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Less than half a moment after Daoist Xue sent out the news, Chang Yang, Gan Bai, Chang Ze, and Lu Xingjie also sent replies one after another, and they agreed to meet for a discussion.

After deciding on the place, the five people quickly gathered in one place with the help of Yuandu Xuantu.

They used to talk through the profound cultivator dísciple around them, but this time Profound Court deliberately relaxed the restrictions and allowed them to meet each other in order to make things easier for them.

After meeting each other, Daoist Xue said to himself: “Fellow daoists, this Xue feels that we need to figure out why Profound Court is looking for these dao factions now?”

Changze asked back: “Do you need to figure it out?”

Gamber yawned.

Daoist Xue said with displeasure: “Should we not explore the reasons? A person must at least understand what he is doing in order to have a goal. When it comes to this matter, we know the reason and we can do it better. .”

Lu Xingmin said meaningfully: “Fellow daoist Xue, you must know how to advance and retreat.”

Chang Yang was also kindly persuaded: “fellow daoist Xue, we are just prisoners now, we don’t need to figure out these things.”

Daoist Xue glanced at him disgustingly. He had nothing to say with this person. If it weren’t for this person, how could he let go of his sincerity so easily? Anyway, come to Celestial Xia? But since you have arrived at Celestial Xia anyway, you must do something for Celestial Xia and do it with your heart! How can you be so perfunctory?

Lu Xingjie said: “Lu thinks that we don’t need to worry about the specific reasons. Celestial Xia asked us to search the whereabouts of the old school, and did not say what we want to do, so we don’t want to do too much, just do what we need to do. “He cast a glance at Daoist Xue, “If you did what you shouldn’t have done, it’s no good not to say, maybe it’s not necessarily satisfactory to the above.”

Changze said: “That’s right.”

Chang Yang agreed with a face: “Yes, we have saved ourselves so that we can better serve Celestial Xia. That’s why we are worthy of Celestial Xia.”

Daoist Xue couldn’t help being very dissatisfied with this. Each of these people didn’t think about how Celestial Xia making an all-out effort, and they could do everything. He thought to himself, if he had the power, he must write a letter to denounce this generation!

Lu Xingjie said: “Everyone, if Profound Court really values ​​this matter, we won’t just let us do it ourselves. Most of them will have follow-up arrangements, or have documents sent, or have High Venerable At this point, I am responsible for dispatching we together, so I don’t have to think too much about how important I am. After leaving my five people, Profound Court has the same way. I will wait for part of the cooperation at best.”

Changze Daoist said: “It is reasonable.”

Lu Xingjie smiled again, and said: “But you can’t do things seriously. Fellow daoists must have gained something in the past few years. We might as well communicate with each other first.” In the past few years, they have been in the sky to guard against Shangchen. The factions such as Huanyang and Huanyang have returned. Although they have not been able to see these factions, they are not without any discovery.

Chang Yang hurriedly said: “Well, that’s right.”

Daoist Xue didn’t object, so the five people exchanged their findings, but they didn’t know if they were selfish. After the discussion was completed, everyone said more polite words to each other.

Gamber was a little impatient, and said with a sullen face: “Have you discussed it?”

Lu Xingjie said with a smile: “So, let’s go back first, and wait until who has the news before we pass him on.”

Daoist Xue was not very satisfied. He suddenly turned his head and looked towards Chang Yang. If he was sent back by Shangchen, Huanyang, etc., this person would definitely escape in the first time, so he must be Celestial Xia. Keep an eye on this person.

At the same moment, on the Guangtai before the prison of the upper layer of the Qing dome, the silhouette of Changsun Qian appeared here, and the daoist of the next week was welcoming him here, and the chief executive said: “Court Manager, please follow Ming Week comes.”

Changsun Qian followed him into the depths of the prison. After dozens of shifting levels, he entered an empty inner territory after passing a barrier. Wu Qingxu was on the middle floating platform, and the surrounding The masses are like mystical creatures piled up in thick and turbid ink.

Wu Qingxu said: “The prisoners here are all the upper layer mystical creatures captured by my fellow Celestial Xia after entering this world.”

Chang Sun Qian knew in his heart that half of the mystical creatures here were picked up during the development of the upper layer. These mystical creatures themselves are invisible and invisible, and they are like living in two lives within the realm with ordinary creatures, but the ordinary different Gods on the land never feel this, and only when they reach the upper layer boundary can they feel it.

After the clear boat opened the upper layer, these mystical creatures invaded the upper layer in a frantic manner, but most of them were wiped out on the spot, and the last part was suppressed here.

And the direction he is exploring is to change the substance from the mind, and this mystical creature can provide help in the direction he is looking for. If you take it out earlier, don’t worry so much.

Wu Qingxu said: “Jiangsun Court Manager, in the past, I did not let you explore these things because you, as a person, have neglected the rest too much for your purpose. It is your lenient that caused many incidents in the past. Partial.

However, at the time of Chaos Tide, Celestial Xia had to use all the necessary methods for internal trouble and outside aggression at that time. I thought you were also for the sake of Celestial Xia, so I won’t pursue it. But now, there must be no more negligence. “

Chang Sun Qian indifferently says: “Wu Court Manager is the creation of Azure Sun?”

The creation promoted by Azure Sun Superior Continent is indeed instructed by him, because he calculated and accurately predicted that when troubled by Nightmare Demon parasitics, the cultivator in this continent will suffer a heavy setback. It is good to say that true cultivator In meditation, the profound cultivator is disturbed, and the destructive power is even greater. This vacancy must be filled by creation.

The later creation cultivator, as he said to Zhang Yu before, was promoted in response to Shangchen Heaven’s external invasion and to compensate for the battle strength.

He believes that for the safety of Celestial Xia, there are some ancillary details that cannot be taken into account, and some choices must be made.

But his thoughts also affected his dísciple disciples. Some of Bai Xiu’s later practices are no longer a question of choice, but by fair means or foul in order to achieve the goal.

Wu Court Manager said solemnly: “Not only creation, but also Yuan Tong’s thing. You suppress him is Profound Court entrust your thing, but you shouldn’t do additional things.”

Long Sun Qian couldn’t help being silent.

After Wu Qingxu clicked a few words, he did not continue to talk about the matter, but instead returned to the topic, saying: “Longsun Court Manager, you have already seen these mystical creatures, when do you think you can Success?”

Changsun Court Manager thought for a moment and gave a time, saying: “Thirty years.”

Wu Qingxu shook his head and said, “Thirty years? Three years are too long for me. I will only give you half a year at most.”

Chang Sun Qian couldn’t help but glance at him. He understood the meaning of this. Celestial Xia might encounter a crisis within half a year, but for a while, he couldn’t think of what kind of enemy made Celestial Xia so urgent.

He pondered for a moment, and said: “Within half a year, I can take out things, but there must be some compromises in some places.”

Wu Qingxu said: “Where?”

Chang Sun Qiandao: “The higher the degree of agreement between the host and the host, the more likely it is to succeed. Therefore, after I finish, I am afraid that I will have to carefully select the host, so there may be some initial selections. Harsh.”

Wu Qingxu thought for a while, and said: “Yes, at first, it is impossible for most people to benefit from this. You can only choose a small number of people to try and just do it.”

In the Profound Dao Palace of the Qing Dynasty, Zhang Yu took out the token given by Guan Chaosheng and looked at it. He didn’t pay much attention to this object before seeking the complete dao technique, and he didn’t think he could find the other person by it. Where.

However, it is inferred that Guan Chaosheng gave him this thing, but it was not him, but the one after the failure of the Qiuquan Dao technique.

In other words, this is a malicious act. If he fails, he will take this thing and find it, and the two sides will hit it off.

So this thing will only be useful if he really fails. And this thing is just a token after all, it is impossible to make too accurate judgments. But now only this thing in his hand is a clue, so he can only try it.

He changed his mind, and suddenly a white qi floated up on itself. After falling, Baiwang Daoist appeared to the side, and his grace asked Jun Xiuqi. There is a jade lotus on his feet, holding a whisk, White spirit wafted outside. The person glanced at the token, said with a slight smile: “Does the fellow daoist want me to hold this amulet to find that Guan Chaosheng?”

Zhang Yu nodded said: “It’s okay to try it.” This Qing, one, white and two qi still has the memory of the original Baiwang and Qingshuo. Qingshuo daoist is too decent, but Baiwang daoist does this thing. Just right.

Baiwang Daoist smiled, reached out his hand to take the token, and said, “Leave this to me.” He waved the whisk, and a golden light fell from the sky. After a while, Disappeared here, after a while, his eyes changed and he had fallen on the police star where Daoist Xue was.

At the beginning, Xun Ji gave Zhang Yu a jade talisman, he could use the Yuandu Xuantu to transfer himself, he and Zhang Yu were originally one, so naturally he could use this thing.

Daoist Xue perceives the movement outside, and thinks that it must be Celestial Xia, and then he has come, and hurried out to welcome him.

As soon as he looked up, he could see Baiwang standing there, startled, and his expression showed some caution, because the internal qi who was looking for nothing had clearly entered a very profound boundary, at least it was also a lie. The realm, may even have picked high rank attainment,

But he has never seen this person.

Shangchen Heaven was also separated from Celestial Xia. In the past, some colleagues in the past had heard of fame even if they had not seen him, but they couldn’t match this one. Even after enlightenment, but such a cultivation base, it is impossible not to show up in the battle with Shangchen Heaven, so with a little suspicion, he came up to pay a salute, and said, “Dare to ask how High Venerable is called? And where did it come from? Come?”

Baiwang slightly smiled and said: “Poor Daoist Baiwang, entrusted by the Profound Court Court Manager.” He swung the whisk, and a token floated over, “fellow daoist Xue, please watch.” [19459002 ]



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