bit short of participating in this method. This is not because the spiritual cultivation is not enough, but the magical power cultivation is almost too hot, but if you go to the upper layer, use the clear spirit of the upper layer internal qi, but it can pass relatively easily.

Generally speaking, not a Court Manager, it is difficult to send dísciple to the upper layer, even for those cultivators of closed-door cultivation in the sea of ​​clouds. This time Deng Jing clearly found such an opportunity to let her The upper layer stays for a period of time, and then takes the opportunity to pass an important level, and then it is relatively easy to cultivation and even break through the upper layer boundary.

She was deeply carried out of the ceremony, saying: “Dísciple thanks teacher.”

Deng Jing laughed and said: “You have been doing mundane affairs for so long, and this has divided you into a lot of minds. This is what you should compensate for as a teacher. That believe in God, I have already sealed my existence. Among the white branches, you can’t take it off for the time being. When the matter is over, you can go to the upper layer with my charm.”

Nie Xinying responded and walked out after another salute.

After staying outside, she immediately sent a letter to Yuan Shangtai, stating these events, and suggesting to thoroughly investigate the Heavenly Secrets Institution.

It is not sure whether this believer has any believers elsewhere. To understand this, you need to check all the Heavenly Secrets Institutions on 13 continents and 4 continents, as well as the outer layer Heavenly Secrets Workshop. Missed, the Profound Mansion from all over the country needs to cooperate. This move is very big, and it must be ordered by the court and the Profound Court.

After this letter arrived at the original Shangtai, the photographers also attached great importance to it.

The leak of Heavenly Secrets Institution’s skills is likely to have an impact on the military and people’s livelihood. If it is malicious, the consequences will be disastrous, and the arrest of believers does not know whether it will cause any changes, so they immediately issued a secret order to let each The Zhou military takes precautions strictly, and if there is any disorder, it can be suppressed.

At the same time, I asked Wei Zongjiang about the consequences of the skill leak. Wei Zongjiang thought the problem was not that serious.

He said that Heavenly Secrets Institution has so many knowledge skills, all great craftsman can only master part of what they are good at, and the rest that does not involve themselves are not allowed to know.

For a great craftsman who has become a believer, the knowledge skill that can be given away is only a small piece, and the key is that the power of Heavenly Secrets creation is that Celestial Xia has a large number of knowledgeable groups, as well as huge human and material resources. Relying on, just knowing the skill is useless.

Although the photographers recognized his words, they did not relax, because no one knows what the enemy is like, and they have the ability to be close to Celestial Xia, so they also drafted the events and handling suggestions. The submission was submitted to Profound Court.

In the Dao Palace of Qingqiong, Zhang Yu, as the Court Manager, had to have a report immediately. After reading it, he immediately discussed with the Court Managers, and then Profound Court issued an order, both inside and outside All Shouzheng locations in Zhousu immediately cooperated with the continental government to search for possible different Gods and their followers.

Relying on the communication speed of Xuntian Dao Chapter and the cooperation of Profound Leaders from various places, it was only a short period of time in the past to search the Heavenly Secrets Institution and its affiliated places on all continents inside and outside.

And after this investigation, it was found that there is no such belief in God in all continents inside and outside.

In this way, Jade Capital Heavenly Secrets Institution should be the place where belief in God originated. Perhaps it was discovered before it had time to spread the faith. But it is also possible that it did not originally have this plan. After all, Jade Capital Heavenly Secrets Institution creation skill is the highest, and the number of creation great craftsman is also the largest. If you want to get anything, you only need to try to invite the great craftsman from elsewhere, or call it directly. Just watch the creation skill elsewhere.

That is, the craftsman who is so unique as the young man, who is outside the Jade Capital creation system, can’t get the skills directly from him. However, the Heavenly Secrets main institution has long had the intention to get the young man skill in hand. This time, the matter should be driven by faith in God and taking advantage of the situation.

But why at this time?

Zhang Yu thought in his heart that it was probably because he came to the Shouzheng Palace to increase his strength, causing this believer to be unable to sit still, fearing that he would be exposed, so he started this urgent action. It was completely OK. Keep waiting.

Looking at it this way, this different God seems to have an urgency to complete the task, and it is likely that there is some kind of attachment behind it.

At this moment, there was a feeling in his heart, and his heart moved slightly. After thinking about it, he called out, “Ming Zhou Fellow Daoist.”

Ming Zhou daoist appeared to one side, bowed and said, “What’s the Court Manager’s order?”

Zhang Yu said: “I have a same sect recently or the upper layer, you can say hello for me.”

Ming Zhou daoist said: “Ming Zhou knows.”

At this moment, after Nie Xinying had dealt with the matter in her hands, she took the white branch and took the Magic Talisman that Deng Jing gave her, and as a huge white glow spread out, it turned into A beam of light led her to the upper layer.



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