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The scenery displayed in front of Zhang Yu is supposed to be the evolution of Yishen’s drawing. No matter how it is, it’s just going around in the picture, but for his cultivator of the perfect dao technique, as long as Yishen is indeed there now Within the divine country, then he can put aura into the real side through his own mystical power.

This is like two realms that are not communicating with each other. At the moment he sees it, the edges of the two realms overlap.

But because he was able to borrow the Grand Dao Seal to do things, the real situation is actually more mysterious. It is a posture of high bullying. As long as I can see, I will be angry.

Because this divine country is far away from Celestial Xia, it is not a threat to Celestial Xia for the time being, so he originally wanted to deal with internal affairs before going back to deal with it.

However, after learning about Yuanxia’s threat, the internal affairs can no longer adopt a gentle and slow strategy, and must be dealt with within half a year.

Seeing Zhang Yu insisted, Yishen thought that he should also be sure. Anyway, it is nothing if it is unsuccessful, at most it is the collapse of the sustenance in the picture, and there is no loss. It is good to find an opportunity to send another copy.

The two walked along the spacious Grand Dao at their feet. From time to time, you could see the beautifully crafted vehicles passing by the Grand Dao. They were very fast, but they did not hit anyone. This is because every pedestrian When it touches, it will turn into a phantom by itself and pass through it. When it comes to no one’s land, it will transform into substance again.

Yishen explained: “Court Manager, this is an empty car. It is rumored that it was built by the God of Tios and his servants. Just like our flying boat speeding carriage, it is the main divine country in Tios. Way of transportation.”

“Is the craftsman god?”

Zhang Yu glanced at the tall tower again, and it was not difficult to recognize the signs of the blending of many styles from above, and it also reminded him that there are similar buildings in Frost Continent.

Heavenly Secrets creation The formation of belief in God, on the one hand, is the instinctive need of this strength within the Heavenly Secrets Institution, which caters to some people’s wishes, on the other hand, it may come from some kind of invisible guidance. The source of this guidance may be Frost Continent remnants are related, and these remnants are most likely to fall in this divine country.

Although Heavenly Secrets faith in God was definitely killed, its faith was also expelled. But there are many people who know about this. Although some craftsmen have not yet reached the level of believers, they will not be in the future, because people’s hearts will change. When the seeds fall, they may bloom in the more distant future. result.

This aspect requires internal caution, and the other aspect is to cut off the source from the outside.

As they were walking, suddenly there was a shout from above Grand Dao. Many men and women rushed in one direction with excitement. It can be seen that there are many people gathered in the distance, at least tens of thousands, and there are Loud cheers came from there.

Zhang Yu asked: “What boundary is that?”

Yishen glanced at it and said, “The place they call the training court is a place where young god’s progeny is taught how to exert its own power, and it is also a place where prisoners from the hostile divine country are interrogated and executed and internal duels are allowed.”

Zhang Yu changed his mind to the fact that it is extremely rare that a country dominated by faith in God will actively spread knowledge down outside the priest.

He knows these different Gods very well. On their own, they would never think of this. Even if they did, they would try their best to prevent the spread of knowledge out of divinity instinct, unless they knew the benefits of it. This should be Caused by external influences.

He said: “Is there a hostile divine country in this generation?”

Ishindo: “There are some, but they are far apart, and they are still a looser divine country alliance. They have been suppressed all the time. Just letting some god’s progeny come forward is enough to get rid of it, and there is no real threat. According to it. What I see is that it should be kept on purpose to keep the inside alert.”

Zhang Yu’s eyes moved slightly. Believing in God requires devotion. The more ignorant the believer, the more pious, and will eliminate as much as possible his belief in God, to enslave or rob believers. Now they can overcome their instincts and instead of doing this, they use external threats to enhance the entire civilization. This long-term vision is a big difference from other divine countries.

Yishen looked up at this moment and said: “Court Manager, the great hall of the gods is in front of you.” Just as he spoke, he suddenly stopped, because the surrounding scenery began to sway and seemed to collapse. Solution broken.

However, at the next moment, Zhang Yu stepped forward, seeming to be stepping on a certain joint, and the turbulent world was once again stabilized.

At this moment, Yi Shen was surprised to find that at this moment, the entire world was no longer constructed by nothingness, but stepped into the real divine country.

He is also a god with the power of the upper layer, but his power comes from himself, and his ability to use it does not mean that he can truly understand it. After coming to Celestial Xia, he understood the concept of cultivate, but he was very smart and didn’t inquire, but took the initiative to avoid it.

Actually Celestial Xia doesn’t mind that the cultivation method is understood. It’s not something you can learn by looking at it, not to mention that there are two different paths between different God and cultivation. Even if it’s a dedicated cultivator, there are a few more Can climb the higher boundary? However, Yishen showed such an attitude, which undoubtedly made people more trusted.

Zhang Yu took a meal after several steps, but he was already standing outside the great hall of the gods in this divine country.

Yishen looked at all around and said: “Court Manager, I have never been here before. I just watched from afar.”

With his current strength, in this divine country, it is only a newly added different God, who can obtain a place of residence in the city, but he has not had time to get into this place.

Zhang Yu was slightly nodded, his gaze fell on the heavy door, the temple seemed to be undefended to him, rumble opened inward, and a dazzling rays of light spilled out.

He lifted his sleeves and walked in, Yi Shen also followed into the hall.

Inside, Yishen sees that this is a circular hall that is half void and half substance, half of which is embedded in the rays of light and void, and in front of it is a display of idols with different looks and sizes of ordinary people.

It can be seen that some of these idols are very complete, and some are only half built, and the missing parts are covered by the rays of light from the outside.

There are thousands of idols here, the temple is magnificent, and the sight is extremely spectacular, but he has experienced the era of Mochi Divine Race, and even the scene of surging forward with great momentum has been seen, but there is not much touch.

After Zhang Yu arrived here, his eyes were on the fuzzy idol standing in the middle of the great hall. From the position, this should be the god of this divine country.

At this moment, God seemed to be aware of his arrival, and the whole temple shook. The rays of light also became bright and dark, and the divinity swayed constantly, as if to leave his sight. Get out.

But his Heart Light firmly covers this idol, that strand of divinity, whether it is confrontation or trying to leave, seems to be led into a void, how can it achieve its goal.

As if knowing that it could not be taken off, the vague silhouette of a tall man appeared above idol, and an idea came from the divinity, trying to communicate with him, “Great god from afar, what do you want?” [ 19459002]

Zhang Yu’s reaction to him is not surprising. It is no different from the different Gods he has been in contact with in the past. He is strong and bullying. Only when they find that you are stronger than him, they will talk to you well.

He calmly said: “We met, the driver should know what I am here for.”

When he traced the divinity brand of the god of Heavenly Secrets creation last time, he had a collision with this different God. In order to get rid of the recourse, he simply cut the attachment of the god of Heavenly Secrets creation from the divinity completely. , Also relying on such divinity contacts, he can accurately find here.

If he came from the distant sky, this different God would be alert in advance, or would flee early, but this time he came to the painting with aura, this kind of magical change makes the other party completely unprepared.

The god shadow said: “Please forgive our offense, but that was not our original intention. We just followed some external god’s suggestions. Please also believe that Tios is not hostile to you.”

Zhang Yu lightly said: “Since I am offended, I have to pay the price. Celestial Xia’s requirements are very simple. Those external gods disturb me Celestial Xia. No matter what my identity, I must die. You need to make a divinity oath. If you are an enemy of Celestial Xia, then I can retreat.” He lifts the head and slowly said: “It is death or prosperity, and Ren Er chooses it.”

The god shadow was silent for a while, and said: “Tio can promise your terms, but I hope you can also keep your promises.”

Zhang Yu Heart Light turned, a golden talisman fell down, he flicked his fingers, a Heart Light fell up, and the god shadow on the opposite side also wanted to split a part of its power, but at this time the golden talisman was actually There was a burst of rays of light, and it was taken from idol and sealed in it.

Jin Fu turned around and fell into Zhang Yu’s sleeves, and then he turned around and left without looking back.

Divine eye saw the whole process and was impressed by it in his heart. He followed Zhang Yu out, and then found that he seemed to have left the reality again and fell into the fictional painting.

After Zhang Yu walked out of the temple, he confessed a few words to Yishen, and then he turned his mind, and the whole surrounding scene dissipated. He stepped back from the painting, and the spiritual light in front of him gradually converged and turned into a picture again. Picture roll.

This time he has carefully considered the handling of this divine country.

He had always suspected that the origin of this divine country was different, and it was probably supported by a higher boundary cultivator who believed in God as its supplies, so he tried to oppress it this time.

But this time, the god Lord would rather agree to his harsh conditions than choose to resist. The person he guessed did not appear either, or he didn’t really exist, or he didn’t want to expose himself. He was a little regretful about this. I thought to myself: “I can only let Jiao Fellow Daoist keep an eye on it.”



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