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Zhang Yu thought that in the creation myth of edinese, the original World was an endless sea of ​​water.

Until a mother tree named “Suomu” was bred from the sea water, and the branch was extended above the sea surface, and three fruits containing divinity were born on this branch.

The earliest two gods appeared in the first two ripe fruits, one was Eta and the other was Muna. Eta created the sky and the earth, and Muna created all the creatures that can run and fly.

But one day during the quarrel, the third fruit was accidentally bumped into the sea by them, so he gave birth to the wicked god Xindu, who was born in the sea and could no longer return to the sea. Hate their elder brother and elder sister, curse them sooner or later by the sea.

The continent of edinese, in the end, did sink into the seabed after the War of Gods.

Although the myth is only legend, it can be seen from this that the sea is both the source of the edinese gods and the place they are afraid of.

From Divine Eta’s performance, this is undoubtedly confirmed. Either he was afraid of the sea, or he was afraid to deal with him on the sea.

Then this is undoubtedly saying that this Different God will actually not leave this island, at least on the premise that he will not leave.

In this case, you might be able to use this …

At this moment he glanced at the sight of several small boats approaching the island, and several sleeping spiritual creatures tied with ropes.

Combining this situation with this scene, the old priest took the crowd to the north, and it is not difficult to think of this as the other party wants to set up an altar on the island, and these spiritual creatures are undoubtedly sacrifices.

He thoughts stirred and immediately got an idea.

Immediately no longer chasing Divine Eta, but escaping light turned and flew towards the middle of the island.

Since Divine Eta wants to compete with the consumption of spirituality, then he simply does what he wants.

In addition to the power of the recovery gods, the rest are sacrifices from the priest and believers.

Without sacrifices, the divine power of the gods can never be replenished.

In this case, he only needs to kill the believers of Divine Eta, that is, these priest and barbarian, and Eta’s divine power source will be cut off.

Unlike him, he can also take pill medicine to recover, even if the other body can be sustened by the other side, he can still kill the other side by grinding.

Divine Eta realized what he wanted to do when he looked at the direction he was going, and he communicated the old priest in his mind, saying, “Believers, you need to focus on your spirituality.”

The old priest was shivered at this time, suddenly waking up from a nightmare.

After realizing what happened, he hurriedly praised a god, then raised his scepter, bloomed a rays of light, and walked to those crazy people, all those who were exposed by the rays of light gradually Calm was restored.

He shouted, “Come on, everyone, 4 runs away.”

When he heard the barbarian he ordered, he ran immediately, but he hadn’t run the severe steps yet, and he kept panting there, and he seemed to have no energy.

Only under the influence of Zhang Yu Sleeping Sight Seal, they fell into the illusion, and the strong stimulation of the brain for a long time caused their mental and physical exertion to be consumed violently, as if they had experienced a battle.

After letting more than a dozen people wake up one after another, the old priest suddenly had a complexion change because he saw an azure escaping light in the sky coming quickly. At this time, he could no longer care about others and hurried away to the distance.

But at this time, a thunderous sound suddenly came from the sky, a sword light fell like thunder and fell into the crowd, followed by a blasting sound, the barbarian in the middle of the rays of light instantly It was crushed, and people who were a little further away were also flew out with an impact.

The old priest only felt that he was flying, and then fell heavily on the hard stone platform. His neck and spine were twisted into a strange shape, and his hands and feet twitched and he did not move.

Zhang Yu went down several swords one after another, and the barbarians gathered here were all cleared, and then he did not care about Divine Eta, who was catching up behind him, and rushed towards the southern end of the island.

Solving the priest does not mean that the altar can not be built. As long as there are believers, it can still be carried out in this ceremony, but it is simple that’s all, so he has to solve all the barbarians from this trip.

Of course, Divine Eta may still have believers in other places, but the divine decree divine power consumption is greater, and the sacrifice of a sacrifice may not be able to supplement the loss, so different God normally only waits for the believer to actively sacrifice.

Only this kind of sacrifice, even with the financial resources like Morning Light City, is held at most once a month, so after solving this batch of barbarian, he does not have to worry about this kind of thing at all.

The masked man was arranging sacrifices at this moment, and saw the light of sword light raging from afar, and then an azure light flew over to himself again. He was silent for a while, and he jumped off the cliff.

However, in a few breaths, Zhang Yu came to the edge of the sea cliff, the word light flashed, and he solved the dozen or so barbarians who were carrying the offerings. The escaping light kept running, and he rushed towards the three ships at sea.

The handsome man chased all the way to the beach, but when he saw him go to the sea, he stopped the silhouette and did not keep up.

Zhang Yu glanced back and confirmed his judgment more.

At this time, he had come to the sky above the three ships. He glanced down, urged his mind, and swept the sword light, and the spirituality power suddenly exploded, passing across the three ships in an instant!

Then he didn’t look at it, summoned the sword back, escaping light flashed, and turned back to the island.

Shortly after he left, accompanied by an unpleasant sound of friction, the three ships split a thin slit from the deck. The gap became larger and larger, and then the entire hull separated.

With the howling and hissing sounds from the ship, the three ships began to sink slowly into the sea water.

As soon as Zhang Yu reached the island, he found Divine Eta again and played against it again because of the domination of reason. Although the latter knew that he was facing his own disadvantage at the moment, there was no fear, anxiety, worry, etc. , So it can still play its normal fighting level.

But that’s all.

Zhang Yu now cuts off all the opponent’s backups. If the latter does not change the tactics, then this island that can continue to rely on the body will only eventually become its cage, and the defeat is doomed.

The two sides are chasing and fighting each other, unconsciously a day passes, and the thick night is shrouded.

Zhang Yu then broke out of the battle circle, withdrew from the island, came to a high altitude above the sea, swallowed a pill, where it was breathing.

However, after a while, he felt that his power was recovered again. He didn’t stay here, and returned to the island with an escaping light. He found Divine Eta again, and continued fighting with the unfinished fight.

Amidst the rumbling collision, the gorgeous rays of light were blooming in the night sky.

Soon after another night, the rising sun rose from the sea.

Zhang Yu stood in the air, throwing away the tattered body in his hand, turned his head to come to the sea again, took out a pill medicine and swallowed it, silently adjusted his breath.

In one day and night in the past, he killed Divine Eta a total of ten or two times.

Although this different God has been resurrected again and again, the divine power is also getting weaker and weaker, and it can be seen that the body of its pinning is becoming more and more uncoordinated, which shows that the suitable body is also decreasing.

Divine Eta’s threat to him is actually not very big, but it is particularly difficult. Such an opponent has never seen him before, which is undoubtedly a grind to him.

And in the collision of spirituality forces, he also made him aware of the lack of Heart Light, and he has now made up for this gap in time. It would not be difficult to resist if it hit a certain means backward.

Just as he adjusted his interest rate, he suddenly felt strange and opened his eyes to see that Divine Eta was walking away in the distance, but this time, it was not fixed on the island anymore, but it was soaring over the sea .

He could n’t help but for a while, the other party ’s move undoubtedly meant that the latter could not find a suitable sustenance body on the island. He was afraid that he would be killed the next time, so he could only escape from the ocean that he had refused to set foot in before. escape.

He immediately stopped adjusting interest rates, a long glory outside, chased away with an azure light.

Due to the weakness of Divine Eta divine power, he quickly ran after him. But he not at all shot immediately, but followed behind, until he went out a very long distance, even when there was only a small point left on the idol island, this was a reminder, driving a sword light moved towards this different God cut off,

The handsome man learned in many previous battles that it was useless to avoid the word light, because with the divine power again and again, and then the loss of 3, his speed was not as good as it was at the beginning. He was directly overtaken by sword light, so when he turned around, his spirituality burst out and turned around. He came to Zhang Yu in the blink of an eye like a nether shadow, kicking with a shock of spiritual light.

Zhang Yu lifted his arm calmly, and then took hold of his offensive. The spirituality of the two sides collided again, and the rays of light on each body fluttered.

The handsome man had n’t waited to make any movements yet, the flying sword was turned back, and his head was cut off with a flick of the ground. The headless body shook, and when it seemed to fall, he suddenly gripped with 5 fingers , Is another boxing!

The blow was extremely sudden, but halfway through the punch, there was a hand with a vermillion glove blocking it head-on.

Zhang Yu looked indifferently, and was prepared for this move. Divine Eta divine power As long as it does not pull away from the body within the body, then divine power can support the host to make arbitrary movements. But this also undoubtedly shows that the other party’s divine power is nowhere to go.

As long as this body is destroyed, this different God can be completely killed!

As soon as he grasped the wrist of the headless body with his backhand, he threw it away, throwing it far away, and at the same time urged him, the sword light that followed immediately hit him like a flash of lightning, and a loud bang After that, we can see that there are countless pieces of debris. A blue brilliance finally struggled, and then dissipated into the atmosphere.



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